Mark 6:56
Mark 6:56
And wherever he went--into villages, towns or countryside--they placed the sick in the marketplaces. They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.

Wherever he went--in villages, cities, or the countryside--they brought the sick out to the marketplaces. They begged him to let the sick touch at least the fringe of his robe, and all who touched him were healed.

And wherever he came, in villages, cities, or countryside, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and implored him that they might touch even the fringe of his garment. And as many as touched it were made well.

Wherever He entered villages, or cities, or countryside, they were laying the sick in the market places, and imploring Him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak; and as many as touched it were being cured.

And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

Wherever He would go, into villages, towns, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged Him that they might touch just the tassel of His robe. And everyone who touched it was made well.

Wherever he went, whether into villages, towns, or farms, people would place their sick in the marketplaces and beg him to let them touch even the tassel of his garment, and everyone who touched it was healed.

And wherever he would go--into villages, towns, or countryside--they would place the sick in the marketplaces, and would ask him if they could just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.

And wherever he had entered a village or city, they were laying the sick in the streets, and they were begging him if they might touch even the fringe of his garment, and all those who were touching it were healed.

Whenever he would go into villages, cities, or farms, people would put their sick in the marketplaces. They begged him to let them touch the edge of his clothes. Everyone who touched his clothes was made well.

And wherever he entered, into villages or cities or fields, they laid the sick in the streets and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment, and as many as touched him were saved.

And wherever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

And wherever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and sought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

And wheresoever he entered, into villages, or into cities, or into the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

And whithersoever he entered, into towns or into villages or cities, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch but the hem of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

And wherever he entered into villages, or cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the market-places, and besought him that they might touch if it were only the hem of his garment; and as many as touched him were healed.

And wheresoever he entered, into villages, or into cities, or into the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch, if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him, were healed.

And enter wherever He might--village or town or hamlet--they laid their sick in the open places, and entreated Him to let them touch were it but the tassel of His robe; and all, whoever touched Him, were restored to health.

Wherever he entered, into villages, or into cities, or into the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged him that they might touch just the fringe of his garment; and as many as touched him were made well.

and wherever he was going, to villages, or cities, or fields, in the market-places they were laying the infirm, and were calling upon him, that they may touch if it were but the fringe of his garment, and as many as were touching him were saved.

Marku 6:56
dhe kudo ku ai vinte, në fshatra, në qytete a në lagje, njerëzit i vendosnin të lënguarit në sheshe dhe e lutnin që të paktën të mund të preknin cepin e rrobes së tij; dhe të gjithë ata që e preknin, shëroheshin.

ﻣﺮﻗﺲ 6:56
وحيثما دخل الى قرى او مدن او ضياع وضعوا المرضى في الاسواق وطلبوا اليه ان يلمسوا ولو هدب ثوبه. وكل من لمسه شفي

Ո՛ւր որ մտնէր, գիւղերը, քաղաքները կամ արտերը, հրապարակներուն վրայ կը դնէին հիւանդները, ու կ՚աղաչէին իրեն՝ որ գոնէ իր հանդերձին քղանցքին դպչին: Եւ անոնք որ դպան՝ բժշկուեցան:

Euangelioa S. Marc-en araura. 6:56
Eta nora-ere sar baitzedin burguètara, edo hirietara, edo parropioetara, placetan eçarten cituzten eriac, eta othoitz eguiten ceraucaten haren arropa ezpaina berere hunqui leçaten: eta hunquitzen çutén guciac sendatzen ciraden.

Dyr Marx 6:56
Allweil, wenn yr in ayn Dorf, ayn Stat older zo aynn Hof kaam, trueg myn iem de Kranken vonher und gabitt n, däß s iem weenigstns eyn s Bsötz anhinglangen derffend. Und die, wo n angrüernd, wurdnd aau alle ghailt.

Марко 6:56
И гдето и да влизаше, в села или в градове или в колиби, туряха болните по пазарите, и молеха Му се да се допрат те поне до полите на дрехите Му; и колкото души се допираха се изцеляваха.

馬 可 福 音 6:56
凡 耶 穌 所 到 的 地 方 , 或 村 中 , 或 城 裡 , 或 鄉 間 , 他 們 都 將 病 人 放 在 街 市 上 , 求 耶 穌 只 容 他 們 摸 他 的 衣 裳 繸 子 ; 凡 摸 著 的 人 就 都 好 了 。

凡 耶 稣 所 到 的 地 方 , 或 村 中 , 或 城 里 , 或 乡 间 , 他 们 都 将 病 人 放 在 街 市 上 , 求 耶 稣 只 容 他 们 摸 他 的 衣 裳 ? 子 ; 凡 摸 着 的 人 就 都 好 了 。





Evanðelje po Marku 6:56
I kamo bi god ulazio - u sela, u gradove, u zaseoke - po trgovima bi stavljali bolesnike i molili ga da se dotaknu makar skuta njegove haljine. I koji bi ga se god dotakli, ozdravljali bi.

Marek 6:56
A kamžkoli vcházel do městeček neb do měst nebo do vsí, na ulicech kladli neduživé, a prosili ho, aby se aspoň podolka roucha jeho dotkli. A kolikož jich koli se jeho dotkli, uzdraveni byli.

Markus 6:56
Og hvor som helst han gik ind i Landsbyer eller Byer eller Gaarde, lagde de de syge paa Torvene og bade ham om, at de maatte røre blot ved Fligen af hans Klædebon; og alle de, som rørte ved ham, bleve helbredte.

Markus 6:56
En zo waar Hij kwam, in vlekken, of steden, of dorpen, daar legden zij de kranken op de markten, en baden Hem, dat zij maar den zoom Zijns kleeds aanraken mochten; en zovelen, als er Hem aanraakten, werden gezond.

καὶ ὅπου ἂν εἰσεπορεύετο εἰς κώμας ἢ εἰς πόλεις ἢ εἰς ἀγροὺς, ἐν ταῖς ἀγοραῖς ἐτίθεσαν τοὺς ἀσθενοῦντας, καὶ παρεκάλουν αὐτὸν ἵνα κἂν τοῦ κρασπέδου τοῦ ἱματίου αὐτοῦ ἅψωνται· καὶ ὅσοι ἂν ἥψαντο αὐτοῦ ἐσῴζοντο.

καὶ ὅπου ἂν εἰσεπορεύετο εἰς κώμας ἢ εἰς πόλεις ἢ εἰς ἀγροὺς ἐν ταῖς ἀγοραῖς ἐτίθεσαν τοὺς ἀσθενοῦντας, καὶ παρεκάλουν αὐτὸν ἵνα κἂν τοῦ κρασπέδου τοῦ ἱματίου αὐτοῦ ἅψωνται· καὶ ὅσοι ἂν ἥψαντο αὐτοῦ ἐσώζοντο.

καὶ ὅπου ἂν εἰσεπορεύετο εἰς κώμας ἢ εἰς πόλεις ἢ εἰς ἀγροὺς ἐν ταῖς ἀγοραῖς ἐτίθεσαν τοὺς ἀσθενοῦντας, καὶ παρεκάλουν αὐτὸν ἵνα κἂν τοῦ κρασπέδου τοῦ ἱματίου αὐτοῦ ἅψωνται· καὶ ὅσοι ἂν ἥψαντο αὐτοῦ ἐσώζοντο.

Καὶ ὅπου ἂν εἰσεπορεύετο εἰς κώμας ἢ πόλεις ἢ ἀγρούς, ἐν ταῖς ἀγοραῖς ἐτίθουν τοὺς ἀσθενοῦντας, καὶ παρεκάλουν αὐτὸν ἵνα κἂν τοῦ κρασπέδου τοῦ ἱματίου αὐτοῦ ἅψωνται· καὶ ὅσοι ἂν ἥπτοντο αὐτοῦ ἐσῴζοντο.

καὶ ὅπου ἂν εἰσεπορεύετο εἰς κώμας ἢ πόλεις ἢ ἀγροὺς, ἐν ταῖς ἀγοραῖς ἐτίθεσαν τοὺς ἀσθενοῦντας καὶ παρεκάλουν αὐτὸν ἵνα κἂν τοῦ κρασπέδου τοῦ ἱματίου αὐτοῦ ἅψωνται· καὶ ὅσοι ἂν ἥπτοντο αὐτοῦ, ἐσῴζοντο.

καὶ ὅπου ἐὰν εἰσεπορεύετο εἰς κώμας ἢ εἰς πόλεις ἢ εἰς ἀγροὺς, ἐν ταῖς ἀγοραῖς ἐτίθεσαν τοὺς ἀσθενοῦντας, καὶ παρεκάλουν αὐτὸν ἵνα κἂν τοῦ κρασπέδου τοῦ ἱματίου αὐτοῦ ἅψωνται· καὶ ὅσοι ἂν ἥψαντο αὐτοῦ ἐσώζοντο.

καὶ ὅπου ἂν εἰσεπορεύετο εἰς κώμας ἢ πόλεις, ἢ ἀγρούς, ἐν ταῖς ἀγοραῖς ἐτίθουν τοὺς ἀσθενοῦντας, καὶ παρεκάλουν αὐτὸν ἵνα κἂν τοῦ κρασπέδου τοῦ ἱματίου αὐτοῦ ἅψωνται· καὶ ὅσοι ἂν ἤπτοντο αὐτοῦ ἐσώζοντο.

καὶ ὅπου ἂν εἰσεπορεύετο εἰς κώμας ἢ πόλεις ἢ ἀγροὺς ἐν ταῖς ἀγοραῖς ἐτίθουν τοὺς ἀσθενοῦντας καὶ παρεκάλουν αὐτὸν ἵνα κἂν τοῦ κρασπέδου τοῦ ἱματίου αὐτοῦ ἅψωνται· καὶ ὅσοι ἂν ἤπτοντο αὐτοῦ ἐσῴζοντο

και οπου αν εισεπορευετο εις κωμας η εις πολεις η εις αγρους εν ταις αγοραις ετιθεσαν τους ασθενουντας και παρεκαλουν αυτον ινα καν του κρασπεδου του ιματιου αυτου αψωνται και οσοι αν ηψαντο αυτου εσωζοντο

και οπου εαν εισεπορευετο εις κωμας η εις πολεις η εις αγρους εν ταις αγοραις ετιθεσαν τους ασθενουντας και παρεκαλουν αυτον ινα καν του κρασπεδου του ιματιου αυτου αψωνται και οσοι αν ηψαντο αυτου εσωζοντο

και οπου αν εισεπορευετο εις κωμας η πολεις η αγρους εν ταις αγοραις ετιθουν τους ασθενουντας και παρεκαλουν αυτον ινα καν του κρασπεδου του ιματιου αυτου αψωνται και οσοι αν ηπτοντο αυτου εσωζοντο

και οπου αν εισεπορευετο εις κωμας η πολεις, η αγρους, εν ταις αγοραις ετιθουν τους ασθενουντας, και παρεκαλουν αυτον ινα καν του κρασπεδου του ιματιου αυτου αψωνται· και οσοι αν ηπτοντο αυτου εσωζοντο.

και οπου αν εισεπορευετο εις κωμας η πολεις η αγρους εν ταις αγοραις ετιθουν τους ασθενουντας και παρεκαλουν αυτον ινα καν του κρασπεδου του ιματιου αυτου αψωνται και οσοι αν ηπτοντο αυτου εσωζοντο

και οπου αν εισεπορευετο εις κωμας η εις πολεις η εις αγρους εν ταις αγοραις ετιθεσαν τους ασθενουντας και παρεκαλουν αυτον ινα καν του κρασπεδου του ιματιου αυτου αψωνται και οσοι αν ηψαντο αυτου εσωζοντο

kai hopou an eiseporeueto eis kōmas ē eis poleis ē eis agrous, en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas, kai parekaloun auton hina kan tou kraspedou tou himatiou autou hapsōntai; kai hosoi an hēpsanto autou esōzonto.

kai hopou an eiseporeueto eis komas e eis poleis e eis agrous, en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas, kai parekaloun auton hina kan tou kraspedou tou himatiou autou hapsontai; kai hosoi an hepsanto autou esozonto.

kai hopou an eiseporeueto eis kōmas ē eis poleis ē eis agrous en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas, kai parekaloun auton hina kan tou kraspedou tou himatiou autou hapsōntai; kai hosoi an hēpsanto autou esōzonto.

kai hopou an eiseporeueto eis komas e eis poleis e eis agrous en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas, kai parekaloun auton hina kan tou kraspedou tou himatiou autou hapsontai; kai hosoi an hepsanto autou esozonto.

kai opou ean eiseporeueto eis kōmas ē eis poleis ē eis agrous en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsōntai kai osoi an ēpsanto autou esōzonto

kai opou ean eiseporeueto eis kOmas E eis poleis E eis agrous en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsOntai kai osoi an Epsanto autou esOzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kōmas ē poleis ē agrous en tais agorais etithoun tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsōntai kai osoi an ēptonto autou esōzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kOmas E poleis E agrous en tais agorais etithoun tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsOntai kai osoi an Eptonto autou esOzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kōmas ē poleis ē agrous en tais agorais etithoun tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsōntai kai osoi an ēptonto autou esōzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kOmas E poleis E agrous en tais agorais etithoun tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsOntai kai osoi an Eptonto autou esOzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kōmas ē poleis ē agrous en tais agorais etithoun tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsōntai kai osoi an ēptonto autou esōzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kOmas E poleis E agrous en tais agorais etithoun tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsOntai kai osoi an Eptonto autou esOzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kōmas ē eis poleis ē eis agrous en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsōntai kai osoi an ēpsanto autou esōzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kOmas E eis poleis E eis agrous en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsOntai kai osoi an Epsanto autou esOzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kōmas ē eis poleis ē eis agrous en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsōntai kai osoi an ēpsanto autou esōzonto

kai opou an eiseporeueto eis kOmas E eis poleis E eis agrous en tais agorais etithesan tous asthenountas kai parekaloun auton ina kan tou kraspedou tou imatiou autou apsOntai kai osoi an Epsanto autou esOzonto

Márk 6:56
És a hová bemegy vala a falvakba vagy városokba vagy majorokba, a betegeket letevék a piaczokon, és kérik vala õt, hogy legalább a ruhája szegélyét illethessék. És valahányan csak illeték, meggyógyulának.

La evangelio laŭ Marko 6:56
Kaj kien ajn li eniris, en vilagxojn aux en urbojn aux sur la kamparon, ili demetis la malsanulojn sur la placoj, kaj petegis lin, ke ili tusxu nur la randon de lia vesto; kaj cxiuj, kiuj tusxis, resanigxis.

Evankeliumi Markuksen mukaan 6:56
Ja kuhunka hän meni sisälle kyliin eli kaupunkeihin taikka majoihin, niin he panivat kujille sairaita, ja rukoilivat häntä, että he ainoastaan hänen vaatteensa palteeseen saisivat ruveta, ja niin monta kuin häneen rupesi, ne paranivat.

Marc 6:56
Et où que ce fût qu'il entrât, dans les villages, ou dans les villes, ou dans les campagnes, ils plaçaient les infirmes dans les marchés et le priaient de les laisser toucher ne fût-ce que le bord de son vêtement; et tous ceux qui le touchaient étaient guéris.

En quelque lieu qu'il arrivât, dans les villages, dans les villes ou dans les campagnes, on mettait les malades sur les places publiques, et on le priait de leur permettre seulement de toucher le bord de son vêtement. Et tous ceux qui le touchaient étaient guéris.

Et partout où il était entré dans les bourgs, ou dans les villes, ou dans les villages, ils mettaient les malades dans les marchés, et ils le priaient de permettre qu'au moins ils pussent toucher le bord de sa robe; et tous ceux qui le touchaient, étaient guéris.

Markus 6:56
Und wo er in die Märkte oder Städte oder Dörfer einging, da legten sie die Kranken auf den Markt und baten ihn, daß sie nur den Saum seines Kleides an rühren möchten. Und alle, die ihn anrühreten, wurden gesund.

Und wo er in die Märkte oder Städte oder Dörfer einging, da legten sie die Kranken auf den Markt und baten ihn, daß sie nur den Saum seines Kleides anrühren möchten; und alle, die ihn anrührten, wurden gesund.

Und wo er in Dörfer oder Städte oder Höfe eintrat, da setzten sie die Kranken auf die Märkte, und baten ihn, daß sie nur die Quaste seines Kleides anrühren dürften, und wer von denselben daran rührte, wurde geheilt.

Marco 6:56
E da per tutto dov’egli entrava, ne’ villaggi, nelle città, e nelle campagne, posavano gl’infermi per le piazze e lo pregavano che li lasciasse toccare non foss’altro che il lembo del suo vestito. E tutti quelli che lo toccavano, erano guariti.

E dovunque egli entrava, in castella, o in città, o in villate, la gente metteva gl’infermi nelle piazze, e lo pregava che sol potessero toccare il lembo della sua vesta; e tutti quelli che lo toccavano erano guariti.

Dan barang di mana juga Ia masuk, baik kampung baik negeri ataupun dusun, orang membawa segala orang sakit ke pasar negerinya, serta memohonkan izin daripada Yesus, kalau-kalau boleh menjamah kaki jubah-Nya sahaja; maka seberapa orang yang menjamah Dia itu pun sembuhlah.

Mark 6:56
Di mkul amkan anda iṛuḥ, ama ț-țaddart ama ț-țamdint neɣ d izuɣaṛ, țțawin-as-ed imuḍan ɣer imukan n tejmaɛin, țḥellilen-t iwakken a ten-yeǧǧ ad nnalen ulamma d icuḍaḍ n ujellab-is. Wid akk i t-ițnalen ḥellun

마가복음 6:56
아무데나 예수께서 들어가시는 마을이나 도시나 촌에서 병자를 시장에 두고 예수의 옷가에라도 손을 대게 하시기를 간구하니 손을 대는 자는 다 성함을 얻으니라

Marcus 6:56
et quocumque introibat in vicos vel in villas aut civitates in plateis ponebant infirmos et deprecabantur eum ut vel fimbriam vestimenti eius tangerent et quotquot tangebant eum salvi fiebant

Sv. Marks 6:56
Un kur vien Viņš iegāja miestos vai ciemos, vai pilsētās, visur tie lika neveselos ielās un lūdza Viņu atļaut pieskarties Viņa drēbju šuvei; un kas Viņam pieskārās, tie kļuva veseli.

Evangelija pagal Morkø 6:56
Ir kur Jėzus užeidavo į kaimus, miestus ar kiemus, jie aikštėse guldydavo ligonius ir maldaudavo Jį, kad leistų jiems palytėti bent savo drabužio apvadą. Ir visi, kas tik Jį paliesdavo, išgydavo.

Mark 6:56
A, i ona haerenga katoatanga ki nga kainga, ki nga pa, ki nga whenua ranei, ka whakatakotoria e ratou nga turoro ki nga kainga hokohoko, ka inoi ki a ia kia pa kau atu ratou ki te taniko o tona kakahu: a ora ake nga tangata katoa i pa ki a ia.

Markus 6:56
Og hvor han gikk inn i landsbyer eller byer eller gårder, der la de sine syke på torvene og bad ham at de måtte få røre, om det så bare var ved det ytterste av hans klædebon; og alle de som rørte ved ham, blev helbredet.

Marcos 6:56
Y dondequiera que El entraba en aldeas, ciudades o campos, ponían a los enfermos en las plazas, y le rogaban que les permitiera tocar siquiera el borde de su manto; y todos los que lo tocaban quedaban curados.

Dondequiera que El entraba en aldeas, ciudades o campos, ponían a los enfermos en las plazas, y Le rogaban que les permitiera tocar siquiera el borde de Su manto; y todos los que lo tocaban quedaban curados.

Y dondequiera que entraba, en aldeas, ciudades o campos, ponían en las calles a los que estaban enfermos, y le rogaban que les dejase tocar tan siquiera el borde de su manto; y todos los que le tocaban quedaban sanos.

Y donde quiera que entraba, en aldeas, ó ciudades, ó heredades, ponían en las calles á los que estaban enfermos, y le rogaban que tocasen siquiera el borde de su vestido; y todos los que le tocaban quedaban sanos.

Y dondequiera que entraba, en aldeas, o ciudades, o heredades, ponían en las calles a los que estaban enfermos, y le rogaban que les dejase tocar siquiera el borde de su vestido; y todos los que le tocaban eran salvos.

Marcos 6:56
E onde quer que Ele fosse ministrar, povoados, cidades ou campos, a população trazia os doentes para as praças. E imploravam-lhe que pudessem ao menos tocar na borda do seu manto; e todos os que nele tocavam eram curados.

Onde quer, pois, que entrava, fosse nas aldeias, nas cidades ou nos campos, apresentavam os enfermos nas praças, e rogavam-lhe que os deixasse tocar ao menos a orla do seu manto; e todos os que a tocavam ficavam curados.   

Marcu 6:56
Oriunde intra El, în sate, în cetăţi sau în cătune, puneau pe bolnavi pe pieţe, şi -L rugau să le dea voie doar să se atingă de poalele hainei Lui. Şi toţi cîţi se atingeau de El, erau tămăduiţi.

От Марка 6:56
И куда ни приходил Он, в селения ли, в города ли, вдеревни ли, клали больных на открытых местах и просили Его, чтобы им прикоснуться хотя к краю одежды Его; и которые прикасались к Нему, исцелялись.

И куда ни приходил Он, в селения ли, в города ли, в деревни ли, клали больных на открытых местах и просили Его, чтобы им прикоснуться хотя к краю одежды Его; и которые прикасались к Нему, исцелялись.

Mark 6:56
Tura Jesus wekaak wΘmia nuisha, pΘprunmasha, shuar matsatmanumsha, ishichik matsatkamunmasha jaan itiariar Jintiß aeprusarmiayi. T·mainiak Jesusan pushirmin antintaj tusar seawarmiayi. Tura Ashφ antinkiarmia nuka pΘnker ajasarmiayi.

Markus 6:56
Och varhelst han gick in i någon by eller någon stad eller någon gård, där lade man de sjuka på de öppna platserna. Och de bådo honom att åtminstone få röra vid hörntofsen på hans mantel; och alla som rörde vid den blevo hulpna.

Marko 6:56
Kila mahali Yesu alipokwenda, vijijini, mijini, au mashambani, watu waliwaweka wagonjwa uwanjani, wakamsihi waguse walau pindo la vazi lake. Nao wote waliomgusa walipona.

Marcos 6:56
At saan man siya pumasok, sa mga nayon, o sa mga bayan o sa mga bukid, ay inilalagay nila sa mga liwasan ang mga may-sakit, at ipinamamanhik sa kaniya na ipahipo man lamang sa kanila ang laylayan ng kaniyang damit: at ang lahat ng nagsihipo sa kaniya ay pawang nagsigaling.

มาระโก 6:56
แล้วพระองค์เสด็จไปที่ไหนๆ ไม่ว่าในหมู่บ้าน ในตำบล หรือในเมือง เขาก็เอาคนเจ็บป่วยมาวางตามถนน ทูลอ้อนวอนขอพระองค์โปรดให้คนเจ็บป่วยแตะต้องแต่ชายฉลองพระองค์ และผู้ใดได้แตะต้องพระองค์แล้วก็หายป่วยทุกคน

Markos 6:56
Köy olsun, kent ya da çiftlik olsun, İsa'nın gittiği her yerde, hastaları meydanlara yatırıyor, sadece giysisinin eteğine dokunmalarına izin vermesi için yalvarıyorlardı. Dokunanların hepsi de iyileşti.

Марко 6:56
І куди нї приходив Він, у села, чи городи, чи хутори, на майданах клали недужих, і благали Його, щоб їм хоч до краю одежі Його приторкнутись, і хто тільки доторкнувсь Його, спасав ся.

Mark 6:56
Hiapa kahiloua-na Yesus hi rala ngata bohe ba ngata kedi', rakeni tumai doo-ra topeda' pai' rapopoturu hi wiwi' karajaa, pai' -ra merapi' hi Yesus bona napiliu-ra mporeo nau' kampa' wuntu baju-na-wadi. Hawe'ea to mporeo baju-na, haliu mo'uri' -ramo.

Maùc 6:56
Ngài đến nơi nào, hoặc làng, thành, hay chốn nhà quê, người ta đem người đau để tại các chợ, và xin Ngài cho mình ít nữa được rờ đến trôn áo Ngài; những kẻ đã rờ đều được lành bịnh cả.

Mark 6:55
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