Leviticus 24:9
Leviticus 24:9
It belongs to Aaron and his sons, who are to eat it in the sanctuary area, because it is a most holy part of their perpetual share of the food offerings presented to the LORD."

The loaves of bread will belong to Aaron and his descendants, who must eat them in a sacred place, for they are most holy. It is the permanent right of the priests to claim this portion of the special gifts presented to the LORD."

And it shall be for Aaron and his sons, and they shall eat it in a holy place, since it is for him a most holy portion out of the LORD’s food offerings, a perpetual due.”

"It shall be for Aaron and his sons, and they shall eat it in a holy place; for it is most holy to him from the LORD'S offerings by fire, his portion forever."

And it shall be Aaron's and his sons'; and they shall eat it in the holy place: for it is most holy unto him of the offerings of the LORD made by fire by a perpetual statute.

It belongs to Aaron and his sons, who are to eat it in a holy place, for it is the holiest portion for him from the fire offerings to the LORD; this is a permanent rule."

This gift will belong to Aaron and his sons, and they are to eat it in a sacred place, because it's the most holy thing for him of all the offerings made by fire to the LORD. This is to be an eternal ordinance."

It will belong to Aaron and his sons, and they must eat it in a holy place because it is most holy to him, a perpetual allotted portion from the gifts of the LORD."

The bread will belong to Aaron and his sons. They will eat it in a holy place. It is very holy, set apart from the LORD's offering by fire. This is a permanent law."

And it shall belong to Aaron and his sons, and they shall eat it in the holy place, for it is most holy unto him of the offerings of the LORD on fire, by a perpetual statute.

And it shall be Aaron's and his sons'; and they shall eat it in the holy place: for it is most holy unto him of the offerings of the LORD made by fire, a perpetual statute.

And it shall be Aaron's and his sons'; and they shall eat it in the holy place: for it is most holy to him of the offerings of the LORD made by fire by a perpetual statute.

And it shall be for Aaron and his sons; and they shall eat it in a holy place: for it is most holy unto him of the offerings of Jehovah made by fire by a perpetual statute.

And they shall be Aaron's and his sons', that they may eat them in the holy place: because it is most holy of the sacrifices of the Lord by a perpetual right.

And it shall be Aaron's and his sons'; and they shall eat it in a holy place; for it is most holy unto him of Jehovah's offerings by fire: it is an everlasting statute.

And it shall be for Aaron and his sons; and they shall eat it in a holy place: for it is most holy unto him of the offerings of the LORD made by fire by a perpetual statute.

And it shall be Aaron's and his sons'; and they shall eat it in the holy place: for it is most holy to him of the offerings of the LORD made by fire by a perpetual statute.

It shall be for Aaron and his sons; and they shall eat it in a holy place: for it is most holy to him of the offerings of Yahweh made by fire by a perpetual statute."

and it hath been to Aaron, and to his sons, and they have eaten it in the holy place, for it is most holy to him, from the fire-offerings of Jehovah -- a statute age-during.'

Levitiku 24:9
Bukët i përkasin Aaronit dhe bijve të tij, dhe këta do t'i hanë në një vend të shenjtë, sepse do të jenë një gjë shumë e shenjtë për atë midis flijimeve të bëra me zjarr para Zotit. Éshtë një ligj i përjetshëm".

ﺍﻟﻼﻭﻳﻲ 24:9
فيكون لهرون وبنيه فياكلونه في مكان مقدس. لانه قدس اقداس له من وقائد الرب فريضة دهرية

S Brendertuem 24:9
De Brooter ghoernd yn n Ärenn und seine Sün, die was s an aynn heilignen Ort össn sollnd, denn sö seind öbbs Hoohheiligs. Es ist iener bständiger Antail an de Feueropfer für n Herrn.

Левит 24:9
И те ще бъдат за Аарона и за синовете му, които да ги ядат на свето място; защото са пресвети нему от [жертвите] принасяни чрез огън Господу; това е вечен закон.

利 未 記 24:9
這 餅 是 要 給 亞 倫 和 他 子 孫 的 ; 他 們 要 在 聖 處 吃 , 為 永 遠 的 定 例 , 因 為 在 獻 給 耶 和 華 的 火 祭 中 是 至 聖 的 。

这 饼 是 要 给 亚 伦 和 他 子 孙 的 ; 他 们 要 在 圣 处 吃 , 为 永 远 的 定 例 , 因 为 在 献 给 耶 和 华 的 火 祭 中 是 至 圣 的 。



Leviticus 24:9
Neka pripadnu Aronu i njegovim sinovima. Oni ih imaju blagovati na posvećenu mjestu. To je njemu vrlo svet dio Jahvinih paljenih žrtava. To neka bude trajna odredba."

Leviticus 24:9
I budou Aronovi a synům jeho, kteřížto jísti budou je na místě svatém; nebo nejsvětější věc jest jim z obětí ohnivých Hospodinových právem věčným.

3 Mosebog 24:9
De skal tilfalde Aron og hans Sønner, som skal spise dem paa et helligt Sted, thi de er højhellige; ham tilfalder de som en evig, retmæssig Del af HERRENS Ildofre.

Leviticus 24:9
En het zal voor Aaron en zijn zonen zijn, die dat in de heilige plaats zullen eten; want het is voor hem een heiligheid der heiligheden uit de vuurofferen des HEEREN, een eeuwige inzetting.

ויקרא 24:9
וְהָֽיְתָה֙ לְאַהֲרֹ֣ן וּלְבָנָ֔יו וַאֲכָלֻ֖הוּ בְּמָקֹ֣ום קָדֹ֑שׁ כִּ֡י קֹדֶשׁ֩ קָֽדָשִׁ֨ים ה֥וּא לֹ֛ו מֵאִשֵּׁ֥י יְהוָ֖ה חָק־עֹולָֽם׃ ס

ט והיתה לאהרן ולבניו ואכלהו במקום קדש  כי קדש קדשים הוא לו מאשי יהוה--חק עולם  {ס}

והיתה לאהרן ולבניו ואכלהו במקום קדש כי קדש קדשים הוא לו מאשי יהוה חק־עולם׃ ס

3 Mózes 24:9
Azután legyen az Ároné és az õ fiaié, a kik egyék meg azokat szent helyen, mert mint igen szentséges, az övé az, az Úrnak tûzáldozataiból, örök rendelés szerint.

Moseo 3: Levidoj 24:9
Kaj gxi estu por Aaron kaj por liaj filoj, kaj ili mangxu gxin sur sankta loko, cxar tio estas plejsanktajxo por li el la fajroferoj de la Eternulo; tio estu eterna legxo.

Ja ne pitää Aaronin ja hänen poikainsa omat oleman, heidän pitää ne syömän pyhässä siassa; sillä se on hänelle keikkein pyhin Herran tuliuhreista ijankaikkiseksi säädyksi.

Lévitique 24:9
Et cela appartiendra à Aaron et à ses fils, et ils le mangeront dans un lieu saint; car ce lui sera une chose très-sainte d'entre les sacrifices de l'Éternel faits par feu: c'est un statut perpétuel.

Ils appartiendront à Aaron et à ses fils, et ils les mangeront dans un lieu saint; car ce sera pour eux une chose très sainte, une part des offrandes consumées par le feu devant l'Eternel. C'est une loi perpétuelle.

Et ils appartiendront à Aaron, et à ses fils, qui les mangeront dans un lieu saint; car ils lui seront une chose très-sainte d'entre les offrandes de l'Eternel faites par feu; c'[est] une ordonnance perpétuelle.

3 Mose 24:9
Und sollen Aarons und seiner Söhne sein, die sollen sie essen an heiliger Stätte; denn das ist sein Allerheiligstes von den Opfern des HERRN zum ewigen Recht.

Und sie sollen Aarons und seiner Söhne sein; die sollen sie essen an heiliger Stätte; denn das ist ein Hochheiliges von den Opfern des HERRN zum ewigen Recht.

Und es soll Aaron und seinen Söhnen zufallen, daß sie es verzehren an heiliger Stätte; denn es gehört ihm als ein Hochheiliges unter den Feueropfern, kraft eines für alle Zeiten geltenden Rechts.

Levitico 24:9
I pani apparterranno ad Aaronne e ai suoi figliuoli, ed essi li mangeranno in luogo santo; poiché saranno per loro cosa santissima tra i sacrifizi fatti mediante il fuoco all’Eterno. E’ una legge perpetua".

E sieno quelle per Aaronne e per i suoi figliuoli; ed essi le mangino in luogo santo; conciossiachè sieno cosa santissima, a lui appartenente dell’offerte che si hanno da ardere al Signore, per istatuto perpetuo.

Maka inilah menjadi bahagian Harun dan anak-anaknya, yang patut makan dia dalam tempat yang suci itu, karena inilah kesucian segala kesucian baginya dari pada segala persembahan bakaran yang kepada Tuhan; suatu hukum yang kekal selama-lamanya.

레위기 24:9
이 떡은 아론과 그 자손에게 돌리고 그들은 그것을 거룩한 곳에서 먹을지니 이는 여호와의 화제 중 그에게 돌리는 것으로서 지극히 거룩함이니라 이는 영원한 규례니라

Leviticus 24:9
eruntque Aaron et filiorum eius ut comedant eos in loco sancto quia sanctum sanctorum est de sacrificiis Domini iure perpetuo

Kunigø knyga 24:9
Visa tai priklausys Aaronui ir jo sūnums, jie valgys ją šventoje vietoje, nes tai švenčiausias dalykas iš Viešpaties deginamųjų aukų pagal amžinąjį įstatymą”.

Leviticus 24:9
A ma Arona ratou ko ana tama tena; me kai e ratou ki te wahi tapu; he tino tapu hoki tena mana i roto i nga whakahere ahi a Ihowa; hei tikanga pumau.

3 Mosebok 24:9
De skal høre Aron og hans sønner til, og de skal ete dem på et hellig sted; for de er høihellige og er hans del av Herrens ildoffer - en evig rettighet.

Levítico 24:9
Y será para Aarón y para sus hijos, y lo comerán en un lugar santo; porque lo tendrá como cosa muy sagrada de las ofrendas encendidas para el SEÑOR, por derecho perpetuo.

"Y será para Aarón y para sus hijos, y lo comerán en un lugar santo; porque lo tendrá como cosa muy sagrada de las ofrendas encendidas para el SEÑOR, por derecho perpetuo."

Y será de Aarón y de sus hijos, los cuales lo comerán en el lugar santo; porque es cosa muy santa para él, de las ofrendas encendidas a Jehová, por estatuto perpetuo.

Y será de Aarón y de sus hijos, los cuales lo comerán en el lugar santo; porque es cosa muy santa para él, de las ofrendas encendidas á Jehová, por fuero perpetuo.

Y será de Aarón y de sus hijos, los cuales lo comerán en el lugar santo; porque es cosa santísima para él, de las ofrendas encendidas al SEÑOR, por fuero perpetuo.

Levítico 24:9
pertencerão a Arão e a seus filhos, que os comerão num lugar sagrado, porquanto são parte santíssima de sua porção regular de ofertas dedicadas ao SENHOR, preparada no fogo. É lei perpétua!

Pertencerão os pães a Arão e a seus filhos, que os comerão em lugar santo, por serem coisa santíssima para eles, das ofertas queimadas ao Senhor por estatuto perpétuo.   

Levitic 24:9
Pînile acestea să fie ale lui Aaron şi ale fiilor lui, şi să le mănînce într'un loc sfînt; căci ele sînt pentru ei un lucru prea sfînt, o parte din darurile de mîncare mistuite de foc înaintea Domnului. Aceasta este o lege vecinică.``

Левит 24:9
они будут принадлежать Аарону и сынам его, которые будут есть их на святом месте, ибо это великая святыня для них из жертв Господних: это постановление вечное.

они будут принадлежать Аарону и сынам его, которые будут есть их на святом месте, ибо это великая святыня для них из жертв Господних: [это] постановление вечное.[]

3 Mosebok 24:9
De skola tillhöra Aron och hans söner och skola ätas av dem på en helig plats, ty de äro högheliga och äro hans evärdliga rätt av HERRENS eldsoffer.

Leviticus 24:9
At magiging kay Aaron at sa kaniyang mga anak; at kanilang kakanin sa dakong banal: sapagka't kabanalbanalang bagay sa kaniya sa mga handog sa Panginoon na pinaraan sa apoy sa pamamagitan ng palatuntunang walang hanggan.

เลวีนิติ 24:9
ขนมปังนี้ตกเป็นของอาโรนและบุตรชายของเขา ให้เขารับประทานได้ในที่บริสุทธิ์ เพราะเป็นส่วนบริสุทธิ์ที่สุดที่ได้จากเครื่องบูชากระทำด้วยไฟถวายแด่พระเยโฮวาห์เป็นกฎเกณฑ์เนืองนิตย์"

Levililer 24:9
Ve Harunla oğullarına ait olacak. Onu kutsal bir yerde yiyecekler. Çünkü çok kutsaldır. RAB için yakılan sunulardan onların sürekli bir payı olacak.››[]

Leâ-vi Kyù 24:9
Các bánh đó sẽ thuộc về A-rôn và các con trai người; họ phải ăn tại một nơi thánh, vì là vật chí thánh cho họ, bởi các của lễ dùng lửa dâng cho Ðức Giê-hô-va. Ấy là một lệ định đời đời.

Leviticus 24:8
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