Lamentations 3:7
Lamentations 3:7
He has walled me in so I cannot escape; he has weighed me down with chains.

He has walled me in, and I cannot escape. He has bound me in heavy chains.

He has walled me about so that I cannot escape; he has made my chains heavy;

He has walled me in so that I cannot go out; He has made my chain heavy.

He hath hedged me about, that I cannot get out: he hath made my chain heavy.

He has walled me in so I cannot escape; He has weighed me down with chains.

He has walled me in so I cannot escape; he placed heavy chains on me.

He has walled me in so that I cannot get out; he has weighted me down with heavy prison chains.

He has blocked me so that I can't get out. He has put heavy chains on me.

Gimel He has hedged me about that I cannot get out; he has made my chain heavy.

He has hedged me in, that I cannot get out: he has made my chain heavy.

He has hedged me about, that I cannot get out: he has made my chain heavy.

He hath walled me about, that I cannot go forth; he hath made my chain heavy.

Ghimel. He hath built against me round about, that I may not get out: he hath made my fetters heavy.

He hath hedged me about that I cannot get out: he hath made my chain heavy.

He hath fenced me about, that I cannot go forth; he hath made my chain heavy.

He hath hedged me about, that I cannot get out: he hath made my chain heavy.

He has walled me about, that I can't go forth; he has made my chain heavy.

He hath hedged me about, and I go not out, He hath made heavy my fetter.

Vajtimet 3:7
Më ka ndërtuar një mur rreth e qark, me qëllim që unë të mos dal; e ka bërë të rëndë zinxhirin tim.

ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 3:7
سيج عليّ فلا استطيع الخروج. ثقل سلسلتي.

De Klaglieder 3:7
Föst vermauert haat mi er, mi in schwaere Fössln glögt.

Плач Еремиев 3:7
Обгради ме та не мога да изляза; отегчи веригите ми.

耶 利 米 哀 歌 3:7
他 用 籬 笆 圍 住 我 , 使 我 不 能 出 去 ; 他 使 我 的 銅 鍊 沉 重 。

他 用 篱 笆 围 住 我 , 使 我 不 能 出 去 ; 他 使 我 的 铜 炼 沉 重 。



Lamentations 3:7
Zazidao me, i ja ne mogu izaći, otežao je moje okove.

Pláč Jeremiášův 3:7
Ohradil mne, abych nevyšel; obtížil ocelivý řetěz můj.

Klagesangene 3:7
Han har spærret mig inde og lagt mig i tunge Lænker.

Klaagliederen 3:7
Gimel. Hij heeft mij toegemuurd, dat ik er niet uit gaan kan; Hij heeft mijn koperen boeien verzwaard.

איכה 3:7
גָּדַ֧ר בַּעֲדִ֛י וְלֹ֥א אֵצֵ֖א הִכְבִּ֥יד נְחָשְׁתִּֽי׃

ז גדר בעדי ולא אצא הכביד נחשתי

גדר בעדי ולא אצא הכביד נחשתי׃

Jeremiás sir 3:7
Körülkerített, hogy ki ne mehessek, nehézzé tette lánczomat.

Plorkanto de Jeremia 3:7
Li cxirkauxbaris min, ke mi ne povu eliri; Li ligis min per pezaj cxenoj.

Hän on minut muurannut sisälle, etten minä pääse ulos, ja minut kovaan jalkapuuhun pannut.

Lamentations 3:7
Il a fait une clôture autour de moi, afin que je ne sorte point; il a appesanti mes chaînes.

Il m'a entouré d'un mur, pour que je ne sorte pas; Il m'a donné de pesantes chaînes.

[Guimel.] Il a fait une cloison autour de moi, afin que je ne sorte point; il a appesanti mes fers.

Klagelieder 3:7
Er hat mich vermauert, daß ich nicht heraus kann, und mich in harte Fesseln gelegt.

Er hat mich vermauert, daß ich nicht heraus kann, und mich in harte Fesseln gelegt.

Er hat mich ummauert ohne Ausweg, meine Ketten beschwert;

Lamentazioni 3:7
Egli m’ha circondato d’un muro, perché non esca: m’ha caricato di pesanti catene.

Egli mi ha assiepato d’ogn’intorno, sì che non posso uscire; Egli ha aggravati i miei ceppi.

Sudah dikepung-Nya aku berkeliling, sehingga tiada boleh aku keluar, dan rantaiku tembaga itu diberatkan-Nya pula.

예레미아애가 3:7
나를 둘러 싸서 나가지 못하게 하시고 나의 사슬을 무겁게 하셨으며

Lamentationes 3:7
GIMEL circumaedificavit adversum me ut non egrediar adgravavit conpedem meam

Raudø knyga 3:7
Jis uždarė man duris ir apkalė mane sunkiomis grandinėmis.

Lamentations 3:7
Kua oti ahau te taiepa mai e ia, te puta atu ahau; kua meinga e ia toku mekameka kia taimaha.

Klagesangene 3:7
Han murte igjen for mig, så jeg ikke kan komme ut; han gjorde mine lenker tunge.

Lamentaciones 3:7
Con muro me ha cercado y no puedo salir, ha hecho pesadas mis cadenas.

Con muro me ha cercado y no puedo salir, Ha hecho pesadas mis cadenas.

Me cercó por todos lados, y no puedo salir; ha hecho pesadas mis cadenas.

Cercóme por todos lados, y no puedo salir; agravó mis grillos.

Guímel : Me cercó de seto, y no saldré; agravó mis grillos.

Lamentaçôes de Jeremias 3:7
Cercou-me de muros, e não consigo escapar; atou-me a pesadas correntes.

Cercou-me de uma sebe de modo que não posso sair; agravou os meus grilhões.   

Plangerile lui Ieremia 3:7
M'a înconjurat cu un zid, ca să nu ies; m'a pus în lanţuri grele.

Плач Иеремии 3:7
окружил меня стеною, чтобы я не вышел, отяготил оковы мои,

окружил меня стеною, чтобы я не вышел, отяготил оковы мои,[]

Klagovisorna 3:7
Han har kringmurat mig, så att jag ej kommer ut, han har lagt på mig tunga fjättrar.

Lamentations 3:7
Kaniyang binakuran ako na anopa't ako'y hindi makalabas; kaniyang pinabigat ang aking tanikala.

เพลงคร่ำครวญ 3:7
พระองค์ทรงกระทำรั้วต้นไม้ล้อมข้าพเจ้าไว้เพื่อจะกักไม่ให้ออกไปได้ พระองค์ทรงตีตรวนหนักล่ามข้าพเจ้าไว้

Ağıtlar 3:7
Çevreme duvar çekti, dışarı çıkamıyorum,
Zincirimi ağırlaştırdı.[]

Ca-thöông 3:7
Ngài đã bao bọc ta bằng tường, mà không cho ra; lại làm cho nặng xiềng ta.

Lamentations 3:6
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