Lamentations 3:38
Lamentations 3:38
Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?

Does not the Most High send both calamity and good?

Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and bad come?

Is it not from the mouth of the Most High That both good and ill go forth?

Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?

Do not both adversity and good come from the mouth of the Most High?

Do not both good and evil things proceed from the mouth of the Most High?

Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that everything comes--both calamity and blessing?

Both good and bad come from the mouth of the Most High God.

Mem Out of the mouth of the most High proceeds not evil and good?

Out of the mouth of the most High proceeds not evil and good?

Out of the mouth of the most High proceeds not evil and good?

Out of the mouth of the Most High cometh there not evil and good?

Mem. Shall not both evil and good proceed out of the mouth of the Highest?

Out of the mouth of the Most High doth not there proceed evil and good?

Out of the mouth of the Most High cometh there not evil and good?

Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?

Doesn't evil and good come out of the mouth of the Most High?

From the mouth of the Most High Go not forth the evils and the good.

Vajtimet 3:38
E keqja dhe e mira a nuk vijnë vallë nga goja e Më të Lartit?

ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 3:38
من فم العلي ألا تخرج الشرور والخير

De Klaglieder 3:38
Ist nit allss von n Hoehstn gschafft, ob s ietz guet ist older boes?

Плач Еремиев 3:38
Из устата на Всевишния не излизат ли и злото и доброто?

耶 利 米 哀 歌 3:38
禍 福 不 都 出 於 至 高 者 的 口 嗎 ?

祸 福 不 都 出 於 至 高 者 的 口 吗 ?



Lamentations 3:38
Ne dolazi li iz usta Svevišnjega i dobro i zlo?

Pláč Jeremiášův 3:38
Z úst Nejvyššího zdali nepochází zlé i dobré?

Klagesangene 3:38
Kommer ikke baade ondt og godt fra den Højestes Mund?

Klaagliederen 3:38
Mem. Gaat niet uit den mond des Allerhoogsten het kwade en het goede?

איכה 3:38
מִפִּ֤י עֶלְיֹון֙ לֹ֣א תֵצֵ֔א הָרָעֹ֖ות וְהַטֹּֽוב׃

לח מפי עליון לא תצא הרעות והטוב

מפי עליון לא תצא הרעות והטוב׃

Jeremiás sir 3:38
A Magasságosnak szájából nem jõ ki a gonosz és a jó.

Plorkanto de Jeremia 3:38
CXu ne el la busxo de la Plejaltulo eliras la decidoj pri malbono kaj pri bono?

Eikö paha ja hyvä tule Korkeimman suusta?

Lamentations 3:38
N'est-ce pas de la bouche du Très-haut que viennent les maux et les biens?

N'est-ce pas de la volonté du Très-Haut que viennent Les maux et les biens?

Les maux, et les biens ne procèdent-ils point de l’ordre du Très-haut?

Klagelieder 3:38
und daß weder Böses noch Gutes komme aus dem Munde des Allerhöchsten?

und daß nicht Böses und Gutes komme aus dem Munde des Allerhöchsten?

Geht nicht aus dem Munde des Höchsten hervor das Böse und das Gute?

Lamentazioni 3:38
Il male ed il bene non procedon essi dalla bocca dell’Altissimo?

Non procedono i mali ed i beni Dalla bocca dell’Altissimo?

Bukankah dari pada mulut Allah taala juga keluarlah mana yang baik dan mana yang jahat?

예레미아애가 3:38
화, 복이 지극히 높으신 자의 입으로 나오지 아니하느냐

Lamentationes 3:38
MEM ex ore Altissimi non egredientur nec mala nec bona

Raudø knyga 3:38
Ar ne iš Aukščiausiojo burnos ateina, kas gera ir kas pikta?

Lamentations 3:38
He teka ianei e puta mai ana te kino me te pai i roto i te mangai o te Runga Rawa?

Klagesangene 3:38
Er det ikke fra den Høiestes munn både de onde og de gode ting utgår?

Lamentaciones 3:38
¿No salen de la boca del Altísimo tanto el mal como el bien?

¿No salen de la boca del Altísimo Tanto el mal como el bien?

¿De la boca del Altísimo no sale lo malo y lo bueno?

¿De la boca del Altísimo no saldrá malo y bueno?

Mem : ¿De la boca del Altísimo no saldrá malo ni bueno?

Lamentaçôes de Jeremias 3:38
Ora, não é pelas ordens do Altíssimo que procedem tanto as desgraças como as bênçãos?

Não sai da boca do Altíssimo tanto o mal como o bem?   

Plangerile lui Ieremia 3:38
Nu iese din gura Celui Prea Înalt răul şi binele?

Плач Иеремии 3:38
Не от уст ли Всевышнего происходит бедствие и благополучие?

Не от уст ли Всевышнего происходит бедствие и благополучие?[]

Klagovisorna 3:38
Kommer icke från den Högstes mun både ont och gott?

Lamentations 3:38
Hindi baga sa bibig ng Kataastaasan nanggagaling ang masama't mabuti?

เพลงคร่ำครวญ 3:38

Ağıtlar 3:38
İyilikler gibi felaketler de Yüceler Yücesinin ağzından çıkmıyor mu?[]

Ca-thöông 3:38
Há chẳng phải từ miệng Ðấng Rất Cao ra tai họa và phước lành?

Lamentations 3:37
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