John 9:33
John 9:33
If this man were not from God, he could do nothing."

If this man were not from God, he couldn't have done it."

If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.”

"If this man were not from God, He could do nothing."

If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.

If this man were not from God, He wouldn't be able to do anything.""

If this man were not from God, he couldn't do anything like that."

If this man were not from God, he could do nothing."

“If this one were not from God, he would not have been able to do this.”

If this man were not from God, he couldn't do anything like that."

If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.

If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.

If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.

If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.

Unless this man were of God, he could not do any thing.

If this man were not of God he would be able to do nothing.

If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.

If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.

Had that man not come from God, he could have done nothing."

If this man were not from God, he could do nothing."

if this one were not from God, he were not able to do anything.'

Gjoni 9:33
Po të mos ishte ky nga Perëndia, nuk do të mund të bënte asgjë''.

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ 9:33
لو لم يكن هذا من الله لم يقدر ان يفعل شيئا.

Եթէ անիկա Աստուծմէ չըլլար, ոչի՛նչ կրնար ընել»:

Euangelioa S. Ioannen araura.  9:33
Baldin ezpaliz haur Iaincoaganic, deus ecin laidi.

Dyr Johanns 9:33
Wenn der Mensch daa nit von n Herrgot wär, haet yr gwiß nix ausgrichtt."

Йоан 9:33
Ако не беше Този Човек от Бога, не би могъл нищо да стори.

約 翰 福 音 9:33
這 人 若 不 是 從 神 來 的 , 甚 麼 也 不 能 做 。

这 人 若 不 是 从 神 来 的 , 甚 麽 也 不 能 做 。





Evanðelje po Ivanu 9:33
Kad ovaj ne bi bio od Boga, ne bi mogao činiti ništa.

Jan 9:33
Byť tento nebyl od Boha, nemohlť by nic učiniti.

Johannes 9:33
Var denne ikke fra Gud, da kunde han intet gøre.«

Johannes 9:33
Indien Deze van God niet ware, Hij zou niets kunnen doen.

εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος παρὰ Θεοῦ, οὐκ ἠδύνατο ποιεῖν οὐδέν.

εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος παρὰ θεοῦ, οὐκ ἠδύνατο ποιεῖν οὐδέν.

εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος παρὰ θεοῦ, οὐκ ἠδύνατο ποιεῖν οὐδέν.

Εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος παρὰ θεοῦ, οὐκ ἠδύνατο ποιεῖν οὐδέν.

εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος παρὰ Θεοῦ, οὐκ ἠδύνατο ποιεῖν οὐδέν.

εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος παρὰ θεοῦ, οὐκ ἠδύνατο ποιεῖν οὐδέν.

εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος παρὰ Θεοῦ, οὐκ ἠδύνατο ποιεῖν οὐδέν.

εἰ μὴ ἦν οὗτος παρὰ θεοῦ οὐκ ἠδύνατο ποιεῖν οὐδέν

ει μη ην ουτος παρα θεου ουκ ηδυνατο ποιειν ουδεν

ει μη ην ουτος παρα θεου ουκ ηδυνατο ποιειν ουδεν

ει μη ην ουτος παρα θεου ουκ ηδυνατο ποιειν ουδεν

ει μη ην ουτος παρα Θεου, ουκ ηδυνατο ποιειν ουδεν.

ει μη ην ουτος παρα θεου ουκ ηδυνατο ποιειν ουδεν

ει μη ην ουτος παρα θεου ουκ ηδυνατο ποιειν ουδεν

ei mē ēn houtos para Theou, ouk ēdynato poiein ouden.

ei me en houtos para Theou, ouk edynato poiein ouden.

ei mē ēn houtos para theou, ouk ēdynato poiein ouden.

ei me en houtos para theou, ouk edynato poiein ouden.

ei mē ēn outos para theou ouk ēdunato poiein ouden

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ei mE En outos para theou ouk Edunato poiein ouden

János 9:33
Ha ez nem Istentõl volna, semmit sem cselekedhetnék.

La evangelio laŭ Johano 9:33
Se cxi tiu homo ne estus de Dio, li nenion povus fari.

Evankeliumi Johanneksen mukaan 9:33
Ellei hän olisi Jumalasta, niin ei hän taitaisi mitään tehdä.

Jean 9:33
Si celui-ci n'était pas de Dieu, il ne pourrait rien faire.

Si cet homme ne venait pas de Dieu, il ne pourrait rien faire.

Si celui-ci n'était point un envoyé de Dieu, il ne pourrait rien faire [de semblable].

Johannes 9:33
Wäre dieser nicht von Gott, er könnte nichts tun.

Wäre dieser nicht von Gott, er könnte nichts tun.

Wäre dieser nicht von Gott, so vermöchte er nichts zu thun.

Giovanni 9:33
Se quest’uomo non fosse da Dio, non potrebbe far nulla.

Se costui non fosse da Dio, non potrebbe far nulla.

Jikalau orang itu bukan daripada Allah, tiadalah dapat memperbuat apa-apa."

John 9:33
Lemmer argaz-agi mačči s ɣuṛ Ṛebbi i d-yekka tili ur yezmir ad yexdem acemma.

요한복음 9:33
이 사람이 하나님께로부터 오지 아니하였으면 아무 일도 할 수 없으리이다'

Ioannes 9:33
nisi esset hic a Deo non poterat facere quicquam

Sv. Jānis 9:33
Ja Viņš nebūtu no Dieva, tad Viņš neko nevarētu darīt.

Evangelija pagal Jonà 9:33
Jei šitas nebūtų iš Dievo, Jis nieko negalėtų padaryti”.

John 9:33
Ki te mea kihai i puta mai tenei tangata i te Atua, e kore e taea e ia tetahi mea.

Johannes 9:33
var ikke denne mann fra Gud, da kunde han intet gjøre.

Juan 9:33
Si éste no viniera de Dios, no podría hacer nada.

"Si Este no viniera de Dios, no podría hacer nada."

Si este hombre no fuese de Dios, nada podría hacer.

Si éste no fuera de Dios, no pudiera hacer nada.

Si éste no fuera venido de Dios, no pudiera hacer nada.

João 9:33
Se esse homem não viesse de Deus, não poderia fazer obra alguma.”

Se este não fosse de Deus, nada poderia fazer.   

Ioan 9:33
Dacă omul acesta n'ar veni dela Dumnezeu, n'ar putea face nimic.``

От Иоанна 9:33
Если бы Он не был от Бога, не мог бы творить ничего.

Если бы Он не был от Бога, не мог бы творить ничего.

John 9:33
Ju aishman Y·saiyanchuitkiunka penkΘ T·rachaayi" Tφmiayi.

Johannes 9:33
Vore denne icke från Gud, så kunde han intet göra.»

Yohana 9:33
Kama mtu huyu hakutoka kwa Mungu, hangeweza kufanya chochote!"

Juan 9:33
Kung ang taong ito'y hindi galing sa Dios, ay hindi makagagawa ng anoman.

ยอห์น 9:33
ถ้าท่านผู้นั้นไม่ได้มาจากพระเจ้าแล้ว ก็จะทำอะไรไม่ได้"

Yuhanna 9:33
Bu adam Tanrıdan olmasaydı, hiçbir şey yapamazdı.››

Йоан 9:33
Коли б Сей не був від Бога, не міг би робити нічого.

John 9:33
Ane Yesus uma-i ngkai Alata'ala, tantu uma-i bisa mpobabehi napa-napa."

Giaêng 9:33
Nếu người này chẳng phải đến từ Ðức Chúa Trời, thì không làm gì được hết.

John 9:32
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