John 7:45
John 7:45
Finally the temple guards went back to the chief priests and the Pharisees, who asked them, "Why didn't you bring him in?"

When the Temple guards returned without having arrested Jesus, the leading priests and Pharisees demanded, "Why didn't you bring him in?"

The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, “Why did you not bring him?”

The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, "Why did you not bring Him?"

Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why have ye not brought him?

Then the temple police came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them, "Why haven't you brought Him?"

Then the officers returned to the high priests and Pharisees, who asked them, "Why didn't you bring him?"

Then the officers returned to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, "Why didn't you bring him back with you?"

And those guards came to the Chief Priests, and the Pharisees and the Priests said to them, “Why have you not brought him?”

When the temple guards returned, the chief priests and Pharisees asked them, "Why didn't you bring Jesus?"

Then the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees came, and they said unto them, Why have ye not brought him?

Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why have you not brought him?

Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said to them, Why have you not brought him?

The officers therefore came to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why did ye not bring him?

The ministers therefore came to the chief priests and the Pharisees. And they said to them: Why have you not brought him?

The officers therefore came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, Why have ye not brought him?

The officers therefore came to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said unto them, Why did ye not bring him?

Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees; and they said to them, Why have ye not brought him?

Meanwhile the officers returned to the High Priests and Pharisees, who asked them, "Why have you not brought him?"

The officers therefore came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, "Why didn't you bring him?"

the officers came, therefore, unto the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, 'Wherefore did ye not bring him?'

Gjoni 7:45
Atëherë rojet u kthyen te krerët e priftërinjve dhe te farisenjtë, dhe këta u thanë atyre: ''Pse nuk e sollët?''.

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ 7:45
فجاء الخدام الى رؤساء الكهنة والفريسيين. فقال هؤلاء لهم لماذا لم تأتوا به.

Ուստի սպասաւորները եկան քահանայապետներուն եւ Փարիսեցիներուն քով, որոնք ըսին անոնց. «Ինչո՞ւ հոս չբերիք զայն»:

Euangelioa S. Ioannen araura.  7:45
Ethor citecen bada officierac Sacrificadore principaletara eta Phariseuetara, eta hec erran ciecén, Cergatic eztuçue hura ekarri?

Dyr Johanns 7:45
Wie sele Schörgn gan de Oberpriester und Mauchn zruggkaamend, gfraagnd die: "Was ist; däßß n nit herbrungen habtß?"

Йоан 7:45
Тогава служителите си дойдоха при главните свещеници и фарисеите; и те им рекоха: Защо Го не доведохте?

約 翰 福 音 7:45
差 役 回 到 祭 司 長 和 法 利 賽 人 那 裡 。 他 們 對 差 役 說 ; 你 們 為 甚 麼 沒 有 帶 他 來 呢 ?

差 役 回 到 祭 司 长 和 法 利 赛 人 那 里 。 他 们 对 差 役 说 ; 你 们 为 甚 麽 没 有 带 他 来 呢 ?





Evanðelje po Ivanu 7:45
Dođoše dakle stražari glavarima svećeničkim i farizejima, a ovi im rekoše: Zašto ga ne dovedoste?

Jan 7:45
Tedy přišli služebníci k předním kněžím a k farizeům, i řekli jim oni: Proč jste ho nepřivedli?

Johannes 7:45
Tjenerne kom nu til Ypperstepræsterne og Farisæerne, og disse sagde til dem: »Hvorfor have I ikke ført ham herhen?«

Johannes 7:45
De dienaars dan kwamen tot de overpriesters en Farizeen; en die zeiden tot hen: Waarom hebt gij Hem niet gebracht?

Ἦλθον οὖν οἱ ὑπηρέται πρὸς τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ Φαρισαίους, καὶ εἶπον αὐτοῖς ἐκεῖνοι Διὰ τί οὐκ ἠγάγετε αὐτόν;

Ἦλθον οὖν οἱ ὑπηρέται πρὸς τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ Φαρισαίους, καὶ εἶπον αὐτοῖς ἐκεῖνοι Διὰ τί οὐκ ἠγάγετε αὐτόν;

Ἦλθον οὖν οἱ ὑπηρέται πρὸς τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ Φαρισαίους, καὶ εἶπον αὐτοῖς ἐκεῖνοι Διὰ τί οὐκ ἠγάγετε αὐτόν;

Ἦλθον οὖν οἱ ὑπηρέται πρὸς τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ Φαρισαίους· καὶ εἴπον αὐτοῖς ἐκεῖνοι, Διὰ τί οὐκ ἠγάγετε αὐτόν;

Ἦλθον οὖν οἱ ὑπηρέται πρὸς τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ Φαρισαίους, καὶ εἶπον αὐτοῖς ἐκεῖνοι· Διατί οὐκ ἠγάγετε αὐτόν;

Ἦλθον οὖν οἱ ὑπηρέται πρὸς τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ Φαρισαίους, καὶ εἶπον αὐτοῖς ἐκεῖνοι, διατί οὐκ ἠγάγετε αὐτόν;

Ἦλθον οὖν οἱ ὑπηρέται πρὸς τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ Φαρισαίους· καὶ εἶπον αὐτοῖς ἐκεῖνοι, Διατί οὐκ ἠγάγετε αὐτόν;

Ἦλθον οὖν οἱ ὑπηρέται πρὸς τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ Φαρισαίους καὶ εἶπον αὐτοῖς ἐκεῖνοι Διατί οὐκ ἠγάγετε αὐτόν

ηλθον ουν οι υπηρεται προς τους αρχιερεις και φαρισαιους και ειπον αυτοις εκεινοι δια τι ουκ ηγαγετε αυτον

ηλθον ουν οι υπηρεται προς τους αρχιερεις και φαρισαιους και ειπον αυτοις εκεινοι διατι ουκ ηγαγετε αυτον

ηλθον ουν οι υπηρεται προς τους αρχιερεις και φαρισαιους και ειπον αυτοις εκεινοι δια τι ουκ ηγαγετε αυτον

Ηλθον ουν οι υπηρεται προς τους αρχιερεις και Φαρισαιους· και ειπον αυτοις εκεινοι, Διατι ουκ ηγαγετε αυτον;

ηλθον ουν οι υπηρεται προς τους αρχιερεις και φαρισαιους και ειπον αυτοις εκεινοι δια τι ουκ ηγαγετε αυτον

ηλθον ουν οι υπηρεται προς τους αρχιερεις και φαρισαιους και ειπον αυτοις εκεινοι δια τι ουκ ηγαγετε αυτον

Ēlthon oun hoi hypēretai pros tous archiereis kai Pharisaious, kai eipon autois ekeinoi Dia ti ouk ēgagete auton?

elthon oun hoi hyperetai pros tous archiereis kai Pharisaious, kai eipon autois ekeinoi Dia ti ouk egagete auton?

Ēlthon oun hoi hypēretai pros tous archiereis kai Pharisaious, kai eipon autois ekeinoi Dia ti ouk ēgagete auton?

elthon oun hoi hyperetai pros tous archiereis kai Pharisaious, kai eipon autois ekeinoi Dia ti ouk egagete auton?

ēlthon oun oi upēretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi diati ouk ēgagete auton

Elthon oun oi upEretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi diati ouk Egagete auton

ēlthon oun oi upēretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk ēgagete auton

Elthon oun oi upEretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk Egagete auton

ēlthon oun oi upēretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk ēgagete auton

Elthon oun oi upEretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk Egagete auton

ēlthon oun oi upēretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk ēgagete auton

Elthon oun oi upEretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk Egagete auton

ēlthon oun oi upēretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk ēgagete auton

Elthon oun oi upEretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk Egagete auton

ēlthon oun oi upēretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk ēgagete auton

Elthon oun oi upEretai pros tous archiereis kai pharisaious kai eipon autois ekeinoi dia ti ouk Egagete auton

János 7:45
Elmenének azért a szolgák a fõpapokhoz és farizeusokhoz; és mondának azok õ nékik: Miért nem hoztátok el õt?

La evangelio laŭ Johano 7:45
Tiam la oficistoj revenis al la cxefpastroj kaj Fariseoj, kaj cxi tiuj diris al ili:Kial vi lin ne alkondukis?

Evankeliumi Johanneksen mukaan 7:45
Niin palveliat tulivat Pharisealaisten ja ylimmäisten pappein tykö, ja he sanoivat heille: miksi ette häntä tänne tuoneet?

Jean 7:45
Les huissiers donc s'en vinrent vers les principaux sacrificateurs et les pharisiens; et ceux-ci leur dirent: Pourquoi ne l'avez-vous pas amené?

Ainsi les huissiers retournèrent vers les principaux sacrificateurs et les pharisiens. Et ceux-ci leur dirent: Pourquoi ne l'avez-vous pas amené?

Ainsi les huissiers s'en retournèrent vers les principaux Sacrificateurs et les Pharisiens, qui leur dirent : pourquoi ne l'avez-vous point amené?

Johannes 7:45
Die Knechte kamen zu den Hohenpriestern und Pharisäern. Und sie sprachen zu ihnen: Warum habt ihr ihn nicht gebracht?

Die Knechte kamen zu den Hohenpriestern und Pharisäern; und sie sprachen zu ihnen: Warum habt ihr ihn nicht gebracht?

So kamen denn die Diener zu den Hohenpriestern und Pharisäern, und diese sagten zu ihnen: warum habt ihr ihn nicht gebracht?

Giovanni 7:45
Le guardie dunque tornarono dai capi sacerdoti e dai Farisei, i quali dissero loro: Perché non l’avete condotto?

I sergenti adunque tornarono a’ principali sacerdoti, ed a’ Farisei; e quelli dissero loro: Perchè non l’avete menato?

Maka kembalilah hamba-hamba itu kepada kepala-kepala imam dan orang Parisi, lalu kata mereka itu kepada hamba itu, "Apakah sebabnya kamu tiada membawa Dia?"

John 7:45
Mi yuɣalen iɛessasen i d-yețwaceggɛen a t-ṭṭfen, lmuqedmin imeqqranen d ifariziyen nnan-asen : Iwacu ur t-id-tewwim ara ?

요한복음 7:45
하속들이 대제사장들과 바리새인들에게로 오니 저희가 묻되 `어찌하여 잡아오지 아니하였느냐 ?'

Ioannes 7:45
venerunt ergo ministri ad pontifices et Pharisaeos et dixerunt eis illi quare non adduxistis eum

Sv. Jānis 7:45
Tad kalpi atgriezās pie augstajiem priesteriem un farizejiem; un tie sacīja viņiem: Kāpēc jūs Viņu neatvedāt?

Evangelija pagal Jonà 7:45
Sargybiniai sugrįžo pas aukštuosius kunigus bei fariziejus, o tie klausė: “Kodėl Jo neatvedėte?”

John 7:45
Na ko te taenga atu o nga katipa ki nga tohunga nui ratou ko nga Parihi; ka mea atu enei ki a ratou, he aha ia te kawea mai ai e koutou.

Johannes 7:45
Tjenerne kom da til yppersteprestene og fariseerne, og disse sa til dem: Hvorfor har I ikke ført ham hit?

Juan 7:45
Entonces los alguaciles vinieron a los principales sacerdotes y fariseos, y éstos les dijeron: ¿Por qué no le trajisteis?

Entonces los guardias vinieron a los principales sacerdotes y Fariseos, y éstos les dijeron: "¿Por qué no Lo trajeron?"

Y los alguaciles vinieron a los principales sacerdotes y a los fariseos; y éstos les dijeron: ¿Por qué no le trajisteis?

Y los ministriles vinieron á los principales sacerdotes y á los Fariseos; y ellos les dijeron: ¿Por qué no le trajisteis?

Y los servidores vinieron a los sumo sacerdotes y a los fariseos; y ellos les dijeron: ¿Por qué no le trajisteis?

João 7:45
Então, os guardas do templo voltaram aos chefes dos sacerdotes e aos fariseus, os quais lhes inquiriram: “Por que não o trouxestes?”

Os guardas, pois, foram ter com os principais dos sacerdotes e fariseus, e estes lhes perguntaram: Por que não o trouxestes?   

Ioan 7:45
Aprozii s'au întors deci la preoţii cei mai de seamă şi la Farisei. Şi aceştia le-au zis: ,,De ce nu L-aţi adus?``

От Иоанна 7:45
Итак служители возвратились к первосвященникам и фарисеям, и сии сказали им: для чего вы не привели Его?

Итак служители возвратились к первосвященникам и фарисеям, и сии сказали им: для чего вы не привели Его?

John 7:45
Suntarsha waketkiarmiayi. Tura ParisΘusha Israer-patri uuntrisha "┐Urukamtai itiachuram?" tiarmiayi.

Johannes 7:45
När sedan rättstjänarna kommo tillbaka till översteprästerna och fariséerna, frågade dessa dem: »Varför haven I icke fört honom hit?»

Yohana 7:45
Kisha wale walinzi wakarudi kwa makuhani wakuu na Mafarisayo; nao wakawauliza, "Kwa nini hamkumleta?"

Juan 7:45
Nagsidating nga ang mga punong kawal sa mga pangulong saserdote at sa mga Fariseo; at sinabi nila sa kanila, Bakit hindi ninyo siya dinala?

ยอห์น 7:45
เจ้าหน้าที่จึงกลับไปหาพวกปุโรหิตใหญ่และพวกฟาริสี และพวกนั้นกล่าวกับเจ้าหน้าที่ว่า "ทำไมเจ้าจึงไม่จับเขามา"

Yuhanna 7:45
Görevliler geri dönünce, başkâhinlerle Ferisiler, ‹‹Niçin Onu getirmediniz?›› diye sordular.

Йоан 7:45
Прийшли тодї слуги до архиєреїв та Фарисеїв, і казали їм вони: Чом не привели Його?

John 7:45
Topojaga Tomi Alata'ala to rahubui mpohoko' Yesus, nculii' -ramo hilou hi to Parisi pai' imam pangkeni. Uma-ra oko mpohoko' -i. Ra'uli' pangkeni toera: "Napa-di pai' uma-i nihoko' pai' nikeni tumai-e?"

Giaêng 7:45
Vậy bọn lính trở về cùng các thầy tế lễ cả và các người Pha-ri-si. Những người nầy hỏi họ rằng: Sao các ngươi không điệu người đến?

John 7:44
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