John 20:23
John 20:23
If you forgive anyone's sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."

If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."

If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.”

"If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained."

Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."

If you forgive people's sins, they are forgiven. If you retain people's sins, they are retained."

If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they are retained."

“If you will forgive a man's sins, they will be forgiven him, and if you hold a man's, they will be held.”

Whenever you forgive sins, they are forgiven. Whenever you don't forgive them, they are not forgiven."

unto those whose sins ye release, they shall be released; and unto those whose sins ye retain, they shall be retained.

Whosoever's sins you remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosoever's sins you retain, they are retained.

Whose soever sins you remit, they are remitted to them; and whose soever sins you retain, they are retained.

whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever'sins ye retain, they are retained.

Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.

whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted to them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

whose soever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted to them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

If you remit the sins of any persons, they remain remitted to them. If you bind fast the sins of any, they remain bound."

Whoever's sins you forgive, they are forgiven them. Whoever's sins you retain, they have been retained."

if of any ye may loose the sins, they are loosed to them; if of any ye may retain, they have been retained.'

Gjoni 20:23
Kujt do t'ia falni mëkatet, do t'i jenë falur, kujt do t'ia mbani, do t'i jenë mbajtur''.

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ 20:23
من غفرتم خطاياه تغفر له. ومن امسكتم خطاياه أمسكت

Որո՛նց մեղքերը որ ներէք՝ ներուած ըլլան անոնց, եւ որո՛նց մեղքերը որ պահէք՝ պահուած ըլլան»:

Euangelioa S. Ioannen araura.  20:23
Noren-ere bekatuac barkaturen baitituçue, barkatzen çaizte hæy: eta norenac-ere eduquiren baitituçue, eduquiac dirade.

Dyr Johanns 20:23
Wemtß ös d Sünddn vergöbtß, yn dönn +seind s aau vergöbn; und wemtß is pfalttß, yn dönn seind s pfaltn."

Йоан 20:23
На които простите греховете, простени им са, на които задържите задържани са.

約 翰 福 音 20:23
你 們 赦 免 誰 的 罪 , 誰 的 罪 就 赦 免 了 ; 你 們 留 下 誰 的 罪 , 誰 的 罪 就 留 下 了 。

你 们 赦 免 谁 的 罪 , 谁 的 罪 就 赦 免 了 ; 你 们 留 下 谁 的 罪 , 谁 的 罪 就 留 下 了 。





Evanðelje po Ivanu 20:23
Kojima otpustite grijehe, otpuštaju im se; kojima zadržite, zadržani su im.

Jan 20:23
Kterýmžkoli odpustili byste hříchy, odpouštějíť se jim; a kterýmžkoli zadrželi byste je, zadržániť jsou.

Johannes 20:23
Hvem I forlade Synderne, dem ere de forladte, og hvem I nægte Forladelse, dem er den nægtet.«

Johannes 20:23
Zo gij iemands zonden vergeeft, dien worden zij vergeven; zo gij iemands zonden houdt, dien zijn zij gehouden.

ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς ἁμαρτίας, ἀφέωνται αὐτοῖς· ἄν τινων κρατῆτε, κεκράτηνται.

ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἀφέωνται αὐτοῖς· ἄν τινων κρατῆτε κεκράτηνται.

ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἀφέωνται αὐτοῖς· ἄν τινων κρατῆτε κεκράτηνται.

Ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς ἁμαρτίας, ἀφίενται αὐτοῖς· ἄν τινων κρατῆτε, κεκράτηνται.

ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς ἁμαρτίας, ἀφίενται αὐτοῖς, ἄν τινων κρατῆτε, κεκράτηνται.

ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἀφέωνται αὐτοῖς· ἄν τινων κρατῆτε, κεκράτηνται.

ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς ἁμαρτίας, ἀφιένται αὐτοῖς· ἄν τινων κρατῆτε, κεκράτηνται.

ἄν τινων ἀφῆτε τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἀφιένται αὐτοῖς ἄν τινων κρατῆτε κεκράτηνται

αν τινων αφητε τας αμαρτιας αφεωνται αυτοις αν τινων κρατητε κεκρατηνται

αν τινων αφητε τας αμαρτιας αφεωνται αυτοις αν τινων κρατητε κεκρατηνται

αν τινων αφητε τας αμαρτιας αφιενται αυτοις αν τινων κρατητε κεκρατηνται

αν τινων αφητε τας αμαρτιας, αφιενται αυτοις· αν τινων κρατητε, κεκρατηνται.

αν τινων αφητε τας αμαρτιας αφιενται αυτοις αν τινων κρατητε κεκρατηνται

αν τινων αφητε τας αμαρτιας αφεωνται αυτοις αν τινων κρατητε κεκρατηνται

an tinōn aphēte tas hamartias, apheōntai autois; an tinōn kratēte, kekratēntai.

an tinon aphete tas hamartias, apheontai autois; an tinon kratete, kekratentai.

an tinōn aphēte tas hamartias apheōntai autois; an tinōn kratēte kekratēntai.

an tinon aphete tas hamartias apheontai autois; an tinon kratete kekratentai.

an tinōn aphēte tas amartias apheōntai autois an tinōn kratēte kekratēntai

an tinOn aphEte tas amartias apheOntai autois an tinOn kratEte kekratEntai

an tinōn aphēte tas amartias aphientai autois an tinōn kratēte kekratēntai

an tinOn aphEte tas amartias aphientai autois an tinOn kratEte kekratEntai

an tinōn aphēte tas amartias aphientai autois an tinōn kratēte kekratēntai

an tinOn aphEte tas amartias aphientai autois an tinOn kratEte kekratEntai

an tinōn aphēte tas amartias aphientai autois an tinōn kratēte kekratēntai

an tinOn aphEte tas amartias aphientai autois an tinOn kratEte kekratEntai

an tinōn aphēte tas amartias apheōntai autois an tinōn kratēte kekratēntai

an tinOn aphEte tas amartias apheOntai autois an tinOn kratEte kekratEntai

an tinōn aphēte tas amartias apheōntai autois an tinōn kratēte kekratēntai

an tinOn aphEte tas amartias apheOntai autois an tinOn kratEte kekratEntai

János 20:23
A kiknek bûneit megbocsátjátok, megbocsáttatnak azoknak; a kikéit megtartjátok, megtartatnak.

La evangelio laŭ Johano 20:23
kies pekojn vi pardonos, al tiuj ili estas pardonitaj; kies vi retenos, ili estas retenitaj.

Evankeliumi Johanneksen mukaan 20:23
Joille te synnit anteeksi annatte, niille ne anteeksi annetaan, ja joille te ne pidätte, niille ne ovat pidetyt.

Jean 20:23
A quiconque vous remettrez les péchés, ils sont remis; et à quiconque vous les retiendrez, ils sont retenus.

Ceux à qui vous pardonnerez les péchés, ils leur seront pardonnés; et ceux à qui vous les retiendrez, ils leur seront retenus.

A quiconque vous pardonnerez les péchés, ils seront pardonnés; et à quiconque vous les retiendrez, ils seront retenus.

Johannes 20:23
Welchen ihr die Sünden erlasset, denen sind sie erlassen, und welchen ihr sie behaltet, denen sind sie behalten.

Welchen ihr die Sünden erlasset, denen sind sie erlassen; und welchen ihr sie behaltet, denen sind sie behalten.

Wenn ihr jemand die Sünden vergebt, dem sind sie vergeben; wenn ihr jemand die Sünden behaltet, dem sind sie behalten.

Giovanni 20:23
A chi rimetterete i peccati, saranno rimessi; a chi li riterrete, saranno ritenuti.

A cui voi avrete rimessi i peccati saran rimessi, ed a cui li avrete ritenuti saran ritenuti.

Barangsiapa yang kamu ampunkan dosanya, maka dosanya terampun, dan ke atas barangsiapa yang kamu tanggungkan dosanya, maka tertanggunglah dosa atasnya."

John 20:23
Wid iwumi ara tsemḥem ddnubat a sen țwasemḥen, ma d wid iwumi ur tețsemmiḥem ara ddnubat-nsen ad qqimen i yirawen-nsen.

요한복음 20:23
너희가 뉘 죄든지 사하면 사하여질 것이요 뉘 죄든지 그대로 두면 그대로 있으리라' 하시니라

Ioannes 20:23
quorum remiseritis peccata remittuntur eis quorum retinueritis detenta sunt

Sv. Jānis 20:23
Kam jūs grēkus piedosiet, tiem tie būs piedoti, kam tos aizturēsiet, tiem tie būs aizturēti.

Evangelija pagal Jonà 20:23
Kam atleisite nuodėmes, tiems jos bus atleistos, o kam sulaikysite,­sulaikytos”.

John 20:23
Ki te whakarerea noatia e koutou nga hara o etahi, ka whakarerea o ratou; ki te whakamaua ano o etahi e koutou, ka mau ano.

Johannes 20:23
Dersom I forlater nogen deres synder, da er de dem forlatt; dersom I fastholder dem for nogen, da er de fastholdt.

Juan 20:23
A quienes perdonéis los pecados, éstos les son perdonados; a quienes retengáis los pecados, éstos les son retenidos.

"A quienes perdonen los pecados, éstos les son perdonados; a quienes retengan los pecados, éstos les son retenidos."

A quienes remitiereis los pecados, les son remitidos; a quienes se los retuviereis, les son retenidos.

A los que remitiereis los pecados, les son remitidos: á quienes los retuviereis, serán retenidos.

A los que soltaréis los pecados, les son sueltos; a los que los retuviereis, serán retenidos.

João 20:23
Aqueles a quem perdoardes os pecados ser-lhes-ão perdoados; aqueles aos quais mantiverdes ser-lhes-ão mantidos.” Felizes os que não viram e creram

Âqueles a quem perdoardes os pecados, são-lhes perdoados; e àqueles a quem os retiverdes, são-lhes retidos.   

Ioan 20:23
Celorce le veţi ierta păcatele, vor fi iertate; şi celor ce le veţi ţinea vor fi ţinute.``

От Иоанна 20:23
Кому простите грехи, тому простятся; на ком оставите, на том останутся.

Кому простите грехи, тому простятся; на ком оставите, на том останутся.

John 20:23
Shuara tunaarinkia ßtum "Asakßrtφ" Tßkurminkia tsankurnartatui. Tura nu shuar "sumamati" Tßkurminkia tuke sumama pujawai" Tφmiayi Jesus.

Johannes 20:23
Om I förlåten någon hans synder, så äro de honom förlåtna; och om I binden någon i hans synder, så är han bunden i dem.»

Yohana 20:23
Mkiwasamehe watu dhambi zao, wamesamehewa; msipowaondolea, hawasamehewi."

Juan 20:23
Sinomang inyong patawarin ng mga kasalanan, ay ipinatatawad sa kanila; sinomang hindi ninyo patawarin ng mga kasalanan, ay hindi pinatatawad.

ยอห์น 20:23
ถ้าท่านจะยกความผิดบาปของผู้ใด ความผิดบาปนั้นก็จะถูกยกเสีย และถ้าท่านจะให้ความผิดบาปติดอยู่กับผู้ใด ความผิดบาปก็จะติดอยู่กับผู้นั้น"

Yuhanna 20:23
‹‹Kimin günahlarını bağışlarsanız, bağışlanmış olur; kimin günahlarını bağışlamazsanız, bağışlanmamış kalır.››

Йоан 20:23
Кому відпустите гріхи, відпустять ся їм; кому задержите, задержить ся.

John 20:23
Hema-hema to ni'ampungi jeko' -ra, Alata'ala to mpo'ampungi-ra. Ane uma ni'ampungi jeko' -ra, Alata'ala uma mpo'ampungi-ra."

Giaêng 20:23
Kẻ nào mà các ngươi tha tội cho, thì tội sẽ được tha; còn kẻ nào các ngươi cầm tội lại, thì sẽ bị cầm cho kẻ đó.

John 20:22
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