Job 36:19
Job 36:19
Would your wealth or even all your mighty efforts sustain you so you would not be in distress?

Could all your wealth or all your mighty efforts keep you from distress?

Will your cry for help avail to keep you from distress, or all the force of your strength?

"Will your riches keep you from distress, Or all the forces of your strength?

Will he esteem thy riches? no, not gold, nor all the forces of strength.

Can your wealth or all your physical exertion keep you from distress?

"Will your wealth sustain you when you're in distress, despite your most powerful efforts?

Would your wealth sustain you, so that you would not be in distress, even all your mighty efforts?

Will your riches save you from having to suffer? Will all your mighty strength help you?

Will he esteem thy riches? No, not gold, nor all the forces of strength.

Will he esteem your riches? no, not gold, nor all the forces of strength.

Will he esteem your riches? no, not gold, nor all the forces of strength.

Will thy cry avail, that thou be not in distress, Or all the forces of thy'strength?

Lay down thy greatness without tribulation, and all the mighty of strength.

Will he esteem thy riches? Not gold, nor all the resources of strength!

Will thy riches suffice, that thou be not in distress, or all the forces of thy strength?

Will he esteem thy riches? no, not gold, nor all the forces of strength.

Would your wealth sustain you in distress, or all the might of your strength?

Doth He value thy riches? He hath gold, and all the forces of power.

Jobi 36:19
Vallë a do t'i çmojë pasuritë e tua, kur ai ka ar dhe të gjitha burimet e fuqisë?

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 36:19
هل يعتبر غناك. لا التبر ولا جميع قوى الثروة.

Dyr Hieb 36:19
Mit n Plerrn kimmst gwiß nit aus deinn Elend; so laut kanst du diend gar nit schrein.

Йов 36:19
Ще важи ли викането ти да те извади от бедствие, Или всичките напрежения на силата ти?

約 伯 記 36:19
你 的 呼 求 ( 或 譯 : 資 財 ) , 或 是 你 一 切 的 勢 力 , 果 有 靈 驗 , 叫 你 不 受 患 難 麼 ?

你 的 呼 求 ( 或 译 : 资 财 ) , 或 是 你 一 切 的 势 力 , 果 有 灵 验 , 叫 你 不 受 患 难 麽 ?



Job 36:19
Nek' ti je gavan k'o čovjek bez zlata, a čovjek jake ruke poput slaba.

Jobova 36:19
Zdaliž by sobě co vážil bohatství tvého? Jistě ani nejvýbornějšího zlata, ani jakékoli síly neb moci tvé.

Job 36:19
Kan vel dit Skrig gøre Ende paa Nøden, eller det at du opbyder al din Kraft?

Job 36:19
Zou Hij uw rijkdom achten, dat gij niet in benauwdheid zoudt zijn; of enige versterkingen van kracht?

איוב 36:19
הֲיַעֲרֹ֣ךְ שׁ֖וּעֲךָ לֹ֣א בְצָ֑ר וְ֝כֹ֗ל מַאֲמַצֵּי־כֹֽחַ׃

יט היערך שועך לא בצר  וכל מאמצי-כח

היערך שועך לא בצר וכל מאמצי־כח׃

Jób 36:19
Ad-é valamit a te gazdagságodra? Sem aranyra, sem semmiféle erõfeszítésre!

Ijob 36:19
CXu Li atentos vian ricxecon? Ne, nek oron, nek forton aux potencon.

JOB 36:19
Luuletkos hänen huolivan jalouttas, kultaa eli jonkun väkevyyttä ja varaa?

Job 36:19
Tiendra-t-il compte de tes richesses? Non; -ni de l'or, ni de toutes les ressources de la puissance.

Tes cris suffiraient-ils pour te sortir d'angoisse, Et même toutes les forces que tu pourrais déployer?

Ferait-il quelque cas de tes richesses? il ne ferait aucun cas ni de ton or, ni de toute ta grande puissance.

Hiob 36:19
Meinest du, daß er deine Gewalt achte, oder Gold, oder irgend eine Stärke oder Vermögen?

Meinst du, daß er deine Gewalt achte oder Gold oder irgend eine Stärke oder Vermögen? {~}

Wird er deinem Schreien anders abhelfen, als durch Bedrängnis und alle Kraftanstrengungen?

Giobbe 36:19
Farebbe egli caso delle tue ricchezze? Non han valore per lui, né l’oro, né tutta la possanza dell’opulenza.

Farà egli alcuna stima delle tue ricchezze? Egli non farà stima dell’oro, nè di tutta la tua gran potenza.

AYUB 36:19
Masakan diindahkan-Nya segala kekayaanmu; bahwa segala emas dan segala mata benda yang di atas bumi itu satupun tiada kepadanya.

욥기 36:19
우리가 그에게 할 말을 너는 우리에게 가르치라 우리는 어두워서 진술하지 못하겠노라

Iob 36:19
depone magnitudinem tuam absque tribulatione et omnes robustos fortitudine

Jobo knyga 36:19
Ar Jis atsižvelgs į tavo turtus? Ne! Nei į auksą, nei į tavo galybę.

Job 36:19
E ranea ranei ou rawa, e kore ai koe e taka he? nga uaua katoa ranei o tou kaha?

Jobs 36:19
Kan vel ditt skrik fri dig ut av trengsel, og kan vel alt ditt strev og slit utrette det?

Job 36:19
¿Te protegerán tus riquezas de la angustia, o todas las fuerzas de tu poder?

¿Te protegerán tus riquezas de la angustia, O todas las fuerzas de tu poder?

¿Hará Él estima de tus riquezas, o del oro, o de todas las fuerzas del poder?

¿Hará él estima de tus riquezas, ni del oro, Ni de todas las fuerzas del poder?

¿Por ventura estimará él tus riquezas, ni del oro, ni de todas las fuerzas de la potencia?

Jó 36:19
Poderia a tua riqueza, ou mesmo teus mais brilhantes esforços proporcionarem a ti algum apoio real e alívio da aflição?

Prevalecerá o teu clamor, ou todas as forças da tua fortaleza, para que não estejas em aperto?   

Iov 36:19
Oare ar ajunge strigătele tale să te scoată din necaz, şi chiar toate puterile pe cari le-ai putea desfăşura?

Иов 36:19
Даст ли Он какую цену твоему богатству? Нет, – ни золоту и никакомусокровищу.

Даст ли Он какую цену твоему богатству? Нет, --ни золоту и никакому сокровищу.[]

Job 36:19
Huru kan han lära dig bedja, om icke genom nöd och genom allt som nu har prövat din kraft?

Job 36:19
Mapapaari ba ang iyong sigaw na ikaw ay hindi mapapasa kapanglawan, O ang madlang lakas man ng iyong kalakasan?

โยบ 36:19
พระองค์จะสนพระทัยในทรัพย์สมบัติของท่าน หรือทองคำ หรือเรี่ยวแรงทั้งสิ้นหรือ เปล่าเลย

Eyüp 36:19
Zenginliğin ya da bütün gücün yeter mi
Sıkıntı çekmeni önlemeye?[]

Gioùp 36:19
Chớ thì sự giàu có ông và các thế lực của ông, Có thể cứu ông khỏi sự hoạn nạn sao?

Job 36:18
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