Job 3:11
Job 3:11
"Why did I not perish at birth, and die as I came from the womb?

"Why wasn't I born dead? Why didn't I die as I came from the womb?

“Why did I not die at birth, come out from the womb and expire?

"Why did I not die at birth, Come forth from the womb and expire?

Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?

Why was I not stillborn; why didn't I die as I came from the womb?

Why didn't I die while I was still in the womb, or die while I was being born?

"Why did I not die at birth, and why did I not expire as I came out of the womb?

"Why didn't I die as soon as I was born and breathe my last breath when I came out of the womb?

Why did I not die from the womb? Why did I not give up the spirit when I came out of the belly?

Why died I not from the womb? why did I not expire when I came out of the womb?

Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?

Why died I not from the womb? Why did I not give up the ghost when my mother bare me?

Why did I not die in the womb, why did I not perish when I came out of the belly?

Wherefore did I not die from the womb, come forth from the belly and expire?

Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?

Why died I not from the womb? why did I not expire at the time of my birth?

"Why didn't I die from the womb? Why didn't I give up the spirit when my mother bore me?

Why from the womb do I not die? From the belly I have come forth and gasp!

Jobi 3:11
Pse nuk vdiqa në barkun e nënës sime? Pse nuk vdiqa sapo dola nga barku i saj?

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 3:11
لم لم امت من الرحم. عندما خرجت من البطن لم لم اسلم الروح.

Dyr Hieb 3:11
Doch wär i abgschobn drafter glei? Was wär denn daa dran gar schoon glögn?

Йов 3:11
Защо не умрях при раждането, И не издъхнах щом излязох из утробата?

約 伯 記 3:11
我 為 何 不 出 母 胎 而 死 ? 為 何 不 出 母 腹 絕 氣 ?

我 为 何 不 出 母 胎 而 死 ? 为 何 不 出 母 腹 绝 气 ?



Job 3:11
Što nisam mrtav od krila materina, što ne izdahnuh izlazeć' iz utrobe?

Jobova 3:11
Proč jsem neumřel v matce, aneb vyšed z života, proč jsem nezahynul?

Job 3:11
Hvi døde jeg ikke i Moders Liv eller udaanded straks fra Moders Skød?

Job 3:11
Waarom ben ik niet gestorven van de baarmoeder af, en heb den geest gegeven, als ik uit den buik voortkwam?

איוב 3:11
לָ֤מָּה לֹּ֣א מֵרֶ֣חֶם אָמ֑וּת מִבֶּ֖טֶן יָצָ֣אתִי וְאֶגְוָֽע׃

יג וישבו אתו לארץ שבעת ימים ושבעת לילות ואין דבר אליו דבר--כי ראו כי גדל הכאב מאד

למה לא מרחם אמות מבטן יצאתי ואגוע׃

Jób 3:11
Mért is nem haltam meg fogantatásomkor; mért is ki nem multam, mihelyt megszülettem?

Ijob 3:11
Kial mi ne mortis tuj el la utero, Ne senvivigxis post la eliro el la ventro?

JOB 3:11
Miksi en minä kuollut äitini kohdussa? Miksi en minä läkähtynyt äitini kohdusta tultuani?

Job 3:11
Pourquoi ne suis-je pas mort dès la matrice, n'ai-je pas expiré quand je sortis du ventre?

Pourquoi ne suis-je pas mort dans le ventre de ma mère? Pourquoi n'ai-je pas expiré au sortir de ses entrailles?

Que ne suis-je mort dès la matrice; que n'ai-je expiré aussitôt que je suis sorti du ventre [de ma mère]!

Hiob 3:11
Warum bin ich nicht gestorben von Mutterleib an? Warum bin ich nicht umkommen, da ich aus dem Leibe kam?

Warum bin ich nicht gestorben von Mutterleib an? Warum bin ich nicht verschieden, da ich aus dem Leibe kam?

Warum starb ich nicht im Mutterleibe, verschied ich nicht, als ich herausgetreten aus dem Mutterschoß?

Giobbe 3:11
Perché non morii nel seno di mia madre? Perché non spirai appena uscito dalle sue viscere?

Perchè non morii io dalla matrice? Perchè non trapassai come prima uscii del seno?

AYUB 3:11
Mengapa tiada aku mati baharu keluar dari dalam rahim, dan putus nyawa baharu keluar dari dalam perut?

욥기 3:11
어찌하여 내가 태에서 죽어 나오지 아니하였었던가 어찌하여 내 어미가 낳을 때에 내가 숨지지 아니하였던가

Iob 3:11
quare non in vulva mortuus sum egressus ex utero non statim perii

Jobo knyga 3:11
Kodėl nemiriau gimdamas ir kodėl neatidaviau dvasios, išeidamas iš pilvo?

Job 3:11
He aha ahau te mate ai i te kopu? He aha te hemo ai i toku putanga mai i te kopu?

Jobs 3:11
Hvorfor døde jeg ikke i mors liv? Hvorfor utåndet jeg ikke straks i fødselsstunden?

Job 3:11
¿Por qué no morí yo al nacer, o expiré al salir del vientre?

"¿Por qué no morí yo al nacer, O expiré al salir del vientre?

¿Por qué no morí yo en la matriz, o entregué el espíritu al salir del vientre?

¿Por qué no morí yo desde la matriz, O fuí traspasado en saliendo del vientre?

¿Por qué no morí yo desde la matriz, o fui traspasado saliendo del vientre?

Jó 3:11
Ora, por que não me foi tirada a vida ainda no ventre de minha mãe? Por que não morri ao nascer?

Por que não morri ao nascer? por que não expirei ao vir à luz?   

Iov 3:11
Dece n'am murit în pîntecele mamei mele? Dece nu mi-am dat sufletul la ieşirea din pîntecele ei?

Иов 3:11
Для чего не умер я, выходя из утробы, и не скончался, когда вышел из чрева?

Для чего не умер я, выходя из утробы, и не скончался, когда вышел из чрева?

Job 3:11
Varför fick jag ej dö strax i modersskötet, förgås vid det jag kom ut ur min moders liv?

Job 3:11
Bakit hindi pa ako namatay mula sa bahay-bata? Bakit di pa napatid ang aking hininga nang ipanganak ako ng aking ina?

โยบ 3:11
ทำไมข้าไม่ตายเสียแต่กำเนิด ทำไมข้าไม่ขาดใจเสียเมื่อข้าออกมาจากครรภ์แล้วก็สิ้นไป

Eyüp 3:11
‹‹Neden doğarken ölmedim,
Rahimden çıkarken son soluğumu vermedim?[]

Gioùp 3:11
Nhân sao tôi chẳng chết từ trong tử cung? Nhân sao không tắt hơi khi lọt lòng mẹ.?

Job 3:10
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