Isaiah 40:20
Isaiah 40:20
A person too poor to present such an offering selects wood that will not rot; they look for a skilled worker to set up an idol that will not topple.

Or if people are too poor for that, they might at least choose wood that won't decay and a skilled craftsman to carve an image that won't fall down!

He who is too impoverished for an offering chooses wood that will not rot; he seeks out a skillful craftsman to set up an idol that will not move.

He who is too impoverished for such an offering Selects a tree that does not rot; He seeks out for himself a skillful craftsman To prepare an idol that will not totter.

He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved.

To one who shapes a pedestal, choosing wood that does not rot? He looks for a skilled craftsman to set up an idol that will not fall over.

To the impoverished person? He prepares an offering— wood that won't rot— Or to the one who chooses a skilled craftsman and seeks to erect an idol that won't topple?"

To make a contribution one selects wood that will not rot; he then seeks a skilled craftsman to make an idol that will not fall over.

The poorest people choose wood that will not rot and search out skillful craftsmen to set up idols that will not fall over.

He that is so impoverished that he has no oblation chooses a tree that will not rot; he seeks unto himself a cunning workman to prepare a graven image that shall not be moved.

He that is so impoverished that he has no offering chooses a tree that will not rot; he seeks unto him a skillful workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not move.

He that is so impoverished that he has no oblation chooses a tree that will not rot; he seeks to him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved.

He that is too impoverished for'such an oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a skilful workman to set up a graven image, that shall not be moved.

He hath chosen strong wood, and that will not rot: the skilful workman seeketh how he may set up an idol that may not be moved.

He that is impoverished, so that he hath no offering, chooseth a tree that doth not rot; he seeketh unto him a skilled workman to prepare a graven image that shall not be moved.

He that is too impoverished for such an oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to set up a graven image, that shall not be moved.

He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh for himself a skillful workman to prepare a graven image that shall not be moved.

He who is too impoverished for such an offering chooses a tree that will not rot. He seeks a skillful workman to set up an engraved image for him that will not be moved.

He who is poor by heave-offerings, A tree not rotten doth choose, A skilful artisan he seeketh for it, To establish a graven image -- not moved.

Isaia 40:20
Ai që është tepër i varfër për një ofertë të tillë zgjedh një dru që nuk kalbet dhe gjen një artizan të shkathët, që i përgatit një shëmbëlltyrë të gdhendur që nuk lëviz.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 40:20
الفقير عن التقدمة ينتخب خشبا لا يسوس يطلب له صانعا ماهرا لينصب صنما لا يتزعزع

Dyr Ieseien 40:20
Und wer syr dös nit laistn kan, der nimmt halt als Weihgschenk ayn Holz, wenn s non grad nit dyrfäult, und suecht syr ainn, der wo iem ayn sölchers Bild macht und aufstöllt, däß s herhaltt.

Исая 40:20
Който е твърде сиромах та [да принесе] принос Избира негниещо дърво, И търси за него изкусен художник, За да го направи непоклатим кумир!

以 賽 亞 書 40:20
窮 乏 獻 不 起 這 樣 供 物 的 , 就 揀 選 不 能 朽 壞 的 樹 木 , 為 自 己 尋 找 巧 匠 , 立 起 不 能 搖 動 的 偶 像 。

穷 乏 献 不 起 这 样 供 物 的 , 就 拣 选 不 能 朽 坏 的 树 木 , 为 自 己 寻 找 巧 匠 , 立 起 不 能 摇 动 的 偶 像 。



Isaiah 40:20
Siromah za prinos bira drvo koje ne trune; i vješta traži umjetnika. da mu načini kip nepomičan.

Izaiáše 40:20
A ten, kterýž pro chudobu nemá co obětovati, dřevo, kteréž by nepráchnivělo, vybírá, a řemeslníka umělého sobě hledá k přistrojení rytiny, aby se nepohnula.

Esajas 40:20
Den, som vil rejse en Afgud, vælger sig Træ, som ej raadner; han søger sig en kyndig Mester til at rejse et Billede, som staar.

Jesaja 40:20
Die verarmd is, dat hij niet te offeren heeft, die kiest een hout uit, dat niet verrotte; hij zoekt zich een wijzen werkmeester, om een beeld te bereiden, dat niet wankele.

ישעה 40:20
הַֽמְסֻכָּ֣ן תְּרוּמָ֔ה עֵ֥ץ לֹֽא־יִרְקַ֖ב יִבְחָ֑ר חָרָ֤שׁ חָכָם֙ יְבַקֶּשׁ־לֹ֔ו לְהָכִ֥ין פֶּ֖סֶל לֹ֥א יִמֹּֽוט׃

כ המסכן תרומה עץ לא ירקב יבחר חרש חכם יבקש לו להכין פסל לא ימוט  {ס}

המסכן תרומה עץ לא־ירקב יבחר חרש חכם יבקש־לו להכין פסל לא ימוט׃

Ézsaiás 40:20
A ki szegény [ily] áldozatra, oly fát választ, a mely meg nem rothad; okos mestert keres, hogy oly bálványt állítson, a mely nem ingadoz.

Jesaja 40:20
Kiu estas tro malricxa por la oferdono, tiu elektas lignon ne putrantan, sercxas kompetentan skulptiston, por fari idolon fortikan.

JESAJA 40:20
Niin myös jolla vähä vara on tehdä ylennysuhria, hän valitsee puun, joka ei mätäne, ja etsii siihen taitavan tekiän valmistamaan kuvaa, joka on kestäväinen.

Ésaïe 40:20
Celui qui est trop pauvre pour faire une offrande choisit un bois qui ne pourrisse pas; il se cherche un habile ouvrier pour établir une image taillée qui ne branle pas.

Celui que la pauvreté oblige à donner peu Choisit un bois qui résiste à la vermoulure; Il se procure un ouvrier capable, Pour faire une idole qui ne branle pas.

Celui qui est si pauvre qu'il n'a pas de quoi offrir, choisit un bois qui ne pourrisse point, et cherche un ouvrier expert, pour faire une image taillée qui ne bouge point.

Jesaja 40:20
Desgleichen wer eine arme Hebe vermag, der wählet ein Holz, das nicht fault, und sucht einen klugen Meister dazu, der ein Bild fertige, das beständig sei.

Desgleichen wer nur eine arme Gabe vermag, der wählt ein Holz, das nicht fault, und sucht einen klugen Meister dazu, der ein Bild fertige, das beständig sei.

Wer unvermögend zu einer solchen Weihegabe, wählt Holz, das nicht fault; einen geschickten Künstler sucht er sich aus, damit er ein Götterbild aufstelle, das nicht wankt.

Isaia 40:20
Colui che la povertà costrinse ad offrir poco sceglie un legno che non marcisca, e si procura un abile artista, che metta su un idolo che non si smova.

Colui che fa povera offerta sceglie un legno che non intarli; egli si cerca un artefice industrioso, per formargli una scultura che non si muove.

YESAYA 40:20
Oleh orang yang kurang persembahannya itu dipilih sebatang kayu yang tiada rapuh, dicarinya seorang tukang yang pandai akan memperbuat akan dia sebuah patung yang tiada tergoncang.

이사야 40:20
궁핍하여 이런 것을 드리지 못하는 자는 썩지 않는 나무를 택하고 공교한 장인을 구하여 우상을 만들어서 흔들리지 않도록 세우느니라

Isaias 40:20
forte lignum et inputribile elegit artifex sapiens quaerit quomodo statuat simulacrum quod non moveatur

Izaijo knyga 40:20
Kas neturtingas, pasirenka nepūvantį medį, susiranda išmanų amatininką, tas padaro drožinį ir pastato jį, kad nejudėtų.

Isaiah 40:20
Ko te tangata, he rawakore rawa ia ki te hoatu whakahere pera, whiriwhiria ana e ia he rakau e kore e pirau; rapua ana e ia he kaimahi mohio mana, hei hanga i tetahi whakapakoko e kore e nekenekehia.

Esaias 40:20
Den som ikke har råd til en sådan gave, han velger tre som ikke råtner; han søker op en kyndig mester forat han skal få i stand et billede som står støtt.

Isaías 40:20
El que es muy pobre para tal ofrenda escoge un árbol que no se pudra; se busca un hábil artífice para erigir un ídolo que no se tambalee.

El que es muy pobre para tal ofrenda Escoge un árbol que no se pudra; Se busca un hábil artífice Para erigir un ídolo que no se tambalee.

El pobre escoge, para ofrecerle, madera que no se apolille; se busca un maestro sabio, que le haga una imagen de talla que no se mueva.

El pobre escoge, para ofrecerle, madera que no se corrompa; búscase un maestro sabio, que le haga una imagen de talla que no se mueva.

El pobre escoge, para ofrecerle, madera que no se corrompa, se busca un maestro sabio, que le haga una imagen de talla de manera que no se mueva.

Isaías 40:20
Também não se compara com o ídolo do pobre, que não pode comprar ouro ou prata, mas que adquire um pedaço de madeira nobre e procura um hábil marceneiro a fim de produzir uma imagem que não caia e fique firme no seu lugar.

O empobrecido, que não pode oferecer tanto, escolhe madeira que não apodrece; procura para si um artífice perito, para gravar uma imagem que não se pode mover.   

Isaia 40:20
Iar cine este sărac, alege ca dar un lemn care nu putrezeşte; îşi caută un meşter iscusit, ca să facă un idol, care să nu se clatine.

Исаия 40:20
А кто беден для такого приношения, выбирает негниющее дерево, приискивает себе искусного художника, чтобы сделать идола,который стоял бы твердо.

А кто беден для такого приношения, выбирает негниющее дерево, приискивает себе искусного художника, чтобы сделать идола, который стоял бы твердо.[]

Jesaja 40:20
Den som icke har råd att offra så mycket, han väljer ut ett stycke trä, som icke ruttnar, och söker sig en förfaren konstnär, som kan förfärdiga ett beläte, som ej faller omkull.

Isaiah 40:20
Siyang napakadukha sa gayong alay ay pumipili ng isang punong kahoy na hindi malalapok; siya'y humahanap sa ganang kaniya ng isang bihasang manggagawa upang ihandang larawang inanyuan, na hindi makikilos.

อิสยาห์ 40:20
เขาผู้ที่ยากจนจนเขาไม่มีเครื่องบูชาเลยก็เลือกต้นไม้ที่จะไม่ผุ เขาเสาะหาช่างที่มีฝีมือมาตบแต่งให้เป็นรูปเคารพสลักที่ไม่หวั่นไหว

Yeşaya 40:20
Böyle bir sunuya gücü yetmeyen yoksul kişi
Çürümez bir ağaç parçası seçer.
Yerinden kımıldamaz bir put yapsın diye
Usta bir işçi arar.[]

EÂ-sai 40:20
Kẻ nghèo không dâng nổi vật đó, thì chọn gỗ không mục được, và tìn thợ khéo đặng trổ một tượng không lay đổ.

Isaiah 40:19
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