Isaiah 21:9
Isaiah 21:9
Look, here comes a man in a chariot with a team of horses. And he gives back the answer: 'Babylon has fallen, has fallen! All the images of its gods lie shattered on the ground!'"

Now at last--look! Here comes a man in a chariot with a pair of horses!" Then the watchman said, "Babylon is fallen, fallen! All the idols of Babylon lie broken on the ground!"

And behold, here come riders, horsemen in pairs!” And he answered, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the carved images of her gods he has shattered to the ground.”

"Now behold, here comes a troop of riders, horsemen in pairs." And one said, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon; And all the images of her gods are shattered on the ground."

And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, with a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground.

Look, riders come-- horsemen in pairs." And he answered, saying," Babylon has fallen, has fallen. All the images of her gods have been shattered on the ground."

Look! Here come riders, each man with a pair of horses!" They're shouting out the answer: "Babylon has fallen, has fallen, and they have shattered all the images of her gods on the ground!

Look what's coming! A charioteer, a team of horses." When questioned, he replies, "Babylon has fallen, fallen! All the idols of her gods lie shattered on the ground!"

Look! Here come chariots and horsemen in pairs." Then he said, "Babylon has fallen! It has fallen! All the idols they worship lie shattered on the ground."

And, behold, this chariot of men comes with a couple of horsemen. Afterwards he spoke and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he has broken unto the ground.

And, behold, here comes a chariot of men, with a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he has broken to the ground.

And, behold, here comes a chariot of men, with a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he has broken to the ground.

and, behold, here cometh a troop of men, horsemen in pairs. And he answered and said, Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the graven images of her gods are broken unto the ground.

Behold this man cometh, the rider upon the chariot with two horsemen, and he answered, and said: Babylon is fallen, she is fallen, and all the graven gods thereof are broken unto the ground.

And behold, there cometh a chariot of men; horsemen by pairs. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground.

and, behold, here cometh a troop of men, horsemen in pairs. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods are broken unto the ground.

And behold, here cometh a chariot of men, with a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken to the ground.

Behold, here comes a troop of men, horsemen in pairs." He answered, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the engraved images of her gods are broken to the ground.

And lo, this, the chariot of a man is coming, A couple of horsemen.' And he answereth and saith: 'Fallen, fallen hath Babylon, And all the graven images of her gods He hath broken to the earth.

Isaia 21:9
Dhe ja po vijnë disa qerre dhe çifte kalorësish". Atëherë ajo nisi të flasë përsëri: "Ra, ra Babilonia"! Të gjitha shëmbëlltyrat e gdhendura të perëndive të saj janë për tokë të copëtuara.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 21:9
وهوذا ركاب من الرجال. ازواج من الفرسان. فاجاب وقال سقطت سقطت بابل وجميع تماثيل آلهتها المنحوتة كسرها الى الارض.

Dyr Ieseien 21:9
Pfeilgrad, daa kimmt ayn Zug Mänder, und Roßgspanner aau!" Und s Plerrn fieng yr an: "Gfalln ist Bäbl, gfalln; und seine gantzn Götzn habnd s auf n Bodm zammghaut."

Исая 21:9
Но, ето! иде тук полк мъже, конници по двама! И той проговаряйки рече: Падна, падна Вавилон, И всичките изваяни идоли на боговете му се строшиха на земята!

以 賽 亞 書 21:9
看 哪 , 有 一 隊 軍 兵 騎 著 馬 , 一 對 一 對 地 來 。 他 就 說 : 巴 比 倫 傾 倒 了 ! 傾 倒 了 ! 他 一 切 雕 刻 的   神 像 都 打 碎 於 地 。

看 哪 , 有 一 队 军 兵 骑 着 马 , 一 对 一 对 地 来 。 他 就 说 : 巴 比 伦 倾 倒 了 ! 倾 倒 了 ! 他 一 切 雕 刻 的   神 像 都 打 碎 於 地 。



Isaiah 21:9
I gle, dolaze konjanici, jahači udvojeni. Oni mi viknuše, oni rekoše: Pade, pade Babilon! Svi kipovi njegovih bogova o zemlju se razbiše.

Izaiáše 21:9
(A aj, v tom přijeli na vozích muži a dvěma řady jízda.) Zvolal tedy a řekl: Padl, padl Babylon, a všecky rytiny bohů jeho o zem roztřískány.

Esajas 21:9
Nat efter Nat!« Men se, da kom der ridende Mænd, et Par kom ridende; de raabte: »Faldet, faldet er Babel, han knuste alle dets Guder i Støvet!«

Jesaja 21:9
En zie nu, daar komt een wagen mannen, en een paar ruiters! Toen antwoordde hij, en zeide: Babel is gevallen, zij is gevallen! en al de gesneden beelden harer goden heeft Hij verbroken tegen de aarde.

ישעה 21:9
וְהִנֵּה־זֶ֥ה בָא֙ רֶ֣כֶב אִ֔ישׁ צֶ֖מֶד פָּֽרָשִׁ֑ים וַיַּ֣עַן וַיֹּ֗אמֶר נָפְלָ֤ה נָֽפְלָה֙ בָּבֶ֔ל וְכָל־פְּסִילֵ֥י אֱלֹהֶ֖יהָ שִׁבַּ֥ר לָאָֽרֶץ׃

ט והנה זה בא רכב איש צמד פרשים ויען ויאמר נפלה נפלה בבל וכל פסילי אלהיה שבר לארץ

והנה־זה בא רכב איש צמד פרשים ויען ויאמר נפלה נפלה בבל וכל־פסילי אלהיה שבר לארץ׃

Ézsaiás 21:9
És ímé, lovas csapat jött, páros lovagok, és szólott és mondá: Elesett, elesett Babilon, s isteneinek minden faragott képeit a földre zúzták le.

Jesaja 21:9
kaj jen venis viro, veturanta sur ducxevala cxaro, kaj li ekkrias kaj diras:Falis, falis Babel, kaj cxiuj idoloj de gxiaj dioj rompigxis sur la teron.

Ja katso, siellä tulee yksi vaunuissa ja kaksi ratsahin, joka vastaa ja sanoo: kaatunut, kaatunut on Babylon, ja kaikki hänen jumalainsa kuvat lyötiin maahan.

Ésaïe 21:9
Et voici, il vient un char d'hommes, une couple de cavaliers! Et il répondit, et dit: Babylone est tombée, elle est tombée, et toutes les images de ses dieux sont brisées par terre.

Et voici, il vient de la cavalerie, des cavaliers deux à deux! Elle prit encore la parole, et dit: Elle est tombée, elle est tombée, Babylone, Et toutes les images de ses dieux sont brisées par terre! -

Et voici venir le chariot d'un homme, une paire de gens de cheval. Alors elle parla, et dit; Elle est tombée, elle est tombée, Babylone; et toutes les images taillées de ses dieux ont été brisées par terre.

Jesaja 21:9
Und siehe, da kommt einer, der fähret auf einem Wagen, der antwortet und spricht: Babel ist gefallen, sie ist gefallen, und alle Bilder ihrer Götter sind zu Boden geschlagen!

Und siehe, da kommt einer, der fährt auf einem Wagen; der antwortet und spricht: Babel ist gefallen, sie ist gefallen, und alle Bilder ihrer Götter sind zu Boden geschlagen.

Siehe, da kamen berittene Männer, Gespanne von Rossen. Die hoben an und sprachen: Gefallen, gefallen ist Babel, und alle seine Götterbilder hat er zu Boden geschmettert!

Isaia 21:9
Ed ecco venir della cavalleria, dei cavalieri a due a due". E quella riprese a dire: "Caduta, caduta è Babilonia! e tutte le immagini scolpite de’ suoi dèi giaccion frantumate al suolo".

Ed ecco, son venuti carri d’uomini, coppie di cavalieri. Ed egli rispose, e disse: Caduta, caduta è Babilonia, e tutte le sculture de’ suoi dii sono state spezzate, egittate a terra.

Tiba-tiba adalah datang beberapa orang berkendaraan, orang berkuda berdua-dua! Kemudian berserulah ia pula demikian: Sudah roboh, sudah roboh Babil itu, dan segala berhalanyapun hancur luluh tercampak ke bumi.

이사야 21:9
마병대가 쌍쌍이 오나이다 그가 대답하여 가라사대 함락되었도다 함락되었도다 바벨론이여 그 신들의 조각한 형상이 다 부숴져 땅에 떨어졌도다 하시도다

Isaias 21:9
ecce iste venit ascensor vir bigae equitum et respondit et dixit cecidit cecidit Babylon et omnia sculptilia deorum eius contrita sunt in terram

Izaijo knyga 21:9
Štai, artėja vežimas ir pora raitelių”. Jis atsakė ir tarė: “Krito, krito Babilonas, visi jo dievų atvaizdai sutrupinti guli ant žemės!”

Isaiah 21:9
Nana, tenei te haere mai nei he ropu tangata, me nga kaieke hoiho, he tatakirua. Na ka oho ia, ka mea, Kua horo a Papurona, kua horo; ko nga whakapakoko katoa ano o ona atua, wawahia iho ki te whenua.

Esaias 21:9
men se der! Der kommer et tog av ridende menn, par av ryttere! - Og han tok til orde og sa: Falt, falt er Babel, og alle dets guders billeder har han* knust og kastet til jorden.

Isaías 21:9
He aquí, vienen hombres montados, jinetes de dos en dos. Y uno respondió, y dijo: Cayó, cayó Babilonia, y todas las imágenes de sus dioses están destrozadas sobre la tierra.

Veo que vienen hombres montados, jinetes de dos en dos." Y uno respondió: "Cayó, cayó Babilonia, Y todas las imágenes de sus dioses están destrozadas sobre la tierra."

Y he aquí que viene carro de hombres, con un par de jinetes. Después habló, y dijo: ¡Ha caído, ha caído Babilonia! Y todas las imágenes de sus dioses quebró en tierra.

Y he aquí este carro de hombres viene, un par de caballeros. Después habló, y dijo: Cayó, cayó Babilonia; y todos los ídolos de sus dioses quebrantó en tierra.

Y he aquí este carro de hombres viene, un par de caballeros. Después habló, y dijo: Cayó; cayó Babilonia; y todos los ídolos de sus dioses quebrantó en tierra.

Isaías 21:9
Vede! Eis que agora vem se aproximando um homem em seu carro com uma parelha de cavalos. Então, ergueu ele a voz e proclamou: ‘Caiu! Caiu a Babilônia! Todas as imagens dos seus deuses estão despedaçadas no chão!’”

E eis aqui agora vem uma tropa de homens, cavaleiros de dois a dois. Então ele respondeu e disse: Caiu, caiu Babilônia; e todas as imagens esculpidas de seus deuses são despedaçadas até o chão.   

Isaia 21:9
Şi iată că a venit călărime şi călăreţi doi cîte doi.`` Apoi a luat iarăş cuvîntul, şi a zis: ,,A căzut, a căzut Babilonul, şi toate icoanele dumnezeilor lui sînt sfărîmate la pămînt!``

Исаия 21:9
и вот, едут люди, всадники на конях попарно. Потом он возгласил исказал: пал, пал Вавилон, и все идолы богов его лежат на земле разбитые.

и вот, едут люди, всадники на конях попарно. Потом он возгласил и сказал: пал, пал Вавилон, и все идолы богов его лежат на земле разбитые.[]

Jesaja 21:9
Och se, nu kommer här ett tåg av män, ryttare par efter par!» Och åter talade han och sade: »Fallet, fallet är Babel! Alla dess gudabeläten äro nedbrutna till jorden.»

Isaiah 21:9
At, narito, dito'y dumarating ang isang pulutong na lalake, mga nangangabayong dalawa't dalawa. At siya'y sumagot at nagsabi, Babilonia ay nabagsak, nabagsak, at lahat na larawang inanyuan na kaniyang mga dios ay nangabagsak sa lupa.

อิสยาห์ 21:9
และ ดูเถิด มีคนขี่ม้าคือพลม้าเป็นคู่ๆ" และเขาตอบว่า "บาบิโลนล่มแล้ว ล่มแล้ว บรรดารูปเคารพสลักทั้งสิ้นแห่งพระของเขา พระองค์ทรงทำลายลงถึงพื้นดิน"

Yeşaya 21:9
‹‹Bak, savaş arabalarıyla atlılar
Çifter çifter geliyor!››
Sonra, ‹‹Yıkıldı, Babil yıkıldı!›› diye haber verdi,
‹‹Taptıkları bütün putlar yere çalınıp parçalandı!››[]

EÂ-sai 21:9
Nầy, có quân lính cỡi ngựa đi từng cặp mà đến. Nó đáp rằng: Ba-by-lôn đổ xuống rồi, đổ xuống rồi! Mọi hình tượng tà thần của nó đã bể nát trên đất rồi!

Isaiah 21:8
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