Isaiah 21:16
Isaiah 21:16
This is what the Lord says to me: "Within one year, as a servant bound by contract would count it, all the splendor of Kedar will come to an end.

The Lord said to me, "Within a year, counting each day, all the glory of Kedar will come to an end.

For thus the Lord said to me, “Within a year, according to the years of a hired worker, all the glory of Kedar will come to an end.

For thus the Lord said to me, "In a year, as a hired man would count it, all the splendor of Kedar will terminate;

For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail:

For the Lord said this to me: "Within one year, as a hired worker counts years, all the glory of Kedar will be gone.

For this is what the LORD is saying to me: "Within three years, according to the years of a contract worker, the pomp of Kedar will come to an end.

For this is what the sovereign master has told me: "Within exactly one year all the splendor of Kedar will come to an end.

This is what the Lord says to me: All of Kedar's honor will be gone in another year. I will count it like workers count the years left on their contracts.

For thus has the Lord said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of a hireling, all the glory of Kedar shall be undone:

For thus has the Lord said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of a hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail:

For thus has the LORD said to me, Within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail:

For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of a hireling, all the glory of Kedar shall fail;

For thus saith the Lord to me: Within a year, according to the years of a hireling, all the glory of Cedar shall be taken away.

For thus hath the Lord said unto me: Within a year, according to the years of a hired servant, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail;

For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail:

For thus hath the Lord said to me, Within a year, according to the years of a hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail:

For the Lord said to me, "Within a year, as a worker bound by contract would count it, all the glory of Kedar will fail,

For thus said the Lord unto me: 'Within a year, as years of a hireling, Consumed hath been all the honour of Kedar.

Isaia 21:16
Sepse kështu më ka thënë Zoti: "Për një vit, ashtu si viti i një argati me mëditje, tërë lavdia e Kedarit do të zhduket;

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 21:16
فانه هكذا قال لي السيد في مدة سنة كسنة الاجير يفنى كل مجد قيدار

Dyr Ieseien 21:16
Denn dös haat myr dyr Trechtein gsait: Ayn knapps Jaar non, naacherd ist s aus mit dyr gantzn Kedärer Macht!

Исая 21:16
Защото Господ ми рече така: Вътре в една година, каквито са годините на наемник, Ще изчезне всичката слава на Кидар;

以 賽 亞 書 21:16
主 對 我 這 樣 說 : 一 年 之 內 , 照 雇 工 的 年 數 , 基 達 的 一 切 榮 耀 必 歸 於 無 有 。

主 对 我 这 样 说 : 一 年 之 内 , 照 雇 工 的 年 数 , 基 达 的 一 切 荣 耀 必 归 於 无 有 。



Isaiah 21:16
Da, ovako mi reče Gospod: Još jedna godina, godina nadničarska, i nestat će sve slave Kedrove.

Izaiáše 21:16
Tak zajisté řekl Pán ke mně: Že po roce, jakýž jest rok nájemníka, přestane všecka sláva Cedar,

Esajas 21:16
Thi saa sagde Herren til mig: »Et Aar endnu, som Daglejeren regner Aaret, og det er ude med al Kedars Herlighed.

Jesaja 21:16
Want alzo heeft de HEERE tot mij gezegd: Nog binnen een jaar, gelijk de jaren eens dagloners zijn, zo zal de heerlijkheid van Kedar ten ondergaan.

ישעה 21:16
כִּי־כֹ֛ה אָמַ֥ר אֲדֹנָ֖י אֵלָ֑י בְּעֹ֤וד שָׁנָה֙ כִּשְׁנֵ֣י שָׂכִ֔יר וְכָלָ֖ה כָּל־כְּבֹ֥וד קֵדָֽר׃

טז כי כה אמר אדני אלי  בעוד שנה כשני שכיר וכלה כל כבוד קדר

כי־כה אמר אדני אלי בעוד שנה כשני שכיר וכלה כל־כבוד קדר׃

Ézsaiás 21:16
Mert így szólott hozzám az Úr: Még egy esztendõ, mely mint a béresnek esztendeje, és elvész Kédárnak minden dicsõsége;

Jesaja 21:16
CXar tiele diris al mi la Sinjoro:Post unu jaro, kiel la jaro de dungito, malaperos la tuta gloro de Kedar;

JESAJA 21:16
Sillä näin sanoo Herra minulle: vielä nyt vuosi, niinkuin palkollisen vuodet ovat, niin pitää kaiken Kedarin kunnian hukkuman.

Ésaïe 21:16
Car ainsi m'a dit le Seigneur: Encore une année comme les années d'un mercenaire, et toute la gloire de Kédar aura pris fin,

Car ainsi m'a parlé le Seigneur: Encore une année, comme les années d'un mercenaire, Et c'en est fait de toute la gloire de Kédar.

Car ainsi m'a dit le Seigneur; dans un an, tels que sont les ans d'un mercenaire, toute la gloire de Kédar prendra fin.

Jesaja 21:16
Denn also spricht der HERR zu mir: Noch in einem Jahr, wie des Tagelöhners Jahre sind, soll alle HERRLIchkeit Kedars untergehen,

Denn also spricht der HERR zu mir: Noch in einem Jahr, wie des Tagelöhners Jahre sind, soll alle Herrlichkeit Kedars untergehen,

Denn so sprach der Herr zu mir: In einem Jahre, wie die Jahre eines Lohnarbeiters gerechnet werden, wird die ganze Macht Kedars zu nichte sein.

Isaia 21:16
Poiché così m’ha parlato il Signore: "Fra un anno, contato come quello d’un mercenario, tutta la gloria di Kedar sarà venuta meno,

Perciocchè il Signore mi ha detto così: Infa un anno, quale è il termine degli anni di un servitore tolto a prezzo, tutta la gloria di Chedar verrà meno.

YESAYA 21:16
Kerena demikian inilah firman Tuhan kepadaku: Lagi setahun, seperti tahun orang upahan, maka habislah binasa segala kemuliaan Kedar itu.

이사야 21:16
주께서 이같이 내게 이르시되 품군의 정한 기한 같이 일년내에 게달의 영광이 다 쇠멸하리니

Isaias 21:16
quoniam haec dicit Dominus ad me adhuc in uno anno quasi in anno mercennarii et auferetur omnis gloria Cedar

Izaijo knyga 21:16
Viešpats man sako: “Dar vieneri metai, ir visa Kedaro didybė pranyks.

Isaiah 21:16
Ko ta te Ariki kupu hoki tenei ki ahau, Kia kotahi tau, ko te tau hoki o te kaimahi, a ka poto katoa te kororia o Kerara.

Esaias 21:16
For så har Herren sagt til mig: Om et år, således som en dagarbeider regner året, skal det være forbi med all Kedars herlighet.

Isaías 21:16
Pues así me ha dicho el Señor: En un año, como lo contaría un jornalero, terminará todo el esplendor de Cedar;

Pues así me ha dicho el Señor: "En un año, como lo contaría un jornalero, terminará todo el esplendor de Cedar.

Porque así me ha dicho Jehová: De aquí a un año, semejante a años de jornalero, toda la gloria de Cedar será desecha;

Porque así me ha dicho Jehová: De aquí á un año, semejante á años de mozo de soldada, toda la gloria de Cedar será desecha;

Porque así me ha dicho el SEÑOR: De aquí a un año, semejante a años de jornalero, toda la gloria de Cedar será deshecha;

Isaías 21:16
Porque assim revela o Eterno: “Dentro de um ano, nem um dia menos, nem mais, como num contrato de jornada de trabalho, toda a glória de Quedar encontrará seu fim e desaparecerá.

porque assim me disse o Senhor: Dentro de um ano, tal como os anos de jornaleiro, toda a glória de Quedar esvaecerá.   

Isaia 21:16
Căci aşa mi -a vorbit Domnul: ,,Încă un an, ca anii unui simbriaş, şi s'a isprăvit cu toată slava Chedarului.

Исаия 21:16
Ибо так сказал мне Господь: еще год, равный году наемничьему, и вся слава Кидарова исчезнет,

Ибо так сказал мне Господь: еще год, равный году наемничьему, и вся слава Кидарова исчезнет,[]

Jesaja 21:16
Ty så har Herren sagt till mig: Om ett år, såsom dagakarlen räknar året, skall all Kedars härlighet vara förgången,

Isaiah 21:16
Sapagka't ganito ang sinabi ng Panginoon sa akin, Sa loob ng isang taon, ayon sa mga taon ng magpapaupa, ang lahat ng kaluwalhatian ng Cedar ay mapapawi:

อิสยาห์ 21:16
เพราะองค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าตรัสกับข้าพเจ้าดังนี้ว่า "สง่าราศีทั้งสิ้นของเคดาร์จะถึงที่สุดภายในปีเดียวตามปีจ้างลูกจ้าง

Yeşaya 21:16
Rab bana şöyle dedi: ‹‹Kedarın bütün övüncü tam bir yıl sonra sona erecek.[]

EÂ-sai 21:16
Chúa đã phán cùng tôi như vầy: Trong một năm nữa, kể như năm kẻ ở mướn, cả sự vinh hiển của Kê-đa sẽ hao mòn.

Isaiah 21:15
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