Isaiah 21:11
Isaiah 21:11
A prophecy against Dumah: Someone calls to me from Seir, "Watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?"

This message came to me concerning Edom: Someone from Edom keeps calling to me, "Watchman, how much longer until morning? When will the night be over?"

The oracle concerning Dumah. One is calling to me from Seir, “Watchman, what time of the night? Watchman, what time of the night?”

The oracle concerning Edom. One keeps calling to me from Seir, "Watchman, how far gone is the night? Watchman, how far gone is the night?"

The burden of Dumah. He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

An oracle against Dumah: One calls to me from Seir," Watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?"

A message concerning Dumah. "Someone is calling to me from Seir: 'Watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?'

Here is a message about Dumah: Someone calls to me from Seir, "Watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?"

This is the divine revelation about Dumah. Someone is calling to me from Seir, "Watchman, how much of the night is left? Watchman, how much of the night is left?"

The burden of Dumah. He calls to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of this night? Watchman, what of this night?

The burden concerning Dumah. He calls to me from Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

The burden of Dumah. He calls to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

The burden of Dumah. One calleth unto me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

The burden of Duma calleth to me out of Seir: Watchman, what of the eight? watchman, what of the night?

The burden of Dumah. He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

The burden of Dumah. One calleth unto me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

The burden of Dumah. He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

The burden of Dumah. One calls to me out of Seir, "Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?"

The burden of Dumah. Unto me is one calling from Seir 'Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?'

Isaia 21:11
Profecia kundër Dumahut. Më bërtasin nga Seiri: "Roje, në ç'pikë ka arritur nata? Roje, në ç'pikë ka arritur nata?".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 21:11
وحي من جهة دومة. صرخ اليّ صارخ من سعير يا حارس ما من الليل. يا حارس ما من الليل.

Dyr Ieseien 21:11
Und dös ist über d Roetem: Aus Seier ruefft myr wer zue: Wächter, wie lang dauert n d Nacht +non? Sag, wie lang non?

Исая 21:11
Наложеното за Едом [пророчество]: Към мене вика един от Сиир: Стражо, колко [е часът] на нощта? Стражо, колко [е часът] на нощта?

以 賽 亞 書 21:11
論 度 瑪 的 默 示 : 有 人 聲 從 西 珥 呼 問 我 說 : 守 望 的 啊 , 夜 裡 如 何 ? 守 望 的 啊 , 夜 裡 如 何 ?

论 度 玛 的 默 示 : 有 人 声 从 西 珥 呼 问 我 说 : 守 望 的 啊 , 夜 里 如 何 ? 守 望 的 啊 , 夜 里 如 何 ?



Isaiah 21:11
Proroštvo o Edomu. Viču mi iz Seira: Stražaru, koje je doba noći? Stražaru, koje je doba noći?

Izaiáše 21:11
Břímě Dumy. Slyším hlas z Seir: Strážný, co bylo v noci? Strážný, co se stalo v noci?

Esajas 21:11
Et Udsagn om Duma. Der raabes til mig fra Se'ir: »Vægter, hvordan skrider Natten, Vægter, hvordan skrider Natten?«

Jesaja 21:11
De last van Duma. Men roept tot mij uit Seir: Wachter! wat is er van den nacht? Wachter! wat is er van den nacht?

ישעה 21:11
מַשָּׂ֖א דּוּמָ֑ה אֵלַי֙ קֹרֵ֣א מִשֵּׂעִ֔יר שֹׁמֵר֙ מַה־מִלַּ֔יְלָה שֹׁמֵ֖ר מַה־מִלֵּֽיל׃

יא משא דומה  אלי קרא משעיר שמר מה מלילה שמר מה מליל

משא דומה אלי קרא משעיר שמר מה־מלילה שמר מה־מליל׃

Ézsaiás 21:11
Jövendölés Dúma ellen: Seirbõl így kiáltnak hozzám: Vigyázó! meddig még az éjszaka, meddig még ez éj?

Jesaja 21:11
Profetajxo pri Duma: Oni krias al mi el Seir:Gardisto, kiom da nokto restas? gardisto, kiom da nokto restas?

JESAJA 21:11
Tämä on Duman kuorma: Seiristä huudetaan minua: vartia, mitä yö kuluu? vartia, mitä yö kuluu?

Ésaïe 21:11
L'oracle touchant Duma. Il me crie de Séhir: Sentinelle, à quoi en est la nuit? Sentinelle, à quoi en est la nuit?

Oracle sur Duma. On me crie de Séir: Sentinelle, que dis-tu de la nuit? Sentinelle, que dis-tu de la nuit?

La charge de Duma. On crie à moi de Séhir; ô sentinelle! qu'y a-t-il depuis le soir? ô sentinelle! qu'y a-t-il depuis la nuit?

Jesaja 21:11
Dies ist die Last über Duma. Man ruft zu mir aus Seir: Hüter, ist die Nacht schier hin? Hüter, ist die Nacht schier hin?

Dies ist die Last über Duma: Man ruft zu mir aus Seir: Hüter, ist die Nacht schier hin? Hüter ist die Nacht schier hin?

Ausspruch über Duma. Aus Seir ruft man mir zu: Wächter, wie spät ist's in der Nacht? Wächter, wie spät ist's in der Nacht?

Isaia 21:11
Oracolo contro Duma. Mi si grida da Seir: "Sentinella, a che punto è la notte? Sentinella, a che punto è la notte?"

Il carico di Duma. EI si grida a me di Seir: Guardia, che hai tu veduto dopo la notte? Guardia, che hai tu veduto dopo la notte?

YESAYA 21:11
Bahwa inilah firman akan hal Duma:

이사야 21:11
두마에 관한 경고라 사람이 세일에서 나를 부르되 파숫군이여 밤이 어떻게 되었느뇨 파숫군이여 밤이 어떻게 되었느뇨

Isaias 21:11
onus Duma ad me clamat ex Seir custos quid de nocte custos quid de nocte

Izaijo knyga 21:11
Pranašavimas apie Dūmą. Jis šaukia man iš Seyro: “Sarge, kiek dar naktis tęsis? Sarge, kiek dar naktis tęsis?”

Isaiah 21:11
Ko te poropititanga mo Ruma. E karanga mai ana tetahi ki ahau i Heira, E te kaitutei, ko te aha i te po? E te kaitutei, ko te aha i te po?

Esaias 21:11
Utsagn om Duma*. Til mig roper de fra Se'ir: Vekter! Hvor langt er det på natten? Vekter! Hvor langt er det på natten?

Isaías 21:11
Profecía sobre Edom. Alguien sigue llamándome desde Seir: Centinela, ¿qué hora es de la noche? Centinela, ¿qué hora es de la noche?

Oráculo (Profecía) sobre Edom: "Alguien sigue llamándome desde Seir: 'Centinela, ¿qué hora es de la noche? Centinela, ¿qué hora es de la noche?'

Carga de Duma. Me dan voces desde Seir, diciendo: Guarda, ¿qué de la noche? Guarda, ¿qué de la noche?

Carga de Duma. Danme voces de Seir: Guarda, ¿qué de la noche? Guarda, ¿qué de la noche?

Carga de Duma. Me dan voces: De Seir. ¿Guarda qué hay esta noche? ¿Guarda, qué hay esta noche?

Isaías 21:11
Oráculo contra Duma, Silêncio. Eis que o povo de Seir me questiona: “Sentinela, quanto ainda falta para acabar a noite? Atalaia, quanto falta para passar esta noite?”

Oráculo acerca de Dumá. Alguém clama a mim de Seir: Guarda, que horas são da noite? guarda, que horas são da noite?   

Isaia 21:11
Proorocie asupra Dumei. Mi se strigă din Seir: ,,Străjerule, cît mai este din noapte?`` ,,Străjerule, mai este mult din noapte?``

Исаия 21:11
Пророчество о Думе. – Кричат мне с Сеира: сторож! сколько ночи?сторож! сколько ночи?

Пророчество о Думе. --Кричат мне с Сеира: сторож! сколько ночи? сторож! сколько ночи?[]

Jesaja 21:11
Utsaga om Duma. Man ropar till mig från Seir: »Väktare, vad lider natten? Väktare, vad lider natten?»

Isaiah 21:11
Ang hula tungkol sa Duma. May tumatawag sa akin mula sa Seir, Bantay, anong nangyari sa gabi? Bantay, anong nangyari sa gabi?

อิสยาห์ 21:11
ภาระเกี่ยวกับดูมาห์ มีคนหนึ่งเรียกข้าพเจ้าจากเสอีร์ว่า "คนยามเอ๋ย ดึกเท่าไรแล้ว คนยามเอ๋ย ดึกเท่าไรแล้ว"

Yeşaya 21:11
Duma ile ilgili bildiri: Arabistanda bir yer olduğu sanılıyor. ‹‹Sessizlik›› anlamına gelir. ‹‹Edom›› sözcüğünü çağrıştırıyor. Biri Seirden bana sesleniyor:
‹‹Ey gözcü, geceden geriye ne kaldı?
Geceden geriye ne kaldı?››[]

EÂ-sai 21:11
Gánh nặng về Ðu-ma. Có người từ Sê -i-rơ kêu tôi rằng: Hỡi người canh, đêm thể nào? Hỡi người canh, đêm thể nào?

Isaiah 21:10
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