Galatians 5:21
Galatians 5:21
and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I tell you about these things in advance--as I told you before--that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

envy, murder, drunkenness, wild partying, and things like that. I am telling you now, as I have told you in the past, that people who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

envying, murder, drunkenness, carousing, and similar things. I am warning you, as I had warned you before: Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God!

Envy, murder, drunkenness, reveling and all such things; those who are committing these things, as I said to you from the first, I say now also, that they shall not inherit The Kingdom of God.

envy, drunkenness, wild partying, and similar things. I've told you in the past and I'm telling you again that people who do these kinds of things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; which I denounce, as I have also told you in time past that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of which I tell you beforehand, as I have also told you in time past, that they who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Contentions, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they who practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Envies, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like. Of the which I foretell you, as I have foretold to you, that they who do such things shall not obtain the kingdom of God.

envyings, murders, drunkennesses, revels, and things like these; as to which I tell you beforehand, even as I also have said before, that they who do such things shall not inherit God's kingdom.

envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they which practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

hard drinking, riotous feasting, and the like. And as to these I forewarn you, as I have already forewarned you, that those who are guilty of such things will have no share in the Kingdom of God.

envyings, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

envyings, murders, drunkennesses, revellings, and such like, of which I tell you before, as I also said before, that those doing such things the reign of God shall not inherit.

Galatasve 5:21
smira, vrasjet, të dehurit, grykësia dhe gjëra të ngjashme me këto, për të cilat po ju paralajmëroj, si kurse ju thashë edhe më parë, se ata që i bëjnë këto gjëra nuk do të trashëgojnë mbretërinë e Perëndisë.

ﻏﻼﻃﻲ 5:21
حسد قتل سكر بطر وامثال هذه التي اسبق فاقول لكم عنها كما سبقت فقلت ايضا ان الذين يفعلون مثل هذه لا يرثون ملكوت الله.

չար նախանձներ, մարդասպանութիւններ, արբեցութիւններ, զեխութիւններ եւ ինչ որ ասոնց նման է. որոնց մասին կանխաւ կ՚ըսեմ ձեզի, ինչպէս ժամանակին ալ ըսած եմ, թէ այսպիսի բաներ ընողները պիտի չժառանգեն Աստուծոյ թագաւորութիւնը:

Galatianoetara. 5:21
Inuidiác, guiça-erhaitecác, hordiqueriác, gormandiçác, eta hauc irudiac, gauça hauc aitzinetic erraiten drauzquiçuet, lehen-ere erran dudan beçala: ecen halaco gauçác eguiten dituztenéc Iaincoaren resumá heretaturen eztutela.

De Gäletn 5:21
Neid, Frössn, Sauffen und dyrgleichen meerer. I äfert, was i enk schoon früehers gsait haan: Wer öbbs Sölchers tuet, gaat s Reich Gottes nit örbn.

Галатяни 5:21
зависти, пиянства, пирувания и тям подобни; за които ви предупреждавам, както ви и предупредих, че които вършат такива работи, няма да наследят Божието царство.

加 拉 太 書 5:21
嫉 妒 ( 有 古 卷 在 此 有 : 兇 殺 二 字 ) 、 醉 酒 、 荒 宴 等 類 。 我 從 前 告 訴 你 們 , 現 在 又 告 訴 你 們 , 行 這 樣 事 的 人 必 不 能 承 受 神 的 國 。

嫉 妒 ( 有 古 卷 在 此 有 : 凶 杀 二 字 ) 、 醉 酒 、 荒 宴 等 类 。 我 从 前 告 诉 你 们 , 现 在 又 告 诉 你 们 , 行 这 样 事 的 人 必 不 能 承 受 神 的 国 。





Poslanica Galaæanima 5:21
zavisti, pijančevanja, pijanke i tome slično. Unaprijed vam kažem, kao što vam već rekoh: koji takvo što čine, kraljevstva Božjega neće baštiniti.

Galatským 5:21
Závisti, vraždy, opilství, hodování, a těm podobné věci. Kteréžto kdožkoli činí, toť vám předpovídám, jakož jsem i prve pravil, že království Božího dědicové nebudou.

Galaterne 5:21
Avind, Drukkenskab, Svir og deslige; hvorom jeg forud siger eder, ligesom jeg ogsaa før har sagt, at de, som øve saadanne Ting, skulle ikke arve Guds Rige.

Galaten 5:21
Nijd, moord, dronkenschappen, brasserijen, en dergelijke; van dewelke ik u te voren zeg, gelijk ik ook te voren gezegd heb, dat die zulke dingen doen, het Koninkrijk Gods niet zullen beerven.

φθόνοι, μέθαι, κῶμοι, καὶ τὰ ὅμοια τούτοις, ἃ προλέγω ὑμῖν καθὼς προεῖπον ὅτι οἱ τὰ τοιαῦτα πράσσοντες βασιλείαν Θεοῦ οὐ κληρονομήσουσιν.

φθόνοι, μέθαι, κῶμοι, καὶ τὰ ὅμοια τούτοις, ἃ προλέγω ὑμῖν καθὼς προεῖπον ὅτι οἱ τὰ τοιαῦτα πράσσοντες βασιλείαν θεοῦ οὐ κληρονομήσουσιν.

φθόνοι, μέθαι, κῶμοι, καὶ τὰ ὅμοια τούτοις, ἃ προλέγω ὑμῖν καθὼς προεῖπον ὅτι οἱ τὰ τοιαῦτα πράσσοντες βασιλείαν θεοῦ οὐ κληρονομήσουσιν.

φθόνοι, φόνοι, μέθαι, κῶμοι, καὶ τὰ ὅμοια τούτοις· ἃ προλέγω ὑμῖν, καθὼς καὶ προεῖπον, ὅτι οἱ τὰ τοιαῦτα πράσσοντες βασιλείαν θεοῦ οὐ κληρονομήσουσιν.

φθόνοι, φόνοι, μέθαι, κῶμοι καὶ τὰ ὅμοια τούτοις, ἃ προλέγω ὑμῖν καθὼς καὶ προεῖπον, ὅτι οἱ τὰ τοιαῦτα πράσσοντες βασιλείαν Θεοῦ οὐ κληρονομήσουσιν.

φθόνος μέθη κῶμος καί ὁ ὅμοιος οὗτος ὅς προλέγω ὑμεῖς καθώς προέπω ὅτι ὁ ὁ τοιοῦτος πράσσω βασιλεία θεός οὐ κληρονομέω

φθόνοι, φόνοι, μέθαι, κῶμοι, καὶ τὰ ὅμοια τούτοις· ἃ προλέγω ὑμῖν, καθὼς καὶ προεῖπον, ὅτι οἱ τὰ τοιαῦτα πράσσοντες βασιλείαν Θεοῦ οὐ κληρονομήσουσιν.

φθόνοι φόνοι, μέθαι κῶμοι καὶ τὰ ὅμοια τούτοις ἃ προλέγω ὑμῖν καθὼς καὶ προεῖπον ὅτι οἱ τὰ τοιαῦτα πράσσοντες βασιλείαν θεοῦ οὐ κληρονομήσουσιν

φθονοι μεθαι κωμοι και τα ομοια τουτοις α προλεγω υμιν καθως προειπον οτι οι τα τοιαυτα πρασσοντες βασιλειαν θεου ου κληρονομησουσιν

φθονοι μεθαι κωμοι και τα ομοια τουτοις α προλεγω υμιν καθως προειπον οτι οι τα τοιαυτα πρασσοντες βασιλειαν θεου ου κληρονομησουσιν

φθονοι φονοι μεθαι κωμοι και τα ομοια τουτοις α προλεγω υμιν καθως και προειπον οτι οι τα τοιαυτα πρασσοντες βασιλειαν θεου ου κληρονομησουσιν

φθονοι, φονοι, μεθαι, κωμοι, και τα ομοια τουτοις· α προλεγω υμιν, καθως και προειπον, οτι οι τα τοιαυτα πρασσοντες βασιλειαν Θεου ου κληρονομησουσιν.

φθονοι φονοι μεθαι κωμοι και τα ομοια τουτοις α προλεγω υμιν καθως και προειπον οτι οι τα τοιαυτα πρασσοντες βασιλειαν θεου ου κληρονομησουσιν

φθονοι μεθαι κωμοι και τα ομοια τουτοις α προλεγω υμιν καθως προειπον οτι οι τα τοιαυτα πρασσοντες βασιλειαν θεου ου κληρονομησουσιν

phthonoi, methai, kōmoi, kai ta homoia toutois, ha prolegō hymin kathōs proeipon hoti hoi ta toiauta prassontes basileian Theou ou klēronomēsousin.

phthonoi, methai, komoi, kai ta homoia toutois, ha prolego hymin kathos proeipon hoti hoi ta toiauta prassontes basileian Theou ou kleronomesousin.

phthonoi, methai, kōmoi, kai ta homoia toutois, ha prolegō hymin kathōs proeipon hoti hoi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klēronomēsousin.

phthonoi, methai, komoi, kai ta homoia toutois, ha prolego hymin kathos proeipon hoti hoi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou kleronomesousin.

phthonoi methai kōmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegō umin kathōs proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klēronomēsousin

phthonoi methai kOmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegO umin kathOs proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klEronomEsousin

phthonoi phonoi methai kōmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegō umin kathōs kai proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klēronomēsousin

phthonoi phonoi methai kOmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegO umin kathOs kai proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klEronomEsousin

phthonoi phonoi methai kōmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegō umin kathōs kai proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klēronomēsousin

phthonoi phonoi methai kOmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegO umin kathOs kai proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klEronomEsousin

phthonoi phonoi methai kōmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegō umin kathōs kai proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klēronomēsousin

phthonoi phonoi methai kOmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegO umin kathOs kai proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klEronomEsousin

phthonoi methai kōmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegō umin kathōs proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klēronomēsousin

phthonoi methai kOmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegO umin kathOs proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klEronomEsousin

phthonoi methai kōmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegō umin kathōs proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klēronomēsousin

phthonoi methai kOmoi kai ta omoia toutois a prolegO umin kathOs proeipon oti oi ta toiauta prassontes basileian theou ou klEronomEsousin

Galatákhoz 5:21
Irígységek, gyilkosságok, részegségek, dobzódások és ezekhez hasonlók: melyekrõl elõre mondom néktek, a miképen már ezelõtt is mondottam, hogy a kik ilyeneket cselekesznek, Isten országának örökösei nem lesznek.

Al la galatoj 5:21
envioj, ebrieco, dibocxado, kaj aliaj similaj; pri kiuj mi avertas vin, kiel mi jam antauxe admonis vin, ke tiuj, kiuj tion faradas, ne heredos la regnon de Dio.

Kirje galatalaisille 5:21
Pahansuomuus, murha, juopumus, ylönsyömyys ja muut senkaltaiset, joista minä teille edellä sanon, niinkuin minä ennenkin sanonut olen, että ne, jotka senkaltaisia tekevät, ei pidä Jumalan valtakuntaa perimän.

Galates 5:21
les sectes, les envies, les meurtres, les ivrogneries, les orgies, et les choses semblables à celles-là, au sujet desquelles je vous déclare d'avance, comme aussi je l'ai déjà dit, que ceux qui commettent de telles choses n'hériteront pas du royaume de Dieu.

l'envie, l'ivrognerie, les excès de table, et les choses semblables. Je vous dis d'avance, comme je l'ai déjà dit, que ceux qui commettent de telles choses n'hériteront point le royaume de Dieu.

Les envies, les meurtres, les ivrogneries, les gourmandises, et les choses semblables à celles-là; au sujet desquelles je vous prédis, comme je vous l'ai déjà dit, que ceux qui commettent de telles choses n'hériteront point le Royaume de Dieu.

Galater 5:21
Saufen, Fressen und dergleichen; von welchen ich euch habe zuvor gesagt und sage noch zuvor, daß, die solches tun, werden das Reich Gottes nicht erben.

Saufen, Fressen und dergleichen, von welchen ich euch zuvor gesagt und sage noch zuvor, daß, die solches tun, werden das Reich Gottes nicht erben.

Neid, Trunkenheit, Fressen und dergleichen, davon ich euch voraussage, wie ich es schon zuvor gesagt habe, daß die solches thun, werden Gottes Reich nicht erben.

Galati 5:21
sètte, invidie, ubriachezze, gozzoviglie, e altre simili cose; circa le quali vi prevengo, come anche v’ho già prevenuti, che quelli che fanno tali cose non erederanno il regno di Dio.

sette, invidie, omicidii, ebbrezze, ghiottonerie, e cose a queste simiglianti; delle quali cose vi predico, come ancora già ho predetto, che coloro che fanno cotali cose non erederanno il regno di Dio.

dengki, mabuk, berlazat-lazat dan sebagainya. Maka akan hal segala perkara itu lagi aku berkata kepadamu, seperti yang dahulu sudah kukatakan kepadamu, bahwa orang yang mengamalkan segala perkara yang demikian itu tiada akan mewarisi kerajaan Allah.

Galatians 5:21
ṭṭmeɛ, ssekṛan, at iɛebbaḍ ur nesɛi lqaɛ d wayen akk ițemcabin ɣer wayagi meṛṛa. Ɛeggneɣ-awen-d am akken i wen-d-nniɣ yakan : wid i gxeddmen lecɣal-agi ur seɛɛun ara amkan di tgelda n Sidi Ṛebbi.

갈라디아서 5:21
투기와, 술 취함과, 방탕함과, 또 그와 같은 것들이라 전에 너희에게 경계한 것같이 경계하노니 이런 일을 하는 자들은 하나님의 나라를 유업으로 받지 못할 것이요

Galatas 5:21
invidiae homicidia ebrietates comesationes et his similia quae praedico vobis sicut praedixi quoniam qui talia agunt regnum Dei non consequentur

Galatiešiem 5:21
Skaudība, slepkavība, piedzeršanās, plītēšana un tiem līdzīgi. Par tiem es iepriekš saku, kā jau agrāk sacīju: kas tādus darbus dara, tie Dieva valstību neiemantos.

Laiðkas galatams 5:21
pavydai, žmogžudystės, girtavimai, orgijos ir panašūs dalykai. Įspėju jus, kaip jau esu įspėjęs, jog tie, kurie taip daro, nepaveldės Dievo karalystės.

Galatians 5:21
He hao, he haurangi, he kakai, me nga mea e rite ana ki enei: me korero wawe e ahau enei mea ki a koutou, me pera me taku i korero ai i mua, ko te hunga e mahi ana i nga mea penei, e kore e whiwhi ki te rangatiratanga o te Atua.

Galaterne 5:21
misunnelse, mord, drikk, svir og annet slikt; om dette sier jeg eder forut, likesom jeg og forut har sagt, at de som gjør sådant, skal ikke arve Guds rike.

Gálatas 5:21
envidias, borracheras, orgías y cosas semejantes, contra las cuales os advierto, como ya os lo he dicho antes, que los que practican tales cosas no heredarán el reino de Dios.

envidias, borracheras, orgías y cosas semejantes, contra las cuales les advierto, como ya se lo he dicho antes, que los que practican tales cosas no heredarán el reino de Dios.

envidias, homicidios, borracheras, desenfrenos, y cosas semejantes a estas; de las cuales os denuncio, como también ya os denuncié, que los que hacen tales cosas, no heredarán el reino de Dios.

Envidias, homicidios, borracheras, banqueteos, y cosas semejantes á éstas: de las cuales os denuncio, como ya os he anunciado, que los que hacen tales cosas no heredarán el reino de Dios.

envidias, homicidios, borracheras, orgías, y cosas semejantes a éstas; de las cuales os denuncio, como ya os he anunciado, que los que hacen tales cosas no heredarán el Reino de Dios.

Gálatas 5:21
inveja; embriaguez, orgias e tudo quanto se pareça com essas perversidades, contra as quais vos advirto, como já vos preveni antes: os que as praticam não herdarão o Reino de Deus!

as invejas, as bebedices, as orgias, e coisas semelhantes a estas, contra as quais vos previno, como já antes vos preveni, que os que tais coisas praticam não herdarão o reino de Deus.   

Galateni 5:21
pizmele, uciderile, beţiile, îmbuibările, şi alte lucruri asemănătoare cu acestea. Vă spun mai dinainte, cum am mai spus, că cei ce fac astfel de lucruri, nu vor moşteni Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu.

К Галатам 5:21
ненависть, убийства, пьянство, бесчинство и тому подобное. Предваряю вас, как и прежде предварял, что поступающие так Царствия Божия не наследуют.

ненависть, убийства, пьянство, бесчинство и тому подобное. Предваряю вас, как и прежде предварял, что поступающие так Царствия Божия не наследуют.

Galatians 5:21
yajauch Enentßimtunaistin, mankartuatin, nampektin, nampernum aya ti yurumin, tura ti nampen ßtin. Chφkich nujai mΘtek ainiawai. Nuik ujakmajrumna N·nisnak ataksha Tßjarme: Shuar nuna T·rakka Yusai pujustinian penkΘ tujinkiattawai.

Galaterbrevet 5:21
missunnsamhet, mord, dryckenskap, vilt leverne och annat sådant, varom jag säger eder i förväg, såsom jag redan förut har sagt, att de som göra sådant, de skola icke få Guds rike till arvedel.

Wagalatia 5:21
husuda, ulevi, ulafi na mambo mengine kama hayo. Nawaambieni tena kama nilivyokwisha sema: watu wanaotenda mambo hayo hawatakuwa na nafasi yao katika ufalme wa Mungu.

Mga Taga-Galacia 5:21
Mga kapanaghilian, mga paglalasing, mga kalayawan, at ang mga katulad nito; tungkol sa mga bagay na ito ay aking ipinagpapaunang ipaalaala sa inyo, tulad sa aking pagpapaalaala nang una sa inyo, na ang mga nagsisigawa ng gayong mga bagay ay hindi magsisipagmana ng kaharian ng Dios.

กาลาเทีย 5:21
การอิจฉากัน การฆ่ากัน การเมาเหล้า การเล่นเป็นพาลเกเร และการอื่นๆในทำนองนี้อีก เหมือนที่ข้าพเจ้าได้เตือนท่านมาก่อน บัดนี้ข้าพเจ้าขอเตือนท่านเหมือนกับที่เคยเตือนมาแล้วว่า คนที่ประพฤติเช่นนั้นจะไม่ได้รับอาณาจักรของพระเจ้าเป็นมรดก

Galatyalılar 5:21

Галатяни 5:21
зависть, убийство, пянство, бенкети й таке инше. Се наперед глаголю вам, яко ж і наперед глаголав, що хто таке робить, ті царства Божого не наслїдять.

Galatians 5:21
mohingi', mengkakalangu-langu, ntora mosusa', pai' wori' nyala wo'o-pi ntani' -na. Kupopo'ingai' ami' -mokoi wengi, pai' kupopo'ingai' tena-koi wae lau: hema to mogau' hewa toe, uma-ra mpai' jadi' ntodea Alata'ala hi rala Kamagaua' -na.

Ga-la-ti 5:21
ganh gổ, say sưa, mê ăn uống, cùng các sự khác giống như vậy. Tôi nói trước cho anh em, như tôi đã nói rồi: hễ ai phạm những việc thể ấy thì không được hưởng nước Ðức Chúa Trời.

Galatians 5:20
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