Ezekiel 42:11
Ezekiel 42:11
with a passageway in front of them. These were like the rooms on the north; they had the same length and width, with similar exits and dimensions. Similar to the doorways on the north

There was a walkway between the two blocks of rooms just like the complex on the north side of the Temple. This complex of rooms was the same length and width as the other one, and it had the same entrances and doors. The dimensions of each were identical.

with a passage in front of them. They were similar to the chambers on the north, of the same length and breadth, with the same exits and arrangements and doors,

The way in front of them was like the appearance of the chambers which were on the north, according to their length so was their width, and all their exits were both according to their arrangements and openings.

And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were toward the north, as long as they, and as broad as they: and all their goings out were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

with a passageway in front of them, just like the chambers that faced north. Their length and width, as well as all their exits, measurements, and entrances, were identical.

with a passageway in front of them, similar in appearance to the chambers that were on the north, proportional to their length and width, with all of their exits according to their arrangements and doorways.

with a passage in front of them. They looked like the chambers on the north. Of the same length and width, and all their exits according to their arrangements and entrances

There was a walkway in front of them like the one that was in front of the side rooms on the north side. These side rooms were as long and as wide as the northern rooms. They had the same exits, dimensions, and doors.

And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were toward the north, as long as they, and as broad as they; and all their goings out were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

And the walk was before them, and they were like the appearance of the chambers which were facing the north, as long as they, and as wide as they: and all their exits were according to their plans, as were their doors.

And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were toward the north, as long as they, and as broad as they: and all their goings out were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

And the way before them was like the appearance of the way of the chambers which were toward the north; according to their length so was their breadth: and all their egresses were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

And the way before them was like the chambers which were toward the north: they wore as long as they, and as broad as they: and all the going is to them, and their fashions, and their doors were alike.

and a passage before them, like the appearance of the cells that were toward the north, according to their length, according to their breadth and all their goings out, and according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

And the way before them was like the appearance of the way of the chambers which were toward the north; according to their length so was their breadth: and all their goings out were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were towards the north, as long as they, and as broad as they: and all their goings out were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

The way before them was like the appearance of [the way of] the rooms which were toward the north; according to their length so was their breadth: and all their exits were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

And the way before them is as the appearance of the chambers that are northward, according to their length so is their breadth, and all their outlets, and according to their fashions, and according to their openings.

Ezekieli 42:11
Përpara tyre kishte një kalim të ngjashëm me atë të dhomave që ishin nga ana e veriut; ato kishin po atë gjatësi e gjerësi, me të gjitha daljet dhe portat që ndiqnin të njëjtat kritere.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 42:11
وامامها طريق كمثل المخادع التي نحو الشمال كطولها هكذا عرضها وجميع مخارجها وكاشكالها وكابوابها

Dyr Heskiheel 42:11
Aau daadl lief herverderhalb ayn Wög vorbei. De Kammern warnd netty so lang und brait wie die auf dyr Norderseitt, und aau sünst war allss vergleichbar.

Езекил 42:11
И коридорът пред тях беше на глед като коридора пред стаите, които бяха към север; имаха еднаква дължина и широчина; и всичките им изходи бяха според техните кроежи и според техните врати.

以 西 結 書 42:11
這 聖 屋 前 的 夾 道 與 北 邊 聖 屋 的 夾 道 長 寬 一 樣 ; 出 入 之 處 與 北 屋 門 的 樣 式 相 同 。

这 圣 屋 前 的 夹 道 与 北 边 圣 屋 的 夹 道 长 宽 一 样 ; 出 入 之 处 与 北 屋 门 的 样 式 相 同 。



Ezekiel 42:11
Pred njima bijaše prolaz kao ispred klijeti smještenih prema sjeveru: jednake dužine i jednake širine; i svi im izlazi, raspored i vrata bijahu jednaki.

Ezechiele 42:11
Cesta pak před nimi byla podobná cestě komůrek, kteréž byly na půlnoci. Jakáž byla dlouhost jejich, tak širokost jejich, a všecka vycházení jejich i dvéře jejich podobná oněmno.

Ezekiel 42:11
med en Gang foran; de saa ud som Kamrene mod Nord; havde samme Længde og Bredde, og alle Udgange var her som hist, ligesom de var indrettet paa samme Maade.

Ezechiël 42:11
En de weg voor dezelve henen was als de gedaante der kameren, die den weg naar het noorden waren, naar derzelver lengte, alzo naar derzelver breedte; en al haar uitgangen waren ook naar derzelver wijzen en naar derzelver deuren.

יחזקאל 42:11
וְדֶ֙רֶךְ֙ לִפְנֵיהֶ֔ם כְּמַרְאֵ֣ה הַלְּשָׁכֹ֗ות אֲשֶׁר֙ דֶּ֣רֶךְ הַצָּפֹ֔ון כְּאָרְכָּ֖ן כֵּ֣ן רָחְבָּ֑ן וְכֹל֙ מֹוצָ֣אֵיהֶ֔ן וּכְמִשְׁפְּטֵיהֶ֖ן וּכְפִתְחֵיהֶֽן׃

יא ודרך לפניהם כמראה הלשכות אשר דרך הצפון כארכן כן רחבן וכל מוצאיהן וכמשפטיהן וכפתחיהן

ודרך לפניהם כמראה הלשכות אשר דרך הצפון כארכן כן רחבן וכל מוצאיהן וכמשפטיהן וכפתחיהן׃

Ezékiel 42:11
És egy út vala elõttök, melyek hasonlatosak valának a kamarákhoz, melyek északra valának, olyan hosszúságúak és olyan szélességûek, mint ezek, és minden kijárásuk és elrendezésök olyan vala, mint ezeké. És valamint amazoknak ajtói,

Jeĥezkel 42:11
Kaj pasejo antaux ili estis tia sama, kiel antaux la cxambroj, kiuj estis norde, kaj tiaj samaj estis ilia longo kaj largxo, cxiuj iliaj eliroj kaj ilia arangxo kaj iliaj pordoj.

Ja siinä oli myös eripaikka niiden edessä, niinkuin niidenkin kammioiden pohjoista päin, ja kaikilla oli yksi pituus ja leveys; ja kaikki heidän uloskäymisensä heidän muotonsa ja oviensa jälkeen.

Ézéchiel 42:11
il y avait des cellules, et un passage devant elles, selon la forme des cellules qui étaient du côté du nord, selon leur longueur, selon leur largeur, et selon toutes leurs issues, et selon leurs ordonnances, et selon leurs portes d'entrée.

Devant elles, il y avait une allée, comme devant les chambres qui étaient du côté du septentrion. La longueur et la largeur étaient les mêmes; leurs issues, leur disposition et leurs portes étaient semblables.

Et il y avait des chemins au devant d'elles, à la façon des chambres qui étaient vers le chemin du Septentrion, et elles avaient une même longueur [et] une même largeur, et toutes les mêmes sorties, selon leurs dispositions, et selon leurs ouvertures.

Hesekiel 42:11
Und war auch ein Platz davor, wie vor jenen Kammern, gegen Mitternacht; und war alles gleich mit der Länge, Breite und allem, was daran war, wie droben an jenen.

Und war auch ein Weg davor wie vor jenen Kammern, so gegen Mitternacht lagen; und war alles gleich mit der Länge, Breite und allem, was daran war, wie droben an jenen.

Und vor ihnen war ein Weg, und ihr Aussehen war ebenso, wie die Zellen aussahen, die nach Norden zu lagen, sowohl der Länge, wie der Breite nach gleich, und alle ihre Ausgänge waren wie jene eingerichtet und wie ihre Thüren.

Ezechiele 42:11
e, davanti a queste, c’era un corridoio come quello delle camere di settentrione; la loro lunghezza e la loro larghezza erano come la lunghezza e la larghezza di quelle, e così tutte le loro uscite, le loro disposizioni e le loro porte.

E vi era un corridoio davanti a quelle, di simil forma come quello delle camere ch’erano verso il Settentrione; esse erano d’una medesima lunghezza, e d’una medesima larghezza; ed aveano tutte le medesime uscite, ed i medesimi ordini, e le medesime porte.

Dan di hadapannya ada lagi suatu tempat jalan sama rupanya dengan tempat jalan bilik-bilik pada sebelah utara, sama panjangnya dan sama lebarnya, tempat akan masuk dan tempat akan keluar sama perbuatannya.

에스겔 42:11
그 두 방 사이에 길이 있고 그 방들의 모양은 북편 방 같고 그 장광도 같으며 그 출입구와 문도 그와 같으며

Ezechiel 42:11
et via ante faciem eorum iuxta similitudinem gazofilaciorum quae erant in via aquilonis secundum longitudinem eorum sic et latitudo eorum et omnis introitus eorum et similitudines et ostia eorum

Ezechielio knyga 42:11
Jie viskuo buvo panašūs į kambarius šiaurės pusėje­jų ilgis, plotis, išėjimai, durys ir įrengimas.

Ezekiel 42:11
Na, ko te ara i mua i era, rite tonu te ahua ki to nga ruma i anga ki te raki; rite tonu te roa, rite tonu te whanui: ko nga putanga atu rite tonu ki nga tikanga, rite tonu ki nga tatau.

Esekiel 42:11
og foran dem var det en vei; de var av utseende som de kammer som lå mot nord, og av samme lengde og bredde som de, og de hadde alle sine utganger og sine innretninger som de, og som dørene på dem,

Ezequiel 42:11
Y el corredor delante de ellas era semejante al de las cámaras que estaban al norte; su longitud era igual a su anchura; y todas sus salidas, así como sus disposiciones y sus entradas, eran iguales.

El corredor delante de ellas era semejante al de las cámaras que estaban al norte; su longitud era igual a su anchura; y todas sus salidas, así como sus disposiciones y sus entradas, eran iguales.

Y el corredor que había delante de ellas era semejante al de las cámaras que estaban hacia el norte, conforme a su longitud, asimismo su anchura, y todas sus salidas; conforme a sus puertas, y conforme a sus entradas.

Y el corredor que había delante de ellas era semejante al de las cámaras que estaban hacia el norte, conforme á su longitud, asimismo su anchura, y todas sus salidas; conforme á sus puertas, y conforme á sus entradas.

Y el corredor que había delante de ellas era semejante al de las cámaras que estaban hacia el norte; conforme a su longitud, asimismo su anchura, y todas sus salidas; conforme a sus puertas, y conforme a sus entradas.

Ezequiel 42:11
que eram semelhantes a todos os demais quartos do lado Norte, com o mesmo comprimento e largura, com as mesmas saídas, dimensões e portas, e com uma passagem diante deles.

com um caminho diante delas, que eram da mesma feição das câmaras que davam para o norte, sendo do mesmo comprimento, e da mesma largura, com as mesmas saídas, disposições e portas.   

Ezechiel 42:11
În faţa lor, era un loc de trecere, ca şi înaintea odăilor dinspre miază noapte, de aceeaş lungime şi lăţime; ieşirile, întocmirea şi uşile lor erau la fel.

Иезекииль 42:11
И ход перед ними такой же, как и у тех комнат, которые обращены к северу, такая же длина, как и у тех, и такая же ширина, и все выходы их, и устройство их, и двери их такие же, как и у тех.

И ход перед ними такой же, как и у тех комнат, которые обращены к северу, такая же длина, как и у тех, и такая же ширина, и все выходы их, и устройство их, и двери их такие же, как и у тех.[]

Hesekiel 42:11
Och en väg gick framför dem, likadan som vägen framför tempelkamrarna på norra sidan; och de hade samma längd och bredd. Och alla utgångar här voro såsom där, både i fråga om övriga anordningar och i fråga om själva dörröppningarna.

Ezekiel 42:11
At ang daan sa harap ng mga yaon ay gaya ng anyo ng daan sa mga silid na nangasa dakong hilagaan; ayon sa haba ay gayon ang luwang: ang lahat ng labasan ng mga yaon ay ayon sa mga anyo ng mga yaon, at ayon sa mga pintuan ng mga yaon.

เอเสเคียล 42:11
ทางเดินอยู่หน้าห้องคล้ายกับห้องทางทิศเหนือ ยาวและกว้างขนาดเดียวกัน มีทางออก แผนผังและประตูอย่างเดียวกัน

Hezekiel 42:11
Kuzeydeki odalarda olduğu gibi, bu odaların önünde de bir geçit vardı. Odaların uzunlukları, genişlikleri aynıydı, çıkışları ve boyutları kuzeydeki odalara benziyordu. Güneydeki odaların girişleri kuzeydekiler gibiydi. Geçidin başlangıcında bir giriş vardı. Arka duvarlar boyunca doğuya uzanan bu geçit odalara açılıyordu.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 42:11
Có một con đường trước các phòng ấy, cũng như trước các phòng phía bắc; hết thảy các phòng ấy bề dài bề ngang bằng nhau, đường ra lối vào và hình thế cũng giống nhau.

Ezekiel 42:10
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