Ecclesiastes 3:14
Ecclesiastes 3:14
I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.

And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God's purpose is that people should fear him.

I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him.

I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it, for God has so worked that men should fear Him.

I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

I know that all God does will last forever; there is no adding to it or taking from it. God works so that people will be in awe of Him.

I have concluded that everything that God undertakes will last for eternity—nothing can be added to it nor taken away from it—and that God acts this way so that people will fear him.

I also know that whatever God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken away from it. God has made it this way, so that men will fear him.

I realize that whatever God does will last forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken away from it. God does this so that people will fear him.

I have understood that whatever God does, it shall be for ever; nothing can be added to it, nor any thing taken from it because God does it that men should fear before him.

I know that, whatsoever God does, it shall be forever: nothing can be added to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God does it, that men should fear before him.

I know that, whatever God does, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God does it, that men should fear before him.

I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor anything taken from it; and God hath done it, that men should fear before him.

I have learned that all the works which God hath made, continue for ever: we cannot add any thing, nor take away from those things which God hath made that he may be feared.

I know that whatever God doeth, it shall be for ever; there is nothing to be added to it, nor anything to be taken from it; and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God hath done it, that men should fear before him.

I know that, whatever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be added to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it; and God has done it, that men should fear before him.

I have known that all that God doth is to the age, to it nothing is to be added, and from it nothing is to be withdrawn; and God hath wrought that they do fear before Him.

Predikuesi 3:14
E kuptova që tërë ato që bën Perëndia janë përjetë; nuk mund t'u shtosh dhe t'u heqësh asgjë; dhe Perëndia vepron kështu me qëllim që njerëzit të kenë frikë prej tij.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 3:14
قد عرفت ان كل ما يعمله الله انه يكون الى الابد. لا شيء يزاد عليه ولا شيء ينقص منه وان الله عمله حتى يخافوا امامه.

Dyr Prödiger 3:14
Was dyr Herrgot aynmaal föstglögt haat, dös bleibt; dös haan i gspannt. Daa kanst nix dyrzuemachen und nix streichen; und dös haat dyr Herrgot taan, däß n d Leut ferchtnd.

Еклесиаст 3:14
Познах, че всичко що прави Бог ще бъде вечно; Не е възможно да се притури на него, нито да се отнеме от него; И Бог е направил [това], за да се боят [човеците от] Него.

傳 道 書 3:14
我 知 道   神 一 切 所 做 的 都 必 永 存 ; 無 所 增 添 , 無 所 減 少 。   神 這 樣 行 , 是 要 人 在 他 面 前 存 敬 畏 的 心 。

我 知 道   神 一 切 所 做 的 都 必 永 存 ; 无 所 增 添 , 无 所 减 少 。   神 这 样 行 , 是 要 人 在 他 面 前 存 敬 畏 的 心 。



Ecclesiastes 3:14
I znam da sve što Bog čini, čini za stalno. Tome se ništa dodati ne može niti mu se može oduzeti; a Bog čini tako da ga se boje.

Kazatel 3:14
Znám, že cožkoli činí Bůh, to trvá na věky; nemůže se k tomu nic přidati, ani od toho co odjíti. A činí to Bůh, aby se báli oblíčeje jeho.

Prædikeren 3:14
Jeg skønnede, at alt, hvad Gud virker, bliver evindelig, uden at noget kan føjes til eller tages fra; og saaledes har Gud gjort det, for at man skal frygte for hans Aasyn.

Prediker 3:14
Ik weet, dat al wat God doet, dat zal in der eeuwigheid zijn, en er is niet toe te doen, noch is er af te doen; en God doet dat, opdat men vreze voor Zijn aangezicht.

קהלת 3:14
יָדַ֗עְתִּי כִּ֠י כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֨ר יַעֲשֶׂ֤ה הָאֱלֹהִים֙ ה֚וּא יִהְיֶ֣ה לְעֹולָ֔ם עָלָיו֙ אֵ֣ין לְהֹוסִ֔יף וּמִמֶּ֖נּוּ אֵ֣ין לִגְרֹ֑עַ וְהָאֱלֹהִ֣ים עָשָׂ֔ה שֶׁיִּֽרְא֖וּ מִלְּפָנָֽיו׃

יד ידעתי כי כל אשר יעשה האלהים הוא יהיה לעולם--עליו אין להוסיף וממנו אין לגרע והאלהים עשה שיראו מלפניו

ידעתי כי כל־אשר יעשה האלהים הוא יהיה לעולם עליו אין להוסיף וממנו אין לגרע והאלהים עשה שיראו מלפניו׃

Prédikátor 3:14
Tudom, hogy valamit Isten cselekszik, az lesz örökké, ahhoz nincs mit adni és abból nincs mit elvenni; és az Isten ezt a végre míveli, hogy az õ orczáját rettegjék.

La predikanto 3:14
Mi scias, ke cxio, kion faras Dio, restas eterne; al gxi oni nenion povas aldoni, kaj de gxi oni nenion povas depreni; kaj Dio tion faris, ke oni Lin timu.

Minä tulin tietämään, että kaikki, mitä Jumala tekee, pysyy iäti. Ei ole siihen lisäämistä eikä siitä vähentämistä. Ja Jumala on sen niin tehnyt, että häntä peljättäisiin.

Ecclésiaste 3:14
J'ai connu que tout ce que Dieu fait subsiste à toujours; il n'y a rien à y ajouter, ni rien à en retrancher; et Dieu le fait, afin que, devant lui, on craigne.

J'ai reconnu que tout ce que Dieu fait durera toujours, qu'il n'y a rien à y ajouter et rien à en retrancher, et que Dieu agit ainsi afin qu'on le craigne.

J'ai connu que quoi que Dieu fasse, c'est toujours lui-même, on ne saurait qu'y ajouter, ni qu'en diminuer; et Dieu le fait afin qu'on le craigne.

Prediger 3:14
Ich merkte, daß alles, was Gott tut, das bestehet immer; man kann nichts dazutun noch abtun; und solches tut Gott, daß man sich vor ihm fürchten soll.

Ich merkte, daß alles, was Gott tut, das besteht immer: man kann nichts dazutun noch abtun; und solches tut Gott, daß man sich vor ihm fürchten soll.

Ich erkannte, daß alles, was Gott thut, für immer besteht; dazu ist nichts hinzuzufügen und nichts davon wegzunehmen: Gott hat es so gemacht, daß man sich vor ihm fürchte.

Ecclesiaste 3:14
Io ho riconosciuto che tutto quello che Dio fa è per sempre; niente v’è da aggiungervi, niente da togliervi; e che Dio fa così perché gli uomini lo temano.

Io ho conosciuto che tutto quello che Iddio fa è in perpetuo; a ciò niente si può aggiungere, e niente se ne può diminuire; e Dio il fa, acciocchè gli uomini lo temano.

Maka tahulah aku bahwa segala sesuatu yang dibuat oleh Allah itu akan kekal selama-lamanya, seorangpun tiada dapat menambahinya atau menguranginya; maka perbuatan Allah demikian, supaya takutlah orang di hadapan hadirat-Nya.

전도서 3:14
무릇 하나님의 행하시는 것은 영원히 있을 것이라 더 할 수도 없고 덜 할 수도 없나니 하나님이 이같이 행하심은 사람으로 그 앞에서 경외하게 하려 하심인 줄을 내가 알았도다

Ecclesiastes 3:14
didici quod omnia opera quae fecit Deus perseverent in perpetuum non possumus eis quicquam addere nec auferre quae fecit Deus ut timeatur

Koheleto knyga 3:14
Aš žinau, kad visa, ką Dievas daro, yra amžina,­nieko negalima nei pridėti, nei atimti. Dievas daro tai, kad žmonės Jo bijotų.

Ecclesiastes 3:14
E mohio ana ahau ko nga mea katoa e hanga ana e te Atua, ka mau tonu a ake ake: e kore tetahi mea e honoa mai, e kore ano hoki tetahi wahi e tangohia atu: i meatia hoki e te Atua kia wehi ai nga tangata i tona aroaro.

Predikerens 3:14
Jeg skjønte at alt hvad Gud gjør, det varer evig; intet kan legges til og intet kan tas fra. Så har Gud gjort det, forat vi skal frykte ham.

Eclesiastés 3:14
Sé que todo lo que Dios hace será perpetuo; no hay nada que añadirle y no hay nada que quitarle; Dios ha obrado así para que delante de El teman los hombres .

Sé que todo lo que Dios hace será perpetuo; No hay nada que añadirle Y no hay nada que quitarle. Dios ha obrado así Para que delante de El teman (reverencien) los hombres .

Yo he entendido que todo lo que Dios hace será perpetuo: sobre aquello no se añadirá, ni de ello se disminuirá; y lo hace Dios, para que delante de Él teman los hombres.

He entendido que todo lo que Dios hace, ésto será perpetuo: sobre aquello no se añadirá, ni de ello se disminuirá; y hácelo Dios, para que delante de él teman los hombres.

He entendido que todo lo que Dios hace, esto será perpetuo; sobre aquello no se añadirá, ni de ello se disminuirá; porque Dios lo hace, para que delante de él teman los hombres .

Eclesiastes 3:14
Compreendi ainda que tudo o que Deus faz dura para sempre: ao que Deus criou nada se pode acrescentar, de igual modo, nada se pode subtrair. Esse é o método de Deus para fazer com que a humanidade o ame reverentemente.

Eu sei que tudo quanto Deus faz durará eternamente; nada se lhe pode acrescentar, e nada se lhe pode tirar; e isso Deus faz para que os homens temam diante dele:   

Ecclesiast 3:14
Am ajuns la cunoştinţa că tot ce face Dumnezeu dăinuieşte în veci, şi la ceeace face El nu mai este nimic de adăugat şi nimic de scăzut, şi că Dumnezeu face aşa pentru ca lumea să se teamă de El.

Екклесиаст 3:14
Познал я, что все, что делает Бог, пребывает вовек: к тому нечего прибавлять и от того нечего убавить, – и Бог делает так, чтобы благоговели пред лицем Его.

Познал я, что всё, что делает Бог, пребывает вовек: к тому нечего прибавлять и от того нечего убавить, --и Бог делает так, чтобы благоговели пред лицем Его.[]

Predikaren 3:14
Jag insåg att allt vad Gud gör skall förbliva evinnerligen; man kan icke lägga något därtill, ej heller taga något därifrån. Och Gud har så gjort, för att man skall frukta honom.

Ecclesiastes 3:14
Nalalaman ko, na anomang ginagawa ng Dios, magiging magpakailan pa man: walang bagay na maidadagdag, o anomang bagay na maaalis: at ginawa ng Dios, upang ang tao ay matakot sa harap niya.

ปัญญาจารย์ 3:14
ข้าพเจ้าทราบอยู่ว่าสารพัดที่พระเจ้าทรงกระทำก็ดำรงอยู่เป็นนิตย์ จะเพิ่มเติมอะไรเข้าไปอีกก็ไม่ได้ หรือจะชักอะไรออกเสียก็ไม่ได้ พระเจ้าทรงกระทำเช่นนั้น เพื่อให้คนทั้งหลายมีความยำเกรงต่อพระพักตร์พระองค์

Vaiz 3:14
Tanrının yaptığı her şeyin sonsuza dek süreceğini biliyorum. Ona ne bir şey eklenebilir ne de ondan bir şey çıkarılabilir. Tanrı insanların kendisine saygı duymaları için bunu yapıyor.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 3:14
Ta biết rằng mọi việc Ðức Chúa Trời làm nên còn có đời đời: người ta chẳng thêm gì được, cũng không bớt chi đặng; Ðức Chúa Trời làm như thế, để loài người kính sợ trước mặt Ngài.

Ecclesiastes 3:13
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