Ecclesiastes 1:13
Ecclesiastes 1:13
I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens. What a heavy burden God has laid on mankind!

I devoted myself to search for understanding and to explore by wisdom everything being done under heaven. I soon discovered that God has dealt a tragic existence to the human race.

And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with.

And I set my mind to seek and explore by wisdom concerning all that has been done under heaven. It is a grievous task which God has given to the sons of men to be afflicted with.

And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.

I applied my mind to seek and explore through wisdom all that is done under heaven. God has given people this miserable task to keep them occupied.

I dedicated myself to using wisdom for study and discovery of everything that is done under heaven. God uses terrible things so human beings will struggle with life.

I decided to carefully and thoroughly examine all that has been accomplished on earth. I concluded: God has given people a burdensome task that keeps them occupied.

With all my heart I used wisdom to study and explore everything done under heaven. Mortals are weighed down with a terrible burden that God has placed on them.

And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven (this sore travail God has given to the sons of man that they be occupied in it).

And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this severe burden has God given to the sons of man to be afflicted with.

And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail has God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.

And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under heaven: it is a sore travail that God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised therewith.

And I proposed in my mind to seek and search out wisely concerning all things that are done under the sun. This painful occupation hath God given to the children of men, to be exercised therein.

And I applied my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under the heavens: this grievous occupation hath God given to the children of men to weary themselves therewith.

And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under heaven: it is a sore travail that God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised therewith.

And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this grievous labor hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised with it.

I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under the sky. It is a heavy burden that God has given to the sons of men to be afflicted with.

And I have given my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that hath been done under the heavens. It is a sad travail God hath given to the sons of man to be humbled by it.

Predikuesi 1:13
dhe kam kërkuar me zemër të zbuloj dhe të hetoj me dituri çdo gjë që ndodh nën qiell; kjo është një punë e rëndë që Perëndia u ka dhënë bijve të njerëzve që ata të lodhen.

ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ 1:13
ووجهت قلبي للسؤال والتفتيش بالحكمة عن كل ما عمل تحت السموات. هو عناء رديء جعلها الله لبني البشر ليعنوا فيه.

Dyr Prödiger 1:13
Und, mein, wie s halt ist, gwill i aynmaal schaugn, was mit dönn ist, was in derer Welt yso laaufft. Und i mueß sagn, dyr Herrgot haat s yn de Menschn waarlich nit leicht gmacht mit dönn, was yr ien aufgöbn haat!

Еклесиаст 1:13
И предадох сърцето си да издиря И да изпитам чрез мъдростта Относно всичко що става под небето. Тежък е тоя труд, който Бог е дал на човешките чада За да се трудят в него.

傳 道 書 1:13
我 專 心 用 智 慧 尋 求 、 查 究 天 下 所 做 的 一 切 事 , 乃 知   神 叫 世 人 所 經 練 的 是 極 重 的 勞 苦 。

我 专 心 用 智 慧 寻 求 、 查 究 天 下 所 做 的 一 切 事 , 乃 知   神 叫 世 人 所 经 练 的 是 极 重 的 劳 苦 。



Ecclesiastes 1:13
I trudih se da mudrošću istražim i dokučim sve što biva pod nebom; o, kako mučnu zadaću zadade Bog sinovima ljudskim.

Kazatel 1:13
A přiložil jsem mysl svou k tomu, jak bych vyhledati a vystihnouti mohl rozumností svou všecko to, což se děje pod nebem. (Takové bídné zaměstknání dal Bůh synům lidským, aby se jím bědovali.)

Prædikeren 1:13
Jeg vendte min Hu til at ransage og med Visdom udgranske alt, hvad der sker under Himmelen; det er et ondt Slid, som Gud har givet Menneskens Børn at slide med.

Prediker 1:13
En ik begaf mijn hart om met wijsheid te onderzoeken, en na te speuren al wat er geschiedt onder den hemel. Deze moeilijke bezigheid heeft God den kinderen der mensen gegeven, om zich daarin te bekommeren.

קהלת 1:13
וְנָתַ֣תִּי אֶת־לִבִּ֗י לִדְרֹ֤ושׁ וְלָתוּר֙ בַּֽחָכְמָ֔ה עַ֛ל כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֥ר נַעֲשָׂ֖ה תַּ֣חַת הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם ה֣וּא ׀ עִנְיַ֣ן רָ֗ע נָתַ֧ן אֱלֹהִ֛ים לִבְנֵ֥י הָאָדָ֖ם לַעֲנֹ֥ות בֹּֽו׃

יג ונתתי את לבי לדרוש ולתור בחכמה על כל אשר נעשה תחת השמים הוא ענין רע נתן אלהים לבני האדם--לענות בו

ונתתי את־לבי לדרוש ולתור בחכמה על כל־אשר נעשה תחת השמים הוא ׀ ענין רע נתן אלהים לבני האדם לענות בו׃

Prédikátor 1:13
És adám az én elmémet mindazok vizsgálására és bölcsen való tudakozására, melyek lesznek az ég alatt. Ez gonosz hiábavaló foglalatosság, melyet adott Isten az emberek fiainak, hogy gyötrõdjenek vele.

La predikanto 1:13
Kaj mi decidis en mia koro esplori kaj ekzameni per la sagxo cxion, kio farigxas sub la cxielo:cxi tiun malfacilan okupon Dio donis al la homidoj, por ke ili turmentigxu per gxi.

Ja minä käänsin sydämeni viisaudella tutkimaan ja miettimään kaikkea, mitä auringon alla tapahtuu. Tämä on vaikea työ, jonka Jumala on antanut ihmislapsille, heidän sillä itseään rasittaaksensa.

Ecclésiaste 1:13
et j'ai appliqué mon coeur à rechercher et à explorer par la sagesse tout ce qui se fait sous les cieux: c'est une occupation ingrate que Dieu a donnée aux fils des hommes afin qu'ils s'y fatiguent.

J'ai appliqué mon coeur à rechercher et à sonder par la sagesse tout ce qui se fait sous les cieux: c'est là une occupation pénible, à laquelle Dieu soumet les fils de l'homme.

Et j'ai appliqué mon cœur à rechercher et à sonder par la sagesse tout ce qui se faisait sous les cieux, ce qui est une occupation fâcheuse que Dieu a donnée aux hommes, afin qu'ils s'y occupent.

Prediger 1:13
und begab mein Herz, zu suchen und zu forschen weislich alles, was man unter dem Himmel tut. Solche unselige Mühe hat Gott den Menschenkindern gegeben, daß sie sich drinnen müssen quälen.

und richtete mein Herz zu suchen und zu forschen weislich alles, was man unter dem Himmel tut. Solche unselige Mühe hat Gott den Menschenkindern gegeben, daß sie sich darin müssen quälen. {~}

Ich richtete meinen Sinn darauf, alles, was unter dem Himmel geschieht, mit Weisheit zu erforschen und zu erspähen: eine leidige Mühe ist's, die Gott den Menschenkindern gegeben, sich damit abzumühen!

Ecclesiaste 1:13
ed ho applicato il cuore a cercare e ad investigare con sapienza tutto ciò che si fa sotto il cielo: occupazione penosa, che Dio ha data ai figliuoli degli uomini perché vi si affatichino.

ed ho recato il mio cuore a ricercare, e ad investigare, con sapienza, tutto ciò che si fa sotto il cielo; il che è una occupazione molesta, la quale Iddio ha data a’ figliuoli degli uomini, per occuparvisi.

Maka kutentukan dalam hatiku hendak dengan akalku memeriksa dan menyelidik segala sesuatu yang diperbuat di bawah langit; maka pekerjaan yang sukar ini telah diberikan Allah kepada segala anak Adam akan bersyugul dalamnya.

전도서 1:13
마음을 다하며 지혜를 써서 하늘 아래서 행하는 모든 일을 궁구하며 살핀즉 이는 괴로운 것이니 하나님이 인생들에게 주사 수고하게 하신 것이라

Ecclesiastes 1:13
et proposui in animo meo quaerere et investigare sapienter de omnibus quae fiunt sub sole hanc occupationem pessimam dedit Deus filiis hominum ut occuparentur in ea

Koheleto knyga 1:13
Aš nusprendžiau savo širdyje stebėti ir tyrinėti išmintimi visa, kas darosi šiame pasaulyje. Šią varginančią užduotį Dievas davė žmonių sūnums, kad ją vykdytų.

Ecclesiastes 1:13
Na ka whakaangahia e ahau toku ngakau ki te whakaaro nui hei rapu, hei kimi i nga mea katoa e mahia ana i raro i te rangi: na te Atua tenei whakararuraru kino i homai ki nga tama a te tangata hei whakararu i a ratou.

Predikerens 1:13
og jeg vendte min hu til å ransake og utgranske med visdom alt det som hender under himmelen; det er en ond plage, som Gud har gitt menneskenes barn å plage sig med.

Eclesiastés 1:13
Y apliqué mi corazón a buscar e investigar con sabiduría todo lo que se ha hecho bajo el cielo. Tarea dolorosa dada por Dios a los hijos de los hombres para ser afligidos con ella.

Y apliqué mi corazón a buscar e investigar con sabiduría todo lo que se ha hecho bajo el cielo. Tarea dolorosa dada por Dios a los hijos de los hombres para ser afligidos con ella.

Y di mi corazón a inquirir y buscar con sabiduría sobre todo lo que se hace debajo del cielo; este penoso trabajo dio Dios a los hijos de los hombres, para que se ocupen en él.

Y dí mi corazón á inquirir y buscar con sabiduría sobre todo lo que se hace debajo del cielo: este penoso trabajo dió Dios á los hijos de los hombres, en que se ocupen.

Y di mi corazón a inquirir y buscar con sabiduría sobre todo lo que se hace debajo del cielo (este penoso trabajo dio Dios a los hijos de los hombres, en que se ocupen).

Eclesiastes 1:13
Empreguei todo o meu coração a investigar e a fazer uso do saber para explorar tudo o que é realizado debaixo dos céus. Que fardo pesado Deus colocou sobre os ombros dos seres humanos para dele se atarefarem.

E apliquei o meu coração a inquirir e a investigar com sabedoria a respeito de tudo quanto se faz debaixo do céu; essa enfadonha ocupação deu Deus aos filhos dos homens para nela se exercitarem.   

Ecclesiast 1:13
Mi-am pus inima să cercetez şi să adîncesc cu înţelepciune tot ce se întîmplă supt ceruri: iată o îndeletnicire plină de trudă, la care supune Dumnezeu pe fiii oamenilor.

Екклесиаст 1:13
и предал я сердце мое тому, чтобы исследовать и испытать мудростью все, что делается под небом: это тяжелое занятие дал Бог сынамчеловеческим, чтобы они упражнялись в нем.

и предал я сердце мое тому, чтобы исследовать и испытать мудростью все, что делается под небом: это тяжелое занятие дал Бог сынам человеческим, чтобы они упражнялись в нем.[]

Predikaren 1:13
Och jag vände mitt hjärta till att begrunda och utrannsaka genom vishet allt vad som händer under himmelen; sådant är ett uselt besvär, som Gud har givit människors barn till att plåga sig med.

Ecclesiastes 1:13
At inihilig ko ang aking puso na hanapin at siyasatin sa pamamagitan ng karunungan ang lahat na nagawa sa silong ng langit: mahirap na pagdaramdam na ito ang ibinigay ng Dios sa mga anak ng mga tao, upang pagsanayan.

ปัญญาจารย์ 1:13
และข้าพเจ้าตั้งใจเสาะและแสวงหาโดยสติปัญญาถึงสิ่งสารพัดที่กระทำกันภายใต้ฟ้าสวรรค์ เป็นเรื่องยากลำบากซึ่งพระเจ้าประทานให้บุตรของมนุษย์ทำกันอยู่นั้น

Vaiz 1:13
kendimi göklerin altında yapılan her şeyi bilgece araştırıp incelemeye adadım. Tanrının uğraşsınlar diye insanlara verdiği çetin bir zahmettir bu.[]

Truyeàân Ñaïo 1:13
Ta chuyên lòng lấy sự khôn ngoan mà tra khảo mọi việc làm ra dưới trời; ấy là một việc lao khổ mà Ðức Chúa Trời đã giao cho loài người để lo làm.

Ecclesiastes 1:12
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