Amos 8:8
Amos 8:8
"Will not the land tremble for this, and all who live in it mourn? The whole land will rise like the Nile; it will be stirred up and then sink like the river of Egypt.

The earth will tremble for your deeds, and everyone will mourn. The ground will rise like the Nile River at floodtime; it will heave up, then sink again.

Shall not the land tremble on this account, and everyone mourn who dwells in it, and all of it rise like the Nile, and be tossed about and sink again, like the Nile of Egypt?”

"Because of this will not the land quake And everyone who dwells in it mourn? Indeed, all of it will rise up like the Nile, And it will be tossed about And subside like the Nile of Egypt.

Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein? and it shall rise up wholly as a flood; and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the flood of Egypt.

Because of this, won't the land quake and all who dwell in it mourn? All of it will rise like the Nile; it will surge and then subside like the Nile in Egypt.

Surely the land will tremble because of this, won't it? And all who live in it will mourn, won't they? The entire land will swell up like a flooded river. It will be stirred up and then will sink like the river of Egypt.

Because of this the earth will quake, and all who live in it will mourn. The whole earth will rise like the River Nile, it will surge upward and then grow calm, like the Nile in Egypt.

The land will tremble because of this. Everyone who lives in it will mourn. The entire land will rise like the Nile, be tossed about, and then sink like Egypt's river.

Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwells therein? and it shall all rise up as a flood, and it shall be cast out and sunk, as the river of Egypt.

Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwells in it? and it shall rise up wholly as the river; and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the river of Egypt.

Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwells therein? and it shall rise up wholly as a flood; and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the flood of Egypt.

Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein? yea, it shall rise up wholly like the River; and it shall be troubled and sink again, like the River of Egypt.

Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein: and rise up altogether as a river, and be cast out, and run down as the river of Egypt?

Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein? And it shall wholly rise up like the Nile; and it shall surge and sink down, as the river of Egypt.

Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein? yea, it shall rise up wholly like the River; and it shall be troubled and sink again, like the River of Egypt.

Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth in it? and it shall rise up wholly as a flood: and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the flood of Egypt.

Won't the land tremble for this, and everyone mourn who dwells in it? Yes, it will rise up wholly like the River; and it will be stirred up and sink again, like the River of Egypt.

For this doth not the land tremble, And mourned hath every dweller in it? And come up as a flood hath all of it. And it hath been cast out, and hath sunk, Like the flood of Egypt.

Amosi 8:8
A nuk do të dridhet vallë vendi për këtë dhe nuk do të jenë në zi tërë banorët e tij? Do të ngrihet i tëri si Nili, do të trazohet dhe do të ulet si lumi i Egjiptit.

ﻋﺎﻣﻮﺱ 8:8
أليس من اجل هذا ترتعد الارض وينوح كل ساكن فيها وتطمو كلها كنهر وتفيض وتنضب كنيل مصر.

Dyr Ämos 8:8
Und daa sollt nit glei d Erdn bibnen und de gantzn Leut dyrvon trauern? Sollt daa nit de gantze Erdn aufwalln wie dyr Nil und wider zammfalln?

Амос 8:8
Не ще ли се поклати земята за това, И всеки, който живее на нея да жалее? Така! И тя цяла ще се издига като Нил, Ще се развълнува и спада пак като Египетската река.

阿 摩 司 書 8:8
地 豈 不 因 這 事 震 動 ? 其 上 的 居 民 不 也 悲 哀 嗎 ? 地 必 全 然 像 尼 羅 河 漲 起 , 如 同 埃 及 河 湧 上 落 下 。

地 岂 不 因 这 事 震 动 ? 其 上 的 居 民 不 也 悲 哀 吗 ? 地 必 全 然 像 尼 罗 河 涨 起 , 如 同 埃 及 河 涌 上 落 下 。



Amos 8:8
Neće l' se od toga zemlja potresti, protužiti svi njeni stanovnici, neće li se sva podići kao Nil, spustiti kao Rijeka egipatska?

Amosa 8:8
Nad tím-liž by se netřásla i země, a nekvílil by každý, kdož přebývá na ní? Proto-liž by neměla vystoupiti všecka jako potok, a zachvácena i zatopena býti jako potokem Egyptským?

Amos 8:8
Maa Jorden ej skælve derover og enhver, som bor paa den, sørge? Den stiger overalt som Nilen og synker som Ægyptens Flod.

Amos 8:8
Zou het land hierover niet beroerd worden, en al wie daarin woont treuren? Ja, het zal geheel oprijzen als een rivier, en het zal heen en weder gedreven en verdronken worden, als door de rivier van Egypte.

עמוס 8:8
הַ֤עַל זֹאת֙ לֹֽא־תִרְגַּ֣ז הָאָ֔רֶץ וְאָבַ֖ל כָּל־יֹושֵׁ֣ב בָּ֑הּ וְעָלְתָ֤ה כָאֹר֙ כֻּלָּ֔הּ וְנִגְרְשָׁ֥ה [וְנִשְׁקָה כ] (וְנִשְׁקְעָ֖ה ק) כִּיאֹ֥ור מִצְרָֽיִם׃ ס

ח העל זאת לא תרגז הארץ ואבל כל יושב בה ועלתה כאר כלה ונגרשה ונשקה (ונשקעה) כיאור מצרים  {פ}

העל זאת לא־תרגז הארץ ואבל כל־יושב בה ועלתה כאר כלה ונגרשה [ונשקה כ] (ונשקעה ק) כיאור מצרים׃ ס

Ámos 8:8
Ne rendüljön-é meg e miatt a föld? És ne búsuljon-é annak minden lakosa?! Bizony felindul egészen, mint a folyam, és dagad és apad, mint Égyiptom folyója.

Amos 8:8
CXu pro tio ne ektremos la tero, ne ekploros cxiuj gxiaj logxantoj? GXi tuta ekskuigxos kiel lago, gxi levigxos kaj mallevigxos kiel la Rivero de Egiptujo.

Eikö maan sentähden pitäisi vapiseman, ja kaikki sen asuvaiset murehtiman? Ja pitää nouseman kaiken sen päälle niinkuin virta, vietämän pois ja upotettaman niinkuin Egyptin virralla.

Amos 8:8
Pour cela, le pays ne tremblera-t-il pas? Et chacun de ses habitants ne mènera-t-il pas deuil? Et il montera tout entier comme le Nil, et enflera ses flots, et s'abaissera comme le fleuve d'Égypte.

Le pays, à cause d'elles, ne sera-t-il pas ébranlé, Et tous ses habitants ne seront-ils pas dans le deuil? Le pays montera tout entier comme le fleuve, Il se soulèvera et s'affaissera comme le fleuve d'Egypte.

La terre ne sera-t-elle point émue d'une telle chose, et tous ses habitants ne lamenteront-ils point? Ne s'écoulera-t-elle pas toute comme un fleuve, et ne sera-t-elle pas emportée et submergée comme par le fleuve d'Egypte?

Amos 8:8
Sollte nicht um solches willen das Land erbeben müssen und alle Einwohner trauern? Ja, es soll ganz, wie mit einem Wasser, überlaufen werden und weggeführet und überschwemmet werden, wie mit dem Fluß in Ägypten.

Sollte nicht um solches willen das ganze Land erbeben müssen und alle Einwohner trauern? Ja, es soll ganz wie mit einem Wasser überlaufen werden und weggeführt und überschwemmt werden wie mit dem Fluß Ägyptens.

Soll deshalb nicht die Erde erzittern und, wer irgend sie bewohnt, in Trauer geraten, daß sie überall sich hebt wie der Nil und wieder sinkt wie der Nil in Ägypten?

Amos 8:8
Il paese non tremerà esso a motivo di questo? Ogni suo abitante non ne farà egli cordoglio? Il paese si solleverà tutto quanto come il fiume, ondeggerà, e s’abbasserà come il fiume d’Egitto.

La terra non sarà ella commossa per questo? ogni suo abitatore non ne farà egli cordoglio? e non salirà ella tutta come un fiume? e non ne sarà ella portata via, e sommersa, come per lo fiume di Egitto?

AMOS 8:8
Bukankah oleh karena segala perkara ini gemparlah tanah itu dan segala orang penduduknyapun berkabung? bahkan, ia itu akan tenggelam sama sekali seperti dalam sungai dan diombang-ambing dan diliputi seperti oleh sungai Mesir.

아모스 8:8
이로 인하여 땅이 떨지 않겠으며 그 가운데 모든 거민이 애통하지 않겠느냐 온 땅이 하수의 넘침 같이 솟아오르며 애굽강 같이 뛰놀다가 낮아지리라

Amos 8:8
numquid super isto non commovebitur terra et lugebit omnis habitator eius et ascendet quasi fluvius universus et eicietur et defluet quasi rivus Aegypti

Amoso knyga 8:8
Ar dėl to neturėtų sudrebėti žemė ir liūdėti visi jos gyventojai? Ji pakils, patvins ir vėl atslūgs kaip Egipto upė.

Amos 8:8
E kore ianei te whenua e wiri ki tenei? e kore ianei te hunga katoa e noho ana i reira e tangi? ae ra, ka pari katoa ake nei hoki ano ko te awa; ka akina e te hau, ka hoki iho ano, ka pera me te awa o Ihipa.

Amos 8:8
Må ikke derfor jorden skjelve, og alle som bor på den, sørge? Må ikke hele jorden heve sig som Nilen, stige og falle som Egyptens elv?

Amós 8:8
¿No temblará por esto la tierra, y hará duelo todo aquel que habita en ella? Subirá toda ella como el Nilo, se agitará y menguará como el Nilo de Egipto.

¿No temblará por esto la tierra, Y hará duelo todo aquél que habita en ella? Subirá toda ella como el Nilo, Se agitará Y disminuirá como el Nilo de Egipto.

¿No se estremecerá por esto la tierra? ¿No llorará todo aquel que habite en ella? Y subirá toda como un río, y será arrojada, y se hundirá como el río de Egipto.

¿No se ha de estremecer la tierra sobre esto? ¿Y todo habitador de ella no llorará? y subirá toda como un río, y será arrojada, y hundiráse como el río de Egipto.

¿No se ha de estremecer la tierra sobre esto? ¿Y todo habitador de ella no llorará? Y subirá toda como un río, y será arrojada, y será hundida como el río de Egipto.

Amós 8:8
Porventura não estremecerá toda a terra por causa disso? Não pranteará todo aquele que nela habita? Certamente toda esta terra se erguerá como o Nilo, será agitada e logo em seguida afundará como o próprio ribeiro do Nilo!”

Por causa disso não estremecerá a terra? e não chorará todo aquele que nela habita? Certamente se levantará ela toda como o Nilo, e será agitada, e diminuirá como o Nilo do Egito.   

Amos 8:8
Nu se va cutremura ţara din pricina acestor mişelii, şi nu se vor jăli toţi locuitorii ei? Nu se va umfla toată ţara ca rîul, ridicîndu-se şi pogorîndu-se iarăş ca rîul Egiptului?

Амос 8:8
Не поколеблется ли от этого земля, и не восплачет ли каждый, живущий на ней? Взволнуется вся она, как река, и будет подниматься и опускаться, как река Египетская.

Не поколеблется ли от этого земля, и не восплачет ли каждый, живущий на ней? Взволнуется вся она, как река, и будет подниматься и опускаться, как река Египетская.[]

Amos 8:8
Skulle jorden icke darra, när sådant sker, och skulle icke alla dess inbyggare sörja? Skulle icke hela jorden höja sig såsom Nilen och röras upp och åter sjunka såsom Egyptens flod?

Amos 8:8
Hindi baga manginginig ang lupain dahil dito, at mananaghoy ang bawa't tumatahan doon? oo, sasampang buo na gaya ng Ilog; at mababagabag at lulubog uli, gaya ng Ilog ng Egipto.

อาโมส 8:8
แผ่นดินจะไม่หวั่นไหวเพราะเรื่องนี้หรือ ทุกคนที่อาศัยอยู่ในแผ่นดินนั้นจะไม่ไว้ทุกข์หรือ และแผ่นดินนั้นทั้งหมดก็เอ่อขึ้นมาอย่างแม่น้ำ ถูกซัดไปซัดมาและยุบลงอีก เหมือนแม่น้ำแห่งอียิปต์มิใช่หรือ"

Amos 8:8
Bu yüzden yer sarsılmayacak mı,
Üzerinde yaşayan herkes yas tutmayacak mı?
Bütün yer Nil gibi yükselecek,
Kabarıp yine inecek Mısırın ırmağı gibi.››[]

A-moát 8:8
Ðất há chẳng rúng động về việc đó, hết thảy dân cư nó há chẳng than khóc sao? Trọn cả đất sẽ dậy lên như Sông cái, nó sẽ lung lay và lún xuống như Sông của Ê-díp-tô vậy.

Amos 8:7
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