Acts 2:28
Acts 2:28
You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.'

You have shown me the way of life, and you will fill me with the joy of your presence.'

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence.’


Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.

You have revealed the paths of life to me; You will fill me with gladness in Your presence."

You have made the ways of life known to me, and you will fill me with gladness in your presence.'

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of joy with your presence.'

“You have shown to me the way of life. You shall fill me, O' Sweetness, with your presence!”

You make the path of life known to me. In your presence there is complete joy.'

Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.

You have made known to me the ways of life; you shall make me full of joy with your countenance.

You have made known to me the ways of life; you shall make me full of joy with your countenance.

Thou madest known unto me the ways of life; Thou shalt make me full of gladness with thy countenance.

Thou hast made known to me the ways of life: thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.

Thou hast made known to me the paths of life, thou wilt fill me with joy with thy countenance.

Thou madest known unto me the ways of life; Thou shalt make me full of gladness with thy countenance.

Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou wilt make me full of joy with thy countenance.

Thou hast made known to me the ways of Life: Thou wilt fill me with gladness in Thy presence.'

You made known to me the ways of life. You will make me full of gladness with your presence.'

Thou didst make known to me ways of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy with Thy countenance.

Veprat e Apostujve 2:28
Ti më ke bërë të njoh udhët e jetës, ti do të më mbushësh me gëzim në praninë tënde".

ﺍﻋﻤﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺮﺳﻞ 2:28
‎عرفتني سبل الحياة وستملأني سرورا مع وجهك‎.

Կեանքի ճամբաները գիտցուցիր ինծի. քու երեսիդ ուրախութեամբ պիտի լեցնես զիս”:

Apostoluén Acteac. 2:28
Eçagut eraci drauzquidac vicitzearen bideac, betheren nauc bozcarioz eure beguitharte aitzinean.

De Zwölfbotngetaat 2:28
Du haast myr zaigt, wie i auf s Löbn kimm. Erfülln gaat mi mit Freud dein Gögnwart.'

Деяния 2:28
Изявил си ми пътищата на живота; В присъствието си ще ме изпълниш с веселба".

使 徒 行 傳 2:28
你 已 將 生 命 的 道 路 指 示 我 , 必 叫 我 因 見 你 的 面 ( 或 作 : 叫 我 在 你 面 前 ) 得 著 滿 足 的 快 樂 。

你 已 将 生 命 的 道 路 指 示 我 , 必 叫 我 因 见 你 的 面 ( 或 作 : 叫 我 在 你 面 前 ) 得 着 满 足 的 快 乐 。





Djela apostolska 2:28
Pokazat ćeš mi stazu života, ispuniti me radošću lica svoga.

Skutky apoštolské 2:28
Známé jsi mi učinil cesty života, a naplníš mne utěšením před obličejem svým.

Apostelenes gerninger 2:28
Du har kundgjort mig Livets Veje; du skal fylde mig med Glæde for dit Aasyn.«

Handelingen 2:28
Gij hebt mij de wegen des levens bekend gemaakt; Gij zult mij vervullen met verheuging door Uw aangezicht.

ἐγνώρισάς μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς, πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης μετὰ τοῦ προσώπου σου.

ἐγνώρισάς μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς, πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης μετὰ τοῦ προσώπου σου.

ἐγνώρισάς μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς, πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης μετὰ τοῦ προσώπου σου.

Ἐγνώρισάς μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς· πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης μετὰ τοῦ προσώπου σου.

ἐγνώρισάς μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς, πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης μετὰ τοῦ προσώπου σου.

ἐγνώρισάς μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς, πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης μετὰ τοῦ προσώπου σου.

ἐγνώρισάς μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς· πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης μετὰ τοῦ προσώπου σου.

ἐγνώρισάς μοι ὁδοὺς ζωῆς πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης μετὰ τοῦ προσώπου σου

εγνωρισας μοι οδους ζωης πληρωσεις με ευφροσυνης μετα του προσωπου σου

εγνωρισας μοι οδους ζωης πληρωσεις με ευφροσυνης μετα του προσωπου σου

εγνωρισας μοι οδους ζωης πληρωσεις με ευφροσυνης μετα του προσωπου σου

εγνωρισας μοι οδους ζωης· πληρωσεις με ευφροσυνης μετα του προσωπου σου.

εγνωρισας μοι οδους ζωης πληρωσεις με ευφροσυνης μετα του προσωπου σου

εγνωρισας μοι οδους ζωης πληρωσεις με ευφροσυνης μετα του προσωπου σου

egnōrisas moi hodous zōēs, plērōseis me euphrosynēs meta tou prosōpou sou.

egnorisas moi hodous zoes, pleroseis me euphrosynes meta tou prosopou sou.

egnōrisas moi hodous zōēs, plērōseis me euphrosynēs meta tou prosōpou sou.

egnorisas moi hodous zoes, pleroseis me euphrosynes meta tou prosopou sou.

egnōrisas moi odous zōēs plērōseis me euphrosunēs meta tou prosōpou sou

egnOrisas moi odous zOEs plErOseis me euphrosunEs meta tou prosOpou sou

egnōrisas moi odous zōēs plērōseis me euphrosunēs meta tou prosōpou sou

egnOrisas moi odous zOEs plErOseis me euphrosunEs meta tou prosOpou sou

egnōrisas moi odous zōēs plērōseis me euphrosunēs meta tou prosōpou sou

egnOrisas moi odous zOEs plErOseis me euphrosunEs meta tou prosOpou sou

egnōrisas moi odous zōēs plērōseis me euphrosunēs meta tou prosōpou sou

egnOrisas moi odous zOEs plErOseis me euphrosunEs meta tou prosOpou sou

egnōrisas moi odous zōēs plērōseis me euphrosunēs meta tou prosōpou sou

egnOrisas moi odous zOEs plErOseis me euphrosunEs meta tou prosOpou sou

egnōrisas moi odous zōēs plērōseis me euphrosunēs meta tou prosōpou sou

egnOrisas moi odous zOEs plErOseis me euphrosunEs meta tou prosOpou sou

Apostolok 2:28
Megjelentetted nékem az életnek útait; betöltesz engem örömmel a te orczád elõtt.

La agoj de la apostoloj 2:28
Vi konigis al mi la vojojn de la vivo, Vi plenigos min per gxojo antaux Vi.

Apostolien teot 2:28
Sinä olet minulle tiettäväksi tehnyt elämän tiet, sinä täytät minun ilolla sinun kasvois edessä.

Actes 2:28
Tu m'as fait connaître les chemins de la vie, tu me rempliras de joie par le regard de ta face".

Tu m'as fait connaître les sentiers de la vie, Tu me rempliras de joie par ta présence.

Tu m'as fait connaître le chemin de la vie, tu me rempliras de joie en ta présence.

Apostelgeschichte 2:28
Du hast mir kundgetan die Wege des Lebens; du wirst mich erfüllen mit Freuden vor deinem Angesichte.

Du hast mir kundgetan die Wege des Lebens; du wirst mich erfüllen mit Freuden vor deinem Angesicht."

Du hast mir Pfade des Lebens kund gethan, du wirst mich erfüllen mit Wonne vor deinem Angesicht.

Atti 2:28
Tu m’hai fatto conoscere le vie della vita; tu mi riempirai di letizia con la tua presenza.

Tu mi hai fatte conoscer le vie della vita, tu mi riempirai di letizia colla tua presenza.

Karena Engkau sudah memberitahu aku jalan hidup, dan Engkau akan memenuhi aku dengan kesukaan menghadap wajah-Mu.

Acts 2:28
Teldiḍ-iyi iberdan n tudert ; ul-iw yeččuṛ d lfeṛḥ imi tețțiliḍ yid-i.

사도행전 2:28
주께서 생명의 길로 내게 보이셨으니 주의 앞에서 나로 기쁨이 충만하게 하시리로다 하였으니

Actus Apostolorum 2:28
notas fecisti mihi vias vitae replebis me iucunditate cum facie tua

Apustuļu darbi 2:28
Tu man esi zināmus darījis dzīves ceļus, un ar līksmību Tu mani piepildīsi sava vaiga priekšā.

Apaðtalø darbø knyga 2:28
Tu man atvėrei gyvenimo kelius ir pripildysi mane džiaugsmu prieš savo veidą’.

Acts 2:28
Kua whakakitea e koe ki ahau nga huarahi o te ora; ka meinga e koe kia ki tonu toku koa i tou aroaro.

Apostlenes-gjerninge 2:28
du kunngjorde mig livets veier, du skal fylle mig med glede for ditt åsyn.

Hechos 2:28


Me hiciste conocer los caminos de la vida; Me llenarás de gozo con tu presencia.

Hicísteme notorios los caminos de la vida; Me henchirás de gozo con tu presencia.

Me hiciste notorios los caminos de la vida; me llenarás de gozo con tu presencia.

Atos 2:28
Tu me fizeste conhecer os caminhos da vida e me encherás de alegria na tua presença’.

fizeste-me conhecer os caminhos da vida; encher-me-ás de alegria na tua presença.   

Faptele Apostolilor 2:28
Mi-ai făcut cunoscut căile vieţii, şi Mă vei umplea de bucurie cu starea Ta de faţă.``

Деяния 2:28
Ты дал мне познать путь жизни, Ты исполнишь меня радостью пред лицем Твоим.

Ты дал мне познать путь жизни, Ты исполнишь меня радостью пред лицем Твоим.

Acts 2:28
Tura iwiaaku ßtin jintia jintintrutamame. Tura tuke pujurtakum waramtikrustatme. Tu aarmiayi Tawit' Tφmiayi.

Apostagärningarna 2:28
Du har kungjort mig livets vägar; du skall uppfylla mig med glädje inför ditt ansikte.'

Matendo Ya Mitume 2:28
Umenionyesha njia za kuufikia uzima, kuwako kwako kwanijaza furaha!

Mga Gawa 2:28
Ipinakilala mo sa akin ang mga daan ng buhay; Pupuspusin mo ako ng kagalakan sa harap ng iyong mukha.

กิจการ 2:28
พระองค์ได้ทรงโปรดให้ข้าพระองค์ทราบทางแห่งชีวิตแล้ว พระองค์จะทรงโปรดให้ข้าพระองค์มีความยินดีเต็มเปี่ยมด้วยสีพระพักตร์อันชอบพระทัยของพระองค์'

Elçilerin İşleri 2:28
Yaşam yollarını bana bildirdin; Varlığınla beni sevinçle dolduracaksın.›

Деяния 2:28
Обявив єси мені дороги життя; сповниш мене радощами перед лицем Твоїм.

Acts 2:28
Nutudo' -maka ohea mporata katuwua' to lompe'. Hono' lia mpai' kagoea' -ku, ane ria-apa mpai' dohe-nu.'"

Coâng-vuï caùc Söù-ñoà 2:28
Chúa đã cho tôi biết đường sự sống; Cũng sẽ cho tôi đầy lòng vui mừng trước mặt Ngài.

Acts 2:27
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