Acts 19:36
Acts 19:36
Therefore, since these facts are undeniable, you ought to calm down and not do anything rash.

Since this is an undeniable fact, you should stay calm and not do anything rash.

Seeing then that these things cannot be denied, you ought to be quiet and do nothing rash.

"So, since these are undeniable facts, you ought to keep calm and to do nothing rash.

Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.

Therefore, since these things are undeniable, you must keep calm and not do anything rash.

Since these things cannot be denied, you must be quiet and not do anything reckless.

So because these facts are indisputable, you must keep quiet and not do anything reckless.

“Because therefore no one can speak against this, you must be quiet and not do anything hasty.”

No one can deny this. So you have to be quiet and not do anything foolish.

Seeing then that these things cannot be gainsaid, ye ought to be quiet and to do nothing rashly.

Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, you ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.

Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, you ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.

Seeing then that these things cannot be gainsaid, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rash.

For as much therefore as these things cannot be contradicted, you ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.

These things therefore being undeniable, it is necessary that ye should be calm and do nothing headlong.

Seeing then that these things cannot be gainsaid, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rash.

Seeing then that these things cannot be contradicted, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.

These facts, then, being unquestioned, it becomes you to maintain your self-control and not act recklessly.

Seeing then that these things can't be denied, you ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rash.

these things, then, not being to be gainsaid, it is necessary for you to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.

Veprat e Apostujve 19:36
Duke qenë, pra, se këto janë të pakundërshtueshme, ju duhet të rrini urtë dhe të mos bëni asgjë të nxituar.

ﺍﻋﻤﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺮﺳﻞ 19:36
‎فاذ كانت هذه الاشياء لا تقاوم ينبغي ان تكونوا هادئين ولا تفعلوا شيئا اقتحاما‎.

Ուրեմն, նկատելով որ այս բաները անվիճելի են, դուք պէտք է հանդարտ կենաք եւ յանդգնութեամբ ոչի՛նչ ընէք:

Apostoluén Acteac. 19:36
Nehor bada gauça hautan contrasta ecin daitenaren gainean, appacega çaitezten beharda, eta deus desordenatuqui eztaguiçuen.

De Zwölfbotngetaat 19:36
Daa geit s nix zo n Deuttln. Grad dösswögn aber müesstß ayn Rue göbn und derfftß nix tuen, wasß spaeter non bereuetß.

Деяния 19:36
И тъй, понеже това е неоспоримо, вие трябва да мирувате и да не правите нищо несмислено.

使 徒 行 傳 19:36
這 事 既 是 駁 不 倒 的 , 你 們 就 當 安 靜 , 不 可 造 次 。

这 事 既 是 驳 不 倒 的 , 你 们 就 当 安 静 , 不 可 造 次 。





Djela apostolska 19:36
Budući dakle da je to neporecivo, valja da budete mirni te ništa brzopleto ne činite.

Skutky apoštolské 19:36
A poněvadž tomu odpíráno býti nemůže, slušné jest, abyste se upokojili a nic kvapně nečinili.

Apostelenes gerninger 19:36
Naar altsaa dette er uimodsigeligt, bør I være rolige og ikke foretage eder noget fremfusende.

Handelingen 19:36
Dewijl dan deze dingen onwedersprekelijk zijn, zo is het behoorlijk dat gij stil zijt, en niets onbedachts doet.

ἀναντιρρήτων οὖν ὄντων τούτων δέον ἐστὶν ὑμᾶς κατεσταλμένους ὑπάρχειν καὶ μηδὲν προπετὲς πράσσειν.

ἀναντιρήτων οὖν ὄντων τούτων δέον ἐστὶν ὑμᾶς κατεσταλμένους ὑπάρχειν καὶ μηδὲν προπετὲς πράσσειν.

ἀναντιρήτων / ἀναντιρρήτων οὖν ὄντων τούτων δέον ἐστὶν ὑμᾶς κατεσταλμένους ὑπάρχειν καὶ μηδὲν προπετὲς πράσσειν.

Ἀναντιρρήτων οὖν ὄντων τούτων, δέον ἐστὶν ὑμᾶς κατεσταλμένους ὑπάρχειν, καὶ μηδὲν προπετὲς πράσσειν.

ἀναντιρρήτων οὖν ὄντων τούτων δέον ἐστὶν ὑμᾶς κατεσταλμένους ὑπάρχειν καὶ μηδὲν προπετὲς πράσσειν.

ἀναντιρρήτων οὖν ὄντων τούτων δέον ἐστὶν ὑμᾶς κατεσταλμένους ὑπάρχειν καὶ μηδὲν προπετὲς πράσσειν.

ἀναντιρρήτων οὖν ὄντων τούτων, δέον ἐστὶν ὑμᾶς κατεσταλμένους ὑπάρχειν, καὶ μηδὲν προπετὲς πράττειν

ἀναντιρρήτων οὖν ὄντων τούτων δέον ἐστὶν ὑμᾶς κατεσταλμένους ὑπάρχειν καὶ μηδὲν προπετὲς πράττειν

αναντιρρητων ουν οντων τουτων δεον εστιν υμας κατεσταλμενους υπαρχειν και μηδεν προπετες πρασσειν

αναντιρρητων ουν οντων τουτων δεον εστιν υμας κατεσταλμενους υπαρχειν και μηδεν προπετες πρασσειν

αναντιρρητων ουν οντων τουτων δεον εστιν υμας κατεσταλμενους υπαρχειν και μηδεν προπετες πραττειν

αναντιρρητων ουν οντων τουτων, δεον εστιν υμας κατεσταλμενους υπαρχειν, και μηδεν προπετες πραττειν

αναντιρρητων ουν οντων τουτων δεον εστιν υμας κατεσταλμενους υπαρχειν και μηδεν προπετες πρασσειν

αναντιρρητων ουν οντων τουτων δεον εστιν υμας κατεσταλμενους υπαρχειν και μηδεν προπετες πρασσειν

anantirrētōn oun ontōn toutōn deon estin hymas katestalmenous hyparchein kai mēden propetes prassein.

anantirreton oun onton touton deon estin hymas katestalmenous hyparchein kai meden propetes prassein.

anantirētōn oun ontōn toutōn deon estin hymas katestalmenous hyparchein kai mēden propetes prassein.

anantireton oun onton touton deon estin hymas katestalmenous hyparchein kai meden propetes prassein.

anantirrētōn oun ontōn toutōn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mēden propetes prassein

anantirrEtOn oun ontOn toutOn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mEden propetes prassein

anantirrētōn oun ontōn toutōn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mēden propetes prassein

anantirrEtOn oun ontOn toutOn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mEden propetes prassein

anantirrētōn oun ontōn toutōn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mēden propetes prattein

anantirrEtOn oun ontOn toutOn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mEden propetes prattein

anantirrētōn oun ontōn toutōn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mēden propetes prattein

anantirrEtOn oun ontOn toutOn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mEden propetes prattein

anantirrētōn oun ontōn toutōn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mēden propetes prassein

anantirrEtOn oun ontOn toutOn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mEden propetes prassein

anantirrētōn oun ontōn toutōn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mēden propetes prassein

anantirrEtOn oun ontOn toutOn deon estin umas katestalmenous uparchein kai mEden propetes prassein

Apostolok 19:36
Mivelhogy azért ezeknek senki ellene nem szólhat, szükség, hogy megcsendesedjetek, és semmi vakmerõ dolgot ne cselekedjetek.

La agoj de la apostoloj 19:36
CXar tio do ne estas kontrauxdirebla, vi devas esti trankvilaj, kaj fari nenion senpripense.

Apostolien teot 19:36
Koska ei siis taideta sanoa sitä vastaan, niin asettakaat teitänne ja älkäät mitään tyhmiä tehkö.

Actes 19:36
Ces choses donc étant incontestables, il convient que vous vous teniez tranquilles et que vous ne fassiez rien précipitamment;

Cela étant incontestable, vous devez vous calmer, et ne rien faire avec précipitation.

Ces choses donc étant telles sans contradiction, il faut que vous vous apaisiez, et que vous ne fassiez rien imprudemment.

Apostelgeschichte 19:36
Weil nun das unwidersprechlich ist, so sollt ihr ja stille sein und nichts Unbedächtiges handeln.

Weil das nun unwidersprechlich ist, so sollt ihr ja stille sein und nichts Unbedächtiges handeln.

Da nun dies unwidersprechlich ist, so ziemt es euch, an euch zu halten und nichts zu überstürzen.

Atti 19:36
Essendo dunque queste cose fuor di contestazione, voi dovete acquetarvi e non far nulla di precipitato;

Essendo adunque queste cose fuor di contradizione, conviene che voi vi acquetiate, e non facciate nulla di precipitato.

Maka sedang segala perkara itu tiada dapat dibantahi, patutlah kamu diam dan jangan berbuat barang sesuatu dengan gopoh-gopoh.

Acts 19:36
Imi ayagi yiwen ur yezmir a t-yenkeṛ, ilaq ihi aț-țhennim iman-nwen, ur xeddmet acemma s tuffɣa n leɛqel !

사도행전 19:36
이 일이 그렇지 않다 할 수 없으니 너희가 가만히 있어서 무엇이든지 경솔히 아니하여야 하리라

Actus Apostolorum 19:36
cum ergo his contradici non possit oportet vos sedatos esse et nihil temere agere

Apustuļu darbi 19:36
Tā kā tam neviens nevar pretim runāt, jums jānomierinās, lai neko neapdomīgu nedarītu.

Apaðtalø darbø knyga 19:36
Šito niekas negali paneigti. Taigi nusiraminkite ir nieko galvotrūkčiais nedarykite.

Acts 19:36
Na, ka kore nei enei mea e taea te whakakorekore, heoi kia ata noho, kaua hoki e hikaka te mahi.

Apostlenes-gjerninge 19:36
Da nu ingen motsier dette, må I holde eder rolige og ikke foreta eder noget forhastet.

Hechos 19:36
Puesto que estos hechos son innegables, debéis guardar calma y no hacer nada precipitadamente.

"Puesto que estos hechos son innegables, deben guardar calma y no hacer nada precipitadamente.

Y ya que esto no puede ser contradicho, conviene que os apacigüéis, y que nada hagáis precipitadamente;

Así que, pues esto no puede ser contradicho, conviene que os apacigüéis, y que nada hagáis temerariamente;

Así que, pues esto no puede ser contradicho, conviene que os apacigüéis, y que nada hagáis temerariamente;

Atos 19:36
Portanto, considerando que estes acontecimentos são inegáveis, convém que vos aquieteis e nada façais irrefletidamente.

Ora, visto que estas coisas não podem ser contestadas, convém que vos aquieteis e nada façais precipitadamente.   

Faptele Apostolilor 19:36
Fiindcă nimeni nu poate să tăgăduiască lucrul acesta, trebuie să vă potoliţi, şi să nu faceţi nimic cu pornire nechibzuită.

Деяния 19:36
Если же в этом нет спора, то надобно вам быть спокойными и не поступать опрометчиво.

Если же в этом нет спора, то надобно вам быть спокойными и не поступать опрометчиво.

Acts 19:36
Warφ, N·naka Ashφ aents nΘkainia asamtai atumsha itiatkatarum. T·rarum Enentßimtsuk yajauch T·rawairap, Tφmiayi.

Apostagärningarna 19:36
Eftersom ju ingen kan bestrida detta, bören I hålla eder lugna och icke företaga eder något förhastat.

Matendo Ya Mitume 19:36
Hakuna anayeweza kukana mambo haya. Hivyo basi, tulieni; msifanye chochote bila hadhari.

Mga Gawa 19:36
Yamang hindi nga maikakaila ang mga bagay na ito, ay dapat kayong magsitahimik, at huwag magsigawa ng anomang bagay sa madalian.

กิจการ 19:36
เมื่อข้อนั้นกล่าวโต้แย้งไม่ได้แล้ว ท่านทั้งหลายควรจะนิ่งสงบสติอารมณ์ อย่าทำอะไรวู่วามไป

Elçilerin İşleri 19:36
Bunları hiç kimse inkâr edemez. Bunun için sakin olmanız ve düşüncesiz bir şey yapmamanız gerekir.

Деяния 19:36
А коли нїчого проти сього не можна сказати, то треба вам угамуватись і нїчого нерозважно не робити.

Acts 19:36
Uma hema to mposapu toe. Toe pai' mengkalino-ta ulu, neo' -ta nakeni roe nono-ta.

Coâng-vuï caùc Söù-ñoà 19:36
Bởi điều đó thật chối cãi chẳng nỗi, nên các ngươi khá ở yên, đừng làm sự gì vội vả.

Acts 19:35
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