2 Thessalonians 2:4
2 Thessalonians 2:4
He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

He will exalt himself and defy everything that people call god and every object of worship. He will even sit in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God.

who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits in God's sanctuary, publicizing that he himself is God.

He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship. As a result, he seats himself in the sanctuary of God and himself declares that he is God.

He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, and as a result he takes his seat in God's temple, displaying himself as God.

He who opposes and exalts himself against everything that is called God and religion, just as he will sit in the Temple of God, as God, and will show concerning himself as if he is God.

He opposes every so-called god or anything that is worshiped and places himself above them, sitting in God's temple and claiming to be God.

opposing and exalting himself against all that is called God, or divinity, so that he as God sits in the temple of God, making himself appear to be God.

Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

he that opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God.

Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.

who opposes and exalts himself on high against all called God, or object of veneration; so that he himself sits down in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

he that opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God.

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

and exalts himself above, every so-called 'god' or object of worship, and goes the length of taking his seat in the very temple of God, giving it out that he himself is God.

he who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or that is worshiped; so that he sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself up as God.

who is opposing and is raising himself up above all called God or worshipped, so that he in the sanctuary of God as God hath sat down, shewing himself off that he is God -- the day doth not come.

2 Thesalonikasve 2:4
kundërshtari, ai që lartëson veten mbi çdo gjë që quhet perëndi ose objekt adhurimi, aq sa të shkojë e të rrijë në tempullin e Perëndisë si Perëndi, duke e paraqitur veten se është Perëndi.

ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﺗﺴﺎﻟﻮﻧﻴﻜﻲ 2:4
المقاوم والمرتفع على كل ما يدعى الها او معبودا حتى انه يجلس في هيكل الله كاله مظهرا نفسه انه اله.

որ պիտի հակառակի եւ պանծացնէ ինքզինք ամէն բանէ վեր՝ որ Աստուած կը կոչուի կամ կը պաշտուի. մինչեւ անգամ պիտի բազմի Աստուծոյ տաճարին մէջ՝ ներկայացնելով ինքզինք իբր Աստուած:

2 Thessaloniceanoetara. 2:4
Cein opposatzen eta alchatzen baita Iainco erraiten eta adoratzen den guciren contra: hala non hura iainco beçala, Iaincoaren templean iarten baita, bere buruä eracusten duela ecen iainco dela.

De Tessyloninger B 2:4
dyr Widersacher, wo si über allss, was Got older Heiligtuem haisst, derart erhöbt, däß yr si sogar eyn n Templ Gottes einhinsitzt und si für n Herrgot selbn ausgibt.

2 Солунци 2:4
който [така] се противи и се превъзнася над всеки, който се нарича Бог, или на когото се отдава поклонение, щото той седи [[както Бог]] в Божия храм и представя себе си за Бог.

帖 撒 羅 尼 迦 後 書 2:4
他 是 抵 擋 主 , 高 抬 自 己 , 超 過 一 切 稱 為 神 的 和 一 切 受 人 敬 拜 的 , 甚 至 坐 在 神 的 殿 裡 , 自 稱 是 神 。

他 是 抵 挡 主 , 高 抬 自 己 , 超 过 一 切 称 为 神 的 和 一 切 受 人 敬 拜 的 , 甚 至 坐 在 神 的 殿 里 , 自 称 是 神 。





Druga poslanica Solunjanima 2:4
Protivnik, onaj koji uzdiže sebe protiv svega što se zove Bog ili svetinja, dotle da i u Božji hram zasjedne gradeći se Bogom...

Druhá Tesalonickým 2:4
Protivící a povyšující se nade všecko, což slove Bůh, anebo čemuž se děje Božská čest, takže se posadí v chrámě Božím, tak sobě počínaje, jako by byl Bůh.

2 Tessalonikerne 2:4
han, som sætter sig imod og ophøjer sig over alt, hvad der kaldes Gud eller Helligdom, saa at han sætter sig i Guds Tempel og udgiver sig selv for at være Gud.

2 Thessalonicenzen 2:4
Die zich tegenstelt, en verheft boven al wat God genaamd, of als God geeerd wordt, alzo dat hij in den tempel Gods als een God zal zitten, zichzelven vertonende, dat hij God is.

ὁ ἀντικείμενος καὶ ὑπεραιρόμενος ἐπὶ πάντα λεγόμενον Θεὸν ἢ σέβασμα, ὥστε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν ναὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ καθίσαι, ἀποδεικνύντα ἑαυτὸν ὅτι ἔστιν Θεός.

ὁ ἀντικείμενος καὶ ὑπεραιρόμενος ἐπὶ πάντα λεγόμενον θεὸν ἢ σέβασμα, ὥστε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν ναὸν τοῦ θεοῦ καθίσαι, ἀποδεικνύντα ἑαυτὸν ὅτι ἔστιν θεός .

ὁ ἀντικείμενος καὶ ὑπεραιρόμενος ἐπὶ πάντα λεγόμενον θεὸν ἢ σέβασμα, ὥστε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν ναὸν τοῦ θεοῦ καθίσαι, ἀποδεικνύντα ἑαυτὸν ὅτι ἔστιν θεός .

ὁ ἀντικείμενος καὶ ὑπεραιρόμενος ἐπὶ πάντα λεγόμενον θεὸν ἢ σέβασμα, ὥστε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν ναὸν τοῦ θεοῦ ὡς θεὸν καθίσαι, ἀποδεικνύντα ἑαυτὸν ὅτι ἐστὶν θεός.

ὁ ἀντικείμενος καὶ ὑπεραιρόμενος ἐπὶ πάντα λεγόμενον Θεὸν ἢ σέβασμα, ὥστε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν ναὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ καθίσαι, ἀποδεικνύντα ἑαυτὸν ὅτι ἔστι Θεός.

ὁ ἀντίκειμαι καί ὑπεραίρομαι ἐπί πᾶς λέγω θεός ἤ σέβασμα ὥστε αὐτός εἰς ὁ ναός ὁ θεός καθίζω ἀποδείκνυμι ἑαυτοῦ ὅτι εἰμί θεός

ὁ ἀντικείμενος καὶ ὑπεραιρόμενος ἐπὶ πᾶν τό λεγόμενον Θεὸν ἢ σέβασμα, ὥστε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν ναὸν τοῦ Θεοῦ ὡς Θεὸν καθίσαι, ἀποδεικνύντα ἑαυτὸν ὅτι ἔστι Θεός.

ὁ ἀντικείμενος καὶ ὑπεραιρόμενος ἐπὶ πάντα λεγόμενον θεὸν ἢ σέβασμα ὥστε αὐτὸν εἰς τὸν ναὸν τοῦ θεοῦ ὡς Θεὸν καθίσαι ἀποδεικνύντα ἑαυτὸν ὅτι ἔστιν θεός

ο αντικειμενος και υπεραιρομενος επι παντα λεγομενον θεον η σεβασμα ωστε αυτον εις τον ναον του θεου καθισαι αποδεικνυντα εαυτον οτι εστιν θεος

ο αντικειμενος και υπεραιρομενος επι παντα λεγομενον θεον η σεβασμα ωστε αυτον εις τον ναον του θεου καθισαι αποδεικνυντα εαυτον οτι εστιν θεος

ο αντικειμενος και υπεραιρομενος επι παντα λεγομενον θεον η σεβασμα ωστε αυτον εις τον ναον του θεου ως θεον καθισαι αποδεικνυντα εαυτον οτι εστιν θεος

ο αντικειμενος και υπεραιρομενος επι παν το λεγομενον Θεον η σεβασμα, ωστε αυτον εις τον ναον του Θεου ως Θεον καθισαι, αποδεικνυντα εαυτον οτι εστι Θεος.

ο αντικειμενος και υπεραιρομενος επι παντα λεγομενον θεον η σεβασμα ωστε αυτον εις τον ναον του θεου ως θεον καθισαι αποδεικνυντα εαυτον οτι εστιν θεος

ο αντικειμενος και υπεραιρομενος επι παντα λεγομενον θεον η σεβασμα ωστε αυτον εις τον ναον του θεου καθισαι αποδεικνυντα εαυτον οτι εστιν θεος

ho antikeimenos kai hyperairomenos epi panta legomenon Theon ē sebasma, hōste auton eis ton naon tou Theou kathisai, apodeiknynta heauton hoti estin Theos.

ho antikeimenos kai hyperairomenos epi panta legomenon Theon e sebasma, hoste auton eis ton naon tou Theou kathisai, apodeiknynta heauton hoti estin Theos.

ho antikeimenos kai hyperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon ē sebasma, hōste auton eis ton naon tou theou kathisai, apodeiknynta heauton hoti estin theos .

ho antikeimenos kai hyperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon e sebasma, hoste auton eis ton naon tou theou kathisai, apodeiknynta heauton hoti estin theos .

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon ē sebasma ōste auton eis ton naon tou theou kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon E sebasma Oste auton eis ton naon tou theou kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon ē sebasma ōste auton eis ton naon tou theou ōs theon kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon E sebasma Oste auton eis ton naon tou theou Os theon kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon ē sebasma ōste auton eis ton naon tou theou ōs theon kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon E sebasma Oste auton eis ton naon tou theou Os theon kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi pan to legomenon theon ē sebasma ōste auton eis ton naon tou theou ōs theon kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi pan to legomenon theon E sebasma Oste auton eis ton naon tou theou Os theon kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon ē sebasma ōste auton eis ton naon tou theou kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon E sebasma Oste auton eis ton naon tou theou kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon ē sebasma ōste auton eis ton naon tou theou kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon theon E sebasma Oste auton eis ton naon tou theou kathisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin theos

2 Tesszalonika 2:4
A ki ellene veti és fölébe emeli magát mindannak, a mi Istennek vagy istentiszteletre méltónak mondatik, annyira, hogy maga ül be mint Isten az Isten templomába, Isten gyanánt mutogatván magát.

Al la tesalonikanoj 2 2:4
kiu kontrauxmetas sin kaj levas sin super cxion, kion oni nomas Dio aux adoras; tiel, ke li sidas en la templo de Dio, elmontrante sin, kvazaux li estas Dio.

Toinen kirje tessalonikalaisille 2:4
Joka on vastaanseisoja, ja korottaa itsensä kaikkein päälle, mikä jumalaksi taikka jumalanpalveluksi kutsutaan, niin että hän istuttaa itsensä Jumalan templiin niinkuin Jumala, ja tekee itsensä jumalaksi.

2 Thessaloniciens 2:4
qui s'oppose et s'élève contre tout ce qui est appelé Dieu ou qui est un objet de vénération, en sorte que lui-même s'assiéra au temple de Dieu, se présentant lui-même comme étant Dieu.

l'adversaire qui s'élève au-dessus de tout ce qu'on appelle Dieu ou de ce qu'on adore, jusqu'à s'asseoir dans le temple de Dieu, se proclamant lui-même Dieu.

Lequel s'oppose et s'élève contre tout ce qui est nommé Dieu, ou qu'on adore, jusqu'à être assis comme Dieu au Temple de Dieu voulant se faire passer pour un Dieu.

2 Thessalonicher 2:4
der da ist ein Widerwärtiger und sich überhebet über alles, was Gott oder Gottesdienst heißet, also daß er sich setzt in den Tempel Gottes als ein Gott und gibt sich vor, er sei Gott.

der da ist der Widersacher und sich überhebt über alles, was Gott oder Gottesdienst heißt, also daß er sich setzt in den Tempel Gottes als ein Gott und gibt sich aus, er sei Gott.

der Widersacher, der sich erhebt über alles was Gott heißt und Heiligtum, so daß er sich in den Tempel Gottes setzt, sich selbst als Gott ausstellend.

2 Tessalonicesi 2:4
l’avversario, colui che s’innalza sopra tutto quello che è chiamato Dio od oggetto di culto; fino al punto da porsi a sedere nel tempio di Dio, mostrando se stesso e dicendo ch’egli è Dio.

L’avversario, che s’innalza sopra chiunque è chiamato dio, o divinità; talchè siede nel tempio di Dio, come Dio; mostrando sè stesso, e dicendo, ch’egli è Dio.

2 TES 2:4
yang melawan, dan meninggikan dirinya mengatas segala sesuatu yang dianggap seperti Allah dan yang disembah, sehingga ia bertegak di dalam Bait Allah serta menyatakan dirinya ialah Allah.

2 Thessalonians 2:4
Win akken ara yessimɣuṛen iman is sennig wayen meṛṛa iɛebbden yemdanen, ad yekcem ɣer lǧameɛ iqedsen n Ṛebbi ad yerr iman-is deg wemkan n Ṛebbi. f+

데살로니가후서 2:4
저는 대적하는 자라 범사에 일컫는 하나님이나 숭배함을 받는 자 위에 뛰어나 자존하여 하나님 성전에 앉아 자기를 보여 하나님이라 하느니라

II Thessalonicenses 2:4
qui adversatur et extollitur supra omne quod dicitur Deus aut quod colitur ita ut in templo Dei sedeat ostendens se quia sit Deus

Tesaloniķiešiem 2 2:4
Kas pretojas un sevi ceļ pārāku pār visu to, kas saucas Dievs un kas tiek pielūgts. Viņš pat ieņem vietu Dieva templī, dēvēdams sevi, it kā viņš būtu Dievs.

Antrasis laiðkas tesalonikieèiams 2:4
prieštarautojas, kuris išaukština save prieš visa, kas vadinama Dievu ar garbinama, ir pats sėdasi kaip Dievas Dievo šventykloje, rodydamas save esant Dievu.

2 Thessalonians 2:4
He hoariri nei ia, e whakakake ana i a ia ki runga ake i nga mea katoa e kiia ana he Atua, e karakiatia ana; kia noho ai ia i te whare tapu o te Atua, kia whakaatu ai i a ia ko ia te Atua.

2 Tessalonikerne 2:4
han som står imot og ophøier sig over alt som kalles gud eller helligdom, så han setter sig i Guds tempel og gir sig selv ut for å være Gud.

2 Tesalonicenses 2:4
el cual se opone y se exalta sobre todo lo que se llama dios o es objeto de culto, de manera que se sienta en el templo de Dios, presentándose como si fuera Dios.

Este se opone y se exalta sobre todo lo que se llama dios o es objeto de culto, de manera que se sienta en el templo de Dios, presentándose como si fuera Dios.

el cual se opone y se exalta contra todo lo que se llama Dios o es adorado; tanto que como Dios se sienta en el templo de Dios, haciéndose pasar por Dios.

Oponiéndose, y levantándose contra todo lo que se llama Dios, ó que se adora; tanto que se asiente en el templo de Dios como Dios, haciéndose parecer Dios.

oponiéndose, y levantándose contra todo lo que se llama Dios, o divinidad; tanto que se sienta en el templo de Dios como Dios, haciéndose parecer Dios.

2 Tessalonicenses 2:4
Aquele que se opõe e se exalta acima de tudo o que se chama Deus ou é objeto de adoração, a ponto de se assentar no santuário de Deus, apresentando-se como Deus.

aquele que se opõe e se levanta contra tudo o que se chama Deus ou é objeto de adoração, de sorte que se assenta no santuário de Deus, apresentando-se como Deus.   

2 Tesaloniceni 2:4
protivnicul, care se înalţă mai pe sus de tot ce se numeşte ,,Dumnezeu``, sau de ce este vrednic de închinare. Aşa că se va aşeza în Templul lui Dumnezeu, dîndu-se drept Dumnezeu.

2-е Фессалоникийцам 2:4
противящийся и превозносящийся выше всего, называемого Богом или святынею, так что в храме Божием сядет он, как Бог, выдавая себя за Бога.

противящийся и превозносящийся выше всего, называемого Богом или святынею, так что в храме Божием сядет он, как Бог, выдавая себя за Бога.

2 Thessalonians 2:4
Niisha aya Wφniak Enentßimtursarat tusa wakerak, ßntar-yusnasha tura nekas Y·snasha shuar tikishmatrarain tusa ti nakitrattawai. Ninki ti nankaamantu Enentßimtumas, Yusa nuke ajas, Uunt Yusa Jeen Wayßa pujustatui. "J·iti Yus" shuar turutiarat tusa mash T·rittiawai.

2 Thessalonikerbreve 2:4
vedersakaren, som upphäver sig över allt vad gud heter, och allt som kallas heligt, så att han tager sitt säte i Guds tempel och föregiver sig vara Gud.

2 Wathesalonike 2:4
Yeye atapinga kila kitu wanachokiona watu kuwa ni mungu, au wanachokiabudu. Naam, hata ataingia na kuketi ndani ya Hekalu la Mungu akijidai kuwa Mungu.

2 Mga Taga-Tesalonica 2:4
Na sumasalangsang at nagmamataas laban sa lahat na tinatawag na Dios o sinasamba; ano pa't siya'y nauupo sa templo ng Dios, na siya'y nagtatanyag sa kaniyang sarili na tulad sa Dios.

2 เธสะโลนิกา 2:4
ผู้กีดกั้นขัดขวางและยกตัวขึ้นต่อสู้อะไรๆที่ได้ชื่อว่าเป็นพระเจ้า หรืออะไรๆที่เขาไหว้นมัสการนั้น แล้วมันก็นั่งในพระวิหารของพระเจ้าเหมือนอย่างพระเจ้า ประกาศตัวว่าเป็นพระเจ้า

2 Selanikiler 2:4
Bu adam, tanrı diye anılan ya da tapılan her şeye karşı gelerek kendini hepsinden yüce gösterecek, hatta kendisini Tanrı ilan ederek Tanrının Tapınağında oturacaktır.

2 Солунци 2:4
що противить ся і несеть ся вище всякого званого Бога або шановища, так що засяде як Бог у храмі Божому, показуючи себе, що він єсть Бог.

2 Thessalonians 2:4
Nau' ba beiwa mpu'u-mi lolita doo, neo' -koi ma'ala rabagiu. Apa' kako'ia-na rata eo toe, to ronyala toi ulu kana jadi': wori' tauna ngkala'ura ngkai pepangala' -ra, pai' mehupa' -mi hadua tauna to dada'a to mpo'ewa Alata'ala. Tauna to dada'a toei, molangko nono-na, mpopeliu tuwu' -nai ngkai hawe'ea to rapue' hi dunia'. Pai' daho' -i-hana mohura hi rala Tomi Alata'ala, mpo'uli' kahi'a-nami Alata'ala. Jadi', monoa' ami' -mi karatadi-na hi naraka.

2 Teâ-sa-loâ-ni-ca 2:4
tức là kẻ đối địch, tôn mình lên trên mọi sự mà người ta xưng là Ðức Chúa Trời hoặc người ta thờ lạy, rất đỗi ngồi trong đền Ðức Chúa Trời, chính mình tự xưng là Ðức Chúa Trời.

2 Thessalonians 2:3
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