1 Timothy 6:17
1 Timothy 6:17
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment.

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.

Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

Instruct those who are rich in the present age not to be arrogant or to set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth, but on God, who richly provides us with all things to enjoy.

Tell those who are rich in this age not to be arrogant and not to place their confidence in anything as uncertain as riches. Instead, let them place their confidence in God, who lavishly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

Command those who are rich in this world's goods not to be haughty or to set their hope on riches, which are uncertain, but on God who richly provides us with all things for our enjoyment.

I command the rich of this world that they not be lifted up in their minds and that they would not trust upon wealth because there is no certainty concerning it, but upon THE LIVING GOD, who gives richly to us all for our comfort,

Tell those who have the riches of this world not to be arrogant and not to place their confidence in anything as uncertain as riches. Instead, they should place their confidence in God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

Charge those that are rich in this world, that they not be highminded, not placing their hope in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy;

Charge them that are rich in this present age, that they be not haughty, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy;

Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy;

Charge them that are rich in this present world, that they be not highminded, nor have their hope set on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

Charge the rich of this world not to be highminded, nor to trust in the uncertainty of riches, but in the living God, (who giveth us abundantly all things to enjoy,)

Enjoin on those rich in the present age not to be high-minded, nor to trust on the uncertainty of riches; but in the God who affords us all things richly for our enjoyment;

Charge them that are rich in this present world, that they be not highminded, nor have their hope set on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

Impress on those who are rich in the present age that they must not be haughty nor set their hopes on riches--that unstable foundation--but on God who provides us richly with all things for our enjoyment.

Charge those who are rich in this present world that they not be haughty, nor have their hope set on the uncertainty of riches, but on the living God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy;

Those rich in the present age charge thou not to be high-minded, nor to hope in the uncertainty of riches, but in the living God, who is giving to us all things richly for enjoyment; --

1 Timoteut 6:17
Porositi të pasurit e kësaj bote të mos jenë krenarë, dhe të mos i mbajnë shpresat në pasurinë që është e pasigurt, por në Perëndinë e gjallë, i cili na jep gjithçka bujarisht për ta gëzuar,

ﺍﻻﻭﻝ ﺗﻴﻤﻮﺛﺎﻭﺱ 6:17
اوص الاغنياء في الدهر الحاضر ان لا يستكبروا ولا يلقوا رجاءهم على غير يقينية الغنى بل على الله الحي الذي يمنحنا كل شيء بغنى للتمتع.

Պատուիրէ՛ այս աշխարհի մէջ հարուստ եղողներուն՝ որ մեծամիտ չըլլան, ո՛չ ալ յուսան անստոյգ հարստութեան, հապա՝ ապրող Աստուծոյ, որ ամէն բան կու տայ մեզի ճոխութեամբ՝ վայելելու համար:

1 Timotheogana. 6:17
Mundu hunetan abrats diradeney denuntia iecéc, eztiraden arrogant, eta ezteçaten bere sperançá eçar fermutate gabeco abrastassunetan, baina Iainco vician, ceinec emaiten baitrauzquigu abundosqui gauça guciac, vsatzeco:

Dyr Timyteus A 6:17
Warn die, wo reich seind in derer Welt, däß s nit hoohtragn werdnd! Sö sollnd nit auf dönn schwibln Reichtuem sötzn, sundern auf n Herrgot, der was üns ünser Gnucht gibt.

1 Тимотей 6:17
На ония, които имат богатството на тоя свят, заръчвай да не високоумствуват, нито да се надяват на непостоянното богатство, а на Бога, Който ни дава всичко изобилно да се наслаждаваме;

提 摩 太 前 書 6:17
你 要 囑 咐 那 些 今 世 富 足 的 人 , 不 要 自 高 , 也 不 要 倚 靠 無 定 的 錢 財 ; 只 要 倚 靠 那 厚 賜 百 物 給 我 們 享 受 的 神 。

你 要 嘱 咐 那 些 今 世 富 足 的 人 , 不 要 自 高 , 也 不 要 倚 靠 无 定 的 钱 财 ; 只 要 倚 靠 那 厚 赐 百 物 给 我 们 享 受 的 神 。





Prva poslanica Timoteju 6:17
Onima koji su u sadašnjem svijetu bogati zapovijedaj neka ne budu bahati i neka se ne uzdaju u nesigurno bogatstvo, nego u Boga koji nam sve bogato daje na uživanje;

První Timoteovi 6:17
Bohatým tohoto světa přikazuj, ať nejsou vysokomyslní a ať nedoufají v nejistém zboží, ale v Bohu živém, kterýž dává nám hojnost všeho ku požívání.

1 Timoteus 6:17
Byd dem, som ere rige i den nærværende Verden, at de ikke hovmode sig, ej heller sætte Haab til den usikre Rigdom, men til Gud, som giver os rigeligt alle Ting at nyde;

1 Timotheüs 6:17
Beveel den rijken in deze tegenwoordige wereld, dat zij niet hoogmoedig zijn, noch hun hoop stellen op de ongestadigheid des rijkdoms, maar op den levenden God, Die ons alle dingen rijkelijk verleent, om te genieten;

Τοῖς πλουσίοις ἐν τῷ νῦν αἰῶνι παράγγελλε μὴ ὑψηλοφρονεῖν, μηδὲ ἠλπικέναι ἐπὶ πλούτου ἀδηλότητι, ἀλλ’ ἐπὶ Θεῷ τῷ παρέχοντι ἡμῖν πάντα πλουσίως εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν,

Τοῖς πλουσίοις ἐν τῷ νῦν αἰῶνι παράγγελλε μὴ ὑψηλοφρονεῖν μηδὲ ἠλπικέναι ἐπὶ πλούτου ἀδηλότητι, ἀλλ' ἐπὶ θεῷ τῷ παρέχοντι ἡμῖν πάντα πλουσίως εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν,

Τοῖς πλουσίοις ἐν τῷ νῦν αἰῶνι παράγγελλε μὴ ὑψηλοφρονεῖν μηδὲ ἠλπικέναι ἐπὶ πλούτου ἀδηλότητι, ἀλλ' ἐπὶ θεῷ τῷ παρέχοντι ἡμῖν πάντα πλουσίως εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν,

Tοῖς πλουσίοις ἐν τῷ νῦν αἰῶνι παράγγελλε, μὴ ὑψηλοφρονεῖν, μηδὲ ἠλπικέναι ἐπὶ πλούτου ἀδηλότητι, ἀλλ’ ἐν τῷ θεῷ τῷ ζῶντι, τῷ παρέχοντι ἡμῖν πάντα πλουσίως εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν·

Τοῖς πλουσίοις ἐν τῷ νῦν αἰῶνι παράγγελλε μὴ ὑψηλοφρονεῖν, μηδὲ ἠλπικέναι ἐπὶ πλούτου ἀδηλότητι, ἀλλ’ ἐν τῷ Θεῷ τῷ ζῶντι, τῷ παρέχοντι ἡμῖν πάντα πλουσίως εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν,

ὁ πλούσιος ἐν ὁ νῦν αἰών παραγγέλλω μή ὑψηλός φρονέω μηδέ ἐλπίζω ἐπί πλοῦτος ἀδηλότης ἀλλά ἐπί θεός ὁ παρέχω ἡμᾶς πᾶς πλουσίως εἰς ἀπόλαυσις

Τοῖς πλουσίοις ἐν τῷ νῦν αἰῶνι παράγγελλε μὴ ὑψηλοφρονεῖν, μηδὲ ἠλπικέναι ἐπὶ πλούτου ἀδηλότητι, ἀλλ’ ἐν τῷ θεῷ, τῷ ζῶντι τῷ παρέχοντι ἡμῖν πλουσίως πάντα εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν

Τοῖς πλουσίοις ἐν τῷ νῦν αἰῶνι παράγγελλε μὴ ὑψηλοφρονεῖν μηδὲ ἠλπικέναι ἐπὶ πλούτου ἀδηλότητι ἀλλ' ἐν τῷ θεῷ τῷ ζῶντι, τῷ παρέχοντι ἡμῖν πλουσίως πάντα εἰς ἀπόλαυσιν

τοις πλουσιοις εν τω νυν αιωνι παραγγελλε μη υψηλοφρονειν μηδε ηλπικεναι επι πλουτου αδηλοτητι αλλ επι θεω τω παρεχοντι ημιν παντα πλουσιως εις απολαυσιν

τοις πλουσιοις εν τω νυν αιωνι παραγγελλε μη υψηλα φρονειν μηδε ηλπικεναι επι πλουτου αδηλοτητι αλλ επι θεω τω παρεχοντι ημιν παντα πλουσιως εις απολαυσιν

τοις πλουσιοις εν τω νυν αιωνι παραγγελλε μη υψηλοφρονειν μηδε ηλπικεναι επι πλουτου αδηλοτητι αλλ εν τω θεω τω ζωντι τω παρεχοντι ημιν πλουσιως παντα εις απολαυσιν

Τοις πλουσιοις εν τω νυν αιωνι παραγγελλε μη υψηλοφρονειν, μηδε ηλπικεναι επι πλουτου αδηλοτητι, αλλ εν τω θεω, τω ζωντι τω παρεχοντι ημιν πλουσιως παντα εις απολαυσιν

τοις πλουσιοις εν τω νυν αιωνι παραγγελλε μη υψηλοφρονειν μηδε ηλπικεναι επι πλουτου αδηλοτητι αλλ εν τω θεω τω ζωντι τω παρεχοντι ημιν παντα πλουσιως εις απολαυσιν

τοις πλουσιοις εν τω νυν αιωνι παραγγελλε μη υψηλοφρονειν μηδε ηλπικεναι επι πλουτου αδηλοτητι αλλ επι θεω τω παρεχοντι ημιν παντα πλουσιως εις απολαυσιν

Tois plousiois en tō nyn aiōni parangelle mē hypsēlophronein, mēde ēlpikenai epi ploutou adēlotēti, all’ epi Theō tō parechonti hēmin panta plousiōs eis apolausin,

Tois plousiois en to nyn aioni parangelle me hypselophronein, mede elpikenai epi ploutou adeloteti, all’ epi Theo to parechonti hemin panta plousios eis apolausin,

Tois plousiois en tō nyn aiōni parangelle mē hypsēlophronein mēde ēlpikenai epi ploutou adēlotēti, all' epi theō tō parechonti hēmin panta plousiōs eis apolausin,

Tois plousiois en to nyn aioni parangelle me hypselophronein mede elpikenai epi ploutou adeloteti, all' epi theo to parechonti hemin panta plousios eis apolausin,

tois plousiois en tō nun aiōni parangelle mē upsēla phronein mēde ēlpikenai epi ploutou adēlotēti all epi theō tō parechonti ēmin panta plousiōs eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tO nun aiOni parangelle mE upsEla phronein mEde Elpikenai epi ploutou adElotEti all epi theO tO parechonti Emin panta plousiOs eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tō nun aiōni parangelle mē upsēlophronein mēde ēlpikenai epi ploutou adēlotēti all en tō theō tō zōnti tō parechonti ēmin panta plousiōs eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tO nun aiOni parangelle mE upsElophronein mEde Elpikenai epi ploutou adElotEti all en tO theO tO zOnti tO parechonti Emin panta plousiOs eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tō nun aiōni parangelle mē upsēlophronein mēde ēlpikenai epi ploutou adēlotēti all en tō theō tō zōnti tō parechonti ēmin plousiōs panta eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tO nun aiOni parangelle mE upsElophronein mEde Elpikenai epi ploutou adElotEti all en tO theO tO zOnti tO parechonti Emin plousiOs panta eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tō nun aiōni parangelle mē upsēlophronein mēde ēlpikenai epi ploutou adēlotēti all en tō theō tō zōnti tō parechonti ēmin plousiōs panta eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tO nun aiOni parangelle mE upsElophronein mEde Elpikenai epi ploutou adElotEti all en tO theO tO zOnti tO parechonti Emin plousiOs panta eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tō nun aiōni parangelle mē upsēlophronein mēde ēlpikenai epi ploutou adēlotēti all epi theō tō parechonti ēmin panta plousiōs eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tO nun aiOni parangelle mE upsElophronein mEde Elpikenai epi ploutou adElotEti all epi theO tO parechonti Emin panta plousiOs eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tō nun aiōni parangelle mē upsēlophronein mēde ēlpikenai epi ploutou adēlotēti all epi theō tō parechonti ēmin panta plousiōs eis apolausin

tois plousiois en tO nun aiOni parangelle mE upsElophronein mEde Elpikenai epi ploutou adElotEti all epi theO tO parechonti Emin panta plousiOs eis apolausin

1 Timóteushoz 6:17
Azoknak, a kik gazdagok e világon, mondd meg, hogy ne fuvalkodjanak fel, se ne reménykedjenek a bizonytalan gazdagságban, hanem az élõ Istenben, a ki bõségesen megad nékünk mindent a mi tápláltatásunkra;

Al Timoteo 1 6:17
Admonu tiujn, kiuj estas ricxaj en la nuna mondo, ke ili ne estu arogantaj, kaj ke ili apogu sian esperon ne sur la malcertecon de la ricxo, sed sur Dion, kiu donas al ni ricxe cxion por gxuado;

Ensimmäinen kirje Timoteukselle 6:17
Käske niitä, jotka rikkaat tässä maailmassa ovat, ettei he ylpeilisi eikä panisi toivoansa katoovaisen rikkauden, vaan elävän Jumalan päälle, joka meille antaa nautitaksemme runsaasti kaikkinaista:

1 Timothée 6:17
Ordonne à ceux qui sont riches dans le présent siècle, qu'ils ne soient pas hautains et qu'ils ne mettent pas leur confiance dans l'incertitude des richesses, mais dans le Dieu qui donne toutes choses richement pour en jouir;

Recommande aux riches du présent siècle de ne pas être orgueilleux, et de ne pas mettre leur espérance dans des richesses incertaines, mais de la mettre en Dieu, qui nous donne avec abondance toutes choses pour que nous en jouissions.

Dénonce à ceux qui sont riches en ce monde, qu'ils ne soient point hautains, et qu'ils ne mettent point leur confiance dans l'incertitude des richesses, mais au Dieu vivant, qui nous donne toutes choses abondamment pour en jouir.

1 Timotheus 6:17
Den Reichen von dieser Welt gebeut, daß sie nicht stolz seien, auch nicht hoffen auf den ungewissen Reichtum, sondern auf den lebendigen Gott, der uns dar gibt reichlich, allerlei zu genießen,

Den Reichen von dieser Welt gebiete, daß sie nicht stolz seien, auch nicht hoffen auf den ungewissen Reichtum, sondern auf den lebendigen Gott, der uns dargibt reichlich, allerlei zu genießen;

Denen, die da reich sind in dieser Welt, befiehl: sich nicht hoch zu dünken, noch zu hoffen auf des Reichtums ungewisses Wesen, sondern auf Gott, der uns alles reichlich gewährt zum Genusse,

1 Timoteo 6:17
A quelli che son ricchi in questo mondo ordina che non siano d’animo altero, che non ripongano la loro speranza nell’incertezza delle ricchezze, ma in Dio, il quale ci somministra copiosamente ogni cosa perché ne godiamo;

Dinunzia a’ ricchi nel presente secolo, che non sieno d’animo altiero, che non pongano la loro speranza nell’incertitudine delle ricchezze; ma nell’Iddio vivente, il qual ci porge doviziosamente ogni cosa, per goderne.

1 TIM 6:17
Pesankanlah kepada segala orang yang kaya di dalam alam ini, supaya jangan mereka itu tinggi hati, dan jangan harap kepada kekayaan yang tiada tetap itu, melainkan kepada Allah, yang mengaruniai kita segala sesuatu dengan limpahnya bagi menggunakan sekaliannya,

1 Timothy 6:17
Weṣṣi imeṛkantiyen n ddunit-agi iwakken ur ssemɣaṛen ara iman-nsen, ur țkalayen ara ɣef cci n ddunit ur nesɛi laman, meɛna ad țeklen ɣef Sidi Ṛebbi i ɣ-d-ițțaken lxiṛ s tugeț iwakken a nili di lfeṛḥ.

디모데전서 6:17
네가 이 세대에 부한 자들을 명하여 마음을 높이지 말고 정함이 없는 재물에 소망을 두지 말고 오직 우리에게 모든 것을 후히 주사 누리게 하시는 하나님께 두며

I Timotheum 6:17
divitibus huius saeculi praecipe non sublime sapere neque sperare in incerto divitiarum sed in Deo qui praestat nobis omnia abunde ad fruendum

Timotejam 1 6:17
Šīs pasaules bagātajiem pavēli nebūt augstprātīgiem un paļauties ne uz nedrošu bagātību, bet uz dzīvo Dievu (kas bagātīgi piešķir mums visu izlietošanai),

Pirmasis laiðkas Timotiejui 6:17
Šio amžiaus turtuoliams įsakyk, kad nesididžiuotų ir nesudėtų vilčių į netikrus turtus, bet į gyvąjį Dievą, kuris apsčiai visko mums teikia mūsų džiaugsmui.

1 Timothy 6:17
Akona te hunga i nga taonga o tenei ao kia kaua e whakakake te ngakau, kia kaua e whakawhirinaki ki nga taonga pahuhu noa, engari ki te Atua ora, ko ia hoki hei homai nui i nga mea pai katoa hei mea ma tatou;

1 Timoteus 6:17
Byd dem som er rike i den nuværende verden, at de ikke skal være overmodige eller sette sitt håp til den uvisse rikdom, men til Gud, som gir oss rikelig alle ting å nyte,

1 Timoteo 6:17
A los ricos en este mundo, enséñales que no sean altaneros ni pongan su esperanza en la incertidumbre de las riquezas, sino en Dios, el cual nos da abundantemente todas las cosas para que las disfrutemos.

A los ricos en este mundo, enséñales que no sean altaneros ni pongan su esperanza en la incertidumbre de las riquezas, sino en Dios, el cual nos da abundantemente todas las cosas para que las disfrutemos.

A los ricos de este mundo manda que no sean altivos, ni pongan la esperanza en las riquezas inciertas, sino en el Dios vivo, quien nos da todas las cosas en abundancia para que las disfrutemos.

A los ricos de este siglo manda que no sean altivos, ni pongan la esperanza en la incertidumbre de las riquezas, sino en el Dios vivo, que nos da todas las cosas en abundancia de que gocemos:

A los ricos de este siglo manda que no sean altivos, ni pongan la esperanza en las riquezas inciertas, sino en el Dios viviente, que nos da todas las cosas en abundancia de que gocemos;

1 timóteo 6:17
Ordena aos que são ricos no presente mundo que não sejam orgulhosos, nem depositem a esperança na incerteza das riquezas, mas em Deus que nos concede generosamente tudo o que precisamos para viver satisfeitos;

manda aos ricos deste mundo que não sejam altivos, nem ponham a sua esperança na incerteza das riquezas, mas em Deus, que nos concede abundantemente todas as coisas para delas gozarmos;   

1 Timotei 6:17
Îndeamnă pe bogaţii veacului acestuia să nu se îngîmfe, şi să nu-şi pună nădejdea în nişte bogăţii nestatornice, ci în Dumnezeu, care ne dă toate lucrurile din belşug, ca să ne bucurăm de ele.

1-е Тимофею 6:17
Богатых в настоящем веке увещевай, чтобы они не высоко думали о себе и уповали не набогатство неверное, но на Бога живаго, дающего нам все обильно для наслаждения;

Богатых в настоящем веке увещевай, чтобы они не высоко думали [о] [себе] и уповали не на богатство неверное, но на Бога живаго, дающего нам всё обильно для наслаждения;

1 Timothy 6:17
J· nunkanam Kuφtrintin ainia nusha nankaamantu Enentßimtumascharti. Kuitcha Y·pichuch menkakamnia asamtai Kuφtniak Enentßimtusar pujuscharti. Antsu iwiaaku Yus Ashφ iin ti penkeran N·kap S·ramaj nuna nekas Enentßimtusarti.

1 Timotheosbrevet 6:17
Bjud dem som äro rika i den tidsålder som nu är att icke högmodas, och att icke sätta sitt hopp till ovissa rikedomar, utan till Gud, som rikligen giver oss allt till att njuta därav;

1 Timotheo 6:17
Waamuru watu walio matajiri katika mambo ya maisha ya sasa, wasijivune, wasiweke tumaini lao katika mali isiyoweza kutegemewa; bali wamtegemee Mungu, ambaye kwa ukarimu hutupatia vitu vyote tuvifurahie.

1 Kay Timoteo 6:17
Ang mayayaman sa sanglibutang ito, ay pagbilinan mo na huwag magsipagmataas ng pagiisip, at huwag umasa sa mga kayamanang di nananatili, kundi sa Dios na siyang nagbibigay sa ating sagana ng lahat ng mga bagay upang ating ikagalak;

1 ทิโมธี 6:17
จงกำชับคนเหล่านั้นที่มั่งมีฝ่ายโลก อย่าให้มีใจถือมานะทิฐิ อย่าให้ความหวังของเขาอิงอยู่กับทรัพย์อนิจจัง แต่ให้หวังในพระเจ้าผู้ทรงพระชนม์อยู่ ผู้ทรงประทานสิ่งสารพัดให้แก่เราอย่างบริบูรณ์ เพื่อจะให้เราใช้ด้วยความปีติยินดี

1 Timoteos 6:17
Şimdiki çağda zengin olanlara gururlanmamalarını, gelip geçici zenginliğe umut bağlamamalarını buyur. Zevk almamız için bize her şeyi bol bol veren Tanrıya umut bağlasınlar.

1 Тимотей 6:17
Багатим у нинішнім віцї заказуй не високомудроватя, анї вповати на богацтво непевне, а на Бога ясивого, що дає нам усе щедро на втїху;

1 Timothy 6:17
Ane tauna to mo'ua' hi rala dunia' toi, tudui' -ra bona neo' molangko nono-ra pai' neo' ncarumaka rewa dunia', apa' rewa dunia' uma ria katoroa' -na. Agina ncarumaka-ra Alata'ala to mpowai' -ta hawe'ea rasi' hante uma ria huka' -na bona tapokagoe'.

1 Ti-moâ-theâ 6:17
Hãy răn bảo kẻ giàu ở thế gian nầy đừng kiêu ngạo và đừng để lòng trông cậy nơi của cải không chắc chắn, nhưng hãy để lòng trông cậy nơi Ðức Chúa Trời, là được mỗi ngày ban mọi vật dư dật cho chúng ta được hưởng.

1 Timothy 6:16
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