1 Peter 2:8
1 Peter 2:8
and, "A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey the message--which is also what they were destined for.

And, "He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they do not obey God's word, and so they meet the fate that was planned for them.

and “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.

and, "A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed.

And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

and A stone to stumble over, and a rock to trip over. They stumble because they disobey the message; they were destined for this.

a stone they stumble over and a rock they trip on." They keep on stumbling because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.

and a stumbling-stone and a rock to trip over. They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do.

He is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and they stumble on it, in that they do not obey the word, for they are appointed to this.

a stone that people trip over, a large rock that people find offensive." The people tripped over the word because they refused to believe it. Therefore, this is how they ended up.

and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, even to those who stumble at the word, not obeying in that for which they were ordained.

And, A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them who stumble at the word, being disobedient: to which also they were appointed.

And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

and, A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence; for they stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of scandal, to them who stumble at the word, neither do believe, whereunto also they are set.

and a stone of stumbling and rock of offence; who stumble at the word, being disobedient to which also they have been appointed.

and, A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence; for they stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them who stumble at the word, being disobedient: to which also they were appointed.

and "a Stone for the foot to strike against, and a Rock to stumble over." Their foot strikes against it because they are disobedient to God's Message, and to this they were appointed.

and, "a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense." For they stumble at the word, being disobedient, to which also they were appointed.

and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence -- who are stumbling at the word, being unbelieving, -- to which also they were set;

1 Pjetrit 2:8
Duke qenë të pabindur, ata pengohen në fjalë, dhe për këtë ata ishin të caktuar.

ﺑﻄﺮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 2:8
وحجر صدمة وصخرة عثرة. الذين يعثرون غير طائعين للكلمة الامر الذي جعلوا له.

1 ՊԵՏՐՈՍ 2:8
ու սայթաքումի քար եւ գայթակղութեան ժայռ» անոնց՝ որ խօսքին անհնազանդ ըլլալով կը գայթին, որուն համար ալ որոշուած էին:

1 S. Pierrisec. 2:8
Cein trebucatzen baitirade hitzaren contra desobedient diradelaric: hartaco ordenatu-ere dirade.

Dyr Peeters A 2:8
gan n Stain, daa wo myn anhinrennt, zo n Fölsn, wo myn straucht dran." Sö stölpend, weil s yn n Wort nit gfölgig seind. Yso haat s ien dyr Herrgot aufgsötzt.

1 Петрово 2:8
и, "Камъкът, о който да се спъват, и канара, в която да се съблазняват"; защото се спъват о словото и са непокорни,- за което бяха и определени.

彼 得 前 書 2:8
又 說 : 作 了 絆 腳 的 石 頭 , 跌 人 的 磐 石 。 他 們 既 不 順 從 , 就 在 道 理 上 絆 跌 ( 或 譯 : 他 們 絆 跌 都 因 不 順 從 道 理 ) ; 他 們 這 樣 絆 跌 也 是 預 定 的 。

又 说 : 作 了 绊 脚 的 石 头 , 跌 人 的 磐 石 。 他 们 既 不 顺 从 , 就 在 道 理 上 绊 跌 ( 或 译 : 他 们 绊 跌 都 因 不 顺 从 道 理 ) ; 他 们 这 样 绊 跌 也 是 预 定 的 。





Prva Petrova poslanica 2:8
i kamen spoticanja, stijena posrtanja; oni se o nj spotiču, neposlušni Riječi, za što su i određeni.

První Petrův 2:8
Totiž těm, jenž se urážejí na slovu, nepovolní jsouce, k čemuž i odloženi jsou.

1 Peter 2:8
og de støde an, idet de ere genstridige imod Ordet, hvortil de ogsaa vare bestemte.

1 Petrus 2:8
Dengenen namelijk, die zich aan het Woord stoten, ongehoorzaam zijnde, waartoe zij ook gezet zijn.

καὶ λίθος προσκόμματος καὶ πέτρα σκανδάλου· οἳ προσκόπτουσιν τῷ λόγῳ ἀπειθοῦντες, εἰς ὃ καὶ ἐτέθησαν·

καὶ λίθος προσκόμματος καὶ πέτρα σκανδάλου· οἳ προσκόπτουσιν τῷ λόγῳ ἀπειθοῦντες· εἰς ὃ καὶ ἐτέθησαν.

καὶ λίθος προσκόμματος καὶ πέτρα σκανδάλου· οἳ προσκόπτουσιν τῷ λόγῳ ἀπειθοῦντες· εἰς ὃ καὶ ἐτέθησαν.

καί, Λίθος προσκόμματος καὶ πέτρα σκανδάλου· οἳ προσκόπτουσιν τῷ λόγῳ ἀπειθοῦντες· εἰς ὃ καὶ ἐτέθησαν.

οἳ προσκόπτουσι τῷ λόγῳ ἀπειθοῦντες, εἰς ὃ καὶ ἐτέθησαν.

ὅς προσκόπτω ὁ λόγος ἀπειθέω εἰς ὅς καί τίθημι

καὶ, Λίθος προσκόμματος, καὶ πέτρα σκανδάλου· οἳ προσκόπτουσι τῷ λόγῳ, ἀπειθοῦντες· εἰς ὃ καὶ ἐτέθησαν·

καὶ λίθος προσκόμματος καὶ πέτρα σκανδάλου· οἳ προσκόπτουσιν τῷ λόγῳ ἀπειθοῦντες εἰς ὃ καὶ ἐτέθησαν

και λιθος προσκομματος και πετρα σκανδαλου οι προσκοπτουσιν τω λογω απειθουντες εις ο και ετεθησαν

και λιθος προσκομματος και πετρα σκανδαλου οι προσκοπτουσιν τω λογω απειθουντες εις ο και ετεθησαν

και λιθος προσκομματος και πετρα σκανδαλου οι προσκοπτουσιν τω λογω απειθουντες εις ο και ετεθησαν

και, Λιθος προσκομματος, και πετρα σκανδαλου· οι προσκοπτουσι τω λογω, απειθουντες· εις ο και ετεθησαν·

και λιθος προσκομματος και πετρα σκανδαλου οι προσκοπτουσιν τω λογω απειθουντες εις ο και ετεθησαν

και λιθος προσκομματος και πετρα σκανδαλου οι προσκοπτουσιν τω λογω απειθουντες εις ο και ετεθησαν

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou; hoi proskoptousin tō logō apeithountes, eis ho kai etethēsan;

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou; hoi proskoptousin to logo apeithountes, eis ho kai etethesan;

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou; hoi proskoptousin tō logō apeithountes; eis ho kai etethēsan.

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou; hoi proskoptousin to logo apeithountes; eis ho kai etethesan.

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tō logō apeithountes eis o kai etethēsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tO logO apeithountes eis o kai etethEsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tō logō apeithountes eis o kai etethēsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tO logO apeithountes eis o kai etethEsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tō logō apeithountes eis o kai etethēsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tO logO apeithountes eis o kai etethEsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tō logō apeithountes eis o kai etethēsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tO logO apeithountes eis o kai etethEsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tō logō apeithountes eis o kai etethēsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tO logO apeithountes eis o kai etethEsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tō logō apeithountes eis o kai etethēsan

kai lithos proskommatos kai petra skandalou oi proskoptousin tO logO apeithountes eis o kai etethEsan

1 Péter 2:8
A kik engedetlenek lévén, megütköznek az ígében, a mire rendeltettek is.

De Petro 1 2:8
kaj: SXtono de falpusxigxo kaj roko de alfrapigxo; ili falpusxigxas pro la vorto, malobeante, por kio ankaux ili estas difinitaj.

Toinen Pietarin kirje 2:8
Nimittäin niille, jotka itsensä sanaan loukkaavat, ja ei sitä usko, johonka he myös asetetut olivat.

1 Pierre 2:8
et une pierre d'achoppement et un rocher de chute, lesquels heurtent contre la parole, étant désobéissants, à quoi aussi ils ont été destinés.

Et une pierre d'achoppement Et un rocher de scandale; ils s'y heurtent pour n'avoir pas cru à la parole, et c'est à cela qu'ils sont destinés.

Lesquels heurtent contre la parole, et sont rebelles; à quoi aussi ils ont été destinés.

1 Petrus 2:8
ein Stein des Anstoßens und ein Fels des Ärgernisses, die sich stoßen an dem Wort und glauben nicht daran, darauf sie gesetzt sind.

ein Stein des Anstoßens und ein Fels des Ärgernisses; denn sie stoßen sich an dem Wort und glauben nicht daran, wozu sie auch gesetzt sind.

Sie stoßen sich daran, weil sie dem Worte nicht glauben, dazu sind sie auch gesetzt.

1 Pietro 2:8
essi, infatti, essendo disubbidienti, intoppano nella Parola; ed a questo sono stati anche destinati.

I quali s’intoppano nella parola, essendo disubbidienti; a che ancora sono stati posti.

1 PET 2:8
dan: Suatu batu antukan dan sebuah batu syak; mereka itu terantuk oleh sebab tiada menurut firman Allah; maka yang demikian sudah ditentukan bagi mereka itu.

1 Peter 2:8
D wagi i d azṛu + i guɣalen d ugur i yemdanen, + d azṛu i ten-isseɣlayen+ . Imi ugin ad amnen s wawal n Sidi Ṛebbi, ayen i ten-ițṛaǧun d ugur-agi ara ten-iɣeḍlen.

베드로전서 2:8
또한 부딪히는 돌과 거치는 반석이 되었다 하니라 저희가 말씀을 순종치 아니하므로 넘어지나니 이는 저희를 이렇게 정하신 것이라

I Petri 2:8
et lapis offensionis et petra scandali qui offendunt verbo nec credunt in quod et positi sunt

Pētera 1 vēstule 2:8
Un piedauzības akmens, un apgrēcības klints tiem, kuriem vārds ir piedauzība, un tie netic. Tas viņiem arī lemts.

Pirmasis Petro laiðkas 2:8
suklupimo akmeniu ir papiktinimo uola”. Jie suklumpa, neklausydami žodžio; tam jie ir skirti.

1 Peter 2:8
Hei kamaka tutukitanga waewae ia, hei toka whakahinga; ki te hunga e tutuki ana ki te kupu, ki te hunga whakaponokore: i whakaritea mai hoki ratou hei penei.

1 Peters 2:8
disse som snubler ved sin vantro mot ordet; dertil er de og satt.

1 Pedro 2:8
y, PIEDRA DE TROPIEZO Y ROCA DE ESCANDALO; pues ellos tropiezan porque son desobedientes a la palabra, y para ello estaban también destinados.

y, "PIEDRA DE TROPIEZO Y ROCA DE ESCANDALO." Pues ellos tropiezan porque son desobedientes a la palabra, y para ello estaban también destinados.

Y: Piedra de tropiezo, y roca de escándalo a los que tropiezan en la palabra, siendo desobedientes; para lo cual fueron también ordenados.

Y Piedra de tropiezo, y roca de escándalo á aquellos que tropiezan en la palabra, siendo desobedientes; para lo cual fueron también ordenados.

Y: Piedra de tropiezo, y piedra de escándalo, a aquellos que tropiezan en la Palabra, y no creen en aquello para lo cual fueron ordenados.

1 Pedro 2:8
e, “pedra de tropeço e rocha que causa a queda”; porquanto, aqueles que não crêem tropeçam na Palavra, por serem desobedientes, todavia, para isso também foram destinados.

e: Como uma pedra de tropeço e rocha de escândalo; porque tropeçam na palavra, sendo desobedientes; para o que também foram destinados.   

1 Petru 2:8
şi o piatră de poticnire, şi o stîncă de cădere". Ei se lovesc de ea, pentrucă n-au crezut Cuvîntul, şi la aceasta sînt rînduiţi.

1-e Петра 2:8
о который они претыкаются, не покоряясь слову, на что они и оставлены.

о который они претыкаются, не покоряясь слову, на что они и оставлены.

1 Peter 2:8
Tura jusha aarma awai: Tukumak iniaartin kayaiti. Kame shuar Jesukrφstunun etserkamun nakitiakka, ┐Enentßinium itiur pΘnker wekasat? Wats, N· shuar, Krφstun umirainiachu ßsar, tuke T·runatin asamtai tukumainiawai.

1 Petrusbrevet 2:8
som är »en stötesten och en klippa till fall». Eftersom de icke hörsamma ordet, stöta de sig; så var det ock bestämt om dem.

1 Petro 2:8
Tena Maandiko yasema: "Jiwe hilo ni jiwe la kujikwaa, mwamba wa kuwaangusha watu." Watu hujikwaa kwa sababu hawauamini ule ujumbe; na ndivyo walivyopangiwa tangu mwanzo.

1 Pedro 2:8
At, Batong katitisuran, at bato na pangbuwal; Sapagka't sila ay natitisod sa salita, palibhasa'y mga suwail: na dito rin naman sila itinalaga,

1 เปโตร 2:8
และ `เป็นศิลาที่ทำให้สะดุด และเป็นก้อนหินที่ทำให้ขัดเคืองใจ' ที่เขาสะดุดนั้นเพราะเขาไม่เชื่อฟังพระวจนะ ตามที่เขาถูกกำหนดไว้เช่นนั้นด้วย

1 Petrus 2:8

1 Петрово 2:8
і спотикають ся, не слухаючи слова, на що вони й полишені.

1 Peter 2:8
Watu toe jadi' watu katewincia' -ra, pai' watu katehopoa' -ra.

1 Phi-e-rô 2:8
họ bị vấp đá đó, vì không vâng phục Ðạo, và điều ấy đã định sẵn cho họ rồi.

1 Peter 2:7
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