1 Peter 2:10
1 Peter 2:10
Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

"Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God's people. Once you received no mercy; now you have received God's mercy."

Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.

Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. Once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

You once were not a people, but now you are God's people. You were shown no mercy, but now you have received mercy.

You are those who at the first were not considered a people, but now are the people of God, neither were mercies upon you, but now mercies are poured out upon you.

Once you were not God's people, but now you are. Once you were not shown mercy, but now you have been shown mercy.

Ye who in the time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, who in the time past had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Who in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

who in time past were no people, but now are the people of God: who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Who in time past were not a people: but are now the people of God. Who had not obtained mercy; but now have obtained mercy.

who once were not a people, but now God's people; who were not enjoying mercy, but now have found mercy.

which in time past were no people, but now are the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Who in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. Once you had not found mercy, but now you have.

who in time past were no people, but now are God's people, who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

who were once not a people, and are now the people of God; who had not found kindness, and now have found kindness.

1 Pjetrit 2:10
ju, që dikur nuk ishit një popull, kurse tani jeni populli i Perëndisë; ju, dikur të pamëshiruar, por tani të mëshiruar.

ﺑﻄﺮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 2:10
الذين قبلا لم تكونوا شعبا واما الآن فانتم شعب الله. الذين كنتم غير مرحومين واما الآن فمرحومون

1 ՊԵՏՐՈՍ 2:10
Ժամանակին ժողովուրդ չէիք, բայց հիմա Աստուծոյ ժողովուրդն էք. առանց ողորմութեան էիք, բայց հիմա ողորմութիւն գտաք:

1 S. Pierrisec. 2:10
Noizpait cinetenac ez populu, orain çarete Iaincoaren populu: çuec misericordia obtenitu etzendutenóc, orain misericordia obtenitu vkan duçue.

Dyr Peeters A 2:10
Ainst wartß nit s Volk Gottes, ietz aber seitß is; weilet gaab s für enk kain Barmung, ietz aber habtß Erbarmen gfunddn.

1 Петрово 2:10
[вие], които някога си не бяхте народ, а сега сте Божий народ, не бяхте придобили милост, а сега сте придобили.

彼 得 前 書 2:10
你 們 從 前 算 不 得 子 民 , 現 在 卻 作 了 神 的 子 民 ; 從 前 未 曾 蒙 憐 恤 , 現 在 卻 蒙 了 憐 恤 。

你 们 从 前 算 不 得 子 民 , 现 在 却 作 了 神 的 子 民 ; 从 前 未 曾 蒙 怜 恤 , 现 在 却 蒙 了 怜 恤 。





Prva Petrova poslanica 2:10
vi, nekoć Ne-narod, a sada Narod Božji; vi Ne-mili, a sada Mili.

První Petrův 2:10
Kteříž jste někdy ani lidem nebyli, nyní pak jste lid Boží; kteříž jste někdy byli nedošli milosrdenství, již nyní jste došli milosrdenství.

1 Peter 2:10
I, som fordum ikke vare et Folk, men nu ere Guds Folk, I, som ikke fandt Barmhjertighed, men nu have fundet Barmhjertighed.

1 Petrus 2:10
Gij, die eertijds geen volk waart, maar nu Gods volk zijt; die eertijds niet ontfermd waart, maar nu ontfermd zijt geworden.

ΠΕΤΡΟΥ Α΄ 2:10
οἵ ποτε οὐ λαὸς, νῦν δὲ λαὸς Θεοῦ, οἱ οὐκ ἠλεημένοι, νῦν δὲ ἐλεηθέντες.

οἵ ποτε οὐ λαὸς νῦν δὲ λαὸς θεοῦ, οἱ οὐκ ἠλεημένοι νῦν δὲ ἐλεηθέντες.

οἵ ποτε οὐ λαὸς νῦν δὲ λαὸς θεοῦ, οἱ οὐκ ἠλεημένοι νῦν δὲ ἐλεηθέντες.

οἱ ποτὲ οὐ λαός, νῦν δὲ λαὸς θεοῦ· οἱ οὐκ ἠλεημένοι, νῦν δὲ ἐλεηθέντες.

οἵ ποτε οὐ λαὸς, νῦν δὲ λαὸς Θεοῦ, οἱ οὐκ ἠλεημένοι, νῦν δὲ ἐλεηθέντες.

ὅς ποτέ οὐ λαός νῦν δέ λαός θεός ὁ οὐ ἐλεέω νῦν δέ ἐλεέω

οἵ ποτε οὐ λαὸς, νῦν δὲ λαὸς Θεοῦ· οἱ οὐκ ἠλεημένοι, νῦν δὲ ἐλεηθέντες.

οἵ ποτε οὐ λαὸς νῦν δὲ λαὸς θεοῦ οἱ οὐκ ἠλεημένοι νῦν δὲ ἐλεηθέντες

οι ποτε ου λαος νυν δε λαος θεου οι ουκ ηλεημενοι νυν δε ελεηθεντες

οι ποτε ου λαος νυν δε λαος θεου οι ουκ ηλεημενοι νυν δε ελεηθεντες

οι ποτε ου λαος νυν δε λαος θεου οι ουκ ηλεημενοι νυν δε ελεηθεντες

οι ποτε ου λαος, νυν δε λαος Θεου· οι ουκ ηλεημενοι, νυν δε ελεηθεντες.

οι ποτε ου λαος νυν δε λαος θεου οι ουκ ηλεημενοι νυν δε ελεηθεντες

οι ποτε ου λαος νυν δε λαος θεου οι ουκ ηλεημενοι νυν δε ελεηθεντες

hoi pote ou laos, nyn de laos Theou, hoi ouk ēleēmenoi, nyn de eleēthentes.

hoi pote ou laos, nyn de laos Theou, hoi ouk eleemenoi, nyn de eleethentes.

hoi pote ou laos nyn de laos theou, hoi ouk ēleēmenoi nyn de eleēthentes.

hoi pote ou laos nyn de laos theou, hoi ouk eleemenoi nyn de eleethentes.

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk ēleēmenoi nun de eleēthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk EleEmenoi nun de eleEthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk ēleēmenoi nun de eleēthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk EleEmenoi nun de eleEthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk ēleēmenoi nun de eleēthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk EleEmenoi nun de eleEthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk ēleēmenoi nun de eleēthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk EleEmenoi nun de eleEthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk ēleēmenoi nun de eleēthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk EleEmenoi nun de eleEthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk ēleēmenoi nun de eleēthentes

oi pote ou laos nun de laos theou oi ouk EleEmenoi nun de eleEthentes

1 Péter 2:10
A kik hajdan nem nép [voltatok], most pedig Isten népe [vagytok;] a kik nem kegyelmezettek [voltatok,] most pedig kegyelmezettek [vagytok.]

De Petro 1 2:10
kiuj iam estis ne-popolo, sed nun estas popolo de Dio; antauxe nekompatitoj, sed nun kompatitoj.

Toinen Pietarin kirje 2:10
Jotka ette muinen kansa olleet, mutta nyt olette Jumalan kansa: jotka ette muinen armossa olleet, mutta nyt te armossa olette.

1 Pierre 2:10
vous qui autrefois n'étiez pas un peuple, mais qui maintenant êtes le peuple de Dieu; vous qui n'aviez pas obtenu miséricorde, mais qui maintenant avez obtenu miséricorde.

vous qui autrefois n'étiez pas un peuple, et qui maintenant êtes le peuple de Dieu, vous qui n'aviez pas obtenu miséricorde, et qui maintenant avez obtenu miséricorde.

[Vous] qui autrefois n'[étiez] point [son] peuple, mais qui maintenant êtes le peuple de Dieu; vous qui n'aviez point obtenu miséricorde, mais qui maintenant avez obtenu miséricorde.

1 Petrus 2:10
die ihr weiland nicht ein Volk waret, nun aber Gottes Volk seid, und weiland nicht in Gnaden waret, nun aber in Gnaden seid.

die ihr weiland nicht ein Volk waret, nun aber Gottes Volk seid, und weiland nicht in Gnaden waret, nun aber in Gnaden seid.

die einst nicht ein Volk, nun aber Gottes Volk, einst ohne Erbarmen, jetzt aber im Erbarmen.

1 Pietro 2:10
voi, che già non eravate un popolo, ma ora siete il popolo di Dio; voi, che non avevate ottenuto misericordia, ma ora avete ottenuto misericordia.

I quali già non eravate popolo, ma ora siete popolo di Dio; a’ quali già non era stata fatta misericordia, ma ora vi è stata fatta misericordia.

1 PET 2:10
yaitu kamu yang dahulunya "bukan umat", tetapi sekarang ini menjadi "umat Allah"; yang dahulu belum beroleh rahmat, tetapi sekarang ini telah beroleh rahmat.

1 Peter 2:10
Zik-nni ur tewwiḍem ara ula d lǧens, ma ț-țura tuɣalem d agdud n Sidi Ṛebbi ; tellam zik-nni ur tesɛim ara ṛṛeḥma n Sidi Ṛebbi ma ț-țura tețțunefk-awen-d.

베드로전서 2:10
너희가 전에는 백성이 아니더니 이제는 하나님의 백성이요 전에는 긍휼을 얻지 못하였더니 이제는 긍휼을 얻은 자니라

I Petri 2:10
qui aliquando non populus nunc autem populus Dei qui non consecuti misericordiam nunc autem misericordiam consecuti

Pētera 1 vēstule 2:10
Jūs citkārt nebijāt tauta, bet tagad esat Dieva tauta; nebijāt apžēloti, tagad esat apžēloti. (Os 2,24; Rom 9,25)

Pirmasis Petro laiðkas 2:10
Seniau ne tauta, dabar Dievo tauta, seniau neradę gailestingumo, dabar jį suradę.

1 Peter 2:10
I mua ehara i te iwi, inaianei ia he iwi na te Atua: kihai nei i tohungia i mua, inaianei ia ka tohungia.

1 Peters 2:10
I som fordum ikke var et folk, men nu er Guds folk, I som ikke hadde funnet miskunn, men nu har fått miskunn.

1 Pedro 2:10
pues vosotros en otro tiempo no erais pueblo, pero ahora sois el pueblo de Dios; no habíais recibido misericordia, pero ahora habéis recibido misericordia.

Ustedes en otro tiempo no eran pueblo, pero ahora son el pueblo de Dios; no habían recibido misericordia, pero ahora han recibido misericordia.

Vosotros, que en tiempo pasado no erais pueblo, mas ahora sois el pueblo de Dios; que no habíais alcanzado misericordia, pero ahora habéis alcanzado misericordia.

Vosotros, que en el tiempo pasado no erais pueblo, mas ahora sois pueblo de Dios; que en el tiempo pasado no habíais alcanzado misericordia.

Vosotros, que en el tiempo pasado no erais pueblo, mas ahora sois pueblo de Dios; que en el tiempo pasado no habíais alcanzado misericordia, mas ahora habéis ya alcanzado misericordia.

1 Pedro 2:10
Vós, sim, que antes não éreis sequer povo; mas agora, sois o Povo de Deus; não tínheis recebido a misericórdia, contudo agora a recebestes. Deveres do Povo de Deus

vós que outrora nem éreis povo, e agora sois de Deus; vós que não tínheis alcançado misericórdia, e agora a tendes alcançado.   

1 Petru 2:10
pe voi, cari odinioară nu eraţi un popor, dar acum sînteţi poporul lui Dumnezeu; pe voi, cari nu căpătaserăţi îndurare, dar acum aţi căpătat îndurare.

1-e Петра 2:10
некогда не народ, а ныне народ Божий; некогда непомилованные, а ныне помилованы.

некогда не народ, а ныне народ Божий; [некогда] непомилованные, а ныне помилованы.

1 Peter 2:10
Yaunchu Nushßa shuar ßuyarme. Tura antsu yamaikia Yus-shuar ajasrum, Niiniu ajasurme. Yus-shuar ajatsrumnin, ┐ya waitnentrampramia? Antsu yamaikia Yus waitnentramuitrume.

1 Petrusbrevet 2:10
I som förut »icke voren ett folk», men nu ären »ett Guds folk», I som »icke haden fått någon barmhärtighet», men nu »haven fått barmhärtighet».

1 Petro 2:10
Wakati mmoja ninyi hamkuwa watu wa Mungu, lakini sasa ninyi ni watu wake; wakati mmoja hamkupewa huruma ya Mungu, lakini sasa mmeipokea.

1 Pedro 2:10
Na nang nakaraang panahon ay hindi bayan, datapuwa't ngayo'y bayan ng Dios: na hindi nagsipagkamit ng awa, datapuwa't ngayo'y nagsipagkamit ng awa.

1 เปโตร 2:10
เมื่อก่อนท่านทั้งหลายหาเป็นชนชาติไม่ แต่บัดนี้ท่านเป็นชนชาติของพระเจ้าแล้ว เมื่อก่อนท่านทั้งหลายหาได้รับพระกรุณาไม่ แต่บัดนี้ท่านได้รับพระกรุณาแล้ว

1 Petrus 2:10
Bir zamanlar halk değildiniz, ama şimdi Tanrının halkısınız. Bir zamanlar merhamete erişmemiştiniz, şimdiyse merhamete eriştiniz.

1 Петрово 2:10
ви, колись і не народ, а тепер народ Божий; непомилувані, а тепер помилувані.

1 Peter 2:10
Owi, bela-koi bagia-na, aga wae lau napobagia-mokoi. Owi-koi uma mpo'incai pe'ahi' -na, aga wae lau ni'inca-mi pe'ahi' -na.

1 Phi-e-rô 2:10
anh em ngày trước không phải là một dân, mà bây giờ là dân Ðức Chúa Trời, trước không được thương xót, mà bây giờ được thương xót.

1 Peter 2:9
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