1 Corinthians 10:13
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it.

No temptation has overtaken you that is unusual for human beings. But God is faithful, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. Instead, along with the temptation he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to endure it.

No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it.

No temptation has come upon you except that of the children of men, but God is faithful, who shall not allow you to be tempted more than whatever you are able, but shall make an exit for your temptation, so that you can endure.

There isn't any temptation that you have experienced which is unusual for humans. God, who faithfully keeps his promises, will not allow you to be tempted beyond your power to resist. But when you are tempted, he will also give you the ability to endure the temptation as your way of escape.

No temptation has taken you but such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.

There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as man can bear: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that ye may be able to endure it.

Let no temptation take hold on you, but such as is human. And God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able: but will make also with temptation issue, that you may be able to bear it.

No temptation has taken you but such as is according to man's nature; and God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what ye are able to bear, but will with the temptation make the issue also, so that ye should be able to bear it.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as man can bear: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that ye may be able to endure it.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

No temptation has you in its power but such as is common to human nature; and God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. But, when the temptation comes, He will also provide the way of escape; so that you may be able to bear it.

No temptation has taken you except what is common to man. God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, but will with the temptation also make the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

No temptation hath taken you -- except human; and God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what ye are able, but He will make, with the temptation, also the outlet, for your being able to bear it.

1 e Korintasve 10:13
Asnjë tundim nuk ju ka gjetur juve, përveç se tundimi njerëzor; por Perëndia është besnik dhe nuk do të lejojë që t'ju tundojnë përtej fuqive tuaja, por me tundimin do t'ju japë dhe rrugë dalje, që ju të mund ta përballoni.

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 10:13
لم تصبكم تجربة الا بشرية. ولكن الله امين الذي لا يدعكم تجربون فوق ما تستطيعون بل سيجعل مع التجربة ايضا المنفذ لتستطيعوا ان تحتملوا.

Ձեզի պատահած չէ փորձութիւն մը՝ որ մարդկային չըլլայ. բայց Աստուած հաւատարիմ է, եւ պիտի չթոյլատրէ որ փորձուիք ձեր կարողութենէն աւելի, հապա փորձութեան հետ ելք մըն ալ պիտի տայ, որպէսզի կարենաք կրել:

1 Corinthianoetara. 10:13
Tentationec etzaituztez hartu humanoc baicen: eta fidal da Iaincoa, ceinec ezpaitu permettituren tenta çaitezten egar ahal deçaque çuen baino guehiagoz: baina emanen du tentationearequin batean ilkitbidea-ere sustenga ahal deçaçuençát.

De Krenter A 10:13
Non ist kain Anweigung über enk kemmen, yn derer wo myn niemer widersteen kännt. Dyr Herrgot ist getreu; und er gaat schoon schaun drauf, däßß nit über enker Kraft überhin angweigt werdtß. Wenn d Versuechung kimmt, zaigt yr enk aynn Schluf, däßß irer auskemmtß.

1 Коринтяни 10:13
Никакво изпитание не ви е постигнало освен това, което може да носи човек; обаче, Бог е верен, Който няма да ви остави да бъдете изпитани повече, отколкото ви е силата, но заедно с изпитанието ще даде и изходен път, така щото да можете да го издържите.

歌 林 多 前 書 10:13
你 們 所 遇 見 的 試 探 , 無 非 是 人 所 能 受 的 。 神 是 信 實 的 , 必 不 叫 你 們 受 試 探 過 於 所 能 受 的 ; 在 受 試 探 的 時 候 , 總 要 給 你 們 開 一 條 出 路 , 叫 你 們 能 忍 受 得 住 。

你 们 所 遇 见 的 试 探 , 无 非 是 人 所 能 受 的 。 神 是 信 实 的 , 必 不 叫 你 们 受 试 探 过 於 所 能 受 的 ; 在 受 试 探 的 时 候 , 总 要 给 你 们 开 一 条 出 路 , 叫 你 们 能 忍 受 得 住 。





Prva poslanica Korinæanima 10:13
Nije vas zahvatila druga kušnja osim ljudske. Ta vjeran je Bog: neće pustiti da budete kušani preko svojih sila, nego će s kušnjom dati i ishod da možete izdržati.

První Korintským 10:13
Pokušení vás nezachvátilo, než lidské. Ale věrnýť jest Bůh, kterýž nedopustí vás pokoušeti nad vaši možnost, ale způsobíť s pokušením také i vysvobození, abyste mohli snésti.

1 Korinterne 10:13
Der er ikke kommet andre end menneskelige Fristelser over eder, og trofast er Gud, som ikke vil tillade, at I fristes over Evne, men som sammen med Fristelsen vil skabe ogsaa Udgangen af den, for at I maa kunne udholde den.

1 Corinthiërs 10:13
Ulieden heeft geen verzoeking bevangen dan menselijke; doch God is getrouw, Die u niet zal laten verzocht worden boven hetgeen gij vermoogt; maar Hij zal met de verzoeking ook de uitkomst geven, opdat gij ze kunt verdragen.

πειρασμὸς ὑμᾶς οὐκ εἴληφεν εἰ μὴ ἀνθρώπινος· πιστὸς δὲ ὁ Θεός, ὃς οὐκ ἐάσει ὑμᾶς πειρασθῆναι ὑπὲρ ὃ δύνασθε, ἀλλὰ ποιήσει σὺν τῷ πειρασμῷ καὶ τὴν ἔκβασιν τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑπενεγκεῖν.

πειρασμὸς ὑμᾶς οὐκ εἴληφεν εἰ μὴ ἀνθρώπινος· πιστὸς δὲ ὁ θεός, ὃς οὐκ ἐάσει ὑμᾶς πειρασθῆναι ὑπὲρ ὃ δύνασθε, ἀλλὰ ποιήσει σὺν τῷ πειρασμῷ καὶ τὴν ἔκβασιν τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑπενεγκεῖν.

πειρασμὸς ὑμᾶς οὐκ εἴληφεν εἰ μὴ ἀνθρώπινος· πιστὸς δὲ ὁ θεός, ὃς οὐκ ἐάσει ὑμᾶς πειρασθῆναι ὑπὲρ ὃ δύνασθε, ἀλλὰ ποιήσει σὺν τῷ πειρασμῷ καὶ τὴν ἔκβασιν τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑπενεγκεῖν.

Πειρασμὸς ὑμᾶς οὐκ εἴληφεν εἰ μὴ ἀνθρώπινος· πιστὸς δὲ ὁ θεός, ὃς οὐκ ἐάσει ὑμᾶς πειρασθῆναι ὑπὲρ ὃ δύνασθε, ἀλλὰ ποιήσει σὺν τῷ πειρασμῷ καὶ τὴν ἔκβασιν, τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑμᾶς ὑπενεγκεῖν.

πειρασμὸς ὑμᾶς οὐκ εἴληφεν εἰ μὴ ἀνθρώπινος· πιστὸς δὲ ὁ Θεός, ὃς οὐκ ἐάσει ὑμᾶς πειρασθῆναι ὑπὲρ ὃ δύνασθε, ἀλλὰ ποιήσει σὺν τῷ πειρασμῷ καὶ τὴν ἔκβασιν τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑμᾶς ὑπενεγκεῖν.

πειρασμὸς ὑμᾶς οὐκ εἴληφεν εἰ μὴ ἀνθρώπινος· πιστὸς δὲ ὁ θεός, ὃς οὐκ ἐάσει ὑμᾶς πειρασθῆναι ὑπὲρ ὃ δύνασθε, ἀλλὰ ποιήσει σὺν τῷ πειρασμῷ καὶ τὴν ἔκβασιν τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑπενεγκεῖν.

πειρασμὸς ὑμᾶς οὐκ εἴληφεν εἰ μὴ ἀνθρώπινος· πιστὸς δὲ ὁ Θεός, ὃς οὐκ ἐάσει ὑμᾶς πειρασθῆναι ὑπὲρ ὃ δύνασθε, ἀλλὰ ποιήσει σὺν τῷ πειρασμῷ καὶ τὴν ἔκβασιν, τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑμᾶς ὑπενεγκεῖν.

πειρασμὸς ὑμᾶς οὐκ εἴληφεν εἰ μὴ ἀνθρώπινος· πιστὸς δὲ ὁ θεός ὃς οὐκ ἐάσει ὑμᾶς πειρασθῆναι ὑπὲρ ὃ δύνασθε ἀλλὰ ποιήσει σὺν τῷ πειρασμῷ καὶ τὴν ἔκβασιν τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑμᾶς ὑπενεγκεῖν

πειρασμος υμας ουκ ειληφεν ει μη ανθρωπινος πιστος δε ο θεος ος ουκ εασει υμας πειρασθηναι υπερ ο δυνασθε αλλα ποιησει συν τω πειρασμω και την εκβασιν του δυνασθαι υπενεγκειν

πειρασμος υμας ουκ ειληφεν ει μη ανθρωπινος πιστος δε ο θεος ος ουκ εασει υμας πειρασθηναι υπερ ο δυνασθε αλλα ποιησει συν τω πειρασμω και την εκβασιν του δυνασθαι υπενεγκειν

πειρασμος υμας ουκ ειληφεν ει μη ανθρωπινος πιστος δε ο θεος ος ουκ εασει υμας πειρασθηναι υπερ ο δυνασθε αλλα ποιησει συν τω πειρασμω και την εκβασιν του δυνασθαι υμας υπενεγκειν

πειρασμος υμας ουκ ειληφεν ει μη ανθρωπινος· πιστος δε ο Θεος, ος ουκ εασει υμας πειρασθηναι υπερ ο δυνασθε, αλλα ποιησει συν τω πειρασμω και την εκβασιν, του δυνασθαι υμας υπενεγκειν.

πειρασμος υμας ουκ ειληφεν ει μη ανθρωπινος πιστος δε ο θεος ος ουκ εασει υμας πειρασθηναι υπερ ο δυνασθε αλλα ποιησει συν τω πειρασμω και την εκβασιν του δυνασθαι υμας υπενεγκειν

πειρασμος υμας ουκ ειληφεν ει μη ανθρωπινος πιστος δε ο θεος ος ουκ εασει υμας πειρασθηναι υπερ ο δυνασθε αλλα ποιησει συν τω πειρασμω και την εκβασιν του δυνασθαι υπενεγκειν

peirasmos hymas ouk eilēphen ei mē anthrōpinos; pistos de ho Theos, hos ouk easei hymas peirasthēnai hyper ho dynasthe, alla poiēsei syn tō peirasmō kai tēn ekbasin tou dynasthai hypenenkein.

peirasmos hymas ouk eilephen ei me anthropinos; pistos de ho Theos, hos ouk easei hymas peirasthenai hyper ho dynasthe, alla poiesei syn to peirasmo kai ten ekbasin tou dynasthai hypenenkein.

peirasmos hymas ouk eilēphen ei mē anthrōpinos; pistos de ho theos, hos ouk easei hymas peirasthēnai hyper ho dynasthe, alla poiēsei syn tō peirasmō kai tēn ekbasin tou dynasthai hypenenkein.

peirasmos hymas ouk eilephen ei me anthropinos; pistos de ho theos, hos ouk easei hymas peirasthenai hyper ho dynasthe, alla poiesei syn to peirasmo kai ten ekbasin tou dynasthai hypenenkein.

peirasmos umas ouk eilēphen ei mē anthrōpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthēnai uper o dunasthe alla poiēsei sun tō peirasmō kai tēn ekbasin tou dunasthai upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilEphen ei mE anthrOpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthEnai uper o dunasthe alla poiEsei sun tO peirasmO kai tEn ekbasin tou dunasthai upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilēphen ei mē anthrōpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthēnai uper o dunasthe alla poiēsei sun tō peirasmō kai tēn ekbasin tou dunasthai umas upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilEphen ei mE anthrOpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthEnai uper o dunasthe alla poiEsei sun tO peirasmO kai tEn ekbasin tou dunasthai umas upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilēphen ei mē anthrōpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthēnai uper o dunasthe alla poiēsei sun tō peirasmō kai tēn ekbasin tou dunasthai umas upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilEphen ei mE anthrOpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthEnai uper o dunasthe alla poiEsei sun tO peirasmO kai tEn ekbasin tou dunasthai umas upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilēphen ei mē anthrōpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthēnai uper o dunasthe alla poiēsei sun tō peirasmō kai tēn ekbasin tou dunasthai umas upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilEphen ei mE anthrOpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthEnai uper o dunasthe alla poiEsei sun tO peirasmO kai tEn ekbasin tou dunasthai umas upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilēphen ei mē anthrōpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthēnai uper o dunasthe alla poiēsei sun tō peirasmō kai tēn ekbasin tou dunasthai upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilEphen ei mE anthrOpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthEnai uper o dunasthe alla poiEsei sun tO peirasmO kai tEn ekbasin tou dunasthai upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilēphen ei mē anthrōpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthēnai uper o dunasthe alla poiēsei sun tō peirasmō kai tēn ekbasin tou dunasthai upenenkein

peirasmos umas ouk eilEphen ei mE anthrOpinos pistos de o theos os ouk easei umas peirasthEnai uper o dunasthe alla poiEsei sun tO peirasmO kai tEn ekbasin tou dunasthai upenenkein

1 Korintusi 10:13
Nem egyéb, hanem csak emberi kísértés esett rajtatok: de hû az Isten, a ki nem hágy titeket feljebb kísértetni, mint elszenvedhetitek; sõt a kísértéssel egyetemben a kimenekedést is megadja majd, hogy elszenvedhessétek.

Al la korintanoj 1 10:13
Nenia tento vin prenis, krom laux homa forto; sed fidela estas Dio, kiu ne lasos vin esti tentataj super via forto; sed kune kun la tento ankaux faros la forkurejon, por ke vi povu gxin elporti.

Ensimmäinen kirje korinttilaisille 10:13
Eipä yksikään kiusaus ole teitä käsittänyt, vaan inhimillinen; mutta Jumala on uskollinen, joka ei salli teitä kiusattaa ylitse teidän voimanne; vaan hän tekee myös kiusauksesta lopun, että te sen voisitte kärsiä.

1 Corinthiens 10:13
Aucune tentation ne vous est survenue qui n'ait été une tentation humaine; et Dieu est fidèle, qui ne permettra pas que vous soyez tentés au delà de ce que vous pouvez supporter , mais avec la tentation il fera aussi l'issue, afin que vous puissiez la supporter.

Aucune tentation ne vous est survenue qui n'ait été humaine, et Dieu, qui est fidèle, ne permettra pas que vous soyez tentés au delà de vos forces; mais avec la tentation il préparera aussi le moyen d'en sortir, afin que vous puissiez la supporter.

[Aucune] tentation ne vous a éprouvés, qui n'ait été une [tentation] humaine; et Dieu est fidèle, qui ne permettra point que vous soyez tentés au-delà de vos forces, mais avec la tentation il vous en fera trouver l'issue, afin que vous la puissiez soutenir.

1 Korinther 10:13
Es hat euch noch keine denn menschliche Versuchung betreten; aber Gott ist getreu, der euch nicht lässet versuchen über euer Vermögen, sondern machet, daß die Versuchung so ein Ende gewinne, daß ihr's könnet ertragen.

Es hat euch noch keine denn menschliche Versuchung betreten; aber Gott ist getreu, der euch nicht läßt versuchen über euer Vermögen, sondern macht, daß die Versuchung so ein Ende gewinne, daß ihr's könnet ertragen.

Euch hat noch keine andere als menschliche Versuchung betroffen; Gott ist getreu, der wird euch nicht versuchen lassen über euer Vermögen, sondern wie er die Versuchung macht, so wird er auch den Ausgang machen, nämlich daß ihr es durchführen könnt.

1 Corinzi 10:13
Niuna tentazione vi ha còlti, che non sia stata umana; or Iddio è fedele e non permetterà che siate tentati al di là delle vostre forze; ma con la tentazione vi darà anche la via d’uscirne, onde la possiate sopportare.

Tentazione non vi ha ancora colti, se non umana; or Iddio è fedele, il qual non lascerà che siate tentati sopra le vostre forze; ma con la tentazione darà l’uscita, acciocchè la possiate sostenere.

1 KOR 10:13
Karena hanya pencobaan yang lazim kepada manusia sudah berlaku atas kamu. Tetapi Allah itu setiawan, yang tiada membiarkan kamu dicobai lebih daripada kekuatanmu, melainkan dengan pencobaan itu Ia akan mengadakan suatu jalan kelepasan, supaya cakap kamu menahannya.

1 Corinthians 10:13
Ayen akk s wayes i tețwajeṛbem, d ayen iwumi yezmer wemdan. Sidi Ṛebbi d bab n lḥeqq, ur yețɛemmid ara aț-țenɛețțabem sennig n tezmert nwen ; lameɛna m'ara tețwajeṛbem, a wen-d-yefk tazmert s wayes ara tṣebṛem d wamek ara teffɣem si tegniț n leɛtab.

고린도전서 10:13
사람이 감당할 시험 밖에는 너희에게 당한 것이 없나니 오직 하나님은 미쁘사 너희가 감당치 못할 시험 당함을 허락지 아니하시고 시험 당할 즈음에 또한 피할 길을 내사 너희로 능히 감당하게 하시느니라

I Corinthios 10:13
temptatio vos non adprehendat nisi humana fidelis autem Deus qui non patietur vos temptari super id quod potestis sed faciet cum temptatione etiam proventum ut possitis sustinere

Korintiešiem 1 10:13
Kārdinājumi lai jums neuzbrūk, izņemot cilvēcīgos! Bet Dievs ir uzticīgs. Viņš neļaus jūs kārdināt pāri jūsu spējām, bet reizē ar kārdinājumu dos izturību, lai jūs varētu pastāvēt.

Pirmasis laiðkas korintieèiams 10:13
Jums tekęs pagundymas tėra tik žmogiškas. Bet Dievas ištikimas. Jis neleis jūsų gundyti daugiau nei jūsų jėgos leidžia, bet kartu su pagundymu duos ir išeitį, kad sugebėtumėte jį atlaikyti.

1 Corinthians 10:13
Kahore ano kia pono ki a koutou tetahi whakamatautau e rere ke ana i to te tangata: he pono hoki te Atua, e kore nei e tuku kia nui ake i to koutou kaha te whakamatautau mo koutou; engari tahi me te whakamatautau ka meatia e ia he putanga, kia u ake ai koutou.

1 Korintierne 10:13
Eder har ingen fristelse møtt som mennesker ikke kan bære; og Gud er trofast, som ikke skal la eder fristes over evne, men gjøre både fristelsen og dens utgang, så I kan tåle den.

1 Corintios 10:13
No os ha sobrevenido ninguna tentación que no sea común a los hombres; y fiel es Dios, que no permitirá que vosotros seáis tentados más allá de lo que podéis soportar, sino que con la tentación proveerá también la vía de escape, a fin de que podáis resistir la.

No les ha sobrevenido ninguna tentación que no sea común a los hombres. Fiel es Dios, que no permitirá que ustedes sean tentados más allá de lo que pueden soportar, sino que con la tentación proveerá también la vía de escape, a fin de que puedan resistirla.

No os ha tomado tentación, sino humana; mas fiel es Dios, que no os dejará ser tentados más de lo que podéis soportar; sino que con la tentación dará también la salida, para que podáis resistir.

No os ha tomado tentación, sino humana: mas fiel es Dios, que no os dejará ser tentados más de lo que podeís llevar; antes dará también juntamente con la tentación la salida, para que podáis aguantar.

No os ha tomado tentación, sino la humana; mas fiel es Dios, que no os dejará ser tentados más de lo que podéis llevar ; antes dará también juntamente con la tentación la salida, para que podáis aguantar.

1 Coríntios 10:13
Não vos sobreveio tentação que não fosse comum aos seres humanos. Mas Deus é fiel e não permitirá que sejais tentados além do que podeis resistir. Pelo contrário, juntamente com a tentação, proverá um livramento para que a possais suportar. A Ceia de Cristo e a ceia dos demônios

Não vos sobreveio nenhuma tentação, senão humana; mas fiel é Deus, o qual não deixará que sejais tentados acima do que podeis resistir, antes com a tentação dará também o meio de saída, para que a possais suportar.   

1 Corinteni 10:13
Nu v'a ajuns nici o ispită, care să nu fi fost potrivită cu puterea omenească. Şi Dumnezeu, care este credincios, nu va îngădui să fiţi ispitiţi peste puterile voastre; ci, împreună cu ispita, a pregătit şi mijlocul să ieşiţi din ea, ca s'o puteţi răbda.

1-е Коринфянам 10:13
Вас постигло искушение не иное, как человеческое; и верен Бог, Который не попустит вам быть искушаемыми сверх сил, но приискушении даст и облегчение, так чтобы вы могли перенести.

Вас постигло искушение не иное, как человеческое; и верен Бог, Который не попустит вам быть искушаемыми сверх сил, но при искушении даст и облегчение, так чтобы вы могли перенести.

1 Corinthians 10:13
Tura ame itiurchatrumka aya amek nekapeatsme. Chφkich shuarsha nu itiurchatjai mΘtek nekapsatin ainiawai. Jusha ti Enentßimpramniaiti. Ame katsuntratin tujintiamna nuna nankaamas itiurchatan Yuska pΘnker asa tsankatramatsui. Antsu itiurchat tarutrammatai, nu itiurchatnum pujamin Yuska uwempratniun jintintramattawai. N·jainkia katsuntrattame.

1 Korinthierbrevet 10:13
Inga andra frestelser hava mött eder än sådana som vanligen möta människor. Och Gud är trofast; han skall icke tillstädja att I bliven frestade över eder förmåga, utan när han låter frestelsen komma, skall han ock bereda en utväg därur, så att I kunnen härda ut i den.

1 Wakorintho 10:13
Majaribu mliyokwisha pata ni ya kawaida kwa binadamu. Mungu ni mwaminifu, naye hataruhusu mjaribiwe kupita nguvu zenu, ila pamoja na majaribu, yeye atawapeni pia nguvu ya kustahimili na njia ya kutoka humo salama.

1 Mga Taga-Corinto 10:13
Hindi dumating sa inyo ang anomang tukso kundi yaong matitiis ng tao: datapuwa't tapat ang Dios, na hindi niya itutulot na kayo'y tuksuhin ng higit sa inyong makakaya; kundi kalakip din ng tukso ay gagawin naman ang paraan ng pagilag, upang ito'y inyong matiis.

1 โครินธ์ 10:13
ไม่มีการทดลองใดๆเกิดขึ้นกับท่าน นอกเหนือจากการทดลองซึ่งเคยเกิดกับมนุษย์ทั้งหลาย แต่พระเจ้าทรงสัตย์ซื่อ พระองค์จะไม่ทรงให้ท่านต้องถูกทดลองเกินกว่าที่ท่านจะทนได้ แต่เมื่อท่านถูกทดลองนั้น พระองค์จะทรงโปรดให้ท่านมีทางที่จะหลีกเลี่ยงได้ด้วย เพื่อท่านจะมีกำลังทนได้

1 Korintliler 10:13
Herkesin karşılaştığı denemelerden başka denemelerle karşılaşmadınız. Tanrı güvenilirdir, gücünüzü aşan biçimde denenmenize izin vermez. Dayanabilmeniz için denemeyle birlikte çıkış yolunu da sağlayacaktır.

1 Коринтяни 10:13
Не яка спокуса настигла на вас, тільки чоловіча; вірен же Бог, котрий не допустить, щоб ви були спокушені більш, нїж що здолїєте (знести); а зробить із спокусою й вихід, щоб ви здолїли знести.

1 Corinthians 10:13
Butu nyala pesori to mporumpa' -ta, pesori to biasa jadi' hi manusia'. Tapi' Alata'ala ngkiwoi oa' janci-na hi kita': uma-ta napelele' rasori meliu ngkai pakulea' -ta. Nto'u-ta narumpa' pesori, nawai' oa' -ta ohea mpetiboi' pesori toe, bona moroho-ta mpengkatarii.

1 Coâ-rinh-toâ 10:13
Những sự cám dỗ đến cho anh em, chẳng có sự nào quá sức loài người. Ðức Chúa Trời là thành tín, Ngài chẳng hề cho anh em bị cám dỗ quá sức mình đâu; nhưng trong sự cám dỗ, Ngài cũng mở đàng cho ra khỏi, để anh em có thể chịu được.

1 Corinthians 10:12
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