Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Rule Over Them With Rigour
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Of the True Church. Duty of Cultivating Unity with Her, as the ...
... be attentive to reading, but has appointed masters to give ... circumcision, the same
was mighty in me toward the Gentiles ... of us consider it to be his duty to seek ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 1 of the true.htm

Christian Behavior
... Then masters carry it rightly toward their servants, when they labour both in ... THE
DUTY OF WIVES ... things considerable in the carriage of a wife toward her husband ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/christian behavior.htm

Of the Power of Making Laws. The Cruelty of the Pope and his ...
... So Peter, when he reminds pastors of their duty, exhorts them ... of those ceremonies
which the Roman masters will have ... this high value on our obedience toward him ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 10 of the power.htm

The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment:
... conscience void of offence toward God and toward men" (verse ... be destroyed; yea, it
is our duty with all ... and sinners, but as sons, stewards, and servants of the ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the resurrection of the dead.htm

Homilies on the Statues.
... Jews in war, [1207]435; silence toward Saul from ... Loss, by doing one's duty versus
the gain, [1500 ... Masters, approved by their scholars, [1533]455; insulted by ...
/.../ the priesthood/homilies on the statues.htm

The Pharisee and the Publican
... it with himself; he and himself performed, at this time, the duty of prayer ... thou
rage, and rail, and cry out, when men keep not thy law, or the rule of thine ...
/.../bunyan/the pharisee and publican/the pharisee and the publican.htm

A Discourse Upon the Pharisee and the Publican
... it with himself, he and himself performed, at this time, the duty of prayer ... thou
rage, and rail, and cry out when men keep not thy law, or the rule of thine ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/a discourse upon the pharisee.htm

Israel's Hope Encouraged;
... attempt to hinder us in the exercise of this duty. As Boaz said to his servants,
when Ruth was to ... of God's present hand; and all these become masters, if hope ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/israels hope encouraged.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Leviticus 25:43
You shall not rule over him with rigor; but shall fear your God.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Deuteronomy 24:14
You shall not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy, whether he be of your brothers, or of your strangers that are in your land within your gates:
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Masters: Authority of, Established

Masters: Bad: Amalekite

Masters: Bad: Egyptians

Masters: Bad: Nabal

Masters: Benevolent, Blessed

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Defraud Them

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Keep Back Their Wages

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Rule Over Them With Rigour

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Act Justly

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Deal With Them in the Fear of God

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Esteem Them Highly, If Saints

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Forbear Threatening Them

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Take Care of Them in Sickness

Masters: Good: Abraham

Masters: Good: Centurion

Masters: Good: Cornelius

Masters: Good: Jacob

Masters: Good: Joshua

Masters: should Receive Faithful Advice from Servants

Masters: should Select Faithful Servants

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Fear God

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Observe the Sabbath

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Put Away Idols

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Serve God

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Worship God

Masters: Unjust, Denounced

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