Samuel: His Vision Concerning the House of Eli
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The Child Prophet
... in those days; there was no open vision.2. And ... And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold,
I will do a ... Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house: when I ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the child prophet.htm

A Private Enquiry
... beloved, he had no life left in him, but he swooned at his feet. Marvel not that
"the child Samuel feared"; and especially feared to show Eli the vision. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/a private enquiry.htm

The First Kings.
... Remorse, the predictions of Samuel against him, and baleful passions ... of the beautiful
Bathsheba, deceived him, blinding his moral vision, thought all was ...
/.../headley/half hours in bible lands volume 2/the first kings.htm

Interpretation of Prophecy.
... that Saul might be assured of Samuel's prophetic office ... of darkness is what prophetic
vision is continually ... these psalms in Christ; and his intention, clearly ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxxviii interpretation of prophecy.htm

Letter cxlvii. To Sabinianus.
... and you imitate him when you say: "The vision that he ... made you a deacon is a holy
man, his merits will ... soul that sinneth it shall die." [4004] Samuel too had ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter cxlvii to sabinianus.htm

Letter Liii. To Paulinus.
... In the close of his most solemn vision Daniel declares ... what mysteries are there not
contained in his discourses? ... death and the slaying of Saul Samuel shews the ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter liii to paulinus.htm

Letter Lxix. To Oceanus.
... Wherefore also in the vision of the prophet Ezekiel there is seen ... That a priest must
avoid covetousness even Samuel teaches when he ... "Having his children in ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter lxix to oceanus.htm

Demonstration xxi. --Of Persecution.
... Samuel anointed David when he was thirty years old; and ... When Daniel explained the
vision of Belteshazzar, he ... the visions and the Prophets, His Father delivered ...
/.../aphrahat/aphrahat select demonstrations/demonstration xxi of persecution.htm

Acts iii. 1
... the report that I hear of you." (1 Samuel 3:13 ... what had happened, or, by way of trying
his power of ... with fasting, for one object: and sees a vision of something ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily viii acts iii 1.htm

The City of God. Index of Subjects.
... Beatific vision, the nature of, considered, [186]507-[187 ... 457]154, etc.; what Apuleius
thought concerning the manners ... be a goddess, "reason of his opinion [534 ...
/.../augustine/on christian doctrine in four books /the city of god index.htm

Nave's Topical Index
1 Samuel 3:1-18
And the child Samuel ministered to the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision.
Nave's Topical Index



Samuel the Prophet

Samuel: A Judge (Leader) of Israel, his Judgment Seat at Beth-El, Gilgal, Mizpeh, and Ramah

Samuel: A Prophet of the Israelites

Samuel: Anoints David to be King

Samuel: Anoints Saul to be King of Israel

Samuel: Blessed of God

Samuel: Called Shemuel

Samuel: Called up by the Witch of Endor

Samuel: Chronicles of

Samuel: Consecrated to God Before his Birth

Samuel: Death of; the Lament for Him

Samuel: His Integrity As a Judge and Ruler

Samuel: His Mother's Song of Thanksgiving

Samuel: His Vision Concerning the House of Eli

Samuel: Israelites Repent Because of his Reproofs and Warnings

Samuel: Makes his Corrupt Sons Judges in Israel

Samuel: Ministered in the House of God

Samuel: Miraculous Birth of

Samuel: Organizes the Tabernacle Service

Samuel: People Desire a King; he Protests

Samuel: Renews the Kingdom of Saul

Samuel: Reproves Saul; Foretells That his Kingdom Will be Established

Samuel: Shelters David While Escaping from Saul

Samuel: Sons of

Samuel: The Philistines Defeated Through his Intercession and Sacrifices

Statecraft: Samuel

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