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Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church
Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church. <. Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church John
Brownlie. Table of Contents. Title Page. PREFACE. GREEK INDEX. INTRODUCTION. ...
// of the holy eastern church/

The Holy Spirit and the Church. The Church is the Temple of God.
... Chapter 56."The Holy Spirit and the Church. The Church is the Temple of
God. And now ... Godhead. Then we mention the Holy Church. And ...
/.../augustine/the enchiridion/chapter 56 the holy spirit and.htm

The Holy Spirit and the one Church
... The Holy Spirit and the One Church. A Sermon ... May the blessing of the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit rest upon the one church of Israel's one Jehovah. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/the holy spirit and the.htm

When the Holy Church of Christ, the Kingdom of God came among Men. ...
... Address 136: When the holy church of Christ, the kingdom of God came among
men� When the holy church of Christ, the kingdom of ...
/.../address 136 0 0 when the holy.htm

The Holy Spirit -56 and the Church (57-60)
... to affirm that we believe also in the Holy Spirit, as completing the Trinity which
is God; and after that we call to mind our faith "in holy Church." By this ...
/.../augustine/handbook on faith hope and love/chapter xv the holy spirit.htm

All who Enter the Church of God and Hear the Holy Scriptures...
... The Canons of the Blessed and Holy Fathers Assembled at Antioch in Syria. Canon
II. All who enter the church of God and hear the Holy Scriptures� ...
/.../schaff/the seven ecumenical councils/canon ii all who enter.htm

I Believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy Christian Church, the ...
... I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting ...
// large catechism/i believe in the holy.htm

And what Members of the Holy Body, which is the Church...
... Section 40. And what members of the holy body, which is the Church� 40.
And what members of the holy body, which is the Church ...
/.../augustine/of holy virginity /section 40 and what members.htm

The Holy Catholic Church.
... THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH. "Christ is gone up; yet ere He passed From earth, in heaven
to reign, He formed One Holy Church to last Till He should come again. ...
/.../burbidge/the kingdom of heaven what is it/chapter ix the holy catholic.htm

What Believest Thou Concerning the "Holy Catholic Church" of ...
... Lord's Day 21 Question 54 What believest thou concerning the "holy catholic
church" of Christ? What believest thou concerning the ...
/.../various/the heidelberg catechism /question 54 what believest thou.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Exodus 30:26-29
And you shall anoint the tabernacle of the congregation therewith, and the ark of the testimony,
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Exodus 40:9
And you shall take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle, and all that is therein, and shall hallow it, and all the vessels thereof: and it shall be holy.
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Leviticus 8:10,11
And Moses took the anointing oil, and anointed the tabernacle and all that was therein, and sanctified them.
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Leviticus 16:13
And he shall put the incense on the fire before the LORD, that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the testimony, that he die not:
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Leviticus 19:30
You shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the LORD.
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Leviticus 21:12
Neither shall he go out of the sanctuary, nor profane the sanctuary of his God; for the crown of the anointing oil of his God is on him: I am the LORD.
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Numbers 7:1
And it came to pass on the day that Moses had fully set up the tabernacle, and had anointed it, and sanctified it, and all the instruments thereof, both the altar and all the vessels thereof, and had anointed them, and sanctified them;
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1 Kings 9:3
And the LORD said to him, I have heard your prayer and your supplication, that you have made before me: I have hallowed this house, which you have built, to put my name there for ever; and my eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually.
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1 Chronicles 29:3
Moreover, because I have set my affection to the house of my God, I have of my own proper good, of gold and silver, which I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house.
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2 Chronicles 3:8
And he made the most holy house, the length whereof was according to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits: and he overlaid it with fine gold, amounting to six hundred talents.
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Isaiah 64:11
Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised you, is burned up with fire: and all our pleasant things are laid waste.
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Ezekiel 23:39
For when they had slain their children to their idols, then they came the same day into my sanctuary to profane it; and, see, thus have they done in the middle of my house.
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1 Corinthians 3:17
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.
Nave's Topical Index



Church and State

Church and State: Artaxerxes, in Exempting Priests, Levites, and Other Temple Functionaries from Taxes

Church and State: Attempted Usurpation of Ecclesiastical Functions by Civil Authorities, Reproved

Church and State: David

Church and State: Ecclesiastical Power Superior to Civil: Appoints Kings

Church and State: Ecclesiastical Power Superior to Civil: Directs Administration

Church and State: Ecclesiastical Power Superior to Civil: Reproves Rulers

Church and State: Ecclesiastical Power Superior to Civil: Withdraws Support and Anoints a Successor

Church and State: Manasseh, in Subverting, and Afterward Restoring, the True Religion

Church and State: Solomon

Church and State: State Favorable to Religion: Cyrus, in his Proclamation to Restore the Temple at Jerusalem

Church and State: State Favorable to Religion: Darius, in his Edict Furthering the Restoration of the Temple

Church and State: State Superior to Religion: Ahaz, in Transforming the Altars

Church and State: State Superior to Religion: Hezekiah, in Reorganizing Temple Service

Church and State: State Superior to Religion: Jehoash, in Supervising the Repairs of the Temple

Church and State: State Superior to Religion: Jeroboam, in Subverting the Jewish Religion

Church and State: State Superior to Religion: Josiah, in Exercising the Function of the Priests in the Temple

Church and State: State Superior to Religion: Solomon, in Thrusting Abiathar out of the High Priest's office

Church Attendance

Church Building

Church Conflict

Church Discipline

Church Fellowship

Church Finances

Church Government

Church Growth

Church Hopping

Church is Clothed in Righteousness

Church is Edified by the Word

Church is Glorious

Church is Prayed For

Church Leadership

Church Life

Church Members

Church Mothers

Church of Israel in Covenant With God

Church of Israel was Relatively Holy

Church of Israel: A Type of the Church of Christ

Church of Israel: Admission Into, by Circumcision

Church of Israel: All Israelites Members of

Church of Israel: Attachment of the Jews To

Church of Israel: Called The: Congregation of Israel

Church of Israel: Called The: Congregation of the Lord

Church of Israel: Established by God

Church of Israel: Had: A Spiritual Church Within It

Church of Israel: Had: An Appointed Place of Worship

Church of Israel: Had: An Ordained Ministry

Church of Israel: Had: Appointed Feasts

Church of Israel: Had: Appointed Ordinances

Church of Israel: Had: The Divine Presence Manifested in It

Church of Israel: Members of Excommunicated for Heavy Offenses

Church of Israel: Members of Required to Attend Its Worship

Church of Israel: Members of Required to Keeps Its Statutes

Church of Israel: Members of Required to Know Its Statutes

Church of Israel: Members of Separated From, While Unclean

Church of Israel: Persons Excluded From

Church of Israel: Privileges of

Church of Israel: Proselytes Admitted Into

Church of Israel: Supported by the People

Church of Israel: The Depository of Holy Writ

Church of Israel: Worship of, Consisted in Praise

Church of Israel: Worship of, Consisted in Prayer

Church of Israel: Worship of, Consisted in Preaching

Church of Israel: Worship of, Consisted in Reading God's Word

Church of Israel: Worship of, Consisted in Sacrifice

Church Order

Church Ordinances

Church Participation

Church Planting

Church: Assembly of the Saints

Church: Assembly of the Upright

Church: Backslidden

Church: Baptized (Immersed) Into by One Spirit

Church: Believers Continually Added To, by the Lord

Church: Body of Christ

Church: Branch of God's Planting

Church: Bride of Christ

Church: Called Courts

Church: Called the Congregation in the O. T. (K. J. V. And Others)

Church: Christ, Head of

Church: Christian, Divinely Established

Church: Christ's Love For

Church: Church of God

Church: Church of the Firstborn

Church: Church of the Living God

Church: City of the Living God

Church: Congregation

Church: Congregation of Saints

Church: Congregation of the Lord's Poor

Church: Corruption In

Church: Dear to God

Church: Decrees of

Church: Defiling of, Will be Punished

Church: Design of

Church: Dissensions In

Church: Divisions In, to be Shunned

Church: Dove

Church: Duty of, to Ministers

Church: Extent of, Predicted

Church: Family in Heaven and Earth

Church: Flock of God

Church: Fold of Christ

Church: General Assembly of the Firstborn (People)

Church: God Defends

Church: God Provides Ministers For

Church: God's Building

Church: God's Heritage

Church: God's Husbandry (Farm)

Church: Golden Candlestick (Lampstand)

Church: Government of, Mosaic and Christian

Church: Habitation of God

Church: Harmonious Fellowship of

Church: Heavenly Jerusalem

Church: His Kingdom

Church: Holy

Church: Holy City

Church: Holy Hill

Church: Holy Mountain

Church: Holy Place

Church: Holy Temple

Church: House of Christ

Church: House of God

Church: House of Prayer

Church: House of the Lord

Church: Household of God

Church: Inheritance

Church: Israel of God

Church: Kingdom of God

Church: Kingdom of Heaven

Church: King's Daughter

Church: Lamb's Bride

Church: Lamb's Wife

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Antioch

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Asia

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Babylon

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Caesarea

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Cenchrea

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Cilicia

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Corinth

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Ephesus

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Galatia

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Galilee

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Jerusalem

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Joppa

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Judaea

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Laodicea

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Pergamos

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Philadelphia

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Samaria

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Sardis

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Smyrna

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Syria

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Thessalonica

Church: List of Congregations of Christians: Thyatira

Church: Lot of God's Inheritance

Church: Love For

Church: Loved by Believers

Church: Membership In

Church: Militant

Church: Ministers Commanded to Feed

Church: Mount Zion

Church: Mountain of the Lord's House

Church: My Father's House

Church: My Kingdom

Church: New Jerusalem

Church: Not to be Despised

Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth

Church: Place of God's Throne

Church: Pleasant Portion

Church: Privileges of

Church: Prophecies Concerning Prosperity of

Church: Rules of Discipline In, Mosaic and Christian

Church: Safe Under his Care

Church: Salt and Light of the World

Church: Sanctuary

Church: Sanctuary of God

Church: Sister of Christ

Church: Sought Out, a City not Forsaken

Church: Spiritual House

Church: Spouse of Christ

Church: Strength and Glory of God

Church: Tabernacle

Church: Temple

Church: Temple of God

Church: Temple of the Living God

Church: The God of Jacob

Church: The Lord's Portion

Church: The Wicked Persecute

Church: Thy Kingdom

Church: Triumphant

Church: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

Church: Unity of

Church: Vineyard

Church: Worship of, to be Attended

Church: Zion

Emergent Church

The Church is Edified by the Word

The Church: Believers Continually Added To, by the Lord

The Church: Belongs to God

The Church: Christ, the Foundation-Stone of

The Church: Christ, the Head of

The Church: Clothed in Righteousness

The Church: Defiling of, Will be Punished

The Church: Displays the Wisdom of God

The Church: Elect

The Church: Extent of, Predicted

The Church: Glorious

The Church: Glory to be Ascribed to God By

The Church: God Defends

The Church: God Provides Ministers For

The Church: Loved by Christ

The Church: Ministers Commanded to Feed

The Church: Not to be Despised

The Church: Purchased by the Blood of Christ

The Church: Saints Baptised Into, by One Spirit

The Church: Sanctified and Cleansed by Christ

The Church: Shows Forth the Praises of God

The Church: Subject to Christ

The Church: The Body of Christ

The Church: The Object of the Grace of God

The Church: The Wicked Persecute

The Church: Unity of

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