1495. eidololatria -- image worship ... Definition: service (worship) of an image (an
idol). Word Origin from eidolon and
latreia Definition image worship NASB Word Usage idolatries (1),
idolatry (3
... // - 6kStrong's Hebrew
8655. teraphim -- (a kind of idol) perhaps household idol... uncertain derivation Definition (a kind of
idol) perhaps household
idol NASB Word
Usage household
idol (2), household idols (10),
idolatry (1), teraphim (2).
... /hebrew/8655.htm - 6k 8441. toebah -- abomination
... properly, something disgusting (morally), ie (as noun) an abhorrence; especially
idolatry or (concretely) an idol -- abominable (custom, thing), abomination. ...
/hebrew/8441.htm - 6k
Idolatry Condemned by Baptism. To Make an Idol Is, in Fact, to ...
... Chapter VI."Idolatry Condemned by Baptism. To Make an Idol Is, in Fact,
to Worship It. If no law of God had prohibited idols to ...
/.../tertullian/on idolatry/chapter vi idolatry condemned by baptism.htm
Idolatry: Origin and Meaning of the Name.
... For since even without an idol idolatry is committed, when the idol is there it
makes no difference of what kind it be, of what material, or what shape; lest ...
/.../tertullian/on idolatry/chapter iii idolatry origin and meaning.htm
Idols not to be Made, Much Less Worshipped. Idols and Idol-Makers ...
... For this cause"the eradicating, namely, of the material of idolatry"the divine law
proclaims, "Thou shalt make no idol;" [179] and by conjoining, "Nor a ...
// idolatry/chapter iv idols not to be.htm
Connection Between Covetousness and Idolatry. Certain Trades ...
... odours; the frankincense-seller is a something even more serviceable even toward
demons, for idolatry is more easily carried on without the idol, than without ...
/.../tertullian/on idolatry/chapter xi connection between covetousness and.htm
Other Arts Made Subservient to Idolatry. Lawful Means of Gaining a ...
... an idol indeed and with the things which are appropriate to an idol; since, moreover ...
often used, I think we are not free of the contagion of idolatry, we whose ...
/.../tertullian/on idolatry/chapter viii other arts made subservient.htm
Whether Idolatry is Rightly Reckoned a Species of Superstition?
... But idolatry, apparently, is nothing: for the Apostle says (1:Cor.8:4): "We know
that an idol is nothing in the world," and further on (1:Cor.10:19): "What then ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether idolatry is rightly reckoned.htm
Concerning Idolatry in Words.
... that is, in an idol. [327] Whoever, therefore, honours an idol with the
name of God, has fallen into idolatry. But if I speak of ...
/.../tertullian/on idolatry/chapter xx concerning idolatry in words.htm
On Idolatry
... 3:5; Ephesians 5:5.) But so far is that opinion or knowledge (by which he does not
esteem the idol as a god) from acquitting him of idolatry, who adores ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/disputation 23 on idolatry.htm
On Idolatry
... Chapter V. --Sundry Objections or Excuses Dealt with. Chapter VI.--Idolatry Condemned
by Baptism. To Make an Idol Is, in Fact, to Worship It. ...
// idolatry/
Spiritual Idolatry
... me thy heart!" And to give our heart to any other is plain idolatry. Accordingly,
whatever takes our heart from him, or shares it with him, is an idol; or, in ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 78 spiritual idolatry.htm
ATS Bible Dictionary
Idolatry IdolThe word idol signifies literally a representation or figure. It is always employed in Scripture in a bad sense, for representations of heathen deities of what nature soever. God forbids all sorts of idols, or figures and representations of creatures, formed or set up with intention of paying superstitious worship to them, Exodus 20:3,4 34:13 De 4:16-19 7:25,26. He also forbids all attempts to represent him by any visible form, Exodus 32:4,5 De 4:15 Nehemiah 9:18.
The heathen had idols of all sorts-paintings, bas-reliefs, and all varieties of sculpture-and these of many kinds of materials, as gold, silver, brass, stone, wood, potters earth, etc. Stars, spirits, men, animals, rivers, plants, and elements were the subjects of them. Scarcely an object or power in nature, scarcely a faculty of the soul, a virtue, a vice, or a condition of human life, has not received idolatrous worship. See STARS. Some nations worshipped a rough stone. Such is the black stone of the ancient Arabs, retained by Mohammed, and now kept in the Caaba at Mecca.
It is impossible to ascertain the period at which the worship of false gods and idols was introduced. No mentioned is made of such worship before the deluge; though from the silence of Scripture we cannot argue that it did not exist. Josephus and many of the fathers were of opinion, that soon after the deluge idolatry became prevalent; and certainly, whenever we turn our eyes after the time of Abraham, we see only a false worship. That patriarch's forefathers, and even he himself, were implicated in it, as is evident from Joshua 24:2,14.
The Hebrews had no peculiar form of idolatry; they imitated the superstitions of others, but do not appear to have been the inventors of any. When they were in Egypt, many of them worshipped Egyptians deities, Ezekiel 20:8; in the wilderness, they worshipped those of the Canaaites, Egyptians, Ammonites, and Moabites; in Judea, those of the Phoenicians, Syrians, and other people around them, Numbers 25:1-18 Jud 10:6 Am 5:25 Acts 7:42. Rachel, it may be, had adored idols at her father Laban's, since she carried off his teraphim, Genesis 31:30. Jacob after his return from Mesopotamia, required his people to reject the strange gods from among them and also the superstitious pendants worn by them in their ears, which he hid under a terebinth near Shechem. He preserved his family in the worship of God while he lived.
Under the government of the judges, "the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim. They forsook the Lord God of their fathers, and served Baal and Ashtaroth," Jud 2:11,12. Gideon, after he had been favored by God with a miraculous deliverance, made an ephod, which ensnared the Israelites in unlawful worship, Jud 8:27. Micah's teraphim also were the objects of idolatrous worship, even till the captivity of Israel in Babylon, Jud 17:5 18:30,31. See TERAPHIM.
During the times of Samuel, Saul, and David, the worship of God seems to have been preserved pure in Israel. There was corruption and irregularity of manners, but little or no idolatry. Solomon, seduced by complaisance to his strange wives, caused temples to be erected in honor of Ashtoreth goddess of the Phoenicians, Moloch god of the Ammonites, and Chemosh god of the Moabites. Jeroboam, who succeeded Solomon, set up golden calves at Dan and Bethel, and made Israel to sin. The people, no longer restrained by royal authority, worshipped not only these golden calves, but many other idols, particularly Baal and Ashtoreth. Under the reign of Ahab, idolatry reached its height. The impious Jezebel endeavored to extinguish the worship of the Lord, by persecuting his prophets, (who, as a barrier, still retained some of the people in the true religion,) till God, incensed at their idolatry, abandoned Israel to the kings of Assyria and Chaldea, who transplanted them beyond the Euphrates. Judah was almost equally corrupted. The descriptions given by the prophets of their irregularities and idolatries, of their abominations and lasciviousness on the high places and in woods consecrated to idols, and of their human sacrifices, fill us with dismay, and unveil the awful corruption of the heart of man. See MOLOCH. After the return from Babylon, we do not find the Jews any more reproached with idolatry. They expressed much zeal for the worship of God, and except some transgressor under Antichus Epiphanes, the people kept themselves clear from this sin.
As the maintenance of the worship of the only true God was one of the fundamental objects of the Mosaic polity, and as God was regarded as the king of the Israelitish nation, so we find idolatry, that is, the worship of other gods, occupying, in the Mosaic law, the first place in the list of crimes. It was indeed a crime, not merely against God, but also against the fundamental law of the state, and thus a sort of high treason. The only living and true God was also the civil legislator and ruler of Israel, and accepted by them as their king; and hence idolatry was a crime against the state, and therefore just as deservedly punished with death, as high treason is in modern times. By the Jewish law, an idolatrous city must be wholly destroyed, with all it contained, De 13:12-18 17:2,5.
At the present day, idolatry, prevails over a great portion of the earth, and is practiced by about 600,000,000 of the human race. Almost all the heathen nations, as the Chinese, the Hindoos, the South Sea islanders, etc., have their images, to which they bow down and worship. In some lands professedly Christians, it is to be feared that the adoration of crucifixes and paintings is nothing more nor less than idol-worship. But when we regard idolatry in a moral point of view, as consisting not merely in the external worship of false gods, but in the preference of, and devotion to something else than the Most High, how many Christians must then fall under this charge. Whoever loves this world, or the pursuits of wealth or honor ambition, or selfishness in any form, and for these forgets or neglects God and Christ, such a one is an idolater in as bad sense at least as the ancient Israelites, and cannot hope to escape an awful condemnation, Colossians 3:5.
Idolatry Idol
Idolatry is a Work of the Flesh
Idolatry is Changing the Glory of God Into an Image
Idolatry is Changing the Truth of God Into a Lie
Idolatry: A Virtual Forsaking of God
Idolatry: Abominable
Idolatry: Accompanied by Feasts
Idolatry: Adopted by Solomon
Idolatry: Adopted by the Wicked Kings
Idolatry: Ahab
Idolatry: Ahaz
Idolatry: All Forms of, Forbidden by the Law of Moses
Idolatry: All Heathen Nations Given up To
Idolatry: Altars Raised For
Idolatry: Amon
Idolatry: An Abomination to God
Idolatry: Angels Refuse to Receive the Worship of
Idolatry: Annual Feasts
Idolatry: Athenians
Idolatry: Belshazzar
Idolatry: Bloody
Idolatry: Captivity of Israel on Account of
Idolatry: Captivity of Judah on Account of
Idolatry: Consists in Bowing Down to Images
Idolatry: Consists in Covetousness
Idolatry: Consists in Fearing Other Gods
Idolatry: Consists in Looking to Other Gods
Idolatry: Consists in Sacrificing to Images
Idolatry: Consists in Sacrificing to Other Gods
Idolatry: Consists in Sensuality
Idolatry: Consists in Serving Other Gods
Idolatry: Consists in Setting up Idols in the Heart
Idolatry: Consists in Speaking in the Name of Other Gods
Idolatry: Consists in Swearing by Other Gods
Idolatry: Consists in Walking After Other Gods
Idolatry: Consists in Worshipping Angels
Idolatry: Consists in Worshipping Dead Men
Idolatry: Consists in Worshipping Demons
Idolatry: Consists in Worshipping Images
Idolatry: Consists in Worshipping Other Gods
Idolatry: Consists in Worshipping the Host of Heaven
Idolatry: Consists in Worshipping the True God by an Image
Idolatry: Curse Denounced Against
Idolatry: Defiling
Idolatry: Denunciations Against
Idolatry: Destruction of, Promised
Idolatry: Divination Connected With
Idolatry: Early Notice of, Amongst God's Professing People
Idolatry: Ephesians
Idolatry: Everything Connected With, should be Destroyed
Idolatry: Example of the Kings Encouraged Israel In
Idolatry: Exhortations to Turn From
Idolatry: Folly of
Idolatry: Forbidden
Idolatry: Great Prevalence of, in Israel
Idolatry: Hateful to God
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Adrammelech
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Anammelech
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Ashima
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Ashtoreth
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Baal
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Baal-Berith
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Baal-Peor
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Baalzebub
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Baal-Zephon
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Bel
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Chemosh
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Chiun
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Dagon
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Diana
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Huzzab
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Jupiter
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Mercury
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Merodach
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Molech or Milcom
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Nebo
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Nergal
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Nibhaz and Tartak
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Nisroch
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Queen of Heaven
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Remphan
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Rimmon
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Succothbenoth
Idolatry: Idols Mentioned in Scripture: Tammuz
Idolatry: Incompatible With the Service of God
Idolatry: Irrational
Idolatry: Israel
Idolatry: Jeroboam
Idolatry: Jezebel
Idolatry: Judah
Idolatry: Led the Heathen to Consider Their Gods to Have But a Local
Idolatry: Led the Heathen to Think That Their Gods Visited the Earth In
Idolatry: Led to Abominable Sins
Idolatry: Maachah
Idolatry: Making Idols for the Purpose of, Described and Ridiculed
Idolatry: Manasseh
Idolatry: Micah
Idolatry: Nebuchadnezzar
Idolatry: Objects of Angels
Idolatry: Objects of Animals
Idolatry: Objects of Brazen Serpent
Idolatry: Objects of Departed Spirits
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Abominations
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Dumb Idols
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Dumb Stones
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Gods That Cannot Save
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Gods That Have not Made the Heavens
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Graven Images
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Helpless
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Idols of Abomination
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Images of Abomination
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Molten Gods
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Molten Images
Idolatry: Objects of Described as New Gods
Idolatry: Objects of Described as No Gods
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Nothing
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Other Gods
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Senseless Idols
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Stocks
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Strange Gods
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Stumbling Blocks
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Teachers of Lies
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Vanities of the Gentiles
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Vanity
Idolatry: Objects of Described as Wind and Confusion
Idolatry: Objects of Earrings
Idolatry: Objects of Earthly Creatures
Idolatry: Objects of Gods of Egypt
Idolatry: Objects of Golden Calf
Idolatry: Objects of Images
Idolatry: Objects of Images of Angels
Idolatry: Objects of Net and Drag
Idolatry: Objects of Pictures
Idolatry: Objects of Pictures on Walls
Idolatry: Objects of Sun, Moon, and Stars
Idolatry: Objects of The Heavenly Bodies
Idolatry: Objects of, Carried in Procession
Idolatry: Objects of, Numerous
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped by Bowing to Them
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped by Burning Children
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped by Cutting the Flesh
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped by Kissing the Hand to Them
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped by Kissing Them
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped in Groves
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped in Private Houses
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped in Secret Places
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped in Temples
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped with Incense
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped with Libations
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped with Prayer
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped with Sacrifices
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped with Singing and Dancing
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped: On High Places
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped: On the Tops of Houses
Idolatry: Objects of, Worshipped: Under Trees
Idolatry: Obstinate Sinners Judicially Given up To
Idolatry: Other Customs of Bowing
Idolatry: Other Customs of Cutting the Flesh
Idolatry: Other Customs of Incense Burned on Altars
Idolatry: Other Customs of Kissing
Idolatry: Other Customs of Libations
Idolatry: Other Customs of Libations of Blood
Idolatry: Other Customs of Libations of Wine
Idolatry: Other Customs of Meat offerings
Idolatry: Other Customs of Music
Idolatry: Other Customs of Offered Burnt offerings
Idolatry: Other Customs of Peace offerings
Idolatry: Other Customs of Praise
Idolatry: Other Customs of Prayers to Idols
Idolatry: Other Customs of Singing and Dancing
Idolatry: Other Customs of Tithes and Gifts
Idolatry: People of Lystra
Idolatry: Philistines
Idolatry: Prophecies Relating To
Idolatry: Punishment of Banishment
Idolatry: Punishment of Dreadful Judgments Which End in Death
Idolatry: Punishment of Eternal Torments
Idolatry: Punishment of Exclusion from Heaven
Idolatry: Punishment of Judicial Death
Idolatry: Renounced on Conversion
Idolatry: Rites of, Obscene and Impure
Idolatry: Saints Preserved by God From
Idolatry: Saints Refuse to Receive the Worship of
Idolatry: Saints should Flee From
Idolatry: Saints should Keep From
Idolatry: Saints should not Covenant With Those Who Practise
Idolatry: Saints should not Have Anything Connected With in Their Houses
Idolatry: Saints should not Have Religious Intercourse With Those Who Practise
Idolatry: Saints should not Intermarry With Those Who Practise
Idolatry: Saints should not Partake of Any Thing Connected With
Idolatry: Saints should Refuse to Engage In, Though Threatened With Death
Idolatry: Saints should Testify Against
Idolatry: Sennacherib
Idolatry: Temples Built For
Idolatry: The Good Kings of Judah Endeavoured to Destroy
Idolatry: The Jews: Brought, out of Egypt With Them
Idolatry: The Jews: Followed the Assyrians In
Idolatry: The Jews: Followed the Canaanites In
Idolatry: The Jews: Followed the Moabites In
Idolatry: The Jews: Followed the Syrians In
Idolatry: The Jews: Forbidden to Practise
Idolatry: The Jews: Often Mixed Up, With God's Worship
Idolatry: The Jews: Practised, in Egypt
Idolatry: They Who Practise are Estranged from God
Idolatry: They Who Practise are Ignorant and Foolish
Idolatry: They Who Practise are Mad Upon It
Idolatry: They Who Practise are Vain in Their Imaginations
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Ask Counsel of Their Idols
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Boast of It
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Carried Away by It
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Defile the Sanctuary of God
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Forget God
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Forsake God
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Go After It in Heart
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Go Astray from God
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Hate God
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Have Fellowship With Devils
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Hold Fast Their Deceit
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Inflame Themselves
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Look to Idols for Deliverance
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Pollute the Name of God
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Provoke God
Idolatry: They Who Practise: Swear by Their Idols
Idolatry: Unprofitable
Idolatry: Vain and Foolish
Idolatry: Victims Sacrificed In, often Adorned With Garlands
Idolatry: Warnings Against
Idolatry: Warnings Against, and Punishments of
Idolatry: Wicked Practices of Human Sacrifices
Idolatry: Wicked Practices of Licentiousness of
Idolatry: Wicked Practices of Practices of, Relating to the Dead
Idolatry: Woe Denounced Against
Idolatry: Zeal Against: Asa
Idolatry: Zeal Against: Israel
Idolatry: Zeal Against: Jehoshaphat
Idolatry: Zeal Against: Josiah
Idolatry: Zeal Against: Manasseh
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