Morning, February 2
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According to the law, in fact, nearly everything must be purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.  — Hebrews 9:22
Bible League: Living His Word
If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
— Proverbs 24:10 NKJV

Now’s not the time to give up! Now’s not the time to give in! After all, you’ve been through a lot to get to this point. When defeat happened, you just picked up the pieces and put them back together for a new march forward. The Lord was on your side and the confidence that gave you made you strong. It kept you going no matter what.

It’s true, this time is different. This time you’re going through something you’ve never been through before. Calling it a “day of adversity” doesn’t begin to capture what it’s doing to you. It’s like Satan has decided to make one last charge against you. Your day of destiny is in view and it’s the last thing he wants to have happen. He delights in working against your best interests. He growls and roars as he attempts to swallow you whole (1 Peter 5:8). Will this be the day he finally gets to you? Will now be the time of your demise?

It’s also true that you’re feeling a little weak this time. The possibility of fainting is real. Maybe all the battling and fighting has finally gotten to you. You think to yourself, “No one will find fault with me. I’ve come a long way. They’ll understand if I give up. It’s been a good run. I deserve the rest. It’s time that someone else takes up the effort. It’s time for new blood and new strategies. Indeed, it would be selfish of me to keep going. Everyone has to quit at some point, don’t they?”

Don’t do it! Don’t faint on the day of adversity! Your strength is not that small. You have what it takes. You have it because the Lord has given it to you. “He gives strength to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength,” (Isaiah 40:29).

And He’ll keep giving it to you. When you go forth, the strength will be there, especially when you need it the most.
Bible in a Year
Old Testament Reading
Exodus 29, 30

Exodus 29 -- Consecration, Sacrifices, Food of the Priests


Exodus 30 -- Altar of Incense, Atonement Money, Basin, Anointing oil


New Testament Reading
Matthew 22:1-22

Matthew 22 -- Parable of the Wedding Banquet; Render to Caesar; the Greatest Commandment; Sadducees Question Jesus


Reading Plan Courtesy of Christian Classics Etherial Library.
Tyndale Life Application Daily Devotion
You can be sure of this:
        The LORD set apart the godly for himself.
        The LORD will answer when I call to him.
The godly are those who are faithful and devoted to God. David knew that God would hear him when he called and would answer him. We too can be confident that God listens to our prayers and answers when we call on him. Sometimes we think that God will not hear us because we have fallen short of his high standards for holy living. But if we have trusted Christ for salvation, God has forgiven us, and he will listen to us.
When you feel as though your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling, remember that as a believer you have been set apart by God and that he loves you. He hears and answers, although his answers may not be what you expect. Look at your problems in the light of God's power instead of looking at God in the shadow of your problems.
Morning and Evening by Spurgeon
Hebrews 9:22  Without the shedding of blood is no remission.

This is the voice of unalterable truth. In none of the Jewish ceremonies were sins, even typically, removed without blood-shedding. In no case, by no means can sin be pardoned without atonement. It is clear, then, that there is no hope for me out of Christ; for there is no other blood-shedding which is worth a thought as an atonement for sin. Am I, then, believing in him? Is the blood of his atonement truly applied to my soul? All men are on a level as to their need of him. If we be never so moral, generous, amiable, or patriotic, the rule will not be altered to make an exception for us. Sin will yield to nothing less potent than the blood of him whom God hath set forth as a propitiation. What a blessing that there is the one way of pardon! Why should we seek another?

Persons of merely formal religion cannot understand how we can rejoice that all our sins are forgiven us for Christ's sake. Their works, and prayers, and ceremonies, give them very poor comfort; and well may they be uneasy, for they are neglecting the one great salvation, and endeavouring to get remission without blood. My soul, sit down, and behold the justice of God as bound to punish sin; see that punishment all executed upon thy Lord Jesus, and fall down in humble joy, and kiss the dear feet of him whose blood has made atonement for thee. It is in vain when conscience is aroused to fly to feelings and evidences for comfort: this is a habit which we learned in the Egypt of our legal bondage. The only restorative for a guilty conscience is a sight of Jesus suffering on the cross. "The blood is the life thereof," says the Levitical law, and let us rest assured that it is the life of faith and joy and every other holy grace.

"Oh! how sweet to view the flowing

Of my Saviour's precious blood;

With divine assurance knowing

He has made my peace with God."

Daily Light on the Daily Path
1 Chronicles 4:10  Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!" And God granted him what he requested.

Luke 22:46  and said to them, "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray that you may not enter into temptation."

Matthew 26:41  "Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Proverbs 30:7-9  Two things I asked of You, Do not refuse me before I die: • Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion, • That I not be full and deny You and say, "Who is the LORD?" Or that I not be in want and steal, And profane the name of my God. • Do not slander a slave to his master, Or he will curse you and you will be found guilty.

Psalm 121:7  The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.

Jeremiah 15:21  "So I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked, And I will redeem you from the grasp of the violent."

1 John 5:18  We know that no one who is born of God sins; but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him.

Revelation 3:10  Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

2 Peter 2:9  then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment,

New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit

Evening February 1
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