Proverbs 12
Bishops' Bible of 1568 Par ▾ 

Loving Discipline and Knowledge

1Who so loueth correction loueth knowledge: but he that hateth to be reproued is a foole.

2A good man is acceptable vnto the Lorde: but the wicked imaginer wyll he condempne.

3A man can not endure in vngodlinesse: but the roote of the ryghteous shall not be moued.

4A huswifely woman is a crowne vnto her husbande: but she that behaueth her selfe vnhonestly, is as corruption in his bones.

5The thoughtes of the ryghteous are ryght: but the imaginations of the vngodly are deceptfull.

6The talkyng of the vngodly is howe they may lay wayte for blood: but the mouth of the righteous will deliuer the.

7God ouerturneth the estate of the wicked, and they stande not: but the house of the ryghteous shall stande.

8A man shalbe commended for his wisdome: but a foole shalbe dispised.

9He that is dispised and is yet his owne man, is better then the glorious that lacketh bread.

10A ryghteous man regardeth the lyfe of his cattell: but the vngodly haue cruell heartes.

11He that tylleth his lande, shall haue plenteousnesse of bread: but he that foloweth idlenesse is a very foole.

12The desire of the vngodly is a net of euyls: but the roote of the ryghteous bryngeth foorth fruite.

13The wicked falleth into the snare thorowe the malice of his owne mouth: but the iust shall escape out of all perill.

14Man shalbe satisfied with good thinges: by the fruite of his mouth, and after the workes of his handes shall he be rewarded.

15The way of a foole is strayght in his owne eyes: but he that hearkeneth vnto counsayle is wise.

16A foole vttereth his wrath in all the haste: but a discrete man couereth his owne shame.

17A iust man wyll tell the trueth and shewe the thyng that is ryght: but a false witnesse deceaueth.

18A slaunderous person pricketh lyke a sworde: but a wise mans tongue is wholsome.

19The lippe of trueth shalbe stable for euer: but a dissemblyng tongue is soone chaunged.

20Deceipt is in the heart of them that imagine euyll: but to the counsaylers of peace shalbe ioy.

21There shall no aduersitie happen vnto the iust: but the vngodly shalbe fylled with miserie.

22The Lorde abhorreth lying lippes: but they that deale truely please hym.

23A discrete man doth hyde knowledge: but the heart of fooles blabbeth out foolishnesse.

24A diligent hande shall beare rule: but the idle shalbe vnder tribute.

25Heauinesse discourageth the heart of man: but a good worde maketh it glad agayne.

26The ryghteous excelleth his neyghbour: but the way of the vngodly wyll deceaue them selues.

27The deciptfull man shall not coste that he toke in huntyng: but the riches of the iust man is of great value.

28In the way of ryghteousnesse there is life: & in the same way there is no death.

Bishops' Bible of 1568

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Proverbs 11
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