Paul’s Joy in the Corinthians 1Seyng that we haue these promises (dearely beloued) let vs clense our selues from all fylthynesse of the flesshe & spirite, and growe vp to full holynesse in the feare of God. 2Understande vs, we haue wronged no man, we haue corrupt no man, we haue defrauded no man. 3I speake not this to condempne you: for I haue shewed you before, that ye are in our heartes to dye and lyue with you. 4I am very bolde ouer you, I reioyce greatly in you. I am fylled with comfort, and am exceedyng ioyous in all our tribulation.
5For when we were come into Macedonia, our flesshe had no rest, but we were troubled on euery syde: Outward was fyghtyng, inward was feare.
6Neuerthelesse, God that comforteth the humble, comforted vs by the commyng of Titus.
7And not by his comming only, but also by the consolatio whiche we receaued of you, when he tolde vs your desire, your wepyng, your feruent mynde towarde me, so that I reioyced the more.
8For though I made you sorie with a letter, I repent not, though I dyd repent. For I perceaue, that the same epistle made you sorie, though it were but for a season.
9I nowe reioyce, not that ye were sorie, but that ye so sorowed to repent: for ye sorowed godly, so that in nothyng ye were hurt by vs.
10For godly sorowe, causeth repentaunce vnto saluatio, not to be repented of: but the sorowe of the world causeth death.
11For beholde this thing, what carefulnesse this godly sorow that ye toke, hath wrought in you: yea |