The Palm-Tree: Blasted As a Punishment
The Palm-Tree: First Mention of, in Scripture
The Palm-Tree: Flourishing
The Palm-Tree: Fruitful to a Great Age
The Palm-Tree: Jericho Celebrated For
The Palm-Tree: Represented in Carved Work on the Walls and Doors of The
The Palm-Tree: Requires a Moist and Fertile Soil
The Palm-Tree: Tall
The Palm-Tree: Tents often Pitched Under the Shade of
The Palm-Tree: The Branches of, Were used for Constructing Booths
The Palm-Tree: The Branches of, Were: Carried at Feast of Tabernacles
The Palm-Tree: The Branches of, Were: Spread Before Christ
The Palm-Tree: The Branches of, Were: The Emblem of Victory
The Palm-Tree: The Church
The Palm-Tree: The Fruit of, Called Dates
The Palm-Tree: The Righteous
The Palm-Tree: The Upright Appearance of Idols
The Palm-Tree: Upright