Trespass offering: Consisted of Two Turtle Doves by Those Unable to Bring a Lamb
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Leviticus 5:7-10
And if he be not able to bring a lamb, then he shall bring for his trespass, which he has committed, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, to the LORD; one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Scriptural Types.
... Its frame-work on three sides consisted of upright ... of fine flour for a sin-offering"
(Lev.5:11 ... is into burnt-offerings, sin-offerings, trespass-offerings, and ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxxvii scriptural types.htm



Trespass of a Brother

Trespass of an Ox

Trespass Offering

Trespass offering was a Most Holy offering

Trespass offering was the Perquisites of the Priest

Trespass offering: Accompanied by Confession

Trespass offering: Atonement Made By

Trespass offering: Being for Minor Offenses Was Lessened for the Poor, not So

Trespass offering: Consisted of a Meat offering by the Very Poor

Trespass offering: Consisted of a Ram Without Blemish

Trespass offering: Consisted of a She Lamb or Kid

Trespass offering: Consisted of Two Turtle Doves by Those Unable to Bring a Lamb

Trespass offering: Esteemed As a Sin offering, and Frequently So Called

Trespass offering: Generally Accompanied by Restitution

Trespass offering: Illustrative of Christ

Trespass offering: Sometimes Waved Alive Before the Lord

Trespass offering: Special Occasions of offering for Connection With a Betrothed Bondmaid

Trespass offering: Special Occasions of offering: Cleansing of a Leper

Trespass offering: Special Occasions of offering: Purification of Nazarites Who had Broken Their Vow

Trespass offering: Special Occasions of offering: Purification of Those With Issues

Trespass offering: Special Occasions of offering: Purification of Women

Trespass offering: To be offered for Any Sin of Ignorance

Trespass offering: To be offered for Breach of Trust, or Fraud

Trespass offering: To be offered for Concealing Knowledge of a Crime

Trespass offering: To be offered for Involuntarily Touching Unclean Things

Trespass offering: To be offered for Rash Swearing

Trespass offering: To be offered for Sins of Ignorance in Holy Things

Trespass offering: To be Slain where the Sin offering and Burnt offering Were

Trespass: A Creditor Must not Enter a Debtor's House to Seize a Pledge

Trespass: General Scriptures Concerning

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