Trees: Different Kinds of Mentioned of the Wood
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Songs 2:3
As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Different Degrees of Knowledge.
... modes of engrafting illustrative of different kinds of conversion ... most service in
the case of cultivated trees. ... engrafting into the good olive" mentioned by the ...
/.../the stromata or miscellanies/chapter xv different degrees of knowledge.htm

The Death of the Blessed virgin Mary at Ephesus
... stood near a wood among pyramid-shaped trees with smooth ... [190] I saw him healing
many kinds of illnesses ... Andrew asleep on their journey in different places but ...
/.../emmerich/the life of the blessed virgin mary/xviii the death of the.htm

That the Scriptures are Divinely Inspired.
... had been a husbandman, planted trees in paradise ... which you will frequently find
mentioned here and ... concealed in Genesis respecting the different kinds of souls ...
/.../origen/origen de principiis/chapter i that the scriptures are.htm

Faustus Repels the Charge of Sun-Worship
... But the doctrine I have mentioned is common to ... one substance Christ hangs on the
trees, and was ... only innumerable bodily forms of five different kinds, but also ...
/.../faustus repels the charge of.htm

Book iii when She Finished Her Lay, Its Soothing Tones Left Me ...
... things, who could imagine by whom these different kinds can have ... particulars, to
make up one body of different parts ... in doubt, when you see how trees and plants ...
/.../boethius/the consolation of philosophy/book iii when she finished.htm

The Early Life of St. Joseph
... like these, but smaller, as well as other different ones ... I saw herbs, bushes, and
little trees in the boys ... prayed there quite alone, or made all kinds of little ...
/.../emmerich/the life of the blessed virgin mary/v the early life of.htm

... at stated intervals, struck up various kinds of music ... the stars, and blossoms in
the trees, Lives through ... the number of Pagans, in different countries, exceeds ...
// book of religions/pagans.htm

The Journey of the Three Holy Kings to Bethlehem
... I also saw trees with quite smooth heart-shaped ... able to distinguish herds of very
different kinds of animals ... of these three parties had faces of different colors ...
/.../emmerich/the life of the blessed virgin mary/xiii the journey of the.htm

On the Words Incarnate, and Made Man.
... not dependent on the nature of trees, but is ... the softness of lungs, and other different
kinds of members ... two latter clauses seem to be different renderings of ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/lecture xii on the words.htm

Outward Bound
... the sensitive plants; then creeping lianes of a dozen different kinds. ... up by the
sand-brush, with trees in every ... that, in the island just mentioned, the ...
// last/chapter i outward bound.htm



Trees of Christ

Trees of Kings

Trees of the Life and Conversation of the Righteous

Trees of Various Sizes

Trees of Wisdom

Trees were Cut Down by Besieging Armies for Erecting Forts

Trees were Cut Down for Building

Trees were Cut Down for Fuel

Trees were Cut Down for Making Idols

Trees were Cut Down with Axes

Trees were Sold With the Land on Which They Grew

Trees: (Barren) of the Wicked

Trees: (Casting Their Leaves Yet Retaining Their Substance) of

Trees: (Dry) of the Wicked Ripe for Judgment

Trees: (Dry) of Useless Persons

Trees: (Duration of) of Continued Prosperity of Saints

Trees: (Evergreen) of Saints

Trees: (Good and Fruitful) of Saints

Trees: (Green) of the Innocence of Christ

Trees: (Producing Evil Fruit) the Wicked

Trees: (Shaking of the Leaves off) the Terror of the Wicked

Trees: Afford an Agreeable Shade in Eastern Countries During The

Trees: Almond

Trees: Almug or Algum

Trees: Apple

Trees: Ash

Trees: Bay

Trees: Box

Trees: Cedar

Trees: Chestnut

Trees: Cyprus

Trees: Designed to Beautify the Earth

Trees: Different Kinds of Mentioned of the Forest

Trees: Different Kinds of Mentioned of the Wood

Trees: Different Kinds of Mentioned: Bearing Fruit

Trees: Different Kinds of Mentioned: Deciduous or Casting the Leaves

Trees: Different Kinds of Mentioned: Evergreen

Trees: Each Kind Has Its own Seed for Propagating Its Species

Trees: Each Kind of, Known by Its Fruit

Trees: Early Custom of Planting, in Consecrated Grounds

Trees: Fig

Trees: Fir

Trees: Given As Food to the Animal Creation

Trees: God Increases and Multiplies the Fruit of, for his People

Trees: God often Renders, Barren As a Punishment

Trees: Juniper

Trees: Lign-Aloes

Trees: Made for the Glory of God

Trees: Mulberry

Trees: Mustard

Trees: Myrtle

Trees: Nourished by the Earth

Trees: Nourished by the Rain from Heaven

Trees: Nourished: Through Their own Sap

Trees: Oak

Trees: Often Propagated by Birds Who Carry the Seeds Along With Them

Trees: Often Suffered From: Desolating Armies

Trees: Often Suffered From: Fire

Trees: Often Suffered From: Hail and Frost

Trees: Often Suffered From: Locusts

Trees: Oil-Tree

Trees: Olive

Trees: Originally Created by God

Trees: Palm

Trees: Parts of Mentioned: The Branches

Trees: Parts of Mentioned: The Fruit or Seeds

Trees: Parts of Mentioned: The Leaves

Trees: Parts of Mentioned: The Roots

Trees: Parts of Mentioned: The Stem or Trunk

Trees: Parts of Mentioned: The Tender Shoots

Trees: Pine

Trees: Planted by Man

Trees: Pomegranate

Trees: Shittah or Shittim

Trees: Solomon Wrote the History of

Trees: Specially Flourished Beside the Rivers and Streams of Water

Trees: Sycamore

Trees: Teil

Trees: The Jews: Considered Trees on Which Criminals Were Executed

Trees: The Jews: Often Buried Under

Trees: The Jews: Often Executed Criminals On

Trees: The Jews: Often Pitched Their Tents Under

Trees: The Jews: Prohibited from Cutting Down Fruit Bearing, for Sieges

Trees: The Jews: Prohibited from Planting in Consecrated Places

Trees: Vine

Trees: when Cut Down often Sprouted from Their Roots Again

Trees: Willow

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