Travellers: Generally Halted at Wells or Streams
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 24:11
And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening, even the time that women go out to draw water.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Genesis 32:21,23
So went the present over before him: and himself lodged that night in the company.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Exodus 15:27
And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and three score and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Samuel 30:21
And David came to the two hundred men, which were so faint that they could not follow David, whom they had made also to abide at the brook Besor: and they went forth to meet David, and to meet the people that were with him: and when David came near to the people, he saluted them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

John 4:6
Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Mission Tours.
... We were generally told there were thieves in the neighbourhood; we were ... Some travellers
take watchmen with them ... We always halted on the Lord's Day, and often on ...
/.../life and work in benares and kumaon 1839-1877/chapter xiv mission tours.htm

The Assyrian Revival and the Struggle for Syria
... to a suzerainty which they had generally been unable to ... The itineraries of modern
travellers mention a place ... Tiglath-pileser, and then having halted to receive ...
/.../chapter ithe assyrian revival and.htm



Travellers for Security often Left the Highways

Travellers of Distinction: Before Setting out Gave Employment to Their Servants

Travellers of Distinction: Frequently Extorted Provisions by the Way

Travellers of Distinction: Generally Attended by Running Footmen

Travellers of Distinction: Generally Performed Their Journey in Great State

Travellers of Distinction: Often Preceded by Heralds to Have the Roads Prepared

Travellers of Distinction: Rode in Chariots

Travellers of Distinction: Rode on Asses, Camels

Travellers were Frequently Asked Whence They Came and Whither They Went

Travellers: After a Long Journey, Described

Travellers: Called Way-Faring Men

Travellers: Carried With Them: Presents for Those Who Entertained Them

Travellers: Carried With Them: Provender for Their Beasts of Burden

Travellers: Carried With Them: Provisions for the Way

Travellers: Carried With Them: Skins Filled With Water, Wine

Travellers: Ceasing of, Threatened As a Calamity

Travellers: Estimated the Length of Their Journey by the Number of Days

Travellers: Friends of Frequently Commended Them to Protection of God

Travellers: Friends of Frequently Took Leave of Them With Sorrow

Travellers: Friends of Often Sent Them Away With Music

Travellers: Friends of Often Supplied Them With Provision

Travellers: Friends of Sometimes Accompanied Them a Short Way

Travellers: Generally Commenced Their Journey Early in the Morning

Travellers: Generally Halted at Wells or Streams

Travellers: Generally Rested at Noon

Travellers: Generally Treated With Great Hospitality

Travellers: Halted at Even

Travellers: Often Collected Together and Formed Caravans

Travellers: Often Engaged Persons Acquainted With the Country As Guides

Travellers: Often Travelled on Foot

Travellers: On Errands Requiring Despatch: Saluted No Man by the Way

Travellers: On Errands Requiring Despatch: Went With Great Speed

Travellers: On Foot, How Attired

Travellers: Preparations Made By, Alluded To

Travellers: Protected by Those Who Entertained Them

Travellers: Strangers Civil To

Travellers: Tesserae Hospitales or Pledges of Hospitality, Alluded To

Travellers: The Caravanserai or Public Inn for Noticed

Travellers: The Jews Prohibited from Taking Long Journeys on the Sabbath

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