Travellers: Estimated the Length of Their Journey by the Number of Days
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 31:23
And he took his brothers with him, and pursued after him seven days' journey; and they overtook him in the mount Gilead.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Deuteronomy 1:2
(There are eleven days' journey from Horeb by the way of mount Seir to Kadeshbarnea.)
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Kings 3:9
So the king of Israel went, and the king of Judah, and the king of Edom: and they fetched a compass of seven days' journey: and there was no water for the host, and for the cattle that followed them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Last Days of the Old Eastern World
... They estimated it variously at 800,000, at 3,000,000, and at ... empire, prevented the
satraps from pursuing their advantage, and when at length they meditated ...
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Christian Cemeteries.
... (C) Aggregate length of galleries ... three miles from the gates of Servius, may be
estimated at a ... Travellers who so admired the syringes or crypts of the kings of ...
/.../lanciani/pagan and christian rome/chapter vii christian cemeteries.htm

The Temples and the Gods of Chaldaea
... edge, ghouls lay in wait for travellers in unfrequented ... Shamash, called in his turn,
at length consented to ... which would recognize him as their patron, these ...
/.../chapter iithe temples and the.htm

The Reaction against Egypt
... of Memphis, and of Harmakhis, and he states that travellers were at a loss to express
their gratitude and ... and may he prolong for him the length of eternity! ...
/.../chapter iithe reaction against egypt.htm

The Life of S. Hilarion.
... And whereas the whole vineyard had been estimated at a ... of water in the desert, to
carry travellers who wished ... and bedewed his feet with tears; at length he was ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/the life of s hilarion.htm

The Eighteenth Theban Dynasty
... more or less veracious tales of exiles and travellers. ... 7500 charioteers, besides
a troop estimated at the ... All available space being at length exhausted, and as ...
/.../chapter iiithe eighteenth theban dynasty.htm

The Nile and Egypt
... De Roziere estimated the mean ... p.12, et seq., he has set it forth at length in a ...
Travellers, shepherds, all those whose occupations called them to the fields ...
/.../chapter i the nile and egypt.htm

The Iranian Conquest
... or the purity of the metal; they were estimated like the ... The idea at length occurred
to them to impress each of ... and affected a special devotion to their gods. ...
/.../chapter ithe iranian conquest.htm

An Exposition on the First Ten Chapters of Genesis, and Part of ...
... It is remarkable that of the vast number of pious ... are relatives, and must needs
therefore have their relation as ... to do his works he needeth not length of time ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/an exposition on the first.htm



Travellers for Security often Left the Highways

Travellers of Distinction: Before Setting out Gave Employment to Their Servants

Travellers of Distinction: Frequently Extorted Provisions by the Way

Travellers of Distinction: Generally Attended by Running Footmen

Travellers of Distinction: Generally Performed Their Journey in Great State

Travellers of Distinction: Often Preceded by Heralds to Have the Roads Prepared

Travellers of Distinction: Rode in Chariots

Travellers of Distinction: Rode on Asses, Camels

Travellers were Frequently Asked Whence They Came and Whither They Went

Travellers: After a Long Journey, Described

Travellers: Called Way-Faring Men

Travellers: Carried With Them: Presents for Those Who Entertained Them

Travellers: Carried With Them: Provender for Their Beasts of Burden

Travellers: Carried With Them: Provisions for the Way

Travellers: Carried With Them: Skins Filled With Water, Wine

Travellers: Ceasing of, Threatened As a Calamity

Travellers: Estimated the Length of Their Journey by the Number of Days

Travellers: Friends of Frequently Commended Them to Protection of God

Travellers: Friends of Frequently Took Leave of Them With Sorrow

Travellers: Friends of Often Sent Them Away With Music

Travellers: Friends of Often Supplied Them With Provision

Travellers: Friends of Sometimes Accompanied Them a Short Way

Travellers: Generally Commenced Their Journey Early in the Morning

Travellers: Generally Halted at Wells or Streams

Travellers: Generally Rested at Noon

Travellers: Generally Treated With Great Hospitality

Travellers: Halted at Even

Travellers: Often Collected Together and Formed Caravans

Travellers: Often Engaged Persons Acquainted With the Country As Guides

Travellers: Often Travelled on Foot

Travellers: On Errands Requiring Despatch: Saluted No Man by the Way

Travellers: On Errands Requiring Despatch: Went With Great Speed

Travellers: On Foot, How Attired

Travellers: Preparations Made By, Alluded To

Travellers: Protected by Those Who Entertained Them

Travellers: Strangers Civil To

Travellers: Tesserae Hospitales or Pledges of Hospitality, Alluded To

Travellers: The Caravanserai or Public Inn for Noticed

Travellers: The Jews Prohibited from Taking Long Journeys on the Sabbath

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