The Wolf of Wicked Rulers
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Ezekiel 22:27
Her princes in the middle thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Zephaniah 3:3
Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Controversy Ended.
... the mocking soldiers; the priests and rulers and the ... 1173) The fire that consumes
the wicked purifies the ... come up the myrtle-tree."(1182) "The wolf also shall ...
/.../the great controversy between christ and satan /42 the controversy ended.htm

The Controversy Ended
... Pilate; the mocking soldiers; the priests and rulers and the ... 1. The fire that consumes
the wicked purifies the ... come up the myrtle tree." "The wolf also shall ...
/.../white/the great controversy/chapter 42 the controversy ended.htm

The Testament of Benjamin Concerning a Pure Mind.
... a good mind, my children, then will both wicked men be ... tearing it away from it like
a wolf, and giving ... synagogues of the Gentiles, and among their rulers, as a ...
/.../xii the testament of benjamin concerning.htm

Book iv Thus Gently Sang the Lady Philosophy with Dignified Mien ...
... fangs and claws; this one becomes as a wolf, and when ... nobly and clearly, when the
happiness of rulers is in a ... to the good and grants the desires of the wicked. ...
/.../boethius/the consolation of philosophy/book iv thus gently sang.htm

... blood, but against principalities and powers, and the rulers of the ... wolf, Zebee,
a victim, namely of the wolf; for he ... in as far as they are wicked, that being ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm lxxxiii.htm

Period iii. The Critical Period: AD 140 to AD 200
... was going to be delivered from such wicked rulers and was ... poets, and taught men to
reject the wicked demons and ... grow onto them, like that of the wolf, the ape ...
/.../a source book for ancient church history/period iii the critical period .htm

The Almost Christian
... a doctrine of the Cross, the princes and rulers of the ... or such a darling pleasure;
and with wicked Ahab they ... creatures in the world; he is a wolf in sheep's ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/the almost christian.htm

Sovereignty of God in Administration
... If one nation deposes its rulers and repudiates its ... regions; the ferocious panther,
the untameable wolf, the fierce ... to lick up the blood of the wicked Jezebel. ...
/.../pink/the sovereignty of god/chapter three sovereignty of god.htm

Thou Shalt Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.
... heart, and meanwhile gaped [like a panting wolf] at the ... other hand, it is written
of the wicked, Ps.109 ... So also they called their national rulers and overlords ...
/.../luther/the large catechism/thou shalt honor thy father.htm

Of the Matters to be Considered in the Councils.
... are so miserably lost through the wicked, devilish government of ... that profess to
be shepherds and rulers; and since ... restrain and oppose him as a wolf and tyrant ...
/.../luther/first principles of the reformation/ii of the matters to.htm


The Wolf of False Teachers

The Wolf of Fierce Enemies

The Wolf of the Devil

The Wolf of the Tribe of Benjamin

The Wolf of the Wicked

The Wolf of Wicked Rulers

The Wolf: (Taming of) the Change Effected by Conversion

The Wolf: Destructive to Flocks of Sheep

The Wolf: Particularly Fierce in the Evening when It Seeks Its Prey

The Wolf: Rapacious Nature of


Wolf of the Enemies of the Righteous

Wolf of the Reconciling Power of the Gospel

Wolf: Ravenous

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