the Second Temple: The Jews: Considered It Blasphemy to Speak Against
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 26:61
And said, This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Acts 6:13
And set up false witnesses, which said, This man ceases not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place, and the law:
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Acts 21:28
Crying out, Men of Israel, help: This is the man, that teaches all men every where against the people, and the law, and this place: and further brought Greeks also into the temple, and has polluted this holy place.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Institution of Deacons, and the History of Stephen.
... is supported, I think, by the second verse. ... the holy city, and of the temple, the
habitation ... notwithstanding their extreme degeneracy, the Jews still pretended ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture viii the institution of.htm

Thursday Night - Before Annas and Caiaphas - Peter and Jesus.
... upon his conscience - when loud and shrill the second cock-crowing ... and in the Temple,
whither all Jews resorted. ... They were the Temple-shops previously described ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xiii thursday night -.htm

The Miracles
... the first, but the first cannot suppose the second. ... of doubt, between Jews and heathens,
Jews and Christians ... the temple of the devil, God makes His own temple. ...
// xiii the miracles.htm

The Ecclesiastical Trial
... it meant that He was to destroy the temple, the second ... In short, he had been beaten
along this second line quite ... He claimed to be; for among the Jews the oath ...
/.../the trial and death of jesus christ/chapter ii the ecclesiastical trial.htm

Texts Explained; Twelfthly, Matthew xxvi. 39; John xii. 27, &C. ...
... for as the Jews blasphemously ascribed God's works to ... ever abide [3200] incorruptible,
as a temple of the ... of the Word was manifested in the second Adam's human ...
/.../chapter xxix texts explained twelfthly matthew.htm

Texts Explained; Secondly, Psalm Xlv. 7, 8 Whether the Words ...
... said, Know ye not that ye are God's Temple, and the ... This is what the Lord spoke to
the Jews, as man ... came into the world, therefore it became the second Adam to ...
/.../chapter xii texts explained secondly psalm.htm

The Sentence of the Synod.
... those who had been brought up as Jews, and circumcised ... the Fathers of the first and
second interlocutions, which ... And what agreement hath the temple of God with ...
/.../schaff/the seven ecumenical councils/the sentence of the synod.htm

The Revelation and Career of the Anti-Christ.
... affirm that the False Prophet is the Second Beast of ... the Son, will seek to exterminate
the Jews and everything ... his own image in the rebuilt Temple at Jerusalem ...
/.../pink/the redeemers return/4 the revelation and career.htm

Second Journey through Galilee - the Healing of the Leper.
... forebade their entering not only the Temple or Jerusalem ... through human agency was
never contemplated by the Jews. ... and that further propagated, the second' degree ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xv second journey through.htm

Against vigilantius.
... a second Esdras you may have a second Solomon. ... which they found me purified in the
temple." Might he ... distributed to all poor people, even to Jews and Samaritans ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/against vigilantius.htm



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