The Locust of Ungodly Rulers
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Nahum 3:17
Your crowned are as the locusts, and your captains as the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun rises they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Last Farewell in the Presence of the one Hundred and Fifty ...
... the locust eat, and that which the locust left did ... the meek on high, and bringeth
the ungodly down to ... being alike wise in divine things, whether rulers or ruled ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/oration xlii the last farewell.htm

Aron, Brother of Moses, 486, 487.
... by God, but ordered by Him, [252]27; term used for rulers of this ... Justification,
of the ungodly, [652]22, [653]545; God's free gift, [654]240 ... Locust, [696]375. ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/aron brother of moses 486.htm

The Seven Trumpets.
... own order, but must represent the rulers of the ... servants of God, and that these
locust-warriors were ... resurrection, by putting to death the ungodly and sparing ...
/.../bliss/a brief commentary on the apocalypse/the seven trumpets.htm

On the Clause, and Shall Come in Glory to Judge the Quick and the ...
... But the sign concerns not only rulers, but the people ... so as to outdo all unrighteous
and ungodly men who ... once as active as a grasshopper, or locust, shall grow ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/lecture xv on the clause.htm



Locust used As Food

Locust: Authorized As Food

Locust: Devastation By

Locust: Figurative

Locust: Instincts of

Locust: Plague of

Locust: Sun Obscured By

Locust: Symbolical

Locust: Translated "Grasshopper"

The Locust of Destructive Enemies

The Locust of False Teachers of the Apostasy

The Locust of Ungodly Rulers

The Locust: (Destruction of) of Destruction of God's Enemies

The Locust: A Small Insect

The Locust: Carried Every Way by the Wind

The Locust: Clean and Fit for Food

The Locust: Flies in Bands and With Order

The Locust: Immensely Numerous

The Locust: Like to Horses Prepared for Battle

The Locust: One of the Plagues of Egypt

The Locust: Rapid in Movement

The Locust: The Jews used As Food

The Locust: The Jews: Deprecated the Plague of

The Locust: The Jews: Often Plagued By

The Locust: The Jews: Promised Deliverance from the Plague of, on Humiliation

The Locust: The Jews: Threatened With, As a Punishment for Sin

The Locust: Voracious

The Locust: Wise

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