The Lion: Fearless Even of Man
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 31:4
For thus has the LORD spoken to me, Like as the lion and the young lion roaring on his prey, when a multitude of shepherds is called forth against him, he will not be afraid of their voice, nor abase himself for the noise of them: so shall the LORD of hosts come down to fight for mount Zion, and for the hill thereof.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Nahum 2:11
Where is the dwelling of the lions, and the feeding place of the young lions, where the lion, even the old lion, walked, and the lion's whelp, and none made them afraid?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Whether Fearlessness is a Sin?
... Prov.28:1): "The just, bold as a lion, shall be ... iii, 6). Yet one ought not to fear
even death, according ... mortal man?" Therefore it is not a sin to be fearless. ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether fearlessness is a sin.htm

Harmony of all Graces and virtues in Christ.
... son to his father's house; and even provoked the ... commanding dignity with winning
humility, fearless courage with ... He is justly compared with the lion in strength ...
/.../schaff/the person of christ/harmony of all graces and.htm

Stumbling-Stones, or Stepping-Stones?
... He has fled for his life, but now even his life has lost its value ... as he looked to
God, he was victorious over his enemies and fearless as a lion; they could ...
/.../naylor/heart talks/talk thirty-seven stumbling-stones or stepping-stones.htm

The Resurrection
... unafraid at the prospect of corruption, fearless of the ... he sees boys making fun of
a lion, does he ... Even if their mental faculties are defective, surely their ...
/.../athanasius/on the incarnation of the word/chapter 5 the resurrection.htm

A visit from vigilantius
... blameless life, of bright intelligence, of fearless candour, and ... monster than Leviathan
or the Nemean lion, I am ... is my view,' said Vigilantius; and even if I ...
/.../chapter xl a visit from.htm

The Story of David
... Then, too, he was as brave as a lion, and if ... of David's playing and singing had spread
even beyond Bethlehem ... but he was a good boy, brave and fearless, and best ...
// the shepherd boy/the story of david.htm

The Baptist's Testimony.
... the Philistines, or, like Samson, tore a lion in pieces. ... by his spiritual stature,
his fearless unworldliness, his ... But (2) even such testimony as John's is not ...
/.../the expositors bible the gospel of st john vol i/iii the baptists testimony.htm

... They may be fearless and stupid; but there is a ... of peace; he beats back the roaring
lion; he stills ... that peace which may sweeten trouble, yea, even the bitter ...
// body of divinity/7 peace.htm

The Arrest
... were to surprise Him, but, when He came forth fearless, rapt and ... So spake the Lion
of the tribe of Judah ... Surely it was even with a smile that Jesus said to Peter ...
/.../stalker/the trial and death of jesus christ/chapter i the arrest.htm

Bad Ecclesiastics and Base Plots
... But even now this disastrous mission was not to close ... which Chrysostom had created
by his fearless righteousness in ... as it had been a ramping and a roaring lion. ...
/.../chapter xxxix bad ecclesiastics and.htm



Lion of a Ruler's Anger

Lion of Divine Judgments

Lion of Satan

Lion used for the Torture of Criminals

Lion: An Unnamed Person Killed By

Lion: Disobedient Prophet Killed By

Lion: Fierceness of

Lion: Instincts of, in Taking Prey

Lion: Kept in Captivity

Lion: Killed by Benaiah

Lion: Killed by David

Lion: Killed by Saints

Lion: Killed by Samson

Lion: King of Beasts

Lion: Lair of, in the Jungles

Lion: Parable of

Lion: Proverb of

Lion: Samson's Riddle Concerning

Lion: Sent As Judgment Upon the Samaritans

Lion: Strength of

Lion: Symbolical

Lion: Symbolical: Margin)

Lion: The Bases in the Temple Ornamented by Mouldings of

Lion: The Roaring of

Lion: Twelve Statues of, on the Stairs Leading to Solomon's Throne

The Lion of Boldness of Saints

The Lion of Brave Men

The Lion of Christ

The Lion of Cruel and Powerful Enemies

The Lion of God in Executing Judgments

The Lion of God in Protecting his Church

The Lion of Imaginary Fears of the Slothful

The Lion of Israel

The Lion of Persecutors

The Lion of the Devil

The Lion of the Tribe of Gad

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

The Lion: (Roaring of) a King's Wrath

The Lion: (Tamed) the Natural Man Subdued by Grace

The Lion: A Swarm of Bees Found in the Carcass of, by Samson

The Lion: Active

The Lion: Attacks and Destroys Men

The Lion: Attacks the Sheepfolds

The Lion: Canaan Infested By

The Lion: Conceals Itself by Day

The Lion: Courageous

The Lion: Criminals often Thrown To

The Lion: Disobedient Prophet Slain By

The Lion: Fearless Even of Man

The Lion: Fierce

The Lion: God Provides For

The Lion: God's Power Exhibited in Restraining

The Lion: Greatness of Its Teeth Alluded To

The Lion: Hunting of, Alluded To

The Lion: Inhabits: Deserts

The Lion: Inhabits: Forests

The Lion: Inhabits: Mountains

The Lion: Inhabits: Thickets

The Lion: Lurks for Its Prey

The Lion: Majestic in Movement

The Lion: Often Carries Its Prey to Its Den

The Lion: Often Perishes for Lack of Food

The Lion: Rends Its Prey

The Lion: Roars when Seeking Prey

The Lion: Slain by Benaiah

The Lion: Slain by David

The Lion: Slain by Samson

The Lion: Superior in Strength

The Lion: Universal Terror Caused by Roaring of

The Lion: Voracious

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