The Lamb: Patient
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 53:7
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opens not his mouth.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Crucifixion
... Oh, think of that strong and patient Lamb, who on this day shewed Himself perfect
in fortitude and nobleness, perfect in meekness and resignation. ...
/.../kingsley/twenty-five village sermons/sermon xvi the crucifixion.htm

The Patient Teacher, and the Slow Scholars
... or boy, have been foiled, and that years, it may be, of patient work have ... a Lamb!'
Wrath and gentleness are in Him inseparably united, neither of them limiting ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture d/the patient teacher and the.htm

Of the Cross, and Other Tortures of Jesus, and of the Figure of ...
... duties of life, in order that He might teach man also the patient endurance of ... of
this transaction when they mark their thresholds with the blood of a lamb. ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap xxvi of the cross and.htm

John Wesley's Translations from the German
... Eins Christen Herz (Maria M. Böhmer). Meek, patient Lamb of God, to Thee, O stilles
Gottes Lamm (Gottfried Arnold). O Thou who all things canst control. ...
/.../i john wesleys translations from.htm

He Shall not Keep Silent.
... the enemies of the cross of Christ, though they lived amiable lives (one of Satan's
pet phrases), will meet Him not as the patient lamb, but the Judge, the ...
/.../ lord of glory/he shall not keep silent.htm

The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New
... Think of him as the patient and forgiving Christ, who prayed for his murderers,
'Father ... ye escape the damnation of hell?' Think of him as the Lamb who offered ...
/.../kingsley/the gospel of the pentateuch/sermon xi the god of.htm

Whitsuntide the Spirit of Wisdom, Love, and Joy.
... Grant me what Thou lov'st to see. Thou art loving, hatest strife,. As a lamb of
patient mood,. Calm through all our restless life,. E'en to sinners kind and good ...
/.../whitsuntide the spirit of wisdom.htm

Christ's Humility Our Salvation.
... Do not be afraid of Him; He is the Lamb of God. He is so patient with you,
He is so kindly towards you, He is so tender and loving. ...
/.../murray/the masters indwelling/vii christs humility our salvation.htm

Eighteenth Day. Patience.
... "He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter ... How patient!""As a sheep before her shearers
is dumb, so He opened not His mouth." In these awful moments, outraged ...
// mind of jesus/eighteenth day patience.htm

The Glory and Honor that Jesus Has Won
... brother who shares with you the distress, the dominion, and the patient endurance
which we ... the throne and the four living creatures I saw a Lamb standing among ...
/.../ childrens bible/the glory and honor that.htm



Lamb of God

Lamb of God: An Name of Jesus

Lamb: Not to be Seethed (Boiled) in Its own Mother's Milk

Lamb: Offering of

The Lamb of Any Thing Dear or Cherished

The Lamb of Christ As a Sacrifice

The Lamb of Purity of Christ

The Lamb of the Lord's People

The Lamb of Weak Believers

The Lamb used for Clothing

The Lamb used for Food

The Lamb used for Sacrifice

The Lamb: (Among Wolves) of Ministers Among the Ungodly

The Lamb: (Brought to Slaughter) of the Wicked Under Judgments

The Lamb: (Consumed in Sacrifice) of Complete Destruction of The

The Lamb: (Deserted and Exposed) of Israel Deprived of God's

The Lamb: (Patience of) the Patience of Christ

The Lamb: An Extensive Commerce In

The Lamb: Considered a Great Delicacy

The Lamb: Covenants Confirmed by Gift of

The Lamb: Exposed to Danger from Wild Beasts

The Lamb: Numbers of, Given by Josiah to the People for Sacrifice

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice by the Wicked not Accepted

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: At a Year Old

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: At the Passover

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: Every Morning and Evening

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: Females

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: from the Earliest Times

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: Males

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: While Sucking

The Lamb: Patient

The Lamb: Playful

The Lamb: The First Born of an Donkey to be Redeemed With

The Lamb: The Image of, Was the First Impression of on Money

The Lamb: The Shepherd's Care For

The Lamb: The Young of the Flock

The Lamb: Tribute often Paid In

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