The Feet of the Jews: Washed Frequently
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Samuel 11:8
And David said to Uriah, Go down to your house, and wash your feet. And Uriah departed out of the king's house, and there followed him a mess of meat from the king.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Songs 5:3
I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Morning-Meal in the Pharisee's House - Meals and Feasts among ...
... any, are carefully gathered - hands are again washed, and he ... on his left side, with
his feet stretching back. ... to have been the rule among the Palestinian Jews. ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xii the morning-meal in.htm

How Ptolemy Philadelphus Procured the Laws of the Jews to be ...
... The chapiters of the feet imitated the first buddings of ... former place, where, when
they had washed their hands ... days, Demetrius gathered all the Jews together to ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 2 how ptolemy philadelphus.htm

Appendix xvi. On the Jewish views About Demons' and the Demonised ...
... century Christianity had widely spread among the Jews, and R ... which case they would
appear with the feet upwards ... the water with which the hands are washed in the ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/appendix xvi on the jewish.htm

Whether the Actions Performed in Celebrating this Sacrament are ...
... according to Jn.13:10: "He that is washed needeth not ... it was then: because the washing
of the feet is omitted ... work of God, of Judas, and of the Jews; and this ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether the actions performed in.htm

The Last Supper.
... If thou art not submissive to me, thou art not my disciple." Washing, with the Jews,
was a ... Of course they knew that Christ had washed their feet. ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/the last supper.htm

... was done alternately, till the pile was five feet in height ... body of the husband was
taken and washed in the ... so much the rather, as the ancient Jews, and even ...
// book of religions/pagans.htm

The Young Titus
... But one of the Jews on the wall thrust his ... in his place and leaped a good twenty
feet to the ... stopped at the Lavatory outside the walls, washed themselves and ...
/.../miller/the city of delight/chapter ix the young titus.htm

The Gospel of John
... have been exceedingly impressive, for we read, "And the Jews marvelled, saying ... There,
we saw His feet anointed; here, the feet of the disciples are washed. ...
// four gospels/the gospel of john.htm

The Persecutions of the Apostolic Church, and Its Condition at the ...
... for he had been brought up at the feet of Gamaliel ... parts of Libya about Cyrene,"
[173:6] for if Jews from that ... such were some of you but ye are washed, but ye ...
/.../killen/the ancient church/chapter xi the persecutions of.htm

John x. 14, 15
... impure; another also who was a harlot, on whose account the Jews reproached Him,
He both received and healed, and allowed His feet to be washed by the ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homily lx john x 14.htm



Feet Washing

Feet: Bells Worn On

Feet: Sitting At

Feet: Washing of, As an Example, by Jesus

The Feet of Criminals: Bound With Fetters

The Feet of Criminals: Placed in Stocks

The Feet of Enemies often Maimed and Cut off

The Feet of Saints: At Liberty

The Feet of Saints: Established by God

The Feet of Saints: Guided by Christ

The Feet of Saints: Kept by God

The Feet of Strangers and Travellers Washed

The Feet of the Jews: Bare in Affliction

The Feet of the Jews: Neglected in Affliction

The Feet of the Jews: Washed Frequently

The Feet of the Wicked: Ensnared

The Feet of the Wicked: Swift to Mischief

The Feet of the Wicked: Swift to Shed Blood

The Feet of Women often Adorned With Tingling Ornaments

The Feet were Liable to Disease

The Feet were Liable to Injury from Stones

The Feet were Liable to Swelling from Walking

The Feet: (Dipped in Blood) of Victory

The Feet: (Set in a Large Place) Liberty

The Feet: (Set on a Rock) Stability

The Feet: (Sliding) Yielding to Temptation

The Feet: (Treading Under) Complete Destruction

The Feet: (Washed or Dipped in Oil) Abundance

The Feet: Condemnation Expressed by Shaking the Dust From

The Feet: Early Use of Shoes

The Feet: Necessary Members of the Body

The Feet: Neglect of Washing, Disrespectful to Guest

The Feet: Often Swift

The Feet: Origin of Uncovering in Consecrated Places

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Heel

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Sole

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Toes

The Feet: Path of, to be Pondered

The Feet: Respect Exhibited by Falling At

The Feet: Reverence Expressed by Kissing

The Feet: Sleep Expressed by Covering

The Feet: Stamped on the Ground in Extreme Joy or Grief

The Feet: Subjection Expressed by Licking the Dust of

The Feet: Subjugation of Enemies Expressed by Placing on Their Necks

The Feet: To be Directed by God's Word

The Feet: To be Guided by Wisdom and Discretion

The Feet: To be Refrained from Evil

The Feet: To be Turned to God's Testimonies

The Feet: Washing for Others, a Menial office

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