The Earth: God's Footstool
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 66:1
Thus said the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that you build to me? and where is the place of my rest?
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Matthew 5:35
Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


"That which was from the Beginning,"
... to see and look into this mystery, for there is something in it more wonderful than
the creation of this huge frame of heaven and earth, God's footstool! ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon ii that which was.htm

Chapter xvii.
... yet (I make the remark for the sake of the carnal) we must not think that heaven
is called God's throne, and the earth His footstool, because God has members ...
/.../ lords sermon on the mount/chapter xvii.htm

Psalm XCIX.
... is My throne, and the earth is My footstool." [4522] Doth he then bid us worship
the earth, since in another passage it is said, that it is God's footstool? ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm xcix.htm

... Book First CXIX RETIREMENT. Fresh fields and woods! the Earth's fair face! GOD's
footstool! and man's dwelling-place! I ask not why the first believer [125]. ...
/.../ treasury of sacred song/cxix retirement.htm

A Command to be Obeyed.
... in Ephesus in the long-ago is equally true for all believers on God's footstool
to-day. ... to be filled, not with wine, the fruit of the vines of earth, but with ...
/.../macneil/the spirit-filled life/chapter iii a command to.htm

Thy Will be done on Earth Also as in Heaven
... heaven and asserts that it is Christ, and Earth the church"what throne so worthy
of the Father as Christ? What footstool of the feet of God as the Church ...
// on prayer/chapter xvi thy will be.htm

Aron, Brother of Moses, 486, 487.
... Earth, God's saints on, [304]48; lower places of, meaning of, [305]262; God's
footstool, [306]485; things of, cleave to Christians, [307]564. ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/aron brother of moses 486.htm

In God's Name I Beseech You Let Prayer Nourish Your Soul as Your ...
... have built Him glorious temples and have striven and exhausted themselves to please
God by all ... "Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool: where is ...
// in prayer/chapter viii in gods name.htm

Argument. --And That, Although Scripture Often Changes the Divine ...
... out arm;" [5042] or when it says, "The mouth of the Lord hath spoken these things;"
[5043] or when the earth is set forth as "God's footstool;" [5044] or when ...
/.../chapter vi argument and that although.htm

God's Dealings with Adam at the Fall, and with Cain after his ...
... were a bird's nest, and to whom heaven is a throne and earth a footstool; so that ...
And God, I suppose, with His keener vision, [3023] from on high was unable ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xxv gods dealings with adam.htm



Earth: A New Earth

Earth: Ancient Notions Concerning

Earth: Circle of

Earth: Created by God

Earth: Created by God by Christ

Earth: Cursed of God

Earth: Design of

Earth: Destruction of

Earth: Early Divisions of

Earth: Given to Man

Earth: God's Footstool

Earth: Perpetuity of

Earth: Primitive Condition of

The Earth is the Lord's

The Earth: Burning at God Presence

The Earth: Corrupted by Sin

The Earth: Created to be Inhabited

The Earth: Diversified by Hills and Mountains

The Earth: First Division of

The Earth: Full of God's Glory

The Earth: Full of God's Goodness

The Earth: Full of God's Mercy

The Earth: Full of God's Riches

The Earth: Full of Minerals

The Earth: God: Created

The Earth: God: Enlightens

The Earth: God: Establishes

The Earth: God: Formed

The Earth: God: Governs Supremely

The Earth: God: Inspects

The Earth: God: Laid the Foundation of

The Earth: God: Makes Fruitful

The Earth: God: Reigns In

The Earth: God: Shall be Exalted In

The Earth: God: Spread Abroad

The Earth: God: Supports

The Earth: God: Suspended in Space

The Earth: God: Waters

The Earth: God's Footstool

The Earth: Ideas of the Ancients Respecting the Form of

The Earth: Made Barren by Sin

The Earth: Made to Mourn and Languish by Sin

The Earth: Man by Nature is of

The Earth: Man by Nature Minds the Thing of

The Earth: Man: Brought a Curse On

The Earth: Man: Formed out of

The Earth: Man: Given Dominion Over

The Earth: Man: Shall Return To

The Earth: Melting at God's Voice

The Earth: Not to be Again Inundated

The Earth: Once Inundated

The Earth: Saints Shall Inherit

The Earth: Satan Goes to and Fro In

The Earth: Shall be Filled With the Knowledge of God

The Earth: Shining With God's Glory

The Earth: Subject to God's Judgments

The Earth: The Dry Land As Divided from Waters

The Earth: The World in General

The Earth: To be Dissolved by Fire

The Earth: To be Renewed

The Earth: Trembling Before God

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