The Eagle: Unclean
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Leviticus 11:13
And these are they which you shall have in abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Deuteronomy 14:12
But these are they of which you shall not eat: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Argument. --And Thus Unclean Animals are not to be Reproached ...
... and grave manners are approved in men; while those that are without scales are unclean;
because trifling ... Who would eat the hawk, who the kite, who the eagle? ...
/.../novatian/on the jewish meats/chapter iii argument and thus unclean.htm

The Clean and the Unclean
... coney burrowing among the rocks; "Ah!" says he, "unclean; there is sin there!" He
lifts his eye up to heaven; he sees the osprey, the bald eagle, flying along ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 9 1863/the clean and the unclean.htm

For which Reason, Whatever Else There May be in the Writings of ...
... clean. And amongst the unclean animals mentioned by Moses are the wolf, and
fox, and serpent, and eagle, and hawk, and such like. And ...
/.../origen/origen against celsus/chapter xciii for which reason.htm

Whether There was any Reasonable Cause for the Ceremonial ...
... and a sound understanding thereof; and whoever lacks either of these is spiritually
unclean. ... In the eagle which flies at a great height, pride is forbidden: in ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether there was any reasonable.htm

Mighty in Word and Deed
... for with authority commandeth He even the unclean spirits, and they do obey
Him.28. ... This new Teacher would startle all, as an eagle suddenly appearing in a ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture d/mighty in word and deed.htm

The Use of the Symbolic Style by Poets and Philosophers.
... These common things, the sow, the hawk, the eagle, and the raven, are not to be
eaten." [3042] For the sow is the emblem of voluptuous and unclean lust of food ...
/.../clement/the stromata or miscellanies/chapter viii the use of the.htm

In Palestine - Jews and Gentiles in the Land' - their Mutual ...
... over the great gate of Temple at Jerusalem a massive golden eagle, the symbol ... the
impurity which clung to our race in consequence of the unclean union between ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter vii in palestine -.htm

Disclosure of the Monstrous Tenets of the Manichæans.
... it is, according to you, the most unclean part of what you consider unclean. ... because
it eats vegetables, and drinks water; and that the eagle, because it eats ...
/.../chapter 16 name of the 2.htm

The Beast
... Law lambs were ceremonially clean and used in sacrifice, but beasts were unclean
and unfit ... symbols " a "Lamb" and a "Dove!" A Dove, not a hawk or an eagle. ...
// antichrist/4 the beast.htm

Letter vii. --For 335. Easter-Day iv Pharmuthi, iii Kal. April; xx ...
... commanding figuratively, Thou shalt not eat the eagle, nor any other bird that feedeth
on a dead carcase [4141] ;' and it pronounced unclean whatsoever eateth ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/letter vii for 335 easter-day iv.htm



Eagle: Carries Her Young Upon Her Wings

Eagle: Figurative

Eagle: Forbidden As Food

Eagle: Gier-Eagle

Eagle: Symbolical

Eagle: The Long Life of

Eagle: The Molting of

Eagle: The Nest of

Eagle: The Swift Flight of

The Eagle of Great and Powerful Kings

The Eagle of Wisdom and Zeal of God's Ministers

The Eagle was the Standard of the Roman Armies

The Eagle: (Hasting to the Prey) of the Swiftness of Man's Days

The Eagle: (Height and Security of Its Dwelling) of the Fancied But

The Eagle: (Increase Baldness of, in the Moulting Season) of

The Eagle: (Mode of Teaching Her Young to Fly) of God's Care of His

The Eagle: (Renewed Strength and Beauty of) the Renewal of Saints

The Eagle: (Swiftness of) the Melting Away of Riches

The Eagle: (Swiftness of) the Swiftness of Hostile Armies

The Eagle: (Upward Flight of) the Saint's Rapid Progress Toward

The Eagle: (Wings of) Protection Afforded to the Church

The Eagle: A Bird of Prey

The Eagle: Called the Eagle of the Heavens

The Eagle: Delights in the Lofty Cedars

The Eagle: Different Kinds of

The Eagle: Dwells in the High Rocks

The Eagle: Feeds Her Young With Blood

The Eagle: Greatness of Its Wings Alluded To

The Eagle: Long-Sighted

The Eagle: Peculiarity of Its Flight Alluded To

The Eagle: Soaring to Heaven

The Eagle: Strength of Its Feathers Alluded To

The Eagle: Swift

The Eagle: Unclean

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