The Diet of the Jews was Taken: Often Sitting
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 27:19
And Jacob said to his father, I am Esau your first born; I have done according as you bade me: arise, I pray you, sit and eat of my venison, that your soul may bless me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Genesis 43:33
And they sat before him, the firstborn according to his birthright, and the youngest according to his youth: and the men marveled one at another.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Morning-Meal in the Pharisee's House - Meals and Feasts among ...
... the reverse, of certain articles of diet, especially vegetables ... that something which
had previously taken place, or ... of rebuking was very common among the Jews. ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xii the morning-meal in.htm

Archelaus's Ethnarchy is Reduced into a [Roman] Province. The ...
... he is bound by the oath he hath taken, and by ... they are stricter than any other of
the Jews in resting ... years, by means of the simplicity of their diet; nay, as ...
/.../chapter 8 archelauss ethnarchy is.htm

The Fourth Commandment
... If God has given us six days, and taken but one ... old counted the Sabbath a delight:
the Jews called the ... by wearing richer apparel, or having better diet on this ...
/.../watson/the ten commandments/2 4 the fourth commandment.htm

Acts xiii. 16, 17
... Unto you," does not mean, Unto (you) Jews, but it ... to conquer our passions even when
taken one by ... in their training-practice, their labors, their diet, and all ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xxix acts xiii 16.htm

Matt. v. 27, 28
... For such was the race of the Jews. ... But forasmuch as He had taken away all wrath,
having forbidden ... is dismissing the child to the more manly diet, after that ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily xvii matt v 27.htm

Treatise on the Priesthood. Book iv.
... not to lay the foundation before he has taken his own ... This is the one instrument,
the only diet, the finest ... if at the same time he becomes a prey to the Jews? ...
/.../chrysostom/on the priesthood/treatise on the priesthood book 4.htm

Book 5 Footnotes
... tribute paid by that nation to the Jews, were the ... judicial causes were heard, and
public consultations taken, as is ... does David now invite him to diet with him ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/book 5 footnotes.htm

In Death and after Death
... medicated and other), and a certain diet, were carefully ... to a principle universally
acknowledged among the Jews. ... they had, as she thought, taken away the Lord ...
/.../edersheim/sketches of jewish social life/chapter 10 in death and.htm

In the House of his Heavenly, and in the Home of his Earthly ...
... road north, through Samaria, [1252] was taken (or, according ... Among the Jews the contempt
for manual labour ... of the most necessary articles of diet from Gentiles ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter x in the house.htm

The Faith of Little Children.
... had attended some of the gospel meetings for Jews, and was ... Of course it could not
be taken to the mill in ... I put on flannels, gave her a generous diet, and hoped ...
/.../various/the wonders of prayer/the faith of little children.htm



The Diet of the Jews in Egypt

The Diet of the Jews in Patriarchal Age

The Diet of the Jews in the Wilderness

The Diet of the Jews of the Poor, Frugal

The Diet of the Jews of the Rich, Luxurious

The Diet of the Jews was Taken in the Evening

The Diet of the Jews was Taken in the Morning, Sparingly

The Diet of the Jews was Taken with the Hand

The Diet of the Jews was Taken: At Noon

The Diet of the Jews was Taken: Often Reclining

The Diet of the Jews was Taken: Often Sitting

The Diet of the Jews: A Hymn Sung After

The Diet of the Jews: Articles of, often Sent As Presents

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Bread

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Butter

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Cheese

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Dried Fruit

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Fish

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Flesh

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Fruit

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Herbs

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Honey

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Milk

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Oil

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Parched Corn

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Vinegar

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Water

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Wine

The Diet of the Jews: Expressed by Bread and Water

The Diet of the Jews: Generally Prepared by Females

The Diet of the Jews: Men and Women did not Partake of Together

The Diet of the Jews: Purification Before

The Diet of the Jews: Thanks Given Before

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