The Diet of the Jews of the Poor, Frugal
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Ruth 2:14
And Boaz said to her, At mealtime come you here, and eat of the bread, and dip your morsel in the vinegar. And she sat beside the reapers: and he reached her parched corn, and she did eat, and was sufficed, and left.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Proverbs 15:17
Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


On Eating.
... But the diet which exceeds sufficiency injures a man, deteriorates ... No one is poor
as regards necessaries, and a ... The Jews had frugality enjoined on them by the ...
// instructor paedagogus/chap i on eating.htm

Letter cxxv. To Rusticus.
... [3406] Who when he became hungry among the Jews had his ... garb, his girdle made of
skins, his diet of locusts ... and a city's alms, collected for the poor, left by ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter cxxv to rusticus.htm

Epistle Lxiii. Limenius, Bishop of Vercellæ, Having Died, the See ...
... fast, to whom the unbelief of the Jews supplied no ... them every prophetic utterance
is but fasting diet, the interior ... since he that gives to the poor redeems his ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/epistle lxiii limenius bishop of.htm

Book ii. Jerome Answers the Second, Third, and Fourth Propositions ...
... hot by the sun, and subsist on this poor food. ... habits were dried up by reducing their
diet to an ... against Apion, describes three sects of the Jews, the Pharisees ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/book ii jerome answers the.htm

1 Cor. xv. 11
... is King over all, both Greeks and Jews and devils ... giving even a cup-full to the poor
man, nor ... hardships, and their frugal table, and spare diet, minister unto ...
/.../homilies on the epistles of paul to the corinthians/homily xxxix 1 cor xv.htm

A Canticle of Love
... I suppose those sent by the poor will again ... delicate stomach accustomed itself to
the frugal fare of ... ordered Soeur Therese a more strengthening diet, and the ...
/...// story of a soul/chapter xi a canticle of.htm



The Diet of the Jews in Egypt

The Diet of the Jews in Patriarchal Age

The Diet of the Jews in the Wilderness

The Diet of the Jews of the Poor, Frugal

The Diet of the Jews of the Rich, Luxurious

The Diet of the Jews was Taken in the Evening

The Diet of the Jews was Taken in the Morning, Sparingly

The Diet of the Jews was Taken with the Hand

The Diet of the Jews was Taken: At Noon

The Diet of the Jews was Taken: Often Reclining

The Diet of the Jews was Taken: Often Sitting

The Diet of the Jews: A Hymn Sung After

The Diet of the Jews: Articles of, often Sent As Presents

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Bread

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Butter

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Cheese

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Dried Fruit

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Fish

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Flesh

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Fruit

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Herbs

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Honey

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Milk

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Oil

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Parched Corn

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Vinegar

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Water

The Diet of the Jews: Articles Used for Wine

The Diet of the Jews: Expressed by Bread and Water

The Diet of the Jews: Generally Prepared by Females

The Diet of the Jews: Men and Women did not Partake of Together

The Diet of the Jews: Purification Before

The Diet of the Jews: Thanks Given Before

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