The Call of God: To Man Is of Grace
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4102. pistis -- faith, faithfulness
... count it done,?�� but is the deep consciousness divinely imparted to the heart of
man that it ... what a mistake to take our belief in God and call of faith ...
// - 18k
Torrey's Topical Textbook
Galatians 1:15
But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace,
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Timothy 1:9
Who has saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


On the Vocation of Sinners to Communion with Christ, and to a ...
... Those who are obedient to the vocation or call of God, freely yield ... In the very
commencement of his conversion, man conducts himself in a purely passive ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 2/on the vocation of sinners.htm

Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.
... shore of a lake, he awoke from his slumber, and began to call upon God ... I met him
he had been nine-and-a-half years a sober man. ... God had kept him all those years ...
/...// grace/chapter iv grace abounding to.htm

The Grace of God through Jesus Christ. "
... to prevail against sin, and (3.) lastly, a man furnished with a ... to live, in reality,
the life of God, with pleasure ... says that he came not to call to repentance ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 2/the grace of god through.htm

God's Will and Man's Will
... of the universe, as certainly as God's will is ... mercy, calling whom he chooses to
call, quickening whom he wills, and fulfilling, despite man's hardness of ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 8 1863/gods will and mans will.htm

Effectual Calling
... (iii.) It is an irresistible call. When God calls a man by His grace, he cannot
but come. You may resist the minister's call, but you cannot the Spirit's call. ...
// divine cordial/effectual calling.htm

A Free Grace Promise
... you have been unchaste and have become entangled in vicious connections; call upon
God, and he ... with the great sword of his grace, and make you a free man. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 35 1889/a free grace promise.htm

[Shewing] that Common and Saving Grace Differ, not Only in Degree ...
... hear the voice," and immediately after the call they are ... in the heart, can't be produced
in man by mere ... Grace must be the immediate work of God, and properly a ...
/.../edwards/treatise on grace/shewing that common and saving.htm

The Corruption of Man, his Conversion to God, and the Manner ...
... who are called by the gospel obey the call and are ... is not only actuated and influenced
by God, but in ... Wherefore also man himself is rightly said to believe and ...
// of dort/the corruption of man his.htm

How Holy Charity Produces the Love of Our Neighbour.
... love, that he makes no difficulty to call himself our father, and to call us his ...
Theotimus, to love our neighbour in charity is to love God in man, or man ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter xi how holy charity.htm

A Call to Holy Living
... privilege and the honor of a child of God is great ... that vaunting of valor which leaves
a man afraid of ... blush for the conduct of those who call themselves their ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 18 1872/a call to holy living.htm



Call: Personal by Christ

Call: To Special Religious Duty of Abraham

Call: To Special Religious Duty,

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Aaron and his Sons

Call: To Special Religious Duty: All Who are Called of God

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Amos

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Apostles

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Cyrus

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Gideon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Jehu

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Joshua

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Moses

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Paul

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Samuel

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Solomon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: The Rich Young Man

The Call of God by Christ

The Call of God by his Gospel

The Call of God by his Ministers

The Call of God by his Spirit

The Call of God by his Works

The Call of God is from Darkness

The Call of God: Addressed to All

The Call of God: Blessedness of Receiving

The Call of God: Condemnation

The Call of God: Destruction

The Call of God: Effectual to Saints

The Call of God: Illustrated

The Call of God: Most Reject

The Call of God: Partakers of, Justified

The Call of God: Praise God For

The Call of God: Rejection by God

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Delusion

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Judicial Blindness

The Call of God: Temporal Judgments

The Call of God: To Man Is of Grace

The Call of God: To Man Is: According to the Purpose of God

The Call of God: To Man Is: Heavenly

The Call of God: To Man Is: High

The Call of God: To Man Is: Holy

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Eternal Life

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Fellowship With Christ

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Glory and Virtue

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Holiness

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Liberty

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Peace

The Call of God: To Man Is: To the Eternal Glory of Christ

The Call of God: Walk Worthy of

The Call of God: Withdrawal of the Means of Grace

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