The Call of God: To Man Is: To Peace
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4102. pistis -- faith, faithfulness
... count it done,?�� but is the deep consciousness divinely imparted to the heart of
man that it ... what a mistake to take our belief in God and call of faith ...
// - 18k
Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Corinthians 7:15
But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God has called us to peace.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also you are called in one body; and be you thankful.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Man's Own Character no Ground of Peace
... word at once, and rests on it, they call presumption or ... or be any ground for expecting
the friendship of God. ... No man can quench his thirst with sand, or with ...
/.../bonar/gods way of peace/chapter ii mans own character.htm

The Testament of Dan Concerning Anger and Lying.
... between God and man for the peace of Israel. He shall stand up against the kingdom
of the enemy; therefore is the enemy eager to destroy all that call upon the ...
/.../the testaments of the twelve patriarchs/vii the testament of dan concerning.htm

Demonstration xvii. --Of Christ the Son of God.
... And inasmuch as man knew his Maker, God was formed and conceived within his ... the Son
of God, David taught us (this); and that we call Him God, this we ...
/.../aphrahat select demonstrations/demonstration xvii of christ the son.htm

God's Family.
... Are we to call the traitor to account? ... To what purpose is the spirit of God promised
to them that ask it ... We must not fear what man can do to us, but commit our ...
// of the gospel/gods family.htm

God's Controversy with Man. Rev. Charles Prest.
... I am not here to-day to call your attention simply, as people sometimes do, to the
lowest classes of ... When a man is admitted to the favour of God it is that ...
/.../king/the wesleyan methodist pulpit in malvern/gods controversy with man rev.htm

"Thou Shall Keep Him in Perfect Peace, Whose Mind is Stayed on ...
... who considereth the great breach that is between God and all men, occasioned by
the first man's transgression and ... to know the disease, and I may call it a ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xii thou shall keep.htm

... is this but to say, If thou wishest to call Me good ... to "make in Himself of twain
one new man, so making peace; and that He might reconcile both unto God in one ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm cxviii.htm

The Beloved Pastor's Plea for Unity
... Here is a man who says he is a child of God, and yet he is guilty of lewdness.
Call him a saint, when even common morality is absent? ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 39 1893/the beloved pastors plea for.htm

God's Love for Man
... Jesus is "not ashamed to call them brethren" (Hebrews 2:11 ... And all this that man
might be uplifted from the ruin ... that he might reflect the love of God and share ...
// to christ/chapter 1 gods love for.htm

Prayer Essential to God
... Prayer is the sense of God's need and the call for God's help to supply that need ...
the decree of the king not to ask any petition of any god or man for thirty ...
/.../bounds/the weapon of prayer/i prayer essential to god.htm



Call: Personal by Christ

Call: To Special Religious Duty of Abraham

Call: To Special Religious Duty,

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Aaron and his Sons

Call: To Special Religious Duty: All Who are Called of God

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Amos

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Apostles

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Cyrus

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Gideon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Jehu

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Joshua

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Moses

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Paul

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Samuel

Call: To Special Religious Duty: Solomon

Call: To Special Religious Duty: The Rich Young Man

The Call of God by Christ

The Call of God by his Gospel

The Call of God by his Ministers

The Call of God by his Spirit

The Call of God by his Works

The Call of God is from Darkness

The Call of God: Addressed to All

The Call of God: Blessedness of Receiving

The Call of God: Condemnation

The Call of God: Destruction

The Call of God: Effectual to Saints

The Call of God: Illustrated

The Call of God: Most Reject

The Call of God: Partakers of, Justified

The Call of God: Praise God For

The Call of God: Rejection by God

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Delusion

The Call of God: Rejection of, Leads to Judicial Blindness

The Call of God: Temporal Judgments

The Call of God: To Man Is of Grace

The Call of God: To Man Is: According to the Purpose of God

The Call of God: To Man Is: Heavenly

The Call of God: To Man Is: High

The Call of God: To Man Is: Holy

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Eternal Life

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Fellowship With Christ

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Glory and Virtue

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Holiness

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Liberty

The Call of God: To Man Is: To Peace

The Call of God: To Man Is: To the Eternal Glory of Christ

The Call of God: Walk Worthy of

The Call of God: Withdrawal of the Means of Grace

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