Rivers: (Fruitfulness of Trees Planted By) of the Permanent
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 1:3
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jeremiah 17:8
For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreads out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat comes, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Germination of the Earth.
... this plant and will rival it in fruitfulness, if each ... infinitude of plants embellished
the banks of the rivers. ... of its power to produce herbs, seeds and trees. ...
/.../basil/basil letters and select works/homily v the germination of.htm

The Water of Life;
... it which causeth fruitfulness; water causeth fruitfulness, want of ... and justice, lets
out to us rivers of his ... it also maintains these things once planted in the ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the water of life.htm



Rivers of Abundance

Rivers of Ahava

Rivers of Babylon

Rivers of Canaan Abounded With Fish

Rivers of Damascus

Rivers of Eden

Rivers of Egypt

Rivers of Ethiopia

Rivers of Heavy Afflictions

Rivers of Jotbath

Rivers of Judah

Rivers of People Flying from Judgments

Rivers of Philippi

Rivers of the Abundance of Grace in Christ

Rivers of the Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit

Rivers: (Drying up of) of God's Judgments

Rivers: (Fruitfulness of Trees Planted By) of the Permanent

Rivers: (Overflowing of) God's Judgments

Rivers: (Steady Course of) Peace of Saints

Rivers: Abana

Rivers: Arnon

Rivers: Banks of Covered With Flags

Rivers: Banks of Frequented by Doves

Rivers: Banks of Frequented by Wild Beasts

Rivers: Banks of Frequently Overflowed

Rivers: Banks of Peculiarly Fruitful

Rivers: Banks of Places of Common Resort

Rivers: Banks of Planted With Trees

Rivers: Baptism often Performed In

Rivers: Broad

Rivers: Chebar

Rivers: Cities often Built Beside

Rivers: Deep

Rivers: Enclosed Within Banks

Rivers: Euphrates

Rivers: Flow Through Valleys

Rivers: Gardens often Made Beside

Rivers: Gihon

Rivers: God's Power Over, Unlimited

Rivers: Gozan

Rivers: Great and Mighty

Rivers: Hiddekel

Rivers: Jabbok

Rivers: Jordan

Rivers: Kanah

Rivers: Kishon

Rivers: Many, Fordable in some Places

Rivers: Often the Boundaries of Kingdoms

Rivers: Parted Into Many Streams

Rivers: Pharpar

Rivers: Pison

Rivers: Rapid

Rivers: Run Into the Sea

Rivers: Source of

Rivers: Ulai

Rivers: Useful For: Bathing

Rivers: Useful For: Commerce

Rivers: Useful For: Promoting Vegetation

Rivers: Useful For: Supplying Drink to the People

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